
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."

(Leonard Bernstein)


"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)


"For a dead man, Elvis Presley is awfully noisy."

(Professor Gilbert B. Rodman)


"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)


"Absolute id crashed into absolute superego...as the uptightset man in America shook hands with just about the loosest."

(Mark Feeney on the 'Elvis meets Nixon' meeting)


"Elvis is everywhere"

(Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper)


"...especially in the South, they talk about Elvis and Jesus in the same breath"

(Michael Ventura, LA Weekly)







































































































































Off Beat - The Elvis Conspiracy Page

Since his death in 1977 the Elvis world has experienced various tabloid fuelled stories which have gained varying degrees of public and fan interest.

In this section we present a range of "conspiracy" related information. While the views presented in the following range of articles are often widely considered to be misguided, these stories remain popular with many fans.

EIN Disclaimer:

It is EIN's considered opinion that Elvis Aaron Presley died on August 16, 1977. The views expressed in many of the articles in this section are not necessarily the views held by EIN.


Elvis is alive (and other conspiracy theories)!


Elvis Lives Net
P.W. Aitcheson (Presley Commission)
Elvis DNA (DNA)
Elvis Decoded
Elvis Is Alive
Is Elvis Dead or Alive?
Elvis and the Rosicrucian Brethren
Lisa Johansen

In 2019 we discovered that almost all of the above websites have closed - we have removed the unreliable links - EIN




Elvis Presley Died (more than) 40 Years Ago. Here’s Why Some People Think He’s Still Alive: The death of Elvis Presley on Aug. 16, 1977 stunned the music industry and devastated millions of fans worldwide. In the days following his funeral, speculation grew among a small group of skeptics that Elvis might not have died after all. Despite clear statements from doctors and a coroner that the 42-year-old superstar was dead, disbelievers were adamant that the gyrating beloved baritone had faked his own death to go into hiding. Over the past four decades, fans across North America have insisted they’ve spotted Presley out and about.

In 1989, three so-called Elvis enthusiasts even created The Elvis Sighting Society to monitor these apparent incidents. Some people even claimed he appeared as an extra in the 1990 blockbuster, Home Alone. Presley isn’t the first famous figure our nostalgia-obsessed pop culture has been unable to fully let go.

Conspiracy theories have cropped up after other high-profile deaths, from Hollywood star James Dean’s demise in a car crash in 1955 to Michael Jackson’s prescription drug death in 2009, as fans insist their favorite celebrities must still be alive.

Here’s what to know about the conspiracy theories surrounding Presley’s death:
- Some believe Elvis was connected to the mafia: One of the biggest theories on why Presley may have faked his death is because he had to in order to escape the mafia. Gail Brewer-Giorgio, the author of the 1988 bestselling book Is Elvis Alive, recalled in a recent interview with TIME how she pored through thousands of FBI documents to come to the conclusion that Presley was an American hero who had to go into witness protection.
“Do I know if Elvis is alive today? No, I don’t know,” she said. “But I know he didn’t die on Aug. 16.” Brewer-Giorgio, now 78, said the FBI enlisted Presley as an undercover agent in 1976 to help the agency infiltrate a criminal organization called “The Fraternity,” which was apparently made up of dozens of racketeers. Presley volunteered, spurred by his love of America and respect for the FBI, according to Brewer-Giorgio. The author said the agency had approached Presley because a member of “The Fraternity” had apparent dealings with Presley over the sale of an airplane the singer had. But when Presley was found to be a mole, he was put into the witness protection program, Brewer-Giorgio said, citing what she said was evidence from FBI documents and interviews.

“Elvis faked his death because he was going to be killed and there was no doubt about it,” she said. The FBI did not immediately comment on the decades-old claim that Brewer-Giorgio describes at length in her book. There’s no mention of Presley aiding the FBI in the more than 760 files the federal agency has released that pertain to the singer between 1956 and 1980. The FBI never investigated Presley, but a folder in his name was created because he had been the target of several extortion attempts the FBI probed. The released documents outline the extortion cases, and they also show Presley’s admiration for the FBI. During a tour Presley took of the FBI’s headquarters in 1971, the musician “spoke favorably” of the bureau and offered his “services in any way,” according to an FBI memo. There’s also mention of Presley’s plane and a business arrangement involving the aircraft. Elvis experts say the docket lacks evidence suggesting Presley is alive.

“Those FBI files are available to the public. I have them. There’s nothing in there,” said Patrick Lacy, an Elvis Presley researcher who wrote Elvis Decoded, which debunks the theories surrounding Presley’s death.“All of the evidence points to a death — the medical evidence, the eyewitness report,” Lacy told TIME. “To have him have faked his death would have required the silence and the services of literally hundreds if not thousands of people over the years.”

- Others point to Elvis’ tombstone as evidence: Besides believed sightings, skeptics also point to what they insist are slip-ups from Presley’s family in media interviews and an apparent name misspelling on the King’s tombstone as proof of a cover-up. The skeptics say Presley’s middle name was purposefully spelled wrong — Aaron instead of Aron — on his tombstone because putting his real name would have been taboo since he was alive. Debunkers say the King started spelling his middle name Aaron instead of Aron later in life. In a 2005 interview with Oprah on the TV host’s show, Presley’s wife Priscilla was addressing how Presley spoiled their daughter, Lisa Marie. Skeptics believe Priscilla said: “It’s exactly what he said the other day” before correcting herself and saying, “you said,” to Oprah. They also say Lisa Marie evaded Larry King’s question during a 2003 interview when the host asked if she ever feels “communication” with her father.

The impact of the Elvis conspiracy theories: The conspiracy theories bring unnecessary pain to Presley’s family, said Lacy, who calls himself a “big Elvis fan.” “I didn’t just get into this because I’ve got nothing better to do. I believe that the people who say Elvis is alive are doing a great disservice to him and his family,” he said. “Imagine you have to go through your life saying your father did all of these things and that he conned his fans. Elvis’ death hurt a lot of people. It still does. You have to ask what kind of person would Elvis be to do that to his fans?”

A vast majority of Americans believe Presley did in fact die in 1977. A Gallup poll conducted in 1997 found only 4% of Americans thought Presley was alive, while 93% of those surveyed were certain he was dead. Still, Brewer-Giorgio remains firm on her stance. The Georgia woman, who said she does not have a single Elvis album and owns no memorabilia of him, insists her findings are based on facts and not feelings. “I know what he really did,” she said. “The world needs to know that Elvis Presley put his life on the line.”

“I think it’s sad that we don’t know the whole Elvis,” she added. “If I don’t do this for Elvis, nobody is going to.”
(News, Source:NP/Melissa Chan, Time)


May 2019 - Elvis Used for "The Voice" Publicity: No other entertainer has ever had the influence and media power of ELVIS. Australia's "The Voice 2019" is once again featuring an ELVIS connection as a publicity gimmick.
Dakota Striplin - who does have a rather charming voice and neat Elvis-Quiffed hair - is getting some extra publicity with the odd suggestion that ELVIS might be his grandfather.
EIN Notes: If by any chance his father genuinely thought he was Elvis' son would he not have pursued a DNA test and legal proceedings with EPE by now?
The Voice publicity machine suggests .. The 24-year-old artist from Queensland looks remarkably like the late Elvis Presley and there's a reason for that, the rock'n'roll legend could be his grandfather.
Dakota's grandma, who sadly passed away years ago, had met Elvis when she worked for him while living in Hawaii. And although she didn't make a big deal about their connection at the time (we can guess why!), when Elvis died in 1977 her reaction caused many to wonder if they had more than just a working relationship.
Then when a recent DNA test showed that Dakota's dad, Wayne, wasn't the biological son of his father, speculation grew that Elvis may be Wayne's real dad.
"It's always kind of been a joke that Dad was Elvis' son because he looked like him when he was growing up. My mum brought it up as a joke first and I thought funny, whatever. But when she started saying all these things that could make it possible, it makes it more believable.
The singer doesn't mind the connection at all because he's a massive Elvis fan. Bizarrely, Dakota is the only musical one in his family, working as a music teacher by day and gigging at night.
As a nod to Elvis, for his audition Dakota performed a stripped back rendition of Elvis' song 'Love Me Tender', which landed him a four-chair turn. And naturally once the coaches saw
him, they couldn't help but see the Elvis resemblance too, comparisons Dakota is used to hearing.
Click HERE to YouTube to hear his 'Love Me Tender'
Once again this is more Media craziness showing just how much ELVIS' amazing legacy continues more than 40 years after his death
(News, Source;Voice/ElvisInfoNet)

The Two Types of Elvis Presley Fans: Elvis Presley remains to be one of the most well-known and popular entertainers of all times despite reports of his death on August 16, 1977. More than four decades later the circumstances that surround Elvis’ passing are very controversial.

There are actually two types of Elvis Presley fans. There are the fans who loved and adored Presley’s music, acting, and charming personality. These are the fans who gasped in horror on August 16, 1977, when the news broke that The King of Rock and Roll had died unexpectedly at the age of 42.

These are the fans who cried outside the gates of Presley’s Graceland mansion, and the fans who, though still heartbroken today accepted that Elvis Presley had died.

Then we have the Elvis fans who refuse to believe that Elvis is gone. These are the fans who have examined every detail and clue and fully believe to this exact day that Elvis is still alive.
These fans believe with their utmost being that Elvis Presley faked his death went into a witness protection program and continues to live among us.

In fact, there are numerous social media pages and Facebook groups who offer up oodles of “evidence” to back their claims. Here are a few of their top reasons as to why they believe Elvis is alive. The infamous body in the coffin photo. Clearly not the king according to fans based on the shape of his nose, eyebrow arch and a confession from a hairdresser who claims she glued a loose sideburn on the corpse because it kept falling down.
It has also bee suggested that since Presley had a fascination with numerology he used it to pick his death day. Erie example… date of death… August 16th, 1977, has numerical significance: 8 + 16 + 1977 = 2001. Thus Spake Zarathustra, the theme music from the movie 2001, was Elvis’ theme song.

There have also been a number of family and friend slip-ups through the years that have been caught. Also, fans always notice whenever Elvis’ daughter Lisa Marie Presley has on more than one occasion refused to answer questions pertaining to her father’s death, or anything to do with it.

Elvis had also reportedly done some odd things in March of 1977. First off he is said to have cashed out three life insurance policies totaling $2 million dollars. He also opened a new checking account with easy access, depositing half of the cash.
Following his death and funeral, a fan taking photos of EP’s gravesite captured the pool house in the background, Later after developing the film he noticed a man’s shape in the window. He blew up the photo and discovered the man eerily resembled Elvis.

Last but not least today there is still one remaining life insurance policy in Elvis Presley’s name that has yet to be cashed in. Presley’s autopsy records have also been sealed all of these years not to be opened until 2027 on the 50-year anniversary of his death.
There are also a zillion other bits and clues far too many to mention here that have left millions wondering as to why all the information pertaining to Elvis Presley’s “death” just do not add up. (In fact they do look here!)

Now Elvis Presley fans it is time to reveal, do you believe Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977, or do you believe that there is an 84-year Elvis Presley living out his days out there somewhere?
EIN Notes that Elvis Died on August 16, 1977 - that is the sad truth. However the fact that these conspiracies have recently staged their own comeback shows Elvis' legacy is still as powerful as ever. 
(News/Conspiracy, Source: Sue Francis, Hollywood News Daily)

Elvis Is ALIVE (what again?): Only going to show that ELVIS' media value is once again increasing (after a couple of quiet years post 2017 40th Anniversary) the tabloids are one again featuring stories about Elvis being ALIVE.
While EIN is always fascinated by the Elvis conspiracy - which only helps prove Elvis as the biggest most influential performer of all time - we can confirm that Elvis sadly died way-too-young on August 16, 1977.
This time the tabloids are suggesting.. "Newly Surfaced Elvis Presley Video Has Conspiracy Theorists Convinced He's Still Alive".
EIN Notes that the Elvis Houston Press Conference has been around for easy viewing since YouTube was invented!
"Elvis Presley's tragic passing is one that many fans have never fully recovered from. Some have even maintained to this day that the King of Rock n' Roll is alive somewhere, living out his life in private secrecy after the pressure of fame became too much. A newly resurfaced interview from 1974 has spurred that theory on even further.
The video was filmed in Houston, Texas, as Presley was preparing for an upcoming performance. The singer's eyes appear to be brown in the clip, which some theorists take as proof that he was using a body double of some kind. It was notably recognized that Elvis had famously bright blue eyes.
"In this video, one can clearly see the brown eyes and the mannerisms as being different from that of Elvis!" one person wrote of the video, according to a report by The Sun.
"That is because this interview was done by Jesse Garon Presley." (EIN - WTF!? - and Jesse is alive as well!)
Presley reportedly had a twin brother named Jesse Garon Presley, who died at birth. Fan theorists have long held that Jesse actually survived, and was kept secret to serve as his body double later in life. This theory is obviously flawed and based on conjecture, especially because Presley was not born famous. Still, the comments speculated."

This is TOTAL B.S. of course - however with the new Baz Lurhmann movie coming out in 2021 it looks like ELVIS' legacy isn't going away any time soon.
And ELVIS may even appear at this year's UK arena tour - if only he could get out of hiding from the FBI in my Australian garden shed!
(News, Source;TabloidRubbish/ElvisInfoNet)

April 2019 - The ‘Elvis Is Alive’ conspiracy is Back!: The UK Tabloids have suddenly re-discovered the 1990 Gail Brewer-Giorgio "The Elvis Files: Was His Death Faked?" after the 1991 TV show was posted on YouTube.
And every week we are seeing another "Elvis Is Alive" story.
It only goes to show the crazy media interest in ELVIS 42 years after his untimely death.
The tabloids write that "ELVIS Presley was involved in FBI operations after his supposed death and there is proof, a documentary has sensationally claimed.
The official coroner’s report ruled his cause of death as a heart attack, but wacky conspiracies have swirled ever since that The King of Rock and Roll faked his death.
So-called “sightings” of Elvis, “discrepancies” with his funeral corpse and a selection of recordings are among the pieces of evidence that theorists use.
One of the most astonishing conspiracies behind why The King apparently “faked” his death is because he was in the FBI.
The theory was explored in 1990 documentary The Elvis Files, which has recently been re-posted to YouTube.
One section of the shows sees host Bill Bixby revealing what he claims are FBI documents pertaining to Operation Fountain Pen, that were centred on events from 1976-1982.

One of EIN's favourite proofs that Elvis was still alive is that a hand-writing
expert found documents "with handwriting that matches Elvis' very, very closely”!!! WTF!
EIN Notes that - The Elvis Conspiracy theories is a fascinating area and in its golden period there were numerous books and around a dozen ”underground newsletters” to foster interest. However every conspiracy has all been said and counter-argued time and time again. There is nothing new today.
For more go here as EIN presents a brief timeline history of the "is Elvis alive?" phenomenon
(News, Source;UKTabloids/ElvisInfoNet)




Elvis was a programmed slave of the Illuminati: The Elvis story has always been one rich in color, rhetoric and the obtuse resonance of ridiculous claims.....as this entertaining but factually and intellectually spurious article (excerpt) highlights:

Hollywood and the music industry are big mind control centers, used by the Illuminati to influence us in the ways that suit their goals. We have seen many great artists come and go through the years and as we think about it, they have influenced us quite a lot in different ways. We all have our favorites, who many of us "look up to" and admire. They are a big part of the children's and teenagers lives. I have covered parts of the Hollywood business in other articles, but just as interesting is the music industry.

In the book by Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, the music industry (and the Country music in special) is loaded with artists who work as mind control programmers and many of them are mind control slaves with split personalities. They mention among many others Kris Kristofferson, Jerry Lee Lewis and Willie Nelson as being programmers, working for the Illuminati. And many artists are themselves programmed to be able to act in a way the Illuminati wants, to "spread the message".

The rock industry programming started with Elvis Presley, who very likely was a programmed slave and who's programmer was his manager, Col. Tom Parker. The below excerpt is from the above book by Springmeier/Wheeler, chapter 12:

"Many of the movies and shows use Monarch slaves as actors & performers: such as Rosanne Barr, Bette Mittler, Marilyn Monroe, Loretta Lynn, Crystal Gayle and possibly Wayne Newton (a child singing protégé, who never wrote a check for himself in his life). They also use lots of slave handlers such as Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford, & Bob Hope. And occasionally they use programmers such as Anton LaVey, Jerry Lee Lewis. Cisco, the co-author of this book, while in the Illuminati, was given repeated reason to believe that Elvis Presley was also a Multiple programmed by the Illuminati. We know that at times he went by code names, one which is publicly known was John Burrows.

His group, called the Memphis Mafia, have talked about his ability to go into altered states of consciousness, even seem dead. Recently, another Illuminati slave, also stated that Elvis was an Illuminati slave. Cisco points out that Elvis’ twin brother was dead at his birth, and that Elvis knew that this gave him double spiritual power (according to Illuminati beliefs). The Illuminati will often kill a twin, so that the other will get the power of two souls. From what we understand, Elvis Presley’s handler/programmer was a Col. Tom Parker. Elvis belonged to a team of 4 Illuminati men. Elvis is publicly known to have studied yoga, numerology, drugs, and received some new age spiritual training in an academy overlooking Pasadena, CA.

.......A state of disbelief.......

He was an active member in the Theosophical Society. After Elvis Presley supposedly died, the Sun International Corp. came out with an Elvis Presley album called Orion, with the winged-sun-disk on its cover. The winged-sun-disk is an important Egyptian magical symbol used by the OTO, Theosophical Society etc. Mae Boren Axton, known as the Grand Dame of Nashville, played a pivotal role in Elvis Presley’s life. Elvis & the Beatles were chosen by the Illuminati to introduce rock music to the United States. There is no doubt about Elvis’ and the Beatles’ musical talent. Elvis’ close friend Wayne Newton is highly suspected as also being a slave. Elvis worked with Burt Reynolds and Jerry Lee Lewis who also connect in with the Illuminati’s mind-control operations.

The authors are puzzled why Elvis’ grave, which had millions of dollars spent on its security, has his name misspelled? We are also puzzled why Elvis, who repeatedly stated he wanted to be buried beside his mother, is buried beside his father, who he privately stated wasn’t even his real father. Why has no one ever tried to collect insurance on Elvis’ death? Once again, it seems, the front stories that the public hears are full of inconsistencies. We believe that some people in the Illuminati know the true story about Elvis Presley. For sure Elvis’ mysterious mind-control programmer/handler Col. Tom Parker would know."*

* EIN Comment: This para is lightweight, borrowing themes from the long discredited "Elvis is alive" conspiracy story. Had "the authors" done their homework they would have quickly realised that millions of dollars were not spent on security for his grave site, and that there was no (real) conspiracy around the spelling of "Aaron/Aron" and (non-existent) life insurance policy - both of which were explainable in a much more prosaic, but admittedly, unsexy, way. That "the authors" also use qualifiers such as "it seems" and ""We believe" strongly suggests they are uncertain and lack the courage of their argument. (News, Source: Mind Control in the Field of Art)

What is the Illuminati?: The Illuminati conspiracy holds that there is a "global elite" society that is either in control of the world or is seeking to take control of the world.......its objective to create the New World Order.

As commentator Rurwon Jobs observed about believers in the Illuminati:

"The perverse argument of their misinformed rhetoric would be laughable if only they were not so psychologically malnourished, intellectually challenged and clinically delusional".

Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/illuminati-conspiracy.html#ixzz3C40k4Byy

Legal Showdown: Swedish Woman Claims She Is The True Daughter Of Elvis Presley, Not Lisa Marie!: In a shocking new report that will blow everyone away, the Lisa Marie Presley America has grown to know as Elvis‘ only daughter may not actually be who she says she is

A Swedish woman named Lisa Johansen, a married mother-of-four with a law degree, is claiming that she was switched at age nine “for security reasons,” The National ENQUIRER is reporting. Although Presley’s lawyers have blasted Johansen’s, 43, claims, The ENQUIRER has reviewed exclusive photos of the woman claiming to be the King’s daughter interacting with members of the Presley family.

Opposite: Ms Nikula/Johansen and a guy we believe is Elvis Presley, unless of course he is the double who replaced Elvis when he was discharged from the Army in 1960

But an insider claims that Elvis would be none-too-pleased if he heard about the goings-on with his alleged “real” daughter.“Elvis could be spinning in his grave if his REAL only child is being kept from the life she deserves,” an insider told The ENQUIRER.

But the legal battle that Johansen has started isn’t her only one. She is also embattled in a legal dispute with the publisher of her memoir, I, Lisa Marie: The True Story of Elvis Presley’s Real Daughter, after reportedly refusing a DNA test even though she allegedly received $200,000 for the tell-all. The Swedish woman claims she was born Feb. 1, 1968, to “Priscilla Ann Beaulieu and Elvis Aaron Presley.” She describes her childhood as a “fairy tale with my father as the king and myself as the pampered princess,” The ENQUIRER reports.


After Elvis died, Johansen told The ENQUIRER that she remembers very little until Beaulieu allegedly whisked her away to Europe. (Conspiracy, Source: The National Enquirer, Aug 2014)

EIN Comment:  Apologies for the sensationalist National Enquirer rhetoric above but we wanted to publish its story as printed.

For the record: Lisa Johansen (aka birth name Sari Marjatta Nikula) first came to fan and media attention more than 15 years ago in 1998 with the publication of her book (cited above), I, Lisa Marie: The True Story of Elvis Presley’s Real Daughter, which as again noted above, became the subject to legal action by the publisher, after Sari refused to undergo the DNA test she had originally agreed to.  The publisher sought repayment of its sizeable advance ($200,000) to Sari in what was effectively a breach of contract.  The facial analysis provided in her book as substantiation of her claim to be the “real Lisa Marie Presley” was written by Hakan Borglund, Uppsala University School of Engineering, a friend of Ms Nikula and her husband. The Johansen's resurrected their story again circa 2010-11 before this latest push. Ms Johansen is married to Torrey Omark, who legally changed his name in the mid 1990s to Alex Johansen. As with a number of conspiracy books with an Elvis theme, I, Lisa Marie is well written and an interesting read.  It just lacks logical believability and (by all accounts) valid academic evidence to support it.

Filmmaker back in US to finish "Orion" film documentary: British filmmaker Jeannie Finlay is back in the US to film the remaining part of her upcoming film bio on Jimmy Ellis, aka the masked singer "Orion". Ms Finlay's film is "Orion: The Man Who Would Be King".

In 2014, Jimmy Ellis (Orion) remains the one true superstar of the profession variously referred to as Elvis tribute artists, impersonators or sound-a-likes.

About the film: Nottingham-based filmmaker Jeanie Finlay's fifth feature film, Orion: The Man Who Would Be King tells the story of Jimmy Ellis, an unknown singer who was plucked from obscurity and adopted into a crazy scheme to pose as a masked Elvis look-alike in the wake of the King's death, giving birth to the "Elvis is alive" myth.


Starting with the creation of an outlandish fictional identity and concluding with the most tragic of endings, Finlay has documented a truly remarkable story, but before she can release her account of the rise and fall of this legendary masked figure, she needs help with the financial backing of the project and has taken to Indiegogo to crowd fund the project.

Excerpts from Jeanie Finlay's interview with Uni2 Know:

Uni2 Know: Where were some of the most interesting places the filming of the Orion movie took you?

JF: "It was really amazing to walk around Sun Records Studios, to see where the records were actually recorded, to see the master tapes and to stand in Shelby Singleton's office (the producer that discovered and created Orion). We also went to the house where Orion grew up as a boy and his son took me to the place that he was murdered, and that was incredible. Moving and terrible of course, but it gave an incredible sense of the history of the story coming to life."

Uni2 Know: Did any of interviewees for Orion particularly stand out?

JF: "I had a rule that everyone I interviewed in the film had to be connected to Orion is some way. I interviewed his band mates, the fan club manager and we interviewed his road manager at Vernon Presley's house (Elvis’ dad) round the back of Graceland. But some interviews had more of an impact on me than others. For his son - who was still massively grieving from his father's brutal murder - to take us to the place his father was killed was extraordinary, and I consider it a real privilege that he took the time to explain to us what that felt like." (News, Source: Jeanie Finlay, Aug 2014/uni-2.co.uk)

Visit the Orion film site

Watch the film trailer

Read EIN's recent article on the amazing and ultimately very tragic life of Jimmy Ellis


Bobby D. talks to EIN about his good friend, Jimmy Ellis (aka the masked man known as Orion):

Bobby Dillard was a close friend of the late Jimmy Ellis.......the man who, wearing a mask, became a key part of the 'Elvis is alive' movement, as the mysterious singer, Orion!

In his insightful interview, Bobby D. reveals what (the real) Jimmy Ellis was like off-stage and covers a range of subjects including:

  • the story behind Bobby D's friendship with Jimmy Ellis
  • Bobby's life and music recordings
  • Jimmy Ellis' early days
  • recording with Jimmy
  • the "Orion" phenomenon
  • how Jimmy felt about his "Orion" character
  • the night Orion "unmasked"
  • Jimmy's tragic death

Bobby D. operates the official Jimmy Ellis/Orion website and is a (very good) singer himself.

Who is this person??: Since Elvis' explosion onto the world stage in the mid-1950s there have been countless Elvis tribute artists, imitators, impersonators, stylists and sound-a-likes offering and emulating a watershed musical icon.

Of the thousands who in some way look(ed), perform(ed) or sound(ed) like Elvis there is one performer who stands out from the rest. This performer sets himself apart from all others for a number of reasons.  He:

  • was blessed with a natural singing voice remarkably like Elvis’
  • had 10 Top 100 hits on the Country Music Chart in the US!
  • was an accomplished singer/songwriter
  • did not make a living singing Elvis songs for most of his career
  • had a fan club which at its peak had over 15,000 members
  • had fans who travelled (often as a family) up to 500 miles to see him perform
  • is the only Elvis stylist to have had an album replaced due to controversy
  • is the only Elvis stylist with a best-selling book about his persona
  • like Elvis (whose jumpsuits all had names) had a certain item of his stage attire individually identified by name
  • is the only Elvis stylist to have had bootleg material released – around 150 bootleg albums of his studio and live material
  • is the only Elvis stylist who nearly 20 years after his tragic death still elicits interest from his fans
  • is the only Elvis stylist to have merchandise and memorabilia released (still sold online in 2014!)
  • has featured in a number of documentaries about music in the southern states of the USA
  • is the subject of a film being released in 2015

So who is this person – a performer whose life tragically ended on 12 December 1998? .......Click here to find out

Orion film news - film to screen on BBC: Filmmaker, Jeannie Finlay has advised:

BBC Storyville (the flagship BBC Documentary Strand), Creative England and Ffilm Cymru Wales have joined you as backers of the film. This support, combined with your vital crowdfunding pledges, means we can deliver the best film possible and the finished film will broadcast on the BBC in 2015. (News, Source: Jeanie Finlay)

Visit the official "Orion" film site and watch the great promo video

The Presley Assignment Elvis Investigation: Elvis conspiracy researcher, Mickey Moran, has a new website incorporating:

  • The Elvis Conspiracy Encyclopedia
  • Video clips (30 in total)
  • Audio clips
  • Photos
  • Blog
  • Links
  • and more......

Click here to check it out

Unmasked....the singing hoaxer who brought Elvis back from the grave and helped fool legions of Presley fans into thinking the King was still alive: Orion aka Jimmy Ellis, was the ultimate pretender to the King’s throne, a masked Elvis sound-a-like drafted in after Presley’s death in order to keep his fans hoping their idol might be still alive.

And now the story of that rock and roll hoax is being made into a film with the backing of The Film Agency for Wales.

Orion: The Man Who Would Be King goes behind the diamante-studded disguise of Jimmy Ellis, the Mississippi-born crooner whose uncanny vocal similarity to Nashville’s biggest singing star would prove both a blessing and a curse, right up until his tragic and violent death in 1998.

“I’ve always been fascinated by stories about people who aren’t what they seem or hide behind some of sort of mask,” said Dewi Gregory, the Caerphilly producer involved in the project. “And here you had a guy who, through no fault of his own, naturally sounded like Elvis - right down to the way he spoke. Even his mum’s name was the same as Presley’s – Gladys – although I’m not sure if she had any Welsh connections. As a result though, the guys at Sun Records ended up exploiting his talent when the King died and it’s that which spawned the whole ‘Elvis is alive’ myth.”

Indeed, such was the mass outpouring of public grief with which greeted news of Presley’s infamous passing on the floor of a Memphis bathroom in 1977 that Ellis found himself thrust into spotlight and performing to packed audiences through the States.

“Sun Records took the decision to release Ellis’ cover of Elvis’ That’s Alright Mama as his first single, but instead of attributing it to his stage name Orion, they put a question mark on the cover,” added Gregory. “A huge amount of Elvis fans back then simply didn’t want to believe he was gone – still don’t, many of them – and Orion became a way of keeping that dream going.

“The only problem was that he could never shake free of that conceit, so when he took off the mask a few years later and tried to be his own man it didn’t work out. He knew it too and once remarked, ‘I know they’re not clapping for me, they’re applauding a ghost’ – it was all a bit sad really."

But nowhere near as tragic as the fate which awaited him off stage, Ellis being gunned down in a botched robbery at the pawn shop he owned in Alabama. And Gregory hopes the project, which is being directed by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jeanie Finlay, would lead to a revaluation of Ellis career.

“He was way more than a simple Elvis impersonator and worked with many of the same people the King had,” he said. “I think he genuinely wanted to pay tribute to Presley and just got caught up in this elaborate marketing gimmick.” He added that he was looking for donations from the public to help get the film finished.

“In exchange for a small donation to out online crowdfunding campaign they could receive original Orion LPs, a DVD of the completed documentary, a replica Orion mask or – my personal favourite – the chance to name a star in the Orion Nebula. Ellis is rock’s forgotten man - we want to do what we can to change that,” said Gregory.

The deadline for the crowdfunding campaign runs until April 27, find it at www.orionthemovie.com (News, Source: WalesOnline)

Tim Farrell - NOT Elvis' Son: Marty Lacker could have saved him the agony - but it took a British TV show to confirm to Tim Farrell that he is not the son of Elvis Presley.
His 35 years of wondering ended last week, thanks to a British television show that disproved a decades-old claim by Farrell’s mother that he was sired by Elvis in 1954.
“Dead Famous DNA,” a show broadcast only in the United Kingdom, used genetic testing to determine Farrell is not the son of The King. “I’m glad it’s over,” said Farrell, 58, a truck mechanic in Jackson. “It’s been a long time.” (right; Farrell & Vernon Presley)
Farrell is sometimes subjected to unfair ridicule, so one point should be made plain: He never claimed Elvis Presley was his father.
His mother made that claim, from 1978 until her death in 2002. Her circumstantial evidence was taken seriously enough that the story made the newspapers.
Ten years ago, DNA testing technology advanced enough that Farrell decided to find the truth. Science was ready to provide an answer, but Farrell received a cold shoulder from the Presley estate.
Finally the UK TV show contacted Farrell and offered to dig into his genetic mystery on “Dead Famous DNA.”
Producers reportedly paid $2,000 for samples of Elvis’ hair, which was used for DNA testing.
No one can be 100-percent sure the hair really belonged to Elvis, but the likelihood is strong and that hair showed no genetic link to Farrell.
But you'd be wrong to assume Farrell is disappointed with the results. “I am glad to be done with this. It’s been a question that was always there, and it kind of detracts from the rest of your life.”
See EIN's previous conspiracy story on Tim Farrell from 2005.
(Conspiracy, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

"Is Elvis Alive?" - a timeline
A young singer, Jimmy Ellis gets a "one shot deal" with Challenger Records before moving to Boblo Records where one of his five singles is called "I'm Not Trying To Be Elvis". Ellis' voice is remarkably similar to Elvis', presenting a marketing dilemma for record companies
Prior to his claimed death, Elvis allegedly meets Ellen Foster in March 1977 at the Graceland gates. He is struck by how closely Ms Foster resembles his mother, Gladys. It will later be claimed he rang Ms Foster on 14 August 1977 telling her he would not be leaving on 16 August for his scheduled concert tour
Elvis A(a)ron Presley dies at his Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tennessee...or does he?
Obscure book release "Elvis Presley Dead or Alive" by Tupelo based private investigator, Will Jima is published. So obscure, in fact, that it does not become part of "is Elvis alive" folklore
1977-early 1990s
A number of "underground" networks develop, and momentarily thrive, publishing irregular newsletters. The major drivers of these networks are names like Chanzes, Brewer-Giorgio, Smiley and Aitcheson. They serve to reinforce the "believers" faith with controversial claims (including death threats) and unverifiable facts. The newsletters have names like "The Elvis Beat" (Mary Smiley), "Elvis Lives" (Ron Collamore & Kate McNeil), "The gathering"* (Gail Brewer-Giorgio), "Notes for the Record (Linda Hood Sigmon), "Notes from Orion" (Anna Mae Strunk), "Search: Investigative Newsletter" (Phil Aitcheson/Presley Commission); "Spotlighters" (Carole Taylor Smith), and "The Elvis Special" (Maria Columbus & Jeannie Tessum, acting as a conduit for Steve Chanzes). Due to the personalities and politics involved, many of the "underground" groups waged a fierce, bitter battle with each other. While most of the networks wane, the advent of the Internet will see a number rise again from the late 1990s (see also 1994-2004) * ceased publication in June 1990
Mike Joseph takes a photo at Graceland while visiting the mansion with his family. By late 1982-early 1983 he realises that in the photo's background is an image of someone who looks remarkably like Elvis, sitting watching the crowd from behind the screen door of the "pool house"
Jimmy Ellis signs with Sun Records

The duets album, "Jerry Lee Lewis and Friends", is released by Sun Records in November. Who is the mysterious singer dueting with Lewis who sounds just like Elvis?

Geraldo Rivera's 'The Elvis Cover-Up' airs on ABC TV's new show, "20-20" sparking a wave of interest
Author, Gail Brewer-Giorgio's novel, Orion, is published. It tells the story of a world famous singer who fakes his death. Talk of a film adaptation of the book fails to materialize. The author claims the book was "pulled" from bookstore shelves!
1979 - 1982
Shelby Singleton, owner of Sun Records, sees an opportunity to market Ellis as the masked singer, Orion. Agreement with Brewer-Giorgio is reached and the Orion bandwagon rolled on merrily for several years. After its peak, when record sales were sliding as most fans came to realise the much taller and facially dissimilar Ellis (see visual below) was not Elvis, the "Orion" phenomenon would include fanciful stories of a "second" Orion (you got it....Elvis) exchanging places with Ellis on stage. For the record, Orion (Ellis) owned 12 masks, and the singer, tired of his 'gimmicky' stage persona and its limitations, finally unmasked to a cheering audience of 123 during a performance at the Crown Inn (how appropriate!) in Kokomo, Indiana on 26 September 1982
Platinum Publications publishes a newstand magazine, "The Elvis Cover Up"
Steven C. Chanzes (aka Steven Crown; aka Al Jeffries), a Florida businessman, releases his book, "1935? Where Are You?". The book was published by Direct Productions, a company ordered to be involuntarily dissolved by Florida's Secretary of State a year earlier! The book is later republished with a new author, Al Jeffries!
The name Charlie Hodge becomes embroiled in the Chanzes scam; Charlie would later successfully sue in 1983 (see also 2002)
Chanzes commences publication of his "underground" newsletter, Eternally Elvis
The second issue of Eternally Elvis introduces the Sivle Nora monologue tape, which will later become the key part of Gail Brewer-Giorgio's 'Is Elvis Alive' book & cassette package.
Major Bill Smith, a Texas record producer initiates legal action against EPE, "the world's biggest monoploy", believing it is intefering with promotion of his eventual book about Elvis being alive, "Memphis Mystery (Requiem for Elvis)". The book is (privately) republished by Smith several times between 1987 and 1992
A photograph of Muhammad Ali is taken purportedly showing "Elvis" in the background. It is not until 1989 that it gains media publicity thru the efforts of Gail Brewer-Giorgio. In 1991 on national television in the US, the Bill Bixby hosted, "The Elvis Conspiracy", reveals who the "Elvis" like person is...but of course the "believers" don't believe it
The large hardcover novel, "Fairytale", is anonymously published. Later, sources claim the book is the work of noted Elvis photographer, Sean Shaver, and noted Elvis fan club president/author, Wanda June Hill
Singer David Darlock appears on the GERALDO talkback show in April. Darlock admits he was paid $250 in April 1981 by the Elvis fan club, "Eternally Elvis" (operated by Steve Chanzes) to simulate the voice of Elvis for an album (others say it is the voice of Dan Willis). He also produced the signed contract of this deal! In well established conspiracy fashion, both claims are disputed by many "believers".
"The Presley Arrangement", a novel by Monte Nicholson is first published (it is reissued twice, most recently by Living The Dream Press, in 2004). As with the 1979 Gail Brewer-Giorgio novel, Orion, there are colaims that 'The Presley Arrangement' mysteriously disappears from bookstores. Beyond his novel, the alleged sighting by the author of photos of Elvis boarding a helicopter at Graceland post his death on August 16, 1977 becomes one of the major elements fuelling the "is Elvis alive?" phenomenon
Curb Records operated by Major Bill Smith releases the 45rpm single, "Spelling On The Stone" (CRD-10522). Its conspiratorially flavored lyrics inspire "believers", but its inability to receive more than localised air plays in southern US states precludes its success as a record seller
"Is Elvis Alive?" by Gail Brewer-Giorgio is published. With its bonus, "The Elvis Tape", the book reportedly sells more than 1 million copies
On the Larry King TV show, Mike Joseph exposes a link between Gail Brewer-Giorgio and the Sivle Group regarding the "poolhouse" photo. It appears the Sivle Group has over the years involved Steve Chanzes, Sivle Nora and Ellen Marie Foster
The sighting of Elvis in Kalamazoo, Michigan by housewife, Louise Welling, sparks a wave of Elvis sightings around the world and fuels interest in the efforts of Brewer-Giorgio, et al
late 1980s
Fan club presidents on two continents receive late night visit from two mysterious "men in black" suggesting presidents cease investigations into Elvis being alive
"The Elvis Files: Was His Death Faked?" by Gail Brewer-Giorgio is published
A companion video "The Elvis Files" is released based around Gail Brewer-Giorgio's book of the same name. It is re-issued in DVD format in late 2005 (Europe) and early 2006 (Australia)
The small, slimline book, "The Elvis Mystery", by John McRae is published
"The Elvis Files" & "The Elvis Conspiracy" TV specials hosted by Bill Bixby air. Gail Brewer-Giorgio was instrumental in the first special which suggested Elvis may not have died in 1977, but her influence was diminished with the second special which took the opposite viewpoint
"The Death of Elvis What Really Happened" by Charles C. Thompson II and James P. Cole is published
The self-appointed Presley Commission which includes Phil Aitcheson, Monte Nicholson, and Gail Brewer-Giorgio, conducts an investigation into Elvis' death. Its investigation results in the Presley Commission Report, a mysteriously elusive document very few appear to have seen (see also 2007)
"Elvis The Unquiet Grace Or The True Story of Jon Burrows" by Belkis Cuza Male is published. There are English language and Spanish language editions

