The Rex Martin Page on EIN!!!

February 8, 2013 - Rex Martin "super-fan" Passed away: Rex Martin and his legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly, were an integral part of how fans "got their Elvis news" in the late 1960s and 1970s. The Weekly News Service represented a fundamental shift in both the frequency and currency of fan's access to Elvis news around the world.
The weekly grew from being a small concern into a mass circulation publication recognised throughout the Elvis world. The importance of Rex's innovative publication cannot be underestimated (and a potent parallel can be drawn between the function of the Weekly then and the function of Elvis news today provided by the Internet!).
Rex Martin saw Elvis in concert more than 60 times and as one of the most influential publishers in the Elvis world he amassed an incredible photo and audio-visual library.
He wrote some incredible and informative articles over the years. Back in the mid 2000s EIN's Nigel Patterson finally tracked down Rex Martin who had been laying-low for a while. It was great that the two of them got back together after all the years - and Nigel did a long interview with Rex which helped inspired him to get back into the excitement of sharing Elvis stories with friends worldwide. Very sadly Rex Martin was found dead at his home in Blackpool, UK, two days ago.
RIP Rex Martin - Thanks for the marvellous memories - and with EIN's sincere condolences to his family and friends.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)


Introduction: Rex Martin and his legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly, were an integral part of how fans "got their Elvis news" in the late 1960s and 1970s. The Weekly News Service represented a fundamental shift in both the frequency and currency of fan's access to Elvis news around the world.

The weekly grew from being a small concern into a mass circulation publication recognised throughout the Elvis world.

The importance of Rex's innovative publication cannot be underestimated (and a potent parallel can be drawn between the function of the Weekly then and the function of Elvis news today provided by the Internet!).

Rex's vivid narrative of life and technology in the 60s and early 70s paints a wonderful panoramic of the landscape in which his weekly Elvis news publication crystallised and grew. It is a slice of what was an often frenetic, challenging and very rewarding part of the Elvis story.

On this page you will find Rex's many contributions to EIN, from his fascinating 4 part interview to his articles on various aspects of the Elvis story. What you will read are virtual Elvis history lessons and on-the-spot accounts of what it was like meeting and seeing Elvis at his peak, live on stage.

As you will soon discover, Rex has a wonderful ability to enthral his readers with his in depth and colorful reports which make you feel as though you are actually there as each part of the story unfolds!

Rex and a rather famous gold Cadillac!


The best ever shower scene in an Elvis movie.....and proof Elvis liked to interrupt Tom Jones!: Following the news story that Elvis once serenaded Sir Tom Jones while he was in the shower, Rex Martin was inspired to determine the best shower scene in an Elvis movie.

Today, EIN presents Rex's photo article on the issue and adds the results of our own research proving Elvis made a habit of interrupting Sir Tom! (a lighthearted Spotlight, Source: Rex Martin/EIN)

Read and see the full article


Elvis’ in 1969 - the triumphant return: The King’s return to live performances is one of the highlights of his amazing career.  And one person who was there during that first season in 1969 was Maria Davies.  Courtesy of Rex Martin, EIN presents Maria’s first hand account of Elvis live in Las Vegas in 1969.  Maria’s account of the event is complemented by many wonderful photos she took in 1969 plus several from later seasons. (Spotlight, Source: Rex Martin, 12 Mar 2009)

Read full article


Elvis Week Concert 2009: In Memphis the New Show will be on ELVIS WEEK 2009 CONCERT CELEBRATION.
(Info from Sue Wiegarts ~ West Hollywood Latest March Newsheet)

As it will be the 40 years Anniversary after Elvis' 1st return to the stage at the International Hotel Las Vegas in July~August 1969. far confirmed are.......
JOE GUERCIO (ochestra Conductor)
The IMPERIALS (Including) Joe Moscheo, Terry Blackwood, Sherman Andrus & Gus Gaches.
The SWEET INSPIRATIONS.. with Myrna Smith, Estelle Brown, Portia Griffin
...and... Millie Kirkham.......additional vocals provided by Terry Mike Jeffrey and Andy Childs (other artists will be announced as soon as confirmed)

Tickets go on Sale to the public for Memphis only Event, on Friday, 3rd April 2009.

Nothing officially announced for other Concerts with this line-up, but following other Memphis years, will probably be similar!!!
(News, Source: Sue Wiegert/Rex Martin/The King's Court, 12 Mar 2009)

Elvis: That's The Way It Is - The Complete Works - DVD Disc 1 review: With this highly anticipated set now available, Rex Martin has received his copy and presents his initial thoughts on the first DVD disc of the set. Does it live up to expectations? Rex provides the early answer! (DVD Review, Source: EIN)

Read Rex's full review

EIN Comment: There has been nearly an overwhelmingly positive response to the release of Elvis That's The Way It Is - The Complete Works. Some fans have gone as far as to hail it as "The greatest ever unofficial release!"

And already, with copies of the set very hard to obtain, sellers are raising their prices. EIN has received reports that in some cases the asking price in the EC has climbed to around 250 Euros. (4 March 2009)

Elvis: That's The Way It Is - The Complete Works - book review: With this highly anticipated set now available, Rex Martin has received his copy and presents his initial thoughts on the book component. Does it live up to expectations? Rex provides the early answer! (Book Review, Source: EIN, 2 March 2009)


Read Rex's full review

EIN Comment: EIN has now seen The Complete Works set and what a beauty it is! The packaging is superb. All 9 discs are colorful picture discs and the book, while slimline, is full of quality visuals from and information from the film (one of the visual highlights is a series of terrific shots of Elvis in his famous red shirt and belt). The strong box holds both the "Behind the Scenes" book and "The Shows"........a quad-foldout digipack disc compartment with great color visuals and backing imagery.

