Rex Martin - more about Rex, his Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly and related matters

December 2008

Read Part 1 of Rex's interview with EIN

February 8, 2013 - Rex Martin "super-fan" Passed away: While possibly not well-known to more recent Elvis fans, Rex Martin was a key part of the Elvis World history. Rex Martin and his legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly, were an integral part of how fans "got their Elvis news" in the late 1960s and 1970s. The Weekly News Service represented a fundamental shift in both the frequency and currency of fan's access to Elvis news around the world.
The weekly grew from being a small concern into a mass circulation publication recognised throughout the Elvis world. The importance of Rex's innovative publication cannot be underestimated (and a potent parallel can be drawn between the function of the Weekly then and the function of Elvis news today provided by the Internet!).
Rex Martin saw Elvis in concert more than 60 times and as one of the most influential publishers in the Elvis world he amassed an incredible photo and audio-visual library.
He wrote some incredible and informative articles over the years. Back in the mid 2000s EIN's Nigel Patterson finally tracked down Rex Martin who had been laying-low for a while. It was great that the two of them got back together after all the years - and Nigel did a long interview with Rex which helped inspired him to get back into the excitement of sharing Elvis stories with friends worldwide. Very sadly Rex Martin was found dead at his home in Blackpool, UK, two days ago.
RIP Rex Martin - Thanks for the marvellous memories - and with EIN's sincere condolences to his family and friends.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Introduction: Rex Martin and his legendary publication, the Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly, were an integral part of how fans "got their Elvis news" in the late 1960s and 1970s. The Weekly News Service represented a fundamental shift in both the frequency and currency of fan's access to Elvis news around the world.

The weekly grew from being a small concern into a mass circulation publication recognised throughout the Elvis world.

The importance of Rex's innovative publication cannot be underestimated (and a potent parallel can be drawn between the function of the Weekly then and the function of Elvis news today provided by the Internet!).

EIN interviewed Rex in late 2008. Apart from Rex's fascinating account of Elvis world in the 1960s and 1970s, he has provided other information for our readers, including:

  • background information on the Rex Martin story and his amazing Elvis Film Library
  • Rex's wish list - the people he would like to re-establish contact with (and he needs your help!)
  • a review of Rex's legendary Worldwide Elvis News Service Weekly

Rex and other fans meet Elvis in 1972


(See Black and White Group Photo)

Rex would like to contact;

the Elvis fans -Janet Barker+ Alan Trower+ Tony  Prince (from England)

+Gitt  Nymand & May Britt  Berlind (from Sweden)

Photo taken backstage to meet Elvis with me in 1972 – to  re-live  the memories  of the event with them.

Also  would  like  to  contact  Arlene Coons LA Calif.,

Madeline Burt (daughter of  Jane  Winston in California)

+ Bill Lusher (Pennsylvania)

+ the 'Two'  AUSTRALIAN  fans I shared a  room  with  in  Vegas  1972  

MANY  THANKS,   R   e   x   (December ’08)


(Review by  E-Bay  Shop “Tams Emporium  '08)                 

Issued between 1969~1978 this fantastic little magazine was produced by UK super fan Rex Martin and proved to be one of the most amazingly accurate sources of up to date info ever published on any artist.   Initially the newsletter was produced on a duplicator machine and without any photos but crammed full of reviews of Elvis live concert performances from the fans who actually attended the shows.  Later issues developed into a more sophisticated photocopied format sometimes spreading over four five and even six pages to an issue.                  

Many times Rex would follow Elvis on his USA tours and send back full details of each show for inclusion in the newsletters. Reports of those shows would land on subscribers doormats within a couple of days of Elvis' performance thanks to Rex and his newsletters.   As the years (and issues) progressed it continued to offer on the spot concert reports but had developed into a booklet style but still full of those fantastic concert reviews plus photos & scans of newspaper cuttings devoted to the concerts reviewed and the life and movements of The King before/after leaving the stage.

Just about every live concert Elvis performed was reviewed in some way within the pages of these newsletters, from the songs he sang, the things he said and the suits he wore.  Attendance figures, backing band/vocalist info, celebrities present, newspaper reviews of the shows and loads of other great titbits of detail were all contained within Rex's newsletters.  Snippets of info would be crammed into every piece of available space on the pages as Rex tried to report on just about everything happening in the Elvis world.   Advance reports of Elvis upcoming single and album releases from around the world would be reported on in this little publication which is still fondly remembered by long time Presley fans.                 