A series of websites and messageboards operate largely 'under the radar' offering a thrilling mix of conjecture, ineuendo, alleged fact and clever prosleytizing. At the forefront of this underground movement satisfying the "believers", is Mary Smiley. Her newsletter "The Gathering" moves from hardcopy to web publication. Mrs Smiley would claim that Elvis finally died in 1997 (see also 1997)

By 2005 most of the sites and boards had been discontinued or were inactive, and those that were left offered little that was new. Mary Smiley had disappeared off the radar apparently to write her own book. Even one of the "Johnny come lately" ideas, that look-alike Larry Blong was Elvis and had substituted for him on some of his recordings, was dieing a natural death. At its peak the Blong theory numbered several websites and messageboards. In a nushell this posting summarises the alleged Blong involvement:

'The real Larry BLong doubled for Elvis from 1969 until 1977 (August). He doubled on stage in place of Elvis, and performed on some of Elvis's recordings. He wasn't hired merely to go out the front gate while Elvis went out the back. Elvis was held prisoner in his home for years. Elvis was "insane," and a dual personality. He'd have episodes of being totally out of control.' (see also 1977-early 1990s)

mid 1990s
Mary Smiley makes the startling claim that the Presley Commission is financed by EPE. Mrs Smiley had earlier claimed Gail Brewer-Giorgio's books and activities were being funded by EPE, through the "Legends" organisation. Mrs Smiley claimed to have incorporation papers proving her assertions
mid 1990s
"Jon Burrows" credit card paper trail becomes a major discussion point in the Elvis "underground"
Mary Smiley publishes Presley Commission memo indicating the Commission has had an interest in her activities (see Diversion #12 below)
"True Disbelievers: The Elvis Contagion" by Serge Denisoff & George Plasketes is published. If ever a book from the Elvis world deserved a film treatment, this is the one, with its factual tale of mystery, countless twists and turns, duplicitous deeds, scams, double cross dealings, emotionally charged, colorful characters and undieing "belief"
"Project Red Book" is discussed on the Elvis "underground" messageboards and websites. It involves the cover-up of a murder at Graceland!
Elvis Aaron Presley finally dies, according to Mary Smiley, by now the most prominent prophet in the Elvis "underground" (see 1994-2004)
"the king is dead" by Robert Holton in published (and reissued in 2004). Minute-by-minute account of Elvis' funeral arrangements based on the memoirs of Robert Kendall, Funeral Director at Memphis Funeral Home. Like the publication, "Funerals of the Famous Volume 3" (undated) from Kates-Boylston Publications, this is a solid, serious account of how logistical issues were handled for Elvis' funeral. It answers questions about Elvis' casket and offers clues about his autopsy
"The Truth About Elvis Aron Presley In His Own Words" by Dr Donald Hinton with "Jesse" is published and a campaign is commenced to solicit donations from fans to support an ailing Elvis. In his book, Hinton claims to be treating Elvis 'from a distance' (as he's never met him face-to-face!)
Steven Chanzes (now apparently not involved in the "is Elvis alive?" world), again falls foul of the law when his Florida based telemarketing company is found by the Department of Justice to have been soliciting contributions by misleading contributors that it is a registered charitable insitution (which it isn't) (see also 1981)
Discussion on messageboards that Elvis and the "real" Lisa Marie Presley had lived in Switzerland since 1982
"Content analysis" of "underground" messageboard postings suggests the prolific poster "Men In Black" is Mary Smiley and identifies inconclusive similarities between Mrs Smiley's postings and those of poster 'EPE' (however see reader feedback below from Sue (EP123) added 3 May 2006)
Now almost on its last legs, the Elvis "underground" again shifts into 'soap opera' overdrive with incredible posts about "Elvis' Secret Diaries", "Lisa Johansen is the real Lisa Marie Presley"; "Elvis commits murder as he sleepwalks"; "Elvis held captive in Graceland", "Was Elvis the victim of 'gum poisoning'?", "Palm Tree Murders"; ETA Murder Plot"; Elvis' companion from 1978-1981, Elizabeth Prince (who allegedly passed a lie detector test); and "The Mob slits Elvis' throat as he sleeps". There is also a claim that EPE's Jack Soden and Patsy Anderson admit Phil Aitcheson (Presley Commission) is on the EPE payroll
The motion pictures 'Home Alone' and 'Finding Graceland' are widely discussed on the "underground" boards. A "bearded" Elvis allegedly appears in 'Home Alone' while in 'Finding Graceland' many belive the hobo seen on the train is also Elvis. Click to view photos of the 'Home Alone' character
Dr Hinton is suspended from practising pending investigation of fraud charges to do with his "Elvis is alive" claims. In a scene reminiscent of Elvis' final years, it is claimed Hinton wrote prescriptions for 34,000 hydrocodone (an antitussive) pills for "Jesse/Elvis" from 1997 to 2002. Hinton is eventually cleared of fraud but realises he has been conned and publicly apologises. But just who was receiving the money intended for a sick Elvis??? (see Diversion #8)
On one of her (now defunct) messageboards, Mary Smiley makes several postings about "Musical Watergate". They include: "Elvis lip synced the demos Ronnie Wilson made for "The Wonder Of You" and "In The Ghetto." They were "live" performances of Elvis performing, but the vocals were synched from demos or recordings of Ronnie Wilson."
Memory Records in Czechoslovakia releases the CD, "Elvis The Cover-Up". It is a mix of radio/TV material and live recordings of Elvis in 1977
"The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder!" is published. Under a fiction guise it brings together most of the major Elvis conspiracies
Independent film maker, Adam Muskiewicz, commences his research and a website for his film, The Truth About Elvis
"Elvis' DNA Proves He's Alive" by Bill Beeny is published through Branden Books. A shorter edition had been earlier published privately by the author with the title, "DNA Proves That Elvis Is Alive!"
A detailed but complicated "schematic", "Elvis/Jesse/Jon Burrows", linking around 50 names in the "is Elvis alive?" story is released. Copies sell on ebay for up to US$75.00
"Decoding the Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder!" is released. The 'limited edition' pressing sells out in less than 3 months
late 2005-early 2006
The budget priced DVD "The Elvis Files" is released initially in Europe and then Australia. It is the DVD edition of Gail Brewer-Giorgio's original 1990 video promoting her book of the same name
The TV documentary Death By Excess screens in England on Sky One (15 Dec)
FatCat Entertainment releases the CD 'Elvis Presley Is Dead Live radio broadcasts from August 16th 1977 2:30 pm The Day Elvis Presley Died'
EIN, with assistance from private investigation consultants, JNA & Associates, exposes the fatal flaw in Bill Beeny's Elvis DNA claim
Due for publication: "The Presley Alternative", Phil Aitcheson & Deborah Wines (dec.) - the author's present the Presley Commission findings (see also 1992-1994 above and Diversion # 12 below) - this book was later shelved
Due for publication?: Mary Smiley's book about Elvis not dieing in 1977 - unpublished and Mrs Smiley died in 2012
Due for publication: "Shadows of Reason: On the Elusive Trail of a Lost King - Elvis Presley, Post August 16, 1977", Dr. John Walker/Center for Studies in Popular Culture - academic examination of the "is Elvis alive?" arguments and alleged evidence
Linda Hood Sigmon establishes her website now called Linda Hood Sigmon Truth
circa 2010
Jon Cotner surfaces online as a mysterious singer, who sounds somewhat like Elvis and also bears some facial resemblance to him - his music and other videos are found on YouTube
Mickey Moran launches The Presley Assignment wesite
Mary Smiley (aged 80) dies from cardiovascular disease – Mary was a key figure in the Elvis underground from the 1980s to the early noughties

Steven Chanzes lists an 'ebook' on ebay 'The Sivle Nora Story'. Not surprisingly, there are no bids at its opening price of $10,000 (Buy It Now Price: $20,000). The pr for the book was:







The book is relisted at a lower amount ($5,000) and again fails to attract any bidders see 2002 and 1981

Film adaptation of the life of Orion (Jimmy Ellis) announced
Book release: The Death of ELVIS TOP SECRET by Mystery Author


APRIL 29, 2013 - Elvis Impersonator framed!!: Authorities have released Elvis impersonator Paul Kevin Curtis after questioning him in relation to ricin-poisoned letters mailed last week to President Obama and Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker, after clearing him of any suspicion. Curtis had been perhaps too obvious of a suspect, with evidence falling into place against him suspiciously easily and now it’s emerged why: he was allegedly framed by local republican politician J. Everett Dutschke, who had previously sought office in a failed election bid, as part of some kind of political grudge against a local judge.
Curtis initially appeared to have given his identity and guilt away, signing the ricin letters with his own "KC" initials. But questions emerged as to why Curtis, an Obama supporter, would turn around and try to poison the man he’d just gotten done voting for. Searches of his home and property revealed no trace of ricin and nothing to connect him to the letters. He was ultimately cleared and released. But if a story about an Elvis impersonator and poisoned letters can get stranger, this one does.
The FBI is reportedly now investigating Dutschke for allegedly framing the Elvis

If the frame-up allegations prove true, it would explain several of the inconsistencies in the case: why the Elvis impersonator would send poison letters that had no chance of reaching their intended recipients, why he would attempt to harm a president he had just voted for six months earlier, and why he would give away his identity by signing his own name to it. While the investigation is far from over, this story is probably only going to get even stranger before it’s all said and done.
EIN notes that maybe this is the start of a plot to have all crazy Elvis Impersonators arrested! That could be a good thing!
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Another Impersonator Arrested After 30-hour Standoff: Two IMP crazies in a week, file under 'You've GOT to be Kidding!' Micky King, who is a longtime Elvis Presley impersonator in the Des Moines area, allegedly called authorities on Saturday evening asking for assistance with a dispute. But when they showed up and began talking to him, he appeared to become more upset.
This Elvis allegedly didn't want to leave the building -- so he got into a standoff with police in Des Moines, Iowa, that lasted more than 30 hours.
Officials on the scene noticed King had a weapon, however King allegedly yelled at the six officers on the scene and fired at least one shot at police.
The officers shot back, but told the station they didn't think King was injured. He allegedly shut the doors and locked out the officers and started the standoff, which ended just after midnight Monday, according to the Des Moines Register.
Police coaxed the pretend Presley onto his porch and subdued him with a stun gun.
He was taken to hospital for minor injuries before being booked on weapons charges.
"Poor Elvis!"
EIN notes that maybe this is the start of a plot to have all crazy Elvis Impersonators arrested! That could be a good thing!

(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Ricin Suspect Paul Kevin Curtis, Conspiracy Theorist & Impersonator: US prosecutors have filed criminal charges against a Mississippi man, who worked as an Elvis impersonator, for threatening to harm President Barack Obama by sending him a letter that initially tested positive for the deadly poison ricin.
The letters were mailed on April 8 from Memphis, TN, and they were signed, “I am KC and I approve this message.”
While the investigation is still ongoing, new clues are emerging about the 45-year-old Elvis impersonator who was arrested by federal agents at his home in Corinth, MS. A cousin, Ricky Curtis, in an interview claimed that the accused ricin poisoner had experienced problems with his cleaning business. He also claimed that Kevin Curtis is a conspiracy theorist who wrote a collection of articles called Missing Pieces about a conspiracy to trade in body parts that he thought he uncovered while working for a hospital from 1998 to about 2000.
Apparently, Paul Kevin Curtis has a long-time local reputation for being a little whackadoo. One rumour is that Kevin Curtis had talked about going undercover to blow the lid off the corrupt world of…wait for it… Elvis impersonator
Laugh if you like, but performing as an Elvis impersonator in the Mississippi delta region near the Tunica area casinos, Tupelo and top Memphis tourist attraction, Graceland, can be a lucrative business for some area men. Kevin Curtis also billed himself as a master impressionist who could “do” other stars like Buddy Holly.
Corinth is a small town of about 14,000, the police had blocked off part of his neighborhood. However, there didn’t seem to be any hazardous materials crews, and residents weren’t evacuated.
(News, Source;AP/ElvisInfoNet)

New Secret Love Child of Elvis Found! (No, really!!): Scottsdale's John Smith says he is the secret love child of Elvis Presley. And he has, he swears, the DNA evidence to prove it.
No, really. Smith, a sometime country singer and songwriter who lives in Scottsdale, says he's coming clean this month in a new book detailing his hush-hush life as the unheralded Prince of Rock 'n' Roll. 'Let the Boy Sing: Elvis Is My Daddy', from a tiny, pay-to-print publisher in Oklahoma, reveals everything the world wants to know about the perks of being Elvis' tug-of-love: The trust fund, set up by Elvis for Smith when he was born. The music gigs, playing with John Denver and Lawrence Welk, and the recording contract with Elvis' label, RCA Records. The chance to write songs for country superstars like Kenny Rogers and to record an album with music legends who also recorded with Elvis. All these cushy thrills, according to Smith's new book, were arranged by Elvis himself, who kept tabs on his boy via a network of people who did the King's bidding.
And that's because John Smith is, he says, the son of the King. "I've known that Elvis is my daddy since I was 27 years old," says Smith, 51. "And there's no one word that describes how it feels to finally tell the world the truth about me."
"The correct word is scary," according to Presley historian Cory Cooper, who's known in pop culture circles as "The Elvis Expert" and who recently served as technical adviser on director John Scheinfeld's Fame and Fortune, an adaptation of Elvis: Still Taking Care of Business, a 2008 bestseller by Presley's former bodyguard. "These people show up every few years claiming to be Elvis'
son or daughter. The sad thing is that some of them actually believe it. Maybe they've been fed a story all their lives about a one-night stand their mom had with Elvis, and they think it's true. Whatever the story, they always have two things in common: They all swear they have birth certificates or DNA evidence to prove their claim, and they all have a story about why they can't show you those things. And, of course, the real reason they can't is because they don't have them. Their story isn't true."
"Elvis was the most famous entertainer in the world, he loved women, and he wasn't faithful in his marriage or to his girlfriends," says Cooper, who points out that people have been claiming to be Elvis' kid since before the King died. "But I don't think Elvis has three dozen offspring scattered around the world."
Yet the parade of would-be Presley bastards just keeps on coming. There's 53
year-old Desirée Presley, a former Los Angeles model whose mom wrote the infamous Elvis tome 'Are You Lonesome Tonight'? about her supposed 24-year-long secret romance with Presley. And Lisa Johansen, the 43-year-old Swedish woman who filed a $130 million lawsuit against the Presley estate for defamation and emotional distress, claiming she is "the real Lisa Marie Presley" who was forcibly exiled to Sweden after her father's death and replaced by an imposter — a fake Lisa Marie who went on to marry Michael Jackson, among other things. Johansen's own memoir, I, Lisa Marie, was scrapped after her publisher sued her for refusing to take an agreed-upon DNA test.
But Scottsdale's John Smith swears he has conclusive DNA evidence that his dad is the man who sang 'Blue Suede Shoes'. "One last thing that you cannot explain away," he writes in his memoir, "is that Elvis and I, we share the same DNA." But asked to share that DNA documentation with New Times, Smith hems and haws and passes the buck. "We're still talking with my family about whether we can put the DNA stuff in the book," he says. "When we said we wanted to put it in the book, they said, 'We didn't mean for you to do that. We got that for you, for your own knowledge, and not for publication.'"
And so Smith continues to point instead to other things that, he says, prove conclusively that Elvis is his dad. There's an old black-and-white photograph of Elvis holding a little boy (photo above) who could, frankly, be any towheaded kid. There's a snapshot of a woman Smith says is his mother, standing with Elvis and Priscilla and Glen Campbell at somebody's wedding in the '60s. There's a handwritten note from Tyner, postmarked 1991 and refusing to confirm Smith's paternity because "it is not the time to expose your father."
Smith insists he has no need to prove his lineage to anyone. "I have known in my heart that Elvis is my daddy for years," he writes. "It has been a part of my life for years. I know it. I feel it."
One wonders what Elvis himself might say. Cooper finds the whole cult-of-Elvis thing kind of sad. "These people want to be part of something. So it's, 'I saw Elvis at Burger King in Kalamazoo! He's alive!' or 'My mom slept with Elvis, and he's my dad!' Some of them get a little media attention, or they self-publish a book that sells 800 copies, and they get to feel special for a little while."
In a twisted way, Cooper says, this sort of attention keeps Elvis' name in the spotlight. "But if you were really Elvis' son, is this the kind of attention you'd want to bring to him?" he asks. "Because if my dad were an internationally loved icon, the last thing I'd want to do is join a chorus of people who are saying he screwed around a lot, knocked up a bunch of teenagers, and then took off."
Please Go HERE to the fascinating full article.
Go HERE to EIN's Elvis Conspiracy pages and questions about- "The DNA evidence has to be flawed"
(News, Source;CoryCooper/ElvisInfoNet)

The Missouri Board of Registration for the Healing Arts 2007 Report on Donald W. Hinton M.D.:

The Board's findings in 2002/2007 raise several burning questions:

What happened to the hydrocodone after it was received by LS?

Was it used by LS and her husband who apparently both were on pain medicatoion for medical ailments?

Was it sent to "Jesse" (who possibly was Joel "Tim" Zophy and/or Terry Campbell)

(added 20 April 2013)

Jon Cotner camp responds to Irish Winter interview: Catriona, a friend of Jon Cotner (shown opposite), has responded to EIN about our recent interview with Irish Winter.

Catriona's comments are shown in blue text.

EIN Comments (6 April 2013): In her response Catriona has mentioned Irish Winter's real name and EIN has decided to remove (edit) it for the purposes of publishing her comments. In the online world Irish Winter has as much right to not use or reveal his real name as does the person known online as Jon Cotner.

An important theme of Catriona's response is that Jon Cotner does not claim to be Elvis and never has. We also note that Irish Winter made it clear he believes Elvis died in 1977.

EIN does not intend that the debate between Irish Winter and the Cotner camp will be waged on our Conspiracy page. Both sides have now had the opportunity to put their case to our readers.

Legal options exist if a party believes they have been slandered or libeled.

Catriona's response:


My name is Catriona and I am a friend of Jon Cotner.  

I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the recently published “interview” with Irishwinter, I would hope that you will allow my right to reply and publish my unedited response. I have quoted Irishwinters statements and given my responses in red. (EIN has changed the color to blue as it is easier to read)

EIN: "What is your position on when Elvis died?" 

Irish Winter: I fully believe with absolute certainty that Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. It was the biggest single loss to the music world in its entire history. Regardless of what people say, Elvis did become extremely unhealthy, and very unhealthy looking towards the end and if people want to say that he put on all this extra weight as he was 'acting' to fool the fans into believing that he looked as if he was dying, then that's just ridiculous. With the extreme condition that he was in, he would have died while trying to fake his death. All the people who believe Elvis is alive or did not die that August 16, 1977, have not provided any proof that he is alive. They quote stupid ideas that are not simply true. For example; "Elvis had to go into witness protection because, he was to testify against 'Mob' members." That's not true. 

  • The grand jury was not seated, and no indictments were handed down on August 15, 1977, as the Alivers contend. The indictments against several members of “The Fraternity” were presented in October 1977, some two months later. If we remove the August 15, 1977, grand jury claim, then there is no foundation for the claim that Elvis had to disappear the following day, August 16, 1977.
  • If Elvis Presley was in so much danger that he had to fake his own death and go into witness protection (why both?), we would have to ask the obvious question: Why wasn’t Vernon Presley also afforded Federal protection? After all, it was Vernon, not Elvis, who testified against “The Fraternity.” There isn’t any evidence that the Presley family was threatened in any way following Vernon’s recorded testimony.