EIN is yet to listen to the audio discs or view the DVDs, but by all accounts, we will not be disappointed.

Elvis' TWO Hollywood Walk of Fame stars: On the eve of the 49th anniversary of Elvis' Hollywood Walk of Fame Star (9 Feb 1960), Rex Martin's latest exclusive article for EIN tells the story of Elvis' TWO Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars.

Apart from Rex's own article he has sourced other stories about the star and all are complemented by 9 great visuals.

Elvis' Hollywood Walk of Fame Star is one of the least known parts of the Elvis story........until now!!

Rex takes us behind the story and gives us the lowdown on the history of the Walk of Fame; how "stars" are awarded across 5 categories; some of the other celebrities to receive multiple stars; and the re-dedication of Elvis' star following damage. (Source: EIN, 8 Feb 2009)

Rex Martin talks about his friends Maria & Gladys Davies; Elvis in Houston and those reel-to-reel audio recordings:

EIN presents another fabulous article from Rex Martin, publisher of the legendary Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly.

Rex's article includes rare photos of Elvis in Houston, stories of Rex's great friendship with the Davies sisters as well as details of the video film shot by Maria.

Relive a piece of Elvis history as Rex recounts some wonderful memories. (Spotlight, Source: EIN, Jan 2009)


EIN Exclusive!!!

Very Rare Elvis Photos Unveiled:

Many thanks to Rex Martin for this breaking news story and photos from BBC Antiques Roadshow.............

..........Elvis in Germany in 1960........

.............very rare photos revealed on UK TV show! (Jan 2009)


Read Rex's account of this breaking story and view the photos

Rex Martin's Elvis "Live" Film Collection.........and more:

Read more about Rex Martin including:

....special info on his amazing Elvis film collection

....his legendary weekly Elvis publication;



Rex Martin...........the EIN Interview (4 parts)

The Final Part: In the final part of his riveting interview, Rex talks about, among other things:

  • the impact of seeing Elvis live on stage
  • some of Elvis' "live" song highlights
  • Elvis in Vegas vs. Elvis on the road
  • how Rex looks back on publishing the Weekly and spending so much time following Elvis in Vegas and on the road
  • the logistics of doing a trans global interview!!!!!

Rex's vivid narrative of life and technology in the 60s and early 70s paints a wonderful panoramic of the landscape in which his weekly Elvis news publication crystallised and grew. It is a slice of what was an often frenetic, challenging and very rewarding part of the Elvis story. (Feb 2009)

Rex Martin talks to EIN - the penultimate part!!:

Today, EIN presents the 3rd part of our riveting interview with Rex Martin, publisher of the legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly.

Rex's blow-by-blow account of the Elvis world in the 1960s and 1970s is a fascinating time capsule bringing to life an exciting era fondly remembered by many fans. Relive the excitement as Rex reminisces about being in the center of things "Elvis"!

In Part 3 of his interview, Rex talks about:
  • finally meeting Elvis!
  • the hidden microphone
  • Red & Sonny's double somersault
  • why Rex threw his clothes away
  • the "awkward" February 1973 Las Vegas season
  • the riot on stage in Vegas
  • the fan who got kicked in the eye during that fight
  • getting banned from Vegas
  • the logistics of following an Elvis tour
  • having to buy a ticket from a scalper
  • wild times in Cleveland
  • how a car battery helped Rex film Elvis on tour
  • the final years!!!!

Read Part 3 of Rex's interview (Jan 2009)

Part 2 of our Rex Martin Interview (Dec 2008): Today we add the 2nd part of our fascinating interview with the man behind the legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly, Rex Martin.

In Part 2, Rex continues his vivid account of the Elvis world in the 1970s and talks about, among other things:

  • how technology changed the Weekly
  • the start of his Elvis Film Events
  • his trips to the US to see Elvis in concert
  • mass Elvis billboards arranged by the Colonel
  • early encounters with the King
  • filming the King - security and technology
  • "lost" Aussie friends
  • meeting Tom Diskin

We also add a further page (Rex Martin Info Page) about Rex which includes a:

  • brief history of the Rex Martin story, including his amazing collection of Elvis "live" films
  • review of his Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly
  • Rex's Quest List - the people he would like to re-establish contact with - can anyone help?

Rex Martin (Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly) talks exclusively to EIN: EIN recently had the pleasure of spending several hours talking to Rex Martin publisher of the legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly.

The result is a fascinating multi-part interview beginning today.

In Part 1 Rex speaks about his early years, becoming an Elvis fan, why he started the fondly remembered weekly, his trips to the US and what he has been doing since he ceased publishing the Weekly in 1978.

For those not familar with Rex's publications, the "Weekly" revolutionised how fans right around the world received their Elvis news while his Elvis booklets (see opposite) offered well researched and rare material for readers to enjoy.

EIN invites you to take a trip down memory lane and witness a very important part of Elvis world history.... (Interview, Source: EIN, Dec 2008)

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