As a reference source for detailing or studying Elvis' live performances these magazines are invaluable and never fail to astound with the sheer detail included in just about every issue. Published in small qualities of a few hundred they have become true collector’s treasures as very few have managed to survive the ravages of time.  It's now been around thirty years since the last issue was sent to subscribers.

Background Information on Rex Martin and his Elvis Films

REX MARTIN    ~   34 Woodfield  Road.,   THORNTON   - Near. Cleveleys  -   Lancs.,   FY5 4EQ    ENGLAND.

2 0 0 8    ~    A  Longer Note  from “R e x”          

At  the  Start  of JANUARY 2004  I retired  from running a  Very Large Retail Shop  in Fleetwood.    For the past 4 years,  I've been working  through  various Photo,  Slide Show and music  projects  on  a  Computer for  Myself  and  my Mother.

“FIVE”  TRIPS  To  See  E L V I S  From  1972 – to – 1977        ( TOTAL = 64 Concerts )

1972 – Vegas  (Mid -August for 9 days and then short 5 day break - then all  NINE September shows including  3am  Show and meeting Elvis for 8 minutes  on the final night 4th Sept. just before the 8pm Dinner show.. )

1973 - Vegas (February, - including the 15th Feb left stage, then closed the show twice.  Plus Riot Show on 18th)

1974 - TOUR (June – picked up at CLEVELAND the whole of the ground floor moved forward  & the Front rows were raiding the Low  Stage  ~Left – Right – and Centre from start to end “Wild” ~ (Took one day off to visit with a good friend)  then all shows  up to the 3 shows in  Omaha, Nebraska. Ending 1st July )

1976 - TOUR (March from all  3  in  Johnson City, Tenn ~ 6 City tour – then on following day flight to Memphis)

1976-GRACELAND-saw Elvis many times going out thru Gates - at the Airport,  Elvis/Linda took small  Lear Jet  up circling over Graceland’s, & Leaving  Cinema  early AM, + saw him over the side Graceland Church fence. Plus met VERNON outside his home. + Talked to Sam Phillips on Phone in Alabama (Twice) -then sent his son to meet me.

1977-TOUR (March ~ Norman Ok, to Alexandra Louisiana  - bit of a strange tour, flew home thinking he's still touring – but when I get home find out the following day Elvis cancelled and went to his Memphis Hospital)

Plus  around  22  sightings  most  in  Daylight

Coming out Back of Hotels getting into cars - 9 times -

(one time I was in the Lobby inside security because I was staying on the floor below him),

 travelling over a rise 'slowly' on a Arena Campus road towards Venue ~I had a portable floodlight !!!

(Twice in White Ford LT and once standing next to Driver of Greyhound Bus) 

going down ramps into Arena (3 times) /once arriving at an Airport (Bloomington) & all the Memphis sightings

The  next thing  is  to  start Converting  all my Live!  Film  to  Digital  High  Definition  on  Hard  Drives and  edit  plus upgrade  the  Sound   and  Vision Plus add  Titling  to  Blue ~ Ray  D V D' s. (Its a very Big Project – and will take some time to complete) 

Besides my own film, I have a lot of Footage  that I arranged other fans to take  for me. (For Instance ~ almost a complete show with Original Sound in Seattle 12 Nov'70 White fringed suit with Green Beads “not multicoloured as TTWII”)

Also have an original film professionally taken IN FULL TRUE COLOUR (silent) from the September 1957 Tupelo Show.(Not a fan film + Not on the Tupelo DVD last year although some of it was in Blk & Wht) I've had this for 40 years.

A  film of Elvis leaving the Philly Hilton for the Afternoon show (in Daylight)'74 ~ wearing Peacock Jumpsuit with Long Black Leather Coat over his  Shoulders shot in 64 frames per second, so when shown back at 18fps, super quality in Slow Motion. (As seen in 'Essential Elvis' magazine picture spread recently)    

None  of  the  26 + hours  of  film  I  took  has  ever  been  transferred  direct  to 

Any  type of DVD format.    Some of it is around on VHS, many generations

Down on  how the Original Film looks.   (Also I didn’t put out the VHS stuff)














































































































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