Alivers believe what they are told. They cling onto the belief that their hero or idol is not dead. To some alivers it justifies being an elvis fan. The whole elvis alive thing has taken on cult status. The exact same thing is happening right now with Michael Jackson. The bigger the star. The harder it is to let go. When Elvis is perhaps 200 years in age, some people will say that he is alive. To me elvis is alive in one way: He is alive in the hearts of the fans that cherish his memory. Just like everyone on earth, when someone cherishes your memory, you never die (spiritually). 

Catriona: I have no objection to the above statements made by IrishWinter as these are HIS personal opinions which he is fully entitled to hold however his “absolute certainty” hasn’t provided any valid reasons as to why people should change their opinion if they think Elvis didn’t die on August 16 1977. If IW is going to publicize his personal opinion and expect it to be taken as conclusive proof then he needs to back it up and bring something new to the table. All Irishwinter has stated above are some of the opinions of several analysts who have felt the need to support the fact that Elvis died. It should be acknowledged that they have only done this because of all the supposed inconsistencies surrounding Elvis’ death. Irishwinters ‘absolute certainty’ that Elvis died is already shared by millions so his little contribution to that opinion is rather pointless! The main consensus won’t ever change unless Elvis didn’t die and decides to come back, so why bother…..?

So if there is no point to Irishwinters plagiaristic opinion then I wonder if his very public show of “concern” for Elvis and his fans has another, more selfish agenda? Is he looking for his fifteen minutes of fame riding on the coattails of Jon Cotner perhaps? Is he so desperate for attention that he will stop at nothing to achieve it?   

EIN: How did you become involved in the Elvis Underground?

Irish Winter: I became involved after i had witnessed so many scams against Elvis taken place. Right before my eyes. 

I have been involved in the underground for the last 5 years. I am certain everyone in the elvis underground has heard of who i am. 

I will not standby and watch the scams taken place against the memory of elvis, or against the fans of elvis. I will use the skills that i have acquired, to expose these people. And quite frankly i have done a good job so far. 

Catriona: IW came onto the ‘Elvis Underground Scene’ in June 2010 which was only just under three years ago NOT five. That is when his first video was published on You Tube, previous to that, no-one had ever heard of him. What scams against Elvis has Irishwinter actually exposed and stopped? It would be interesting to see a list of all the “good jobs” he has done so far on behalf of Elvis and his fans and what skills he has acquired during this time?

EIN: You don't have any time for Jon Cotner - what do you know about him?

Irish Winter: Well, to be perfectly honest, i really don't have anytime for him. Or his followers. I do have time to expose him and his followers. When it comes to elvis scams currently in use. He is probably second only to Eliza and Jesse scam. 

Catriona: Irishwinter has too much time on his hands so he tries to harass, slander, mock and attempt to blackmail Jon Cotner and his friends. IW recently wrote to one of Jon Cotner’s known friends and threatened to expose her real identity if she did not remove a video she had uploaded to her You Tube channel (uploaded with Irishwinters permission at the time)! The video in question contained a very “heartfelt and sincere” apology Irishwinter made to Jon during one of Jons Paltalk sessions! The video shows Irishwinter apologizing for all the harassment he inflicted upon Jon online. It is however still available and will not be removed.


IW has shown that he is capable of resorting to criminal behavior in order to perpetuate his image of being the one to expose Jon Cotner and as this video doesn’t really support that noble cause, I can see why he would want it removed. Before threatening to expose Jon’s friend he tried to get You Tube to remove this video but he obviously found out that it’s not that easy to have a video removed when the video doesn’t contain a real identity, so I guess extortion seemed to be the only other option!

As for the Jesse/Sigmon scam, Irishwinter has stated that in his opinion that scam is worse than any other, so why do we not find any You Tube videos pertaining to that or an EIN interview with Irishwinter bragging about his quest to expose a man who is claiming to be Elvis Presley and as such is accepting gifts of money etc. from the real Elvis’ vulnerable fans? Surely that scam would warrant the very noble Irishwinters time and expertise above all else?

Irish Winter: Having been Jon Cotners paltalk room, i have heard racism from Jon Cotner towards a person he thought was African American. His followers have done the same thing many times with many guests in the room. Wether it's your religion or skin color, if you ain't like them, they will attack you for being you. It's a cult. That's exactly what it is. You have one narcissist and a group that goes by his every word. It strongly reminds me of Jim Jones and the temple group. 

Currently i have found out some of his followers are helping him in this scam. That will be brought to light soon. I won't give much away in this conversation, but pretty soon it will all come to a close.

Catriona: This is slanderous and untrue, Jon Cotner is not a racist, Jon has released many Christian Bible Study CD’s and has stated many times that he loves all mankind in Christ, regardless of color or creed. The above statement is yet another attempt by Irishwinter to try and discredit Jon, he has tried everything in his quest to do that but has always failed miserably. Like it or not Jon does have a large fan base which is steadily growing. Jon is simply sharing his voice and his faith in God, if people want to be his friend because of that, what is the problem? People have the right to choose what they do in their own lives.

Irish Winter:  Jon Cotner has said he was not Elvis. But, he says the following:

"It would be very foolish of me to return to a life, I worked so hard to get out of. There would be fans who would understand. Others would be hurt. Some might go to an extreme. I can't risk that.

I come online and sing, talk with you, my friends, to keep the memory of Elvis and his music alive. I am not Elvis. I do look remarkably like him...only I am better looking. I sound exactly like him. My birth date is the same. But I am not Elvis.

Elvis died August 16th 1977. Jon Cotner is not dead." Alluding to be Elvis in this way is a lot more worse than actually saying you are. 

Catriona: READ THE STATEMENT! How many times does he have to say it? He is NOT Elvis!

Irish Winter: And his followers don't question him because they are brainwashed, this leading back to the cult thing, and the narcissist leader, they take him for everything he says. He himself has not provided any factual evidence to support anything he says. 

Catriona: Can Irishwinter provide factual evidence to support anything he says? Are EIN readers to believe the ranting of an attention seeking, self-absorbed kid who is evidently obsessed with trying to find out Jon Cotners real identity? All of Jon’s fans are already Elvis fans, none of them are brainwashed into being Jon’s friend, many found Jon online and were impressed by his singing. One cannot deny that there is something about Jon Cotner that reminds Elvis fans of the great man himself. Are fans of ETA’s accused of being brainwashed? After all they are not watching the real Elvis Presley in concert singing, throwing scarves and kissing fans, are they? And they all pay good money for the “privilege”, so what’s wrong with Elvis fans supporting Jon Cotner of their own free will?

Irish Winter: Quite recently i have proven without a doubt that Jon Cotner stole innocent people's photographs online, and altered them so they appear more Elvis like. He had stolen many photographs from many innocent women and passed them of as his fictitious daughter Marie. Marie has been played by many different characters. And some of the photos he had stolen were of people that looked nothing like the altered daughter he had created. I have informed these innocent people, and they in turn have informed the authorities. 

On an old forum: Alt.Elvis.King you will see that it was started by 'Arion' a man who's name is Anthony Doyle Richards, from Atlanta Georgia. 

Then we have the inclusion of Dale Eli Culbertson. The king of the hoaxers. He had a few songs released back in the 70's. He has told everyone he was not an impersonator then appears on a tv show dressed and booted up like an Elvis impersonator. I believe him to be currently involved. Having spoken with him on the phone, and attacked by him for no reason, it certainly explains a lot. I have asked him to come out and deny that he is not involved in any of this, the response i always get from is: "You don't deserve the truth". Then he disappears. 

But. Either way. It's comin close. And i will report back to you on it. 

Catriona: More lies and unsubstantiated statements form Irishwinter! To PROVE that a particular person “stole” photographs, one would have to establish that the person in question owned and maintained the website/online location displaying the images, this would only be achievable if one had the IP address, location and name of the website owner!

As Irishwinter cannot provide the true identity of Jon Cotner then it is impossible for Irishwinter (or anyone) to prove beyond any doubt that Jon Cotner, the real person, had any connection to any website. Jon Cotner is just a name that ANYONE could use.

Would Irishwinter care to comment on the list of names he has provided in recent months as being the actual identity of Jon Cotner? 

According to Irishwinter all the following names were absolutely and incontrovertibly ACCURATE at time of publication? Let’s get them all out there, shall we? Larry Blong; Dale Eli Culbertson; Earl Parsons; Ronnie Fleetwood; Tony Richards; Harvey Collier; Charles Allen Rowe; Jon Burrows; Johnny Harra; John Smith; Larry Seth; Don Bauer; Anthony Landry… ALL have been suggested as being Jon Cotner, looks like Irishwinter is not too fussy when it comes to accusing innocent people of being someone else! Jon can’t possibly be all of these people but it doesn’t stop Irishwinter adding innocent names to his list of suspects.

EIN: You used to have a number of videos on YouTube, why did you remove them?

Irish Winter: I didn't remove them. Jon Cotner and his followers had them reported to YouTube. They obviously don't want to the truth to be told. But. That doesn't stop me or deter me from getting the truth out there to Elvis fans. I have made exact copies of the videos they got removed and will be uploading them to my Facebook, YouTube and twitter accounts. 

Catriona: Irishwinters debut video was filmed in a grubby little bedsit and starred a drunken Irish dude with his head covered by a towel or pillow case, ranting incoherently for about 3 minutes about his hatred for Jon Cotner! It was highly embarrassing and extremely childish. The word “Narcissistic” is very appropriate when describing IW as many of his other videos made claims about him being the “Only Heir” to the great Elvis Presley, he also believed his singing was on a par with Elvis (it wasn’t), he posed for photographs which had been obviously photoshopped to try and improve his likeness to Elvis (he still didn’t look like him), all clearly done to try and fool gullible fans into thinking that he was indeed kin to Elvis or even more stupidly, his reincarnation! All videos, in time became unavailable as they had been “removed by the channel owner”. At no point will You Tube remove any video unless it contains offensive content, sexual content or violence, so Irishwinters statement that Jon Cotner’s friends had them removed because of fear is false. Jon did try to have some videos removed because they were extremely slanderous however as Jon Cotner is a fictional name it was not possible for Jon to have any video removed due to copyright infringement as he had to make the complaint under his real name which he was not prepared to do, so the videos remained. This proves that Jon Cotner did not have the You Tube videos removed as it was impossible under You Tubes copyright guidelines to do so. Irishwinter has had many You Tube channels, all connotations of his Irishwinter nickname and all closed down by him, NOT by You Tube. It should be noted that since the release of Jon’s books, his name and image are now subject to copyright laws; Irishwinter recently uploaded photos from Jon’s latest book and subsequently had them removed from his Facebook page after a complaint was made by the owner of the images. You have been warned.  

EIN: There have been several photos published allegedly of Elvis post August 1977. Tell us about those.

Irish Winter: Another scam. Look at these photos. They cropped Elvis's head and put it on the man on the crutches. 

I also recently exposed the weekly world news. They used photos and said it was elvis. When in fact it was johnny harra.

Catriona: A photo from a gutter press newspaper which is one of many that have surfaced over the years, old news!

EIN: What are your views on Bill Beeny and Paul Monroe? 

Irish Winter: I don't have any views on them. Except that they are liars. Everything each one says, can be disputed. Paul Monroe is in no way a spokesperson of the Elvis fans, or has ever been a founding member of the Elvis underground. As for Bill Beeny, well, he came up the craziest conspiracies regarding Elvis. Again. Nothing can be proven by these people. But everything can be disputed against them. It's a common thread in the Elvis world. It gets crazier and crazier all the time. 

Catriona: It’s amusing that Irishwinter has such a scathing opinion of Mr Monroe and Bill Beeny, you’d almost think he was describing himself! I have heard that Paul Monroe and Irishwinter are working together to expose Jon Cotner, of course I can’t prove it  and I guess there is no way for Irishwinter to prove that he isn’t working with Monroe so like everything else in the Elvis Underground that rumor will have to remain mere conjecture.

EIN: Irish Winter, what else would you like to say?

Irish Winter: In time, people will look on this conversation/interview and see that I was right. As for people claiming to be founding members of the Elvis underground, well, that's all lies. It was a conspiracy underground with no truth until i came along. I gave people the chance to stand up for their beliefs, against bullies and people who had threatened them. Jon Cotner and others had a good thing going until i came along. Jon himself has asked me many times to leave the Elvis underground. Obviously out of fear. 

But. Stay tuned to my YouTube and Facebook profiles for more truth regarding these people.

Catriona: You will be "right" about what, Irishwinter? What is the ultimate goal of Irishwinter, does he think that exposing Jon Cotner’s real identity will dispel all the rumors surrounding Elvis Presley and in particular his death? So far IW has not produced any new evidence about anything, everything he has said is already “out there”. He hasn’t been able to expose Jon Cotner nor will he! Irishwinter has no credibility in the Elvis world, underground or otherwise, he is a laughing stock and a joke, and as a kid who wasn’t even born when Elvis died, I hardly think he has the credentials necessary to take over and run a 35 year old underground network of Elvis Alive conspiracy theorists! Who’d want to anyway?

The above statement from Irishwinter about a “conspiracy underground that contained no truth” until he came along (and presumably added truth to it), is a little confusing, surely if you add irrefutable truth to a conspiracy theory then doesn’t it automatically loses it conspiracy status?…..so by that token, thanks to Irishwinter, we should now have a true account of what really happened in Graceland that fateful day, right Irish? So come on, spit it out, what is the truth? Show everyone the proof of your excellent work in putting the truth into this so-called Elvis Underground!

Some questions for Irishwinter…..Which foundling members of the so-called underground are liars? What have they lied about? Whose “job” have you taken over in that network and what truth have you added to the conspiracy theories?

In conclusion, this interview with Irishwinter has shown that he has an extremely exaggerated sense of self importance and is an egotistical  liar! He also seems to be a touch selective when it comes to prioritizing his investigations into the scams he believes are being played upon Elvis fans. The “much worse” Jesse/Hinton/Sigmon scam doesn’t seem to warrant his time as he has never produced any videos exposing that scam and its very public perpetrators! At no time has he questioned why Jesse claims to BE Elvis Presley when it’s blatantly obvious he looks nothing like Elvis and speaks to Linda Hood Sigmon on the phone via a voice changer, WHY hasn’t he put any effort into exposing that fraud? Is it because most fans disregard Jesse as a fake anyway? Is Irishwinters obsession with Jon Cotner because he does actually believe Jon IS Elvis and he wants the accolade of telling the world? Well may the luck of the Irish be with you in that pursuit IW because I hate to tell you but Elvis is gone!

Jon Cotner has never asked Irishwinter to leave the Elvis Underground, Jon has simply asked that he and his friends be left alone. Jon has nothing to fear from Irishwinter.

Jon Cotner links:



Elvis Underground identity, Irish Winter, talks to EIN: Today we publish a mini-interview with Irish Winter. (Added 23 March 2013)


EIN: "What is your position on when Elvis died?" 

Irish Winter: I fully believe with absolute certainty that Elvis Presley died on August 16, 1977. It was the biggest single loss to the music world in its entire history. Regardless of what people say, Elvis did become extremely unhealthy, and very unhealthy looking towards the end and if people want to say that he put on all this extra weight as he was 'acting' to fool the fans into believing that he looked as if he was dying, then that's just ridiculous. With the extreme condition that he was in, he would have died while trying to fake his death. All the people who believe Elvis is alive or did not die that August 16, 1977, have not provided any proof that he is alive. They quote stupid ideas that are not simply true. For example; "Elvis had to go into witness protection because, he was to testify against 'Mob' members." That's not true. 

(EIN NOTE - the below examples are taken from Patrick Lacy's article he wrote for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry. For more great insights see his excellent 'Elvis Decoded' book)

  • The grand jury was not seated, and no indictments were handed down on August 15, 1977, as the Alivers contend. The indictments against several members of “The Fraternity” were presented in October 1977, some two months later. If we remove the August 15, 1977, grand jury claim, then there is no foundation for the claim that Elvis had to disappear the following day, August 16, 1977.
  • If Elvis Presley was in so much danger that he had to fake his own death and go into witness protection (why both?), we would have to ask the obvious question: Why wasn’t Vernon Presley also afforded Federal protection? After all, it was Vernon, not Elvis, who testified against “The Fraternity.” There isn’t any evidence that the Presley family was threatened in any way following Vernon’s recorded testimony.
Alivers believe what they are told. They cling onto the belief that their hero or idol is not dead. To some alivers it justifies being an elvis fan. The whole elvis alive thing has taken on cult status. The exact same thing is happening right now with Michael Jackson. The bigger the star. The harder it is to let go. When Elvis is perhaps 200 years in age, some people will say that he is alive. To me elvis is alive in one way: He is alive in the hearts of the fans that cherish his memory. Just like everyone on earth, when someone cherishes your memory, you never die (spiritually). 


EIN: How did you become involved in the Elvis Underground?

Irish Winter: I became involved after i had witnessed so many scams against Elvis taken place. Right before my eyes. 

I have been involved in the underground for the last 5 years. I am certain everyone in the elvis underground has heard of who i am. 

I will not standby and watch the scams taken place against the memory of elvis, or against the fans of elvis. I will use the skills that i have acquired, to expose these people. And quite frankly i have done a good job so far. 

EIN: You don't have any time for Jon Cotner - what do you know about him?

Irish Winter: Well, to be perfectly honest, i really don't have anytime for him. Or his followers. I do have time to expose him and his followers. When it comes to elvis scams currently in use. He is probably second only to Eliza and Jesse scam. 

Having been Jon Cotners paltalk room, i have heard racism from Jon Cotner towards a person he thought was African American. His followers have done the same thing many times with many guests in the room. Wether it's your religion or skin color, if you ain't like them, they will attack you for being you. It's a cult. That's exactly what it is. You have one narcissist and a group that goes by his every word. It strongly reminds me of Jim Jones and the temple group. 

Currently i have found out some of his followers are helping him in this scam. That will be brought to light soon. I won't give much away in this conversation, but pretty soon it will all come to a close. Jon Cotner has said he was not Elvis. But, he says the following:

"It would be very foolish of me to return to a life, I worked so hard to get out of. There would be fans who would understand. Others would be hurt. Some might go to an extreme. I can't risk that.

I come online and sing, talk with you, my friends, to keep the memory of Elvis and his music alive. I am not Elvis. I do look remarkably like him...only I am better looking. I sound exactly like him. My birth date is the same. But I am not Elvis.

Elvis died August 16th 1977. Jon Cotner is not dead." Alluding to be Elvis in this way is a lot more worse than actually saying you are. 

And his followers don't question him because they are brainwashed, this leading back to the cult thing, and the narcissist leader, they take him for everything he says. He himself has not provided any factual evidence to support anything he says. 

Quite recently i have proven without a doubt that Jon Cotner stole innocent people's photographs online, and altered them so they appear more Elvis like. He had stolen many photographs from many innocent women and passed them of as his fictitious daughter Marie. Marie has been played by many different characters. And some of the photos he had stolen were of people that looked nothing like the altered daughter he had created. I have informed these innocent people, and they in turn have informed the authorities. 

On an old forum: Alt.Elvis.King you will see that it was started by 'Arion' a man who's name is Anthony Doyle Richards, from Atlanta Georgia. 

Then we have the inclusion of Dale Eli Culbertson. The king of the hoaxers. He had a few songs released back in the 70's. He has told everyone he was not an impersonator then appears on a tv show dressed and booted up like an Elvis impersonator. I believe him to be currently involved. Having spoken with him on the phone, and attacked by him for no reason, it certainly explains a lot. I have asked him to come out and deny that he is not involved in any of this, the response i always get from is: "You don't deserve the truth". Then he disappears. 

But. Either way. It's comin close. And i will report back to you on it. 

EIN: There have been several photos published allegedly of Elvis post August 1977. Tell us about those.

Irish Winter: Another scam. Look at these photos. They cropped Elvis's head and put it on the man on the crutches. 

I also recently exposed the weekly world news. They used these photos and said it was elvis. When in fact it was johnny harra.

(EIN NOTE - the below faked images were also exposed by Patrick Lacy author of 'Elvis Decoded' - See HERE for more - EIN's review of "Elvis Decoded" )



EIN: You used to have a number of videos on YouTube, why did you remove them?

Irish Winter: I didn't remove them. Jon Cotner and his followers had them reported to YouTube. They obviously don't want to the truth to be told. But. That doesn't stop me or deter me from getting the truth out there to Elvis fans. I have made exact copies of the videos they got removed and will be uploading them to my Facebook, YouTube and twitter accounts. 

EIN: What are your views on Bill Beeny and Paul Monroe? 

Irish Winter: I don't have any views on them. Except that they are liars. Everything each one says, can be disputed. Paul Monroe is in no way a spokesperson of the Elvis fans, or has ever been a founding member of the Elvis underground. As for Bill Beeny, well, he came up the craziest conspiracies regarding Elvis. Again. Nothing can be proven by these people. But everything can be disputed against them. It's a common thread in the Elvis world. It gets crazier and crazier all the time. 

EIN: Irish Winter, what else would you like to say?

Irish Winter: In time, people will look on this conversation/interview and see that I was right. As for people claiming to be founding members of the Elvis underground, well, that's all lies. It was a conspiracy underground with no truth until i came along. I gave people the chance to stand up for their beliefs, against bullies and people who had threatened them. Jon Cotner and others had a good thing going until i came along. Jon himself has asked me many times to leave the Elvis underground. Obviously out of fear. 

But. Stay tuned to my YouTube and Facebook profiles for more truth regarding these people.


Eliza Presley Exposed: what Eliza Presley did not want the world to know!

Click here to read archival material about Eliza Presley's legal battle

Reader Comment: She filed the previous DNA test in the court room AFTER she received the correction report. It is a crime to submit fraudulent evidence. Evidence that was submitted UNDER oath. This is intent to knowingly extort an estate. She has scammed the Elvis fans of their money. And she is still proceeding!! (Deborah D., 9 Oct 2012)

The Lies about Elvis - a counter site to - Linda Hood Sigmon Truth

Two views on Elvis' death:

View #1. More from coroner, Joseph H. Davis about Elvis' death: On Saturday 25 August we published an email sent by Dr Joseph H. Davis about the circumstances of Elvis' death.

Dr Davis was the coroner engaged to investigate the circumstances of Elvis' death when his case was reopened in 1994.

While the other party in the exchange of correspondence with Dr Davis wishes to remain anonymous they have provided EIN with a further message from Dr Davis.

In this message Dr Davis makes cogent observations about due process around Elvis' autopsy in 1977.

Dr Davis indicated his messages could be made public. Dr Davis said in his message:

'The core legal problem that clouds the Elvis Presley death investigation started with the circumstances of the autopsy.  There is no doubt his death was sudden and not expected by anyone, including physicians, who were familiar with him. Yes, this should have been a medical examiner case investigation total.

Due to his fame and the fact that high profile cases encourage knee jerk reactions from officialdom, his definitely dead body was removed from the death site, transported to the hospital where he was eventually pronounced dead.

The second step in clouding the issue was the medical personnel at the hospital NOT notifying the medical examiner that he had a case to investigate.  Instead Presley's father, the legal next of kin, was asked for autopsy permission to be performed by the hospital pathology group.

By the time that Dr. Francisco, the medical examiner, found out, it was too late to transport the body to his office for a medical examiner autopsy.  The streets were already filling up with the curious.  Never having experienced such circumstances before, Dr. Francisco elected to go across the street and observe the autopsy.  He also sent his office investigator to the death site to find out details.  By observing a private autopsy, he did not abrogate his medical examiner responsibility to issue the death certificate.  Armed with the terminal event circumstances at the death site plus the observation of the private autopsy, he issued the official death certificate.

The law in Tennessee exempts a not performed by the medical examiner autopsy, e.g., a private autopsy, from the public records law.  It would be a violation of law for anyone involved to release the autopsy findings without permission of the legal next of kin.

There were leaks but these can not be verified by comparison with original records which are locked in a separate place within the hospital.

All was static until a county commissioner in Memphis, with his own political agenda,  accused Dr. Francisco of falsifying the death certificate -- a crime.

The authorities of Tennessee were obligated to investigate.  My role was to answer one question: Did Dr. Francisco falsify the death certificate?

After reviewing records, the autopsy and microscopic slides and photographs I wrote an extensive report to the officials.  I answered their question: Dr. Francisco did not falsify the death certificate.

In order to explain the rationale for my answer to their question, I wrote an extensive detailed analysis of the case and submitted it.  I requested that the Attorney General of the State of Tennessee make that report of mine public, which I could not because it was a performance by me as a consultant and not a medical examiner of Tennessee.  If he could, that was his judgement call.  However, he could not without being in violation of the law that exempts private autopsies from the public records law.  So that is why what I wrote is sealed.

As to a brain examination during the private autopsy, I have not yet located any of my notes that would clarify the matter.  I would expect that such was done if the autopsy were classified as a "complete" autopsy.  If the next of kin had specifically excluded a head content examination, the pathologists would have had to honor that request.  I do not recall any questions in my mind about the role of the brain in the death.  My best guess is that they performed a "complete" autopsy.  Otherwise speculation would remain that he had suffered a stroke -- which was never a question as far as I remember.

Well, that's all for now. Joseph H. Davis, M.D.'

Visit EIN's comprehensive Elvis "Conspiracy" page

View #2: Who Murdered Elvis? (new book release): It’s been whispered about for years in some circles.  But now, one man is going public with a provocative theory about what really happened to Elvis Presley 35 years ago. 

Steven Ubaney’s new book “Who Murdered Elvis” is now available in Memphis at the Booksellers of Laurelwood (and from Amazon).  It’s a theory even Elvis’ co-star Suzanna Leigh believes.

The book is available in hardback, softcover and Kindle editions.

Watch video interview with the author

Dr Joseph Davis opens up about Elvis' death: EIN has been provided with an email between Dr Joseph Davis and a person interested in the circumstances of Elvis' death (and who wishes to remain anonymous).

In 1994, the autopsy into the death of Elvis was re-opened.

'There is nothing,' said coroner Dr Joseph Davis, 'in any of the data that supports a death from drugs. In fact, everything points to a sudden, violent heart attack.'

Here is Dr Davis' email which he said could be made public. A shorter version of the email appeared online earlier this year:

Permit me to clarify my role in the Presley matter. Long after Elvis Presley's death a county commissioner in Memphis was upset with Dr. Francisco. This particular commissioner was convinced that blacks were needlessly being killed by police. When Dr. Francisco documented that a bullet entered the front of the torso and exited the back, the critic was not satisfied. His theme was unnecessary police killings and Dr. Francisco was covering up by not opining the victim was shot in the back. As part of his ad hominum attack on Dr. Francisco he proclaimed that Dr. Francisco had falsified the death certificate of Elvis Presley. This created a stir in the county commission.

Falsification of a death certificate in Tennessee is a crime. The director of the Department of Health, in whose department are the death certificates, plus the Attorney General of the State were faced with the necessity of clarifying whether or not Dr. Francisco falsified the death certificate.

They requested me, as an independent outsider, to review the autopsy report including photographs and microscopic slides plus police and medical examiner reports. The autopsy findings were confidential by law. They would not be if the autopsy had been performed by Dr. Francisco. However, an autopsy performed with permission of next of kin is private and could not be released without the sanction of the next of kin.

So how did such a case become private? Following discovery of the deceased Elvis Presley a rescue squad was called. Rather than declare him dead at the scene, they went through a resuscitative exercise which resulted in the body being transported to the private hospital where he was pronounced dead. Hospital personnel asked the father, next of kin, for permission to autopsy and it was granted. Accordingly the pathologists for the hospital performed the autopsy.

Dr. Francisco heard of the case, dispatched his investigator to Graceland to find out circumstances. Dr. Francisco could have assumed total jurisdiction and could have brought the body to his office for his autopsy without the hospital pathologists. However, word was out, the streets were filled with citizens. Dr. Francisco elected under these unique circumstances to permit the autopsy to be performed at the hospital with he observing first hand. Knowing that he would have the benefit of what his investigator found at Graceland, the benefit of seeing for himself the autopsy findings, he would be able to issue the death certificate just as well as if he had personally conducted the examinations.

Even though this was a medical examiner case, and Dr. Francisco had signed the death certificate, the documentation and preparation of the autopsy record remained private under the law.

The question put to me by the Attorney General was this: "Did Dr. Francisco falsify the death certificate as had been alleged at the county commission level?"

In order to arrive at a correct opinion, I had to review all the evidence on the case, evidence that had been available to Dr. Francisco, in order to arrive at a reasonable medical opinion as to cause and manner of death. If I did not concur with Dr. Francisco's certification, then I would have to judge whether he had acted reasonably and with proper rationale for his opinion.

I met with the Attorney General and Health Department personnel at the hospital. The autopsy report and microscopic slides and photographs had always been safeguarded in the hospital safe. The reason is clear. High profile cases engender surreptitious thefts of documents or copying of documents. Hence the hospital safe as the repository.

I wrote a long detailed report to the Attorney General outlining the logical approach to arriving at an opinion of cause and manner of death that would appear on a death certificate. Both the Attorney General and I wished my report could be publicized to help clear the misunderstandings that were commonplace. However, he was stymied by the law. If he released my full report then he would be in violation of the law as it appeared in the Tennessee Statutes.

The only thing that I had publicly been charged with was to review the evidence and offer an opinion pertaining to whether or not Dr. Francisco had falsified the death certificate. My opinion was that Dr. Francisco did not falsify the death certificate of Elvis Presley. Both the Attorney General and I would like to have my full report made public but we are bound to adhere to the law.

Side issues:

  • I was always a fan of classical music and never listened or paid much attention to Elvis Presley.
  • I had not informed my supervisor, the County Manager of Miami-Dade County, that I had been assisting the Tennessee authorities(pro bono, of course) because I did not consider it a "big deal" due to my ignorance of the public reactions to the artist. When the press ran articles, the Manager pointed out that I should have alerted him...but I had not. He was not upset with me but only pointed out he likes to know what's going on in his government.
  • I developed a sense of sorrow for Elvis Presley. He was a captive of his talents and was the financial generator for a host of those surrounding him.
  • His concert schedules were killers...exhausting to anyone.
Well, that's about all I can relate to you. You are free to draw your own conclusions as the cause of death based upon what is on the public record, the death certificate, and by what purports to be copies of various documents that were not supposed to be leaked but many people were involved in laboratory testing and report generation....good for leaks.

If the Tennessee law restricting the autopsy has a sunset provision, I know not. If so and it's getting time for the secrecy to vanish, let me know.

A final thought for the day: My prior email, written with no knowledge of your interest in Elvis Presley's death, covers the cognitive thought processes that take place when arriving at any cause of death and manner of death opinion.

Another thought for the day: Amongst rumors that peculiar minds fancy are those that deny that a prominent person did die when such occurred.

Is Elvis Presley still alive? Hmmm? Well, sort of: Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. is alive and well and generating great income to the owners. You pay when you visit Graceland. You pay for records and posters. The cash register is overflowing with monies. Joseph H. Davis, M.D. (Source: email)

Why some people believe Elvis faked his death: Have you ever wondered why so many people believed (at least for a time) that Elvis faked his death? Well this excerpt (would you believe) from an article about building effective workplace relations, sheds some interesting light on the issue:

'There’s something quite fascinating about conspiracy theories.  Even when people don’t really believe them, there’s a natural curiosity to listen to the stories regardless.

One of the most famous is that the American government was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks as a way of getting support for war.  There are also those who still don’t believe the 1969 moon landing ever took place, amassing a stack of evidence to disprove the video footage. 

And then there are the fans who don’t accept that Elvis ever died, insisting instead that he faked his own death.

There are many more examples.  The bigger question is: how do these conspiracy theories begin?  The answer can be found in research conducted several years ago at Rutgers University.  Psychology professors discovered three main factors that are present whenever conspiracy theories are formed. 

These are alienation, distrust, and insecurity

Alienation is when people are isolated, and this disaffection makes them feel as if they’re powerless against ‘the system’.  Distrust is when they feel as though they can’t rely on authorities or institutions for support.  And insecurity is when they sense they’re at risk of danger.  When one or more of those three factors are present in an individual, they start to concoct conspiracy theories as a way of combating the underlying feeling.

Rumour and gossip in the workplace follow a similar trajectory.  They’re fuelled whenever alienation, distrust, and insecurity are present.  If employees feel alienated from management, or they don’t trust management, or they feel as though their jobs are insecure, it’s natural for them to resort to rumour and gossip as a way of plugging the gaps.

There’s another thing that rumour and gossip have in common with conspiracy theories: they all need to be heard – they need an audience.  None of them work when individuals keep them to themselves.  This makes them a contagious social phenomenon.  And that’s why they continue to spread and gather momentum.  That is, until you create the type of workplace environment that gives employees decent alternatives to rumour and gossip. 

Only then will they realise that Elvis really has left the building.
(Source: JamesAdonis.com, 2 Aug 2012)

Eliza Presley case back in court: The Probate Lawyer Blog reports: We've written extensively about the efforts by Eliza Presley to prove that she is half-sister to Elvis Presley and daughter to Vernon Presley, based on DNA and other evidence. Much of this same evidence also supports Eliza's claim that Elvis Presley is actually alive. You can get caught up to speed starting here, if you haven't followed this case before. It's been more than a year since we last wrote that Eliza's case was dismissed on jurisdictional grounds. This meant that the court in which she filed her lawsuit was not able to hear the case; rather, the case had to go to a different court. Because of this and other legal hurdles, Eliza has never had her "day in court" to present her evidence to a judge or jury.
As we wrote then, Eliza was at the end of her road -- emotionally and financially -- and was not able to continue with the case. Trying to re-write the history books, which is what Eliza was literally trying to do, is no easy task. This is especially true when there are those who will go to extraordinary means to try to stop her.

Eliza has recently contacted us again and informed us that she has been able to restart the lawsuit, due in large part to previously undisclosed information her legal team received about Vernon Presley. But, she was forced to try a different legal approach this time. Unfortunately, Eliza is not able to disclose exactly where her case is proceeding or how. She said she is relieved that she can finally finish what she started. Eliza was able to share this redacted letter from her attorney that disclosed something quite interesting about her case:

A third court proceeding has been started ... Ms. Presley intends to re-file in Probate Court in Tennessee ... She believes strongly that she should be recognized as Vernon Elvis Presley's child, and that she should be allowed to claim her share of the four separate trusts he left as his "unknown heirs" due to her adoption at birth. (News, Source: Danielle & Andy Mayoras, The Probate Lawyer Blog, 10 June 2012)

Click here to read more about Eliza Presley's legal battle

The Elvis Connection: The sequel to Monte Nicholson's controversial novel, The Presley Arrangement, will be released in August 2012.

According to the website around the book:

We will be updating this page often so check back for the latest.  We will also be doing some contests with prizes and top secret stuff! 

For more information and to buy the original book (The Presley Arrangement), visit:

The Elvis Connection/The Presley Arrangement (website)

Read EIN's review of The Presley Arrangement

EIN Note: Monte Nicholson was associate producer of and featured in The Elvis Conspiracy TV special hosted by Bill Bixby in 1992

Audio forensics finds voice on Elvis Found Alive releases not Elvis!: EIN was recently provided with the following information:

EIN Comment: That some people are taking the Elvis Found Alive DVD film and CD release as being Elvis is surprising. That the releases have been apparently submitted for audio forensic analysis is even more surprising.

The film is obviously a mockumentary and while the vocalist performing Elvis does a good job, EIN believes most fans will realise it is not Elvis. (read EIN's review of Elvis Found Alive) (April 2012)

***EVB FINAL TEST Results: March 29, 2012 BEGIN: The EVB Forensic test results are NOT positive for the alleged Elvis (impersonator)voice on the DVD. Here's what the EVB forensic technician said: "I ran the test on these new files."(including the Gail Brewer-Giorgio tape of 1988)
"Sorry, but it's NOT Elvis in the unknown file in my opinion."
"I started with 8 known Elvis files - named interview and interview 1, 2, etc up to 7."
I have one unknown Elvis file."
"When comparing the unknown to ALL the knowns - the best we get is about a 56% match."
"When comparing a known to all the other knowns - I get 80% plus match showing it is very likely him - as we know."
"If I add recordings of my own voice to the list to be tested, I also get about a 55% match of my voice with the unknown Elvis - and I know I'm not Elvis."
"So, therefore based on the EVB forensics tool, I'd have to say it's NOT him." END...

Signed C.C., Audio Forensics Technician,

Easy Voice Bio-metrics Technician)****
Used by Law Enforcement in Forensics)

Who is Sivle Nora??: In 1981 Steven Chanzes released the book, Elvis...1935 -? Where Are You? Many consider this release was the genesis for the "Elvis is alive" rumor which reached its peak in the late 1980s thanks to the series of books by Gail Brewer-Giorgio and related TV specials (hosted by the late Bill Bixby).

A 2010 book release by Chanzes was cancelled (see item 2 stories below).

Chanzes is now willing to tell the whole Sivle Nora story including revealing Sivle Nora's identity. Chanzes states that "This will be proof positive".

If you want to know the full story you currently have the opportunity of bidding on ebay (start price US$10,000) or you can Buy It Now for $20,000. Happy bidding!

EIN Note: The first publication to raise questions about Elvis' death was the 1977 booklet, Elvis Presley DEAD or ALIVE? It was written by Will Jima, then a private investigator in the Tennessee area and whose main claim to fame involves another popular conspiracy theory....in that he claims to having been a UFO abductee. His 12" vinyl albums (UFO Message and Revelation 666) are cult items highly sought after on ebay.

See the ebay listing (Feb 2012)


Sensational DVD 'documentary' suggests Elvis Found Alive: You all know the basic ‘Elvis didn’t die’ conspiracy story - Elvis and Vernon inadvertently became involved with the Mob and Elvis (aka Jon Burrows) entered the Witness Protection Program (of course wouldn’t the rest of his immediate family have also needed to go with him?..….oh, I get it, don’t ruin a good conspiracy theory with factual realities.  Sorry for that Chief!) 

Or was it that Elvis, tired of his life, faked his death for anonymity? Or was it that Elvis wanted to go undercover as a Federal Agent?, or was it…….OK, so there are several theories why Elvis didn’t die on 16 August 1977. 

Anyway I digress. Joel Gilbert's latest 'documentary' presents sensational evidence that Elvis did not die in August 1977!! Gilbert has taken the original Elvis conspiracy theory and ‘value added’ by incorporating stunning new information and conspiratorial elements to its evil web of deceit and intrigue......not to mention a controversial new album featuring a very familiar voice!!

Read EIN's full review of the Elvis Found Alive DVD and CD here

Without the King’s Consent…..so what happened?: Back in July 2010 EIN carried the story of a new book and planned CD release of a track, Tell Me Pretty Baby, allegedly recorded by Elvis in 1954 but not released until the mid 1980s as a 7” vinyl single. 

The certainly interesting (but factually flawed) book, Without the King’s Consent, which told the background to and legal battle around the recording, was published (read EIN’s review here - listed under the 2010 heading), but as of February 2012 the planned CD single has not been issued and the website around the book and CD was discontinued in 2011.

So what happened? EIN suspects low sales for the book convinced those behind the CD release to curtail its release. 

Pragmatically, to those who have heard the recording it is plainly not Elvis, regardless of any fancy audio analysis!  And dare we say it, but the original vinyl single was a sales flop (EIN bought its copy at one of the Elvis Week stands in 1986 for less than $2.00).  If Tell Me Pretty Baby didn’t sell in the 1980s-early 1990s when interest in “Elvis conspiracy” type stories was at an all-time high, we doubt there was much hope for now. It appears any expected gold mine thru sales of the book and CD was foiled by its subject item being a case of fool’s gold rather than the real deal.   (EIN Commentary)


.......More about Without the King’s Consent/Tell Me Pretty Baby.......


‘Tell Me Pretty Baby’ – Was it Elvis’ Lost Recording? (PR Release Arlington, TX (Vocus) July 29, 2010 ): Music producer Andy Jackson was intrigued when a woman looking to make a deal on his used car lot in 1977 in a Dallas suburb mentioned her father’s long-ago recording session with Elvis. Jackson met the bass player and writer of “Tell Me Pretty Baby” -- and knew, when he heard the recording, this is ‘The King!’ I am aware that 'Tell Me Pretty Baby,' the song, has been the subject of much controversy. I found Without the King's Consent, the book, personally fascinating.

‘Without the King’s Consent’ is a new bit of history on Elvis’s early years – and a story of conflict
ARLINGTON, Texas – Music producer Andy Jackson was intrigued when a woman looking to make a deal on his used car lot in 1977 in a Dallas suburb mentioned her father’s long-ago recording session with Elvis. Jackson met the bass player and writer of “Tell Me Pretty Baby” -- and knew, when he heard the recording, this is ‘The King!’

But discovering an early 1954 recording that some claim is Elvis Presley’s lost song opened a decades-long mystery and conflict between record companies and producers, Elvis’s representatives, and Jackson and his partners. Without the King’s Consent published by Trafford Publishing, by Andrew Jackson and Frederick Allen, tells the story.

Pete Falco, bass player and leader of the Red Dots, wrote “Tell Me Pretty Baby,” and remembers the day the 19-year-old singer showed up at the hall he was playing in Arizona. Falco offers him $15 to sing for the demo. Falco joined Jackson in 1977 to form International Classic Productions with a plan to produce and market the newly discovered recording, but like lots of business partnerships, it fell apart, in the midst of Elvis’s untimely death and fueled by the staunch opposition and impending legal action. Jackson turned down a $500,000 offer from RCA for the song, but meantime, 25,000 records were produced. The story of the song’s discovery became international news, and radio stations aired the song continuously, inviting listeners to judge whether “Tell Me Pretty Baby” was indeed the King’s voice. Drawn into court by RCA, despite eyewitness and expert testimony, a jury eventually agreed with RCA that the recording was deceptive and fraudulent, and that Elvis did not sing “Tell Me Pretty Baby.” Jackson was required to halt all sales of the record and pay RCA $100,000 in damages. Yet, many still believe in the authenticity of “Tell Me Pretty Baby” and find the tale believable. Dick Clark said “I am aware that ‘Tell Me Pretty Baby,’ the song, has been the subject of much controversy. I found Without the King’s Consent, the book, personally fascinating.”

With Aug. 16, 2010 marking the 33rd anniversary of the King’s death, is Jackson sitting on a gold mine, with a “Mystery Artist” recording, marking the birth of rock and roll?

About the Authors: Andrew Jackson is a songwriter, music producer and publisher, affiliated with Broadcast Music Incorporated, and has produced numerous studio recordings since 1968. His two most recent productions, “To Rachel With Love” and “Here Comes Old Hickory,” are scheduled for release soon. He lives in Texas, as does writer Frederick Allen.



Gail Giorgio searching; Chanzes book appears to have been scrapped: A controversial figure in the Elvis is alive story, Steven Chanzes, was due to release a new book on the subject recently. Reports in to EIN indicate pre-order checks (torn up) are being returned to buyers with no explanation.

Meanwhile, Gail Giorgio is in the process of finding a publisher for her new book on Operation Fountain Pen. (21 May 2010)

More DNA tests sponsored by Fox8 News on Jesse/Elvis samples:

Word for word exactly from case number CH 09 -1696-z.........from court records, Chancery Court, Shelby county Tennessee
Aug. 14, 2009

SUZANNE STRATFORD to me show details Feb. 16 Reply:


Here is the letter you requested.

Yes we are working on a story involving "The Truth About Elvis" It is a continuation of a series of reports we started several years ago.

We are in the process of comparing DNA from a person who claims to be Elvis with relatives of Elvis Presley.

At some point soon, we would like to compare your DNA with the results we get from our current tests. These tests shoulddetermine IF and how you are related

Talk to you soon Exhibit "D"

.......The key evidence for Elvis having faked his death.......

Added May 2010

Adam Muskiewicz talks about his documentary film, The Truth About Elvis: Many thanks to Steven Roberts and Discovering Elvis for allowing EIN to publish this interview. We'll leave it to readers to make up their minds about Mr. Muskiewicz:


The following interview with Adam Muskiewicz was conducted on March 10, and March 11, 2010 by Steven B. Roberts of "Discovering Elvis". You may link the article at will, but if you copy and republish you must credit this site for it's contents and provide a link to www.discoveringelvis.wordpress.com.</em>

In 2007 we were told the movie "The Truth About Elvis" was going to be released. Then it just sort of vanished? The movie is currently not listed on <a href="http://www.imdb.com">www.imdb.com</a> , and finding information about what happened to the movie is difficult to come by on the internet.

Discovering Elvis was lucky enough to track down it's maker, Adam Muskiewicz and get an exclusive interview to find out "What Happened To The Truth About Elvis"?


Hello Adam, and welcome to Discovering Elvis. Thank you for agreeing to an interview today. For our readers who do not know you,

[Q] Who is Adam?

[A] -laughing- oh man who is Adam? A professional party animal, a fabulous dad, I like to think I'm handsome and talented, gets me nowhere however , ha ha ha. I smoke cigarettes and drink coffee while pacing around my home wondering how to further the Elvis project as well as the other projects I'm working on. Not much else else bro, really, without inducing coma for your readers.

[Q] How and when did you become and Elvis fan?

[A] (when)I WAS a casual Elvis fan since forever, (how) his music, and the way people spoke of him made the initial impact on me. I recall my Grandmother talking about women passing out at his concerts. I've always had penchant for the tragic, cool hero types, James Dean for another example. Now that I've been working on this documentary (The Truth About Elvis) I've got to "know" Elvis so much more. Let me isolate what I'm talking about and why I'm more than a casual fan today.

(WHEN HOW, more)

A. The entire world knew him w/out the web, instant media etc. It's mind boggling one could be so popular when TV's were a luxury. It can't be measured or compared to any star of today, short of discovering another life form. You know? "First guy to sell a million records outside of the galaxy", it's amazing. However content is king, so with fabulous songs, looks and moves seeing or hearing Elvis would certainly motivate you to go tell a friend.

B. Upon visiting Graceland, the visual of all the awards and gold records on one wall opposite, the charity checks on the other, I'm not mushy... but that touched me. Getting a grip on what kind of person he was makes one pause. Let's be honest he was a God fearing, Mama's boy. If Elvis had picked a path other than music, he still would have given of himself to the sick and less fortunate whomever. Elvis is an inspiration and I'm proud to be part of a project starring him.

[Q] The “Is Elvis Alive’ question Is a big one for our generation of fans. What made you decide to want to make a movie about it?

[A] This question is about me, right? What made me want to make a film about whether or not Elvis is dead or alive? I love to perform. I never wanted to be anything other than a performer. I mean comedy, acting, writing, frontman for a band, I just love it. I will contribute to any project in any way. It's who I am. The faith and passion in my heart brought this project to me. I didn't have to think about it and that's why we're going to party hard when this film comes out. This film called ME to IT, is the short answer. This thought makes me laugh, the question "Is Elvis Alive?" thought I would be a good medium to share what's out there with the fans.

[Q] The movie was scheduled for an August 2007 release. What happened to it? Is it still in production? Are we going to see it?
[A] Stevie B. have you not researched me at all? Just kidding. You and your growing audience will see this movie if I have to steal all the footage out of the production office, bring it to your house and watch it raw. You've got to provide the popcorn and soda, all I ask. This question is challenging because I've been afforded much patience from Elvis fans. Simply, all phases are not in my hands. Quite frankly my skill set could not do what my team IS doing. 2007 was the romantic, "EVERYTHING falls into place at exactly the perfect moment" scenario, of which I believed in of course, however the rigors of making a film and the excellence for which my team strives for has oft set things back.

If you'll allow me to say, I'm excited to be a part of what you've identified as a a new generation of Elvis fans. Let me share something I've learned. Filmmaking, one could argue, is a three part affair; Part one, having an idea whether you write it (like a screenplay) or make a documentary is back breaking demanding. Part two, pre production, production, this whole part is HARDER, funding, research everything that goes into just getting the idea "in the can" will test you like no other. Part three, post production and ultimately distributed makes the first two parts look like fun. Haha ha, see what I mean. I hope our generation can empathize with this and for anyone who may choose to make a movie DO IT, DON'T STOP, no matter how hopeless or dark things may seem. TCB! Serious.

[Q] The thing I like about the looks of the movie, is that you represent both sides of the story. You were able to get some credible testimony from both sides. Was it hard getting people to talk?

[A] Thank you for noticing that we are illustrating both sides of the Elvis, dead or alive argument. That is our cornerstone. I'm excited to think that people will exit theaters and debate on the way to their cars. We're not convincing anyone either way, just laying out what we've uncovered. Getting people to talk, hard? Not really. Here's why though, once one person from Elvis's inner circle trusts you it has a domino effect. Believe me, they talk to eachother. The sweetest lady ever, Marion, Elvis's nurse, would have NEVER given us the time of day if Mr. Esposito or Mr. Klein hadn't bestowed a little blessing on us. You know what I mean. It's easy when you are coming from a place of honoring Elvis and you are sincere. Yes we can easily be attached to those who may seem to want to exploit Elvis however if that were the case these people would have never let us in. Thanks for asking Steve.

Now let me say, when I'm interviewing an FBI agent or a rehabilitated criminal and so on, that's different flavor. I play the softball game, then BAM, ask them what I really want to know. If you'll indulge me, I won't disclose who the person is but, the first question I asked this "subject" prompted said "subject" to jump up out of the interview and consult his lawyer. Proud moment, thanks.

[Q] Without telling us any sources or spoiling any surprises, did you find new evidence and stories we had not heard before?
[A] Yes we have new stuff and yes we have surprises. The "arms crossed impress me" types with vast knowledge of Elvis and this story will be surprised. The "wide eyed just going to grab a fun movie" type will be completely blown away.

[Q] Have you read Patrick Lacy’s book “Elvis Decoded” ? What did you think of it ?
[A] I have not read that book, ELVIS DECODED I'll read it and give you my thoughts if you'd like to make this a two parter or something.

[Q] What's next for Adam?
[A] What's next for Adam? I'm going to bathe, cash my check and go have a few beers. Maybe you'll help me though Steve, I'm fearful this Elvis project may pigeon hole me as a talking head or consultant guy whose value doesn't extend passed doing an Elvis TV special from time to time. I want to make a record, a cd, I want a band! The songs are all written, I just need capable musicians and good sound. I'm proud of my songs and people who have heard them LOVE THEM, and why not they're about romance, partying and some of them are flat out funny! Thanks Steve.

[Q] On a final note, what would you like to say to our readers?
[A] What would I like to say to the readers? I'd like you to go find the eldest or youngest Elvis fan you know, and shoot a video with them. BUT WAIT! Here's the scene, picture this

EXTERIOR - MOVIE THEATER - DAY: We see an OLD MAN walking with a YOUNG BOY they enter the theatre.

INTERIOR - MOVIE THEATER - DAY: Young boy approaches the CLERK in the box office and says,

                                                                                     YOUNG BOY
                                                                Two tickets for "The Truth About Elvis"

                                                                                      No problem.

The clerk prints the tickets and accepts the money. The boy, tickets in hand smiles up at the old man and they get in line for popcorn.


That's what I want to say to you Discovering Elvis reader, have some fun, shoot a scene illustrating that Elvis does span and connect generations. Use my little example as a base to illustrate Elvis fans of all ages going to see "The Truth About Elvis", film it, upload it to YouTube or your preferred social network. Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you Steve.

Discovering Elvis Says :

Thank you Adam for this exclusive interview, and for telling us what happened to the movie. We all look very forward to seeing it.
(12 March, 2010)

Did Elvis have a child with Lucy de Barbin?: Long time fans will remember that in 1987, a book called Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Lucy de Barbin and Dary Matera was a best seller and caused controversy around the world with its claim that Desiree Presley was Elvis' illegitimate daughter following a two decades long affair between Elvis and Lucy de Barbin.

The story grabbed magazine headlines in many countries and led to a series of others claiming also to have been fathered by Elvis.

EIN is not sure what happened to Ms de Barbin and daughter Desiree, but we were recently informed of the following quite meanspirited website about their story:



Shuma and what Joe Esposito said on Geraldo in 1990:  Shuma (Linda Hood Sigmon) makes a big point about words said by Joe Esposito on the Geraldo show.  In response to the issue of Albert Goldman (and David Stanley) suggesting Elvis may have committed suicide, Joe said ‘with no stutter or hesitation’: “….and that is how Elvis feels about this situation.”

Two issues here, neither of which is considered by Shuma: 

One - Shuma engages in a form of selective argument!  For anyone familiar with Joe’s appearances on Geraldo, on the edition featuring psychic entertainer, David Darlock, in response to the suggestion Elvis is still alive, Joe categorically states (and to use Shuma’s words ‘with no stutter or hesitation’) that, ‘…Elvis is no longer with us’.  Not to mention the countless other times Joe (and others there when Elvis died) have clearly stated he did die on August 16, 1977!

Could it simply have been that Joe, under the pressure of a TV taping, said something that didn’t come out right?  How many times have all of us said something that hasn’t come out right?

Two - EIN has no doubt Shuma believes what she writes on her site.  However, just because she believes it, does not mean it is the real truth! (This item was prompted by an email received from “Flo” – Note: there are several people pretending to be Eliza Presley’s mother, Flo Clark) (Feb 2010)

Are claims by Shuma valid?: From the Linda Hood Sigmon (Shuma) site:


EIN’s answer: Yes, a fake Elvis would do all of these things!  Why?:

Firstly, because handwriting is a highly problematic issue.  While trained forensic document examiners ("graphologists") are occasionally consulted by the police/legal profession, hoaxes such as the Hitler Diaries and the alleged Howard Hughes autobiography (hire the Richard Gere film, The Hoax) demonstrate the folly of relying on forensic document examiner (FDE) analysis (colloquially, graphology) findings. Also, courts rarely accept these findings as legally determining - they are materially regarded as 'opinion' rather than 'fact'.

EIN notes Shuma does not provide specific case examples of where Shirley Mason's work has been accepted by courts including its exact role in the legal outcome. Shuma uses the clever device of "appeal to authority" ('Ms Mason is a professional FDE whose work has been accepted in court') but doesn't confirm her claim by providing details of when Ms Mason's work has been accepted and materially affected the outcome of a court proceedings. She does however use a diversionary tactic by providing a link to Wikipedia regarding FDE, which by itself is of little merit.

Secondly, the alleged (Eliza Presley related) DNA samples have never been publicly made available or officially tested against valid archival Elvis DNA under the control of fully independent forensic scientists.

Thirdly, the Attorney-General of Missouri has more serious issues to deal with.

Closing Comments: Some of the reasons why the once vibrant Elvis Underground has withered are that Elvis’ recurring “coming out” never actually happens and no “hard evidence”, only conjecture and supposition, are offered by the “believers”.  The Underground was a money making industry for some years but in 2010 it exists only to meet its other organic objective…….satisfying the needs of various individuals for power (perceived or otherwise) and an environment in which to sadly live out their delusions. (Source: LHS site, Feb 2010)

Is Jon Cotner, Larry Blong?: IS THE MYSTERY SOLVED? IS JON COTNER LARRY BLONG a/k/a Sivle Nora!!! The following blog seems to suggest that Sivle Nora is one in the same with this man: LARRY BLONG IS THE NAME

NOTE the video of "Larry Blong" singing FAME AND FORTUNE is the EXACT same song sung by Sivle Nora which appears on You Tube and can be viewed here. Further to note, some of these Sivle Nora tapes have been submitted to you tube by a close, personal friend of Jon Cotner and as Cotner has acknowleged in the past that he was, in fact, Sivle Nora, the man responsible for talking to Gail Brewer-Giorgio, can we then say that Jon Cotner, Mystery Man, is LARRY BLONG a/k/a SIVLE NORA? What we have here, was one of the most recognized ETA's in the business with three amazing attributes: resembles Elvis, sounds like Elvis, has inside, intimate knowledge of Elvis. Some ETA's resemble Elvis but do not sound like him, or they may sound like Elvis and look nothing like him. Larry Blong had all three attributes: the looks, a similar sound, the knowledge. Jon Cotner appears to have all three attributes: the looks, a similar sound, the knowledge.
(Source: http://www.elvisandhistory.com/Cotner-blong.htm)

Aaron or Aron?: Elvis researcher, Patrick Lacy, uncovers important new evidence: Patrick Lacy, author of the excellent book, Elvis Decoded, debunking many of the myths and erroneous beliefs in the Elvis history has uncovered new evidence on the controversial issue of the spelling of Elvis' middle name.

As many readers will remember, the mystery surrounding the conflicting spellings is a major part of the 'Is Elvis Alive' conspiracy theory. (Feb 2010)


Read about Patrick's discovery



Dirty tricks in the Underground: Those in the so-called “Elvis Underground” are again up to their old tricks.  In the past few months EIN has received a number of email messages claiming to be from certain people.  They have offered to spill the beans on the Eliza Presley case if EIN comes out and calls it a sham.  Interestingly, all involved are only willing to provide information AFTER EIN has taken the negative position.

This device was used several times in the 1990s and early noughties to isolate persons or groups.  They would pronounce something important saying they would be following it up with material evidence.  They would subsequently look bad as the material evidence was never forthcoming. 

EIN continues with its position: we are happy to provide both sides of any issue, but unless we have material or compelling evidence it is not our intent to take a position one way or the other. (Comment: 4 Dec 2009)

The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder! voted one of Top 25 Conspiracy Books of All-Time: Conspiracy USA has voted The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder! in its Top 25 Conspiracy Books Ever Published. The anonymously published book is renowned for bringing most of the Elvis conspiracy theories together in a highly cryptic but entertaining manner.

Conspiracy USA said of the book: A surprise from the multilayered world of the King of Rock and Roll! The cryptic storyline is erratic jumping all over the place but is strangely riveting. The author or authors aren't known but if you think Elvis (whose name is not mentioned once in the book) is only about music and some lame movies, you'll think again after reading this gem of a book. Part real life, part fiction(?), this is a helluva ride!

Other books in the alphabetically arranged Top 25 list include:

  • Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover Up, Timothy Good
  • Bushwhacked: Inside Stories of True Conspiracy, Uri Dowbenko
  • Dirty Medicine, Martin J. Walker
  • In God's Name, David Yallop
  • The DD Group: An Online Investigation Into the Death of Marilyn Monroe, David Marshall
  • Reclaiming History, Vincent Bugliosi (one of three anti-conspiracy titles in the list)

Excerpt from: The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder!:

There was another incredible strain. His efforts to help law and order in his beloved United States of America were becoming unbearable. He and his father had been the target of a meticulously executed Mafia sting involving the purchase of one of his personal jets. It had come at the end of a covert operation involving an undercover FBI agent who traveled as part of his tour group for several years. But now with his father in ill health and his own health deteriorating rapidly, the super powers he had for so long metaphorically emulated of his boyhood hero, Captain Marver Jr., were not there. Insteadhe had become Captain Marvel's inconsequential alter ego, Freddie Freeman, yet he lacked the essential quality inherent in Freddie's surname. In effect, the dreams he had been able to live out, had already destroyed or were slowly continuing to destroy, not only himself, but his entire family.

Splat! The shot rang out, muffled by the silencer ominously protruding from the end of the gun. The lone bullet pierced the back of his head, splintering bone and spewing forth chunks of skin. Horrible dark red spots rained on the wall and defiled a newly-bought octachord sitting silently in the corner. Now it would never resonate with the beautiful, melodic sound it was capable of. The man slunped forward, a deep gasp escaping from his lungs. His body hit the open suitcase and his head jerked to the right. He tumbled off the suitcase toward the floor, as it passed, his head making a sickening thud on the bedside table and knocking several books to the floor. Dark red blood spurted forth, flowing freely down the side of his temples and forming a rising reservoir on the plush red carpet that covered the floor.

In an instant the mortal life of an Adonis like superstar had been brutally extinguished. The body was prone, its life force seemingly gone forever. And in a few moments, one of the greatest cover-ups the world had ever known would begin.......

Eliza Presley case takes surprising turn?: EIN has been advised that: Sources have brought back this overwhelming news from the Chancery Court in Memphis. It appeared the hearing that was supposed to take place on October 13, is not on the docket--at all--not now or any time soon.

The attorney for Alice Tiffin aka Eliza Presley never served Lisa Marie Presley, and the service by publication resulted in no response from "the heirs." Service was restricted to the "UNKNOWN HEIRS OF VERNON E. PRESLEY" with nothing listed in terms of service of process to the KNOWN heir(s). She has, then, only attempted to serve by publication the *UNKNOWN* heirs of Vernon Presley while there is no effort listed to serve LMP, who is, after all, a defendant. According to our sources, the status of the court case has been listed as "NONE."

It is the belief of many now that "Eliza filed this suit for publicity and to solicit monetary support for herself, and has no intention of her case ever coming to trial. She is simply allowing it to languish in the court system while she parades around as Elvis Presley's half-sister, accepting support and donations from all the easily-duped Elvis fans."
(19 Oct 2009)

Is Elvis alive? and does he have a sister?: She claims to be the sister of the king of rock and roll and she believes Elvis Presley is still alive.

Eliza Presley was adopted at birth and says when she started a mission to find out who her biological parents were, she never imagined her journey would take her to Memphis. What stunned her even more was that after some DNA comparisons, Eliza said she learned she was not only related to Elvis Presley, she was his half-sister.

She claims DNA tests have confirmed she was fathered by Elvis’s dad, Vernon Presley. Even more astounding is that Eliza asserts the tests proving her relation to the king of rock and roll also proves he’s still alive.

She says her DNA was compared to a man claiming to be Elvis, who’s DNA just happens to match both sides of Elvis’s family tree.

"It just took my breath away and I looked at it and I said are you sure and he said oh yeah, there's no doubt about it. I said you have got to be kidding me, this person's my brother,” Eliza "[I] didn't expect it - not by a long shot."

Eliza took it to mean only one thing – Elvis lives.

"For him to turn out to be alive, it's such a blessing and I'm so grateful for that."

Today Eliza say she is thrilled to be able to talk to her brother she never knew she had, although she is not sure the public will ever see or hear from him again.

"I don't know if ultimately he will. I highly doubt it,” Eliza said. “He's tried to live as much of a ‘normal life’ as you can live over the last 32 years."

Eliza says the DNA profiles proving her relation to Elvis are currently under seal in court documents.

She filed a petition in August to have Vernon Presley officially acknowledged as her father.

Friday night Eliza was the featured guest at an Elvis Celebration at the Rib River Ballroom in Marathon. (News, Source: Jonalee Merkel, wsaw.com)

See Eliza Presley's TV interview

Elvis alive???......watch these videos


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDvSt1vQQew (Elvis’s son playing to empty shopping centre)


What is the significance of this magazine ad from 1980?: This full page ad appeared in the Jan-Feb 1980 edition of Country Music magazine - a special Elvis issue. It appeared as page 78 in the magazine and is referenced in the Elvis underground as representing a new leaf in Elvis' story (78 following his symbolic death in 1977). On page 76 of the magazine was an article called "Sunset", representing the end of one life.

For more info visit Linda Hood Sigmon's website

Who or what is the “Burrows 35 Club”?: Probably the most obscure and little known group operating in the ‘Elvis Underground’ is the mysterious ‘Burrows 35 Club’.  Little is known about the origins, membership or purpose of the Club.  This makes it a very different situation to the ‘Presley Commission’, which had a clear charter and at least some of its members had an overt public profile. 

Most active around 2000-02, members of the “Burrows 35 Club”, each identified only by a different number (not a name), commented on the underground boards and by email on factors around Elvis’ death in 1977.  Members who posted on boards or sent email messages included “2”; “6”; “7”; “-9”; “11”; “42”; “66”; “113” and “114”.  “-9” was the most unusual number as it included a minus sign before the number.

In one board posting, member “66” claimed that the ‘Burrows 35 Club’ had a copy of Elvis’ full autopsy report.  A number of postings suggested the ‘Presley Commission’ had botched its charter and that what DNA evidence there was, had to be seriously questioned.

Other messages included the bizarre lines:

  • “From whence came the life of death, there is now a flower by the stalk“
  • “Where evil lies dormant in wait, only the eternal wisdom of our blood can set free”
  • “Rise up ye po faced cherub and face the Master!”

In keeping with the mysterious and obscure nature of the Club and its messages, it was never clear whether the Club’s position was ‘Elvis is dead’ or ‘Elvis is alive’, although it was the “Burrows 35 Club” which first drew attention to the existence of the ‘Elvis is alive’ document: ‘Operation Phoenix Manifesto’.

After disappearing from view (as essentially did the ‘Elvis Underground’ itself) around the mid noughties, the Club began circulating emails to select identities in the Elvis world in early 2008.  The nature of the messages continued to be, like the Club, quite obscure.  They included references to “Operation Phone Book”; “Gatheringites”; “Pegasus”; “Blackwater”; “Secular Blackhawk”; “Rover ball”; “Brazilian hideaway”; “Drugs frenzy”; “Sex, Lies and Cassette Tape”; “Jitzy”; “Smokescreen” and “Dom Pedro III”.

The Club does not presently appear to be active on the boards.

EIN is interested in hearing from anyone with information about the ‘Burrows 35 Club’.  Email EIN (5 July 2009)

Eliza Presley talks to EIN (Part 2): Due to major developments in the Eliza Presley DNA issue there will be a delay in publishing Part 2 of Eliza’s interview. 

What we can say now is that Part 2 will include details of a number of new issues around Eliza’s claim, based on DNA evidence, that she is the daughter of Vernon Presley and half-sister to Elvis. Stay tuned!

Read Part 1 of Eliza's controversial interview with EIN

Linda Hood Sigmon and the Jesse Presley story: For many years, particularly when the "Elvis underground" was thriving and after Dr. Donald Hinton's book, The Truth About Elvis Aron Presley: In His Own Words, was released, the name of Linda Hood Sigmon was prominent either on the underground boards or as being Jesse's close friend.

In the past few years EIN has received a number of communications from Linda saying the material published on EIN, including an interview with another "underground" identity, Paul Monroe, has been erroneous/outright lies and in some cases defamatory.

Linda asked EIN to remove the offending items and we refused. Our decision was based on a number of factors, primarily that in an interview format the interviewee is expressing his or her personal views and it would be wrong for EIN to censor these.

To provide her side of the story and counter a number of issues Linda believes to be compromising her name, Linda has launched her own website:

Linda Hood Sigmon Truth

In relation to Paul Monroe, here are excerpts from Linda's site:

Here is my response to Mr. Monroe's latest threats to publish things about me all over the Internet:

May 30, 2009: Dr. Hinton and I acted out of nothing but love, compassion and devotion to Elvis/Jesse.  It is/was unfortunate that Mr. Monroe acted out of anger and jealousy...and continues to do so.

The Rx shown is not mine, nor are two of the addresses which you show as mine.  This is not the first time that Mr. Monroe  has plastered my home address and phone number all over the Internet....last time in 2003, he added this comment "Call her America".

Go ahead and give it your best shot, Mr. Monroe.  I have nothing to fear from you.  The people who know me will understand my devotion to Jesse.  The people who do not know me, will not matter to me.

It was established years ago that Dr. Hinton prescribed in my name.  Dr. Hinton was investigated and has taken the necessary measures to reestablish his credentials.  He has taken all of the actions asked of him.  The law does not allow double jeopardy.  So, now it comes down to just you and me, Mr. Monroe.  And I will stand toe to toe with you.  You are through bullying me.

I KNOW that Jesse is Elvis and it looks like pretty soon the rest of the world will also.

You are just taking out your vengence on me because Jesse did not come out and you did not get a letter from him.  That is the driving force behind your actions.

29 May 2009: Mr. Monroe is devoting much time and effort into digging back into Dr. Hinton's history and mine.  Because I wish to hide nothing and have nothing to be embarrassed about, I am posting the following link to Mr. Monroe's posted messages on the comment board of The Truth About Elvis on MySpace http://comment.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewComments&friendID=83652269 

If you will please watch the video of the FOX 8 news report which includes the DEA investigation results, you will see that this was not a drug ring.   In this brief clip of the FOX 8 report of May 24, 2004, there is shown the bottom line determination of the DEA investigation into the so called "drug ring".
Dr. Hinton and I acted out of nothing but love, compassion and devotion to Elvis.  It was unfortunate that Mr. Monroe and Mrs. Smiley acted out of anger and jealousy...and continue to do so.

In the interests of reading all sides to a story in order to make an informed decision, EIN recommends interested readers visit Linda's site:

Linda Hood Sigmon Truth

Read relevant EIN interviews/articles:

Eliza Presley

Paul Monroe

Bill Beeny DNA Evidence Flawed

Author/researcher, Patrick Lacy, decodes the myths and scams in the Elvis world!

Was EIN unfair to Linda Hood Sigmon?: It is never EIN's intention to unfairly malign others and we always offer them the right of reply. And despite what some people may think, we do grapple very seriously with a small amount of content on our site!! However, a basic premise on which EIN was founded, is to provide the widest range of news, views and information to our readers, without fear or favor. Engaging in censorship due to pressure would seriously compromise this principle.

EIN readily understands how some readers will consider EIN should not have published certain material about Linda. We don't particularly like it when we are slammed on other sites or Elvis messageboards, which does happen from to time. However, we respect the right of parties to express their personal views. (6 June 2009)

Operation Phoenix (the Manifesto): Break the code and reveal the truth behind Elvis’ faked death!: The Elvis conspiracy area is one rich in color, mystery and incredulity!  Over the decades, a few written materials have gained notoriety due to their highly controversial subject matter and utter scarcity.  The Presley Commission Report comes quickly to mind, while another, equally mysterious document, Operation Phoenix (the Manifesto), is not as well known or understood.  Operation Phoenix first became known in the late 1990s when it was discussed on the various ‘Elvis underground’ forums and generated lively debate as to its origins and meaning.

The title of the manifesto is self-explanatory, obviously reflecting the idea of the phoenix (Elvis) rising from the ashes (death).

Supposedly written by Elvis as he prepared to fake his death, this mysterious and rarely seen document comprises:

  • details of how he would fake his death (escape plans);
  • details of the Groups (there were 2) involved in the pending cover-up;
  • Elvis’ reflections on his life;
  • A color visual of the “secret” floor plan for upstairs at Graceland;
  • The original Graceland “blueprints”;
  • poems written by Elvis; and
  • a mysterious Codex.

The publication contains a number of names certain to provoke debate: “Lancelot”; “Enos”; Larry Blong”; while an interesting notation ruling out Japan, but leaving open Switzerland, Australia and Bahia Blanca as places to escape to will intrigue many.

Despite there being several clues to deciphering the numerically based Codex, this does not appear to have been achieved.  Many posters on the Underground forums suggested that once the code was broken, the real truth behind why Elvis had to fake his death would be revealed!

Like the Presley Commission Report; Operation Phone Book; and The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder!; Operation Phoenix is an intriguing part of the rich myth that still resonates from what is today, admittedly only a pale semblance of the once powerful Elvis underground and the notion that Elvis did not die on 16 August 1977.

Copies of Operation Phoenix have recently been listed on eBay.  Happy hunting! (3 May 2009)

Dr Donald Hinton exposed?: EIN hopes to publish its exclusive interview with Eliza Presley shortly.

Meanwhile, not surprisingly, many people do not believe Eliza's claim that she is Elvis' half sister. Barbara Lee Rowe, a cousin of Elvis', has published an informative and clerly named website: The Kin of Rock and Roll.

On the site is an interesting article looking at Dr Donald Hinton and Linda Hood Sigmon, two prominent figures in the continuing saga of Elvis having faked his death.

Visit EIN's Eliza Presley news archives

From the Archives - Elvis Underground Messageboard "House of Lamps": Thanks to Chad Heywood for this posting from one of Mary Smiley's boards:

Re: Cotner drug trial - Posted by Mary on 6/25/2003, 12:06 pm, in reply to "Re: Cotner drug trial "

In March 1994, Elvis Presley (via his "Close Friend") sent 3 newsletter editors a letter, requesting our group write letters asking for a "new" investigation into the "death" of ELvis Presley. Looking back over what happened around that period, it was to get his conscience off the hook. He did not believe our group would help him return, and this was his out!

I started a flyer campaign, and Phil Aitcheson and Presley Commissioners attacked me violently, and divided the fans, and I couldn't garner up enough fans to write letters. Edie Bippus, the most disgusting vile hateful crone, led the pack of wolves. She was a contact for the Presley Commission.

ELvis was extemely upset, and got into it with Aitcheson and his group. Okay, I thank Elvis from the bottom of my heart for doing battle on my behalf, but I cannot believe Edie Bippus and this small group of people were responsible for Elvis not returning!

Nobody loathes and despises Edie and Phil more than I do, but its hard to believe they and they alone were responsible for ELvis not returning! I can't believe it. My take is: Elvis wrote the letter but didn't think our group would help him, and he was right for the most part. But I threw him for a loop when I sincerely tried to help him return. He then needed a way out, and he blamed Edie for his not making it back. In fact, he had told them in one of his faxes that they'd all dug their graves and now they could lay in them.

Anyway, in April of 1994, I had sent Graceland a flyer regarding the flyer campaign. In short, the contact said Elvis wanted to know what I had written to Graceland. He had said they were extremely upset, and there were rumbles and he was afraid I'd get killed. He also asked what Patsy Anderson had said in her letter to me. I said I hadn't received any letter from Patsy. Guess what? 2 days after the call from Elvis's contact, I received a letter from Patsy Anderson! How could ELvis know this unless he was in close contact with Graceland????

Elvis Presley's 'biological son' will not be able to appeal conviction: The Utah Court of Appeals has declined to hear an appeal from a man who believes he is Elvis Presley's biological son and who was convicted of making threatening phone calls to 3rd District Court judges.

Ernest John Young, who also is known as Jason Presley, was sentenced in 2007 to zero-to-five years in prison for one count of retaliating against a judge, a third-degree felony. Young pleaded guilty, but later tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his plea.
In his appeal, Young claimed that he had not entered into the plea bargain knowingly and willingly, and cited the law regarding plea bargains and withdrawing a guilty plea after it has been entered.

However, the appeals court in a brief ruling issued Thursday said that Young in his appeal, "makes no effort to analyze the facts in his case based upon the law he cites."
The ruling said "it is not the court's responsibility to scour the record looking for facts and arguments to support an appellant's broad assertions."
At his sentencing, Young's lawyer, Brook Sessions, said that Young had not been taking necessary medication and had been drinking heavily when he made threatening phone calls to two judges in 2006, insisting that they pursue people whom Young said had conspired to murder Presley.

Young also insists that he is the heir to the vast Presley fortune. Among other things, Young has previously filed court documents regarding Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie.
One document Young filed in federal court alleges that Lisa Marie Presley was involved in kidnapping triplet children by helicopter from the University of Utah Hospital as well as conspiring to commit other crimes, including several murders.

The case involving the threats against the state district judges was moved from the state's 3rd District to the 4th District to avoid any conflicts of interest.

Sessions at the time of sentencing asked 4th District Judge Gary Stott to give Young probation and have him monitored in the community by a mental health court. But a pre-sentence report drawn up by Adult Probation and Parole said Young was not a good choice for community-based services and supervision, and Young was subsequently sent to prison. (Source; UtahNews/SanjaM, 12 Dec 2008)

Elvis in 30 Greatest Conspiracy Theories List: The UK based Telegraph newspaper listed the 30 greatest conspiracy theories. From the assassination of John F Kennedy to the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. From Roswell, New Mexico, to Nasa's moon landings. From the bloodline of Christ to the death of Elvis Presley. Every major event of the last 2,000 years has prompted a conspiracy theory and here we examine those with the biggest followings and the most longevity.

1. September 11, 2001
2. The assassination of John F. Kennedy
3. A flying saucer crashed at Roswell in 1947
4. NASA faked the moon landings
5. The illuminated and new world order
6. The Jesus conspiracy
7. Diana, Princess Of Wales was murdered
8. Elvis Presley Faked his own death
9. Operation Northwoods
10. MK-Ultra

The text for the Elvis conspiracy: What can we say? A persistent belief is that "the King" did not die in 1977. Many fans persist in claiming he is still alive, that he went into hiding for various reasons. This claim is allegedly backed up by thousands of so-called sightings. The main reason given in support of the belief that Presley faked his death is that, on his grave, his middle name Aron is spelt as Aaron. But "Aaron" is actually the genuine middle name for Presley. Apparently, either Presley or his parents tried to change the name to "Aron" to make it more similar to Presley's stillborn twin, Jesse Garon Presley. Two tabloid newspapers ran articles covering the continuing "life" of Presley after his death, in great detail, including a broken leg from a motorcycle accident, all the way up to his purported "real death" in the mid 1990s.

You can read the complete Top 30 on the newspaper's website. (News, Source: Elvis NewsTelegraph, Nov 2008) 

Does Elvis have a half-sister?: EIN has established an archives of news stories, articles, commentary and reader feedback (iuncluding Marty Lacker) about Eliza Presley's claim that her father was Vernon Elvis Presley.

Now that a Memphis judge has allowed the claim to proceed it will be very interesting to see what ensues and whether or not Ms Presley's DNA evidence stands up in court. (OCt 2008)

Visit EIN's Eliza Presley news archives

What has happened to the documentary film "The Truth About Elvis"?: EIN has received a number of enquiries about Adam Muskiewicz's documentary film. Muskiewicz announced it would be released around the 30th anniversary of Elvis' death but despite teaser screenings and a film trailer nothing has been heard about The Truth About Elvis in nearly a year!

Muskiewicz has not responded to several email enquiries by fans and EIN. EIN accepts it is notoriously difficult and often expensive to arrange distribution of an independent film, but it is simply not good enough to leave interested fans in the dark after promising so much. (Source: EIN, 14 Sep 2008)

The "Elvis is Alive" conspiracy: Nina Tryggvason, Elvis fan in Vancouver, BC Canada, sent EIN this message:

Just reading the page about the Elvis is alive conspiracy. The only real question for the people who think Elvis faked his death, Elvis was very sensitive to his image and how people viewed him. If he was going to fake his death - would he really fake a death in the bathroom and leave the door open for endless "The King died on the throne" jokes?

I think not.

An Elvis faked death would have been more dramatic - car crash, boat accident - something big, macho and splashy. As for the unclaimed insurance policy - I haven't read it naturally - but there may be a very simple reason why it's not cashed. The terms of the policy may not cover drug related deaths.

Given the Dr. Francisco's superficial claim for the cause of death - heart stopped - the Insurance company would have likely been able to demand the autopsy results - which would have revealed the drug amounts way before 20/20's news story. Heart stopped isn't a cause of death - it's what cause the heart to stop that's the cause of death. As the excellent Thompson and Cole book revealed, Elvis died from a codeine allergy and polypharmacy. Sadly topical because polypharmacy is what killed Heath Ledger.

And the Insurance Company could probably have reasonably claimed in court that the death could have been a suicide - and not pay out. So, rather than risk exposing Elvis' drug use - and opening up a suicide claim to avoid payment (not saying he did suicide, just that circumstances could be interpreted that way) - the Estate decided to side step the risk of damage to Elvis' image and not make a claim that would be potentially made public and in court.

As for The Presley Commission - despite being a legit non-profit society - anyone can incorporate anything - it doesn't make them official or provide any authority or legitimate standing. If they have actual evidence - documents and the trail of the documents - provide them. Until they do produce evidence and documentation - they are nothing but empty words. They are a self appointment group who have no authority or mandate outside of themselves - and they make a lot of noise about their point of view, but offer no evidence.

Beeny - if your mystery doctor didn't want to get involved with a lawsuit with EPE, then it's not reasonable that he would illegally be in possession of any Elvis medical samples and records - much less be providing them or access to them to people who are not authorized to view them such as yourself. He simply would not have a reason to be in possession and lacks motivation for sharing. Whatever samples you have, you cannot prove are at all connected to Elvis in a substantial and transparent manner. (29 Aug 2008)

The Elvis Is Alive Conspiracy in 2008

"Elvis Is Alive Museum" re-opens with new owner: You might not have seen this one coming. Elvis Presley is alive and well and a local museum has proof. Lots of it.

The recently opened Elvis is Alive Museum on U.S. 49 North contains everything you would ever want to launch your own celebrity-death-conspiracy-theory. About 600 pages of FBI documents. DNA tests. Grainy Presley photos taken years after the alleged date of death.

Museum owner Andy Key , 39, of Laurel, can recite a litany of facts disproving the myth that Elvis is dead - from the misspelling of his middle name on his tomb to the DNA mismatch between his postmortem autopsy and a biopsy taken years earlier.

It get a little fuzzier, when Key explains why the beloved rock 'n' roll icon would orchestrate such a stunt. One theory is that Presley, as an undercover agent for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, was forced to fake his own death for the sake of his work in a sting operation against the Mafia. As for who or what is in Elvis's casket, lovingly reproduced in a dimly-lit room with gospel music playing in the background, well - there are conflicting stories.

"Some people think it's Colonel Parker's stepson, who died in California, but there was no record of his funeral. Another that it was a guy who was terminal, who had plastic surgery to look like Elvis," Key said.

Most likely a wax replica was placed in the casket, he suggested. And the whereabouts of Elvis Presley over the last 30 years?

It's a theory: Key dangles the possibility that Presley is living in seclusion on one of the smaller islands that comprise Hawaii, but he believes that the sociable rock 'n' roller isn't living the hermetic life.

"I think he's traveling around, seeing people." It's a theory that explains at least one tabloid staple over the years. "People ask the question, then well if he's still out there, why don't people see him. Well, there are Elvis sightings all the time; it's just that when there's a sighting, they say he's a crackpot," he said.

Even if it doesn't convince you that reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated, the Elvis is Alive museum proves that the King of Rock 'n' Roll is alive in a slightly different sense. From busts to life-size cutouts to dozens of concert posters and record covers adorning the walls, the museum feeds anyone's craving to relive a time when Elvis Presley's music ruled the airwaves.

In addition to a casket room, the 1,600- to 1,700-square-foot museum also contains a memorabilia room, gift shop and restaurant called sivlE's Grill that sells hotdogs, nachos and even peanut butter and banana sandwiches made, according to the menu, from Elvis's own recipe. Key didn't begin the museum. It was started 15 years ago in Wright City, Mo., by Baptist minister Bill Beeny, but last year he put the museum on sale on eBay.

A $8,300 misstep: This is where Key stepped in or, more accurately, "misstepped." Seeing the highest bid was $8,200 and expecting it to sell at a much higher price, he decided as a lark to put in a bid for $8,300.

"I completely forgot about. I just did it to become the highest bidder, and then I got an e-mail from somebody in Tennessee congratulating me on getting the museum," he said.

Key promptly quit his job in sales at Cavalier Quality Homes in Hattiesburg and began making arrangements to house the museum. He leased a building on U.S. 49, and after months of renovations, opened it last week. It's been a lot of work, and Key hopes that it will soon dividends with increased attendance. In the short time it's been open, the number of visitors has increased from one or two a day to five to six, he said.

"I have to get a bigger sign," he said with a laugh.

Janie King of Sumrall and her grandson, Casey Cochran, were recent visitors. She proclaims having seen Elvis in concert and is an encyclopedia of regional Elvis impersonators, but she stops short at the idea that he faked his death.

"No. It could have been. It was like after World War II when they thought Hitler was dead and they found all of those generals living in South America. ... Anything could have been possible, but I don't think so. I really don't think so."

If you go: The Elvis is AliveMuseum is located at 7212 U.S. 49 North, three miles north of the U.S. 59 exit. Admission is free. Hours are 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday through Friday. Details: museum owner Andy Key (601) 433-2382. (Conspiracy, Source: HattiesburgAmerican.com, 10 July 2008)

Elvis2001/Elvis Express Radio interviews Patrick Lacy: Joe Krein from Elvis2001 has done a very interesting interview for Elvis2001.net and EER with author Patrick Lacy about his excellent book, Elvis Decoded.

Some of the issues covered are whether or not a cranial autopsy was performed on Elvis; was there really a break-in at Forest Hill Cemetery; is Elvis alive?; the Presley Commission; the Beeny DNA samples, Gail Brewer-Giorgio and Billy Miller. EIN recommends this interview to anyone interested in the truth about some of the most contentious issues in the Elvis world. (News, 10 Dec 2007)

Listen to the interview

Read EIN's review of "Elvis Decoded"

Read EIN's interview with Patrick Lacy

Elvis sightings: Presley's genuine birth certificate reads "Elvis Aaron Presley" (as written by a doctor). There is also a souvenir birth certificate that reads "Elvis Aron Presley." When Presley did sign his middle name, he used Aron. It reads 'Aron' on his marriage certificate and on his army duffel bag. Aron was apparently the spelling the Presleys used to make it similar to the middle name of Elvis' stillborn twin, Jesse Garon. Elvis later sought to change the name's spelling to the traditional and biblical Aaron.

In the process he learned that "official state records had always listed it as Aaron. Therefore, he always was, officially, Elvis Aaron Presley." Knowing Presley's plans for his middle name, Aaron is the spelling his father chose for Elvis' tombstone, and it is the spelling his estate has designated as the official spelling whenever the middle name is used today. His death certificate says "Elvis Aron Presley." This quirk has helped inflame the "Elvis is not dead" conspiracy theories.

The Weekly World News frequently claimed "Elvis Is Alive!

Elvis sightings are a recurring phenomenon in which people claim to see American singer and rock star Elvis Presley, who died on August 16, 1977.

Presley was born in January 1935, so his projected age would not preclude the possibility that Elvis is still alive (as of 2007, he would be 72 years old). Critics of those who believe that Elvis is alive may state that a number of Elvis impersonators can easily be mistaken for Elvis and that Elvis' fans merely do not want to believe he is actually dead.

Most people who believe Elvis is still alive believe that Elvis is spending the remainder of his life in solitude somewhere in the United States. To back this up they have suggested that Elvis' middle name is spelled incorrectly on his tomb.[1] On the death certificate it is spelled 'Aron' - the same as his birth certificate, even though his estate prefers the use of 'Aaron'.

Others believe in extraterrestrial involvement, although these conspiracy theories may simply be an exercise in self-parody. Former bass backup singer J. D. Sumner, one of the pallbearers at Elvis' burial service in 1977, claimed that Elvis' body was in the casket. There have been many purported sightings of Elvis over the years and this has been a great source of inspiration for the mass media to draw upon. It has mainly to do with the unique iconic status that Elvis holds in society and that people still show enthusiasm for media articles about his life and work.

In 1987, Gail Brewer-Giorgio wrote a book, Is Elvis Alive?, discussing the matter. She invited people to phone a premium-rate number to listen to her proof that he is. After one heard the proof, the caller would be instructed to make another premium-rate call to vote on if they believed Elvis was alive. (Source: Kuwait Times, 18 Nov 2007)

Lisa Johansen update: After we published our news item on Thursday 15 November about Johansen's "I, Lisa Marie" book we received a number of messages indicating that Ms Johansen did not denounce the book when it was first released ten years ago. EIN agrees that it appears 2007 is the first time Ms Johansen has indicated she has an issue with the book.

EIN recommends Patrick Lacy's great sites if you are interested in more information about the Johansen and similar stories:

Elvis Decoded Blogspot

Elvis Decoded website

Elvis Is Alive museum moving to Mississippi (see earlier stories below): Don't count Andy Key as one of those Elvis Presley fanatics who insist the King never died.

Key, 38, said he's "open to the possibility" Presley is alive, but he's counting on there being enough skeptics out there to make his new business a success. With an $8,000 eBay bid, Key won the Elvis is Alive Museum's collection and plans to move the museum from its current site in Wright City, Mo., to Mississippi, where Key lives and Presley was born.

"If (Elvis) wants to come to the opening, he can certainly come back," he said.

Included in the collection are photographs, books, FBI files, DNA reports and other memorabilia that aim to support the theory that Presley never died.

Bill Beeny, 81, who founded the museum's collection, said he sold the collection hoping its new owner would continue his work.

"I'll certainly go down and visit once it sets up," he said.

Key said he'd like the museum to complement the tourist attraction in Tupelo, Miss., where Presley was born and bought his first guitar. He's considering opening it in Laurel, Jackson or Hattiesburg, Miss.

Elvis Presley Enterprises, which manages Graceland, the King's estate and mansion in Memphis, Tenn., previously has said it has no comment on the museum, a transformed coin-operated laundry 55 miles west of St. Louis. (News, Source: AP, 15 Nov 2007)

"I Lisa Marie" illegally published?: Lisa Marie Presley (aka Sari/Lisa Johansen) has not published the book "I Lisa Marie". The copies currently circulating are based on a stolen blueprint and Lisa Marie Presley does not stand by its form or content. Although she owns the copyright.

It was an unfinished manuscript which Lisa Marie Presley had not approved of. This applies to both pictures, text, shape and form and also the way it has reached the public. This should be obvious since the work does not have an ISBN number and is not available in bookstores and never has been.

The stealing of the blueprint and the actions surrounding it is only an attemp to diminish Lisa Marie Presley as a person and her life.

These actions were performed by a small group of malicious people that has an unhealthy interest in Lisa Marie Presley and her life. These people are strangers to Lisa Marie Presley although they do everything they can to try to establish contact. (Conspiracy, Source: Lisa Marie Presley/Lisa Johansen website)


Book premise: "A child of nine, dazed by grief over the sudden death of her famous father, is whisked from an idyllic life in America to the obscurity of a comfortable exile in Scandinavia.  Trusted family members and friends convince her it is for her own safety that she must assume a new identity until she comes of age to take her rightful place as the sole heir of a huge estate. Ten years later she attempts to reach across the Atlantic to claim her legacy as the daughter of America's greatest music legend.  She thinks it will be a simple matter of announcing that it is time for the real Lisa Marie Presley to come home.  She expects a loving mother and friends to be eagerly awaiting her return to Graceland. 

I, Lisa Marie is the intimate and personal account of a young woman's quest to reclaim her name and heritage, while being blocked at every turn by powerful and sinister forces.  For years, mystery surrounded Elvis Presley's young daughter and sole heir -- who seemed to disappear from public view following the famous singer's death.  Then gradually, pictures began to appear of an imposter, a young woman claiming to be Lisa Marie.  Her public hijinks and questionable antics, and a circus-like marriage to controversial entertainment legend and paparazzi favorite, Michael Jackson, led millions of loyal fans of the late Elvis to question that this person could be his real daughter."


EIN Comment: EIN does not believe Ms Johansen is the "real" Lisa Marie Presley! Her story (while well written and fascinating to read) has been discredited over the years, and is simply another example of attempts to make money out of fans. Unfortunately, a website which answered each of Ms Johansen's claims, one by one, is no longer online. Patrick Lacy in his excellent book, Elvis Decoded, provides a strong case against Ms Johansen. (Nov 2007)

"Elvis Is Alive Museum" sells on eBay (see earlier stories below): Someone from Elvis Presley's home state of Mississippi has placed the highest bid in an EBay auction of memorabilia from a museum devoted to proving that the King is still alive. The bidder had until the close of business Friday to put up the US$8,300 and arrange to pick it up from the Missouri museum, which is shutting down. The auction closed at 5:20 p.m. Thursday.

If the high bidder does not emerge, the museum's proprietor can offer the memorabilia to the second-highest bidder at $8,200. As of Friday afternoon, three e-mails to the high bidder had not been returned.

"He could be a very busy individual and hasn't slowed down or he could be so excited he won he had a heart attack and is in the hospital," said Steve Beeny, the son of museum owner Bill Beeny. "I'm keeping an open mind. Hopefully, he will make contact."

Bill Beeny, 81, placed the memorabilia on EBay late last month. He hoped someone would buy the collection and open a new museum dedicated to the idea that Elvis never died. The collection includes photographs, books, yellowed news clippings and replicas of Elvis' Cadillac and the casket and gravestone from his 1977 funeral - which Beeny believes was a fake.

The Baptist minister founded the quirky museum in 1990. Steve Beeny declined to put a value on his father's collection.

"Value is in the eye of the beholder," he said. "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

He said Bill Beeny would have liked the museum to stay in the family but all of his six kids "have real life going on."

"I'm sure there's some regret there," Steve Beeny added. "But he's always been one to look forward and not look back. It's bittersweet. It's kept us entertained through the years." (Source: The Canadian Press, 12 Nov 2007)

EIN Note: While the sale of the Museum included the results of the DNA tests arranged by Bill Beeny, it did not include the DNA samples themselves.

Wanted: Elvis fan to prove the King is alive (see earlier stories below): Given that seven per cent of Americans still believe it, the Elvis Is Alive Museum may have a rosy future after its curator put his collection up for sale. Seventeen years after he turned a roadside launderette in Wright City, Missouri, into a memorial to one of the world's more appealing conspiracy theories, Bill Beeny is selling his Presley memorabilia on eBay.

The Rev Beeny, an 81-year-old Baptist minister, says he hopes that someone will buy the collection and open a new museum dedicated to the theory that the singer's death in 1977 was a sham. The evidence includes 3,500 pages of FBI papers purporting to prove that Presley worked for the bureau and disappeared as part of a federal witness protection programme.

The museum also claims to have DNA evidence that the body in the coroner's report was that of a different man. And if sceptics are still not satisfied, they can hear a tape recording of Presley's voice supposedly copied from a telephone answering machine a full six years after the funeral.

Meanwhile, the gravestone has long been cited by conspiracy theorists as it misspelt Presley's second name, Aron. Rev Beeney now plans to devote his energies to local charity work rather than disproving Presley's death.

He said to The Daily Telegraph: "The museum's a hard thing to put a price on as it's primarily selling information.

"It will tear a little hole in my heart when we close this place down. But someone else can run - will run - the museum." (Source: Tom Leonard, Telegraph UK, 3 Nov 2007)

Sale of "Elvis Is Alive" Museum attracting strong bidding on eBay: On 30 October we published a news story that Bill Beeny was selling his "Elvis Is Alive Museum" in Wright City, Missouri which includes his claimed DNA evidence supporting the contention the body in the casket in August 1977 was not Elvis Presley.

Earlier today 42* bids had been placed and the price had risen to US$7,300.00 (still below the undisclosed reserve). (Source: Bill Beeny/eBay)

* 1 bidder withdrew a number of bids shortly after this news item was published

Opposite: Rev. Bill Beeny looks through FBI files on Elvis

View eBay listing

"Elvis Is Alive Museum" for sale: Bill Beeny, operator of the Elvis Is Alive Museum in Missouri and author of a number of books including Elvis' DNA Proves He's Alive sent EIN the following message:

"I have a news item and you folks are the first one I am giving it to. After operating the Elvis Is Alive  Museum for seventeen years I have decided to close it down and sell all the contents to one buyer. I am doing this for two reasons, I am eighty one years old, even though I an in excellent health I have other interests to take care of.

As you know I have been a Baptist minister for better than sixty years. I plan on using the museum buildings for a mission for the needy. I will not only have church services for them but also operate a food pantry for the poor. In addition we will supply clothing, referral to housing. We will have  those who can help the ones who have addictions. We will work with the aged who are poor, taking meals to them making sure they have heat etc."

Interested buyers can contact Bill for more information about the Museum: office phone is (636) 745-3154, the Email is  beeny@yhti.net. (28 Oct 2007)

Visit the 'Elvis Is Alive Museum' website

Phil Aitcheson leaving the Elvis world: Not only is Bill Beeny moving on to new challenges but so is the former head of The Presley Commission, Phil Aitcheson. Phil circulated this message yesterday (27 Oct 2007):

Today, we have many great things as human beings to be grateful for.  We have been bestowed with great gifts through friendship and comradery.  One such gift has been the loyalty and faith we have had in our lives, in knowing a great human being, Elvis Aron Presley.  I am proud of our great work on his behalf, and those who participated in the collection of evidence and information regarding Mr. Presley's personal situation and life. I am proud to have shared with you the aspects of this great mystery.  I believe that wherever he truly is, he can smile and know he is loved and respected greatly.  We will forever be gratified that whatever he chose for his continuing life from 1977 on, is complimented by the many years of great kindness and talent that will forever be held in our hearts. 

No matter where each one of us truly stands in the matter of Elvis' leaving in 1977, in whatever fashion it took place, I thank personally each and everyone of you for your participation and involvment.  I will never forget you, and I wish happiness for all.

Therefore, as of November 1, 2007 I am hereby announcing my retirement from the Elvis Presley case, and although a book may still be completed down the road, concerning matters of his career and life, my direct involvment shall end.  For those who have any last minute comments or questions, they should be submitted within 15 days.  Your letters of encouragement over the years have been a Godsend, and I am thankful forever for your friendship and assistance.  To Elvis, I can only say, "Thank you for everything, my good man, and God bless you...and your many fans, friends, and family members. 

I am moving on to other business related committments, including running a worldwide company that I own, and intend to operate until my retirement from working altogether.  I want to wish all of you the very best and again my heartfelt and sincere thanks.

With highest regards, Phil Aitcheson, Former Director & Liaison, The Presley Commission 

Read EIN's interview with Phil Aitcheson

Living Legacy Jr. ®: Is he the son of the King? Elvis Aaron Presley Jr. has a film about his life coming out.

The true life story of Elvis Aaron Presley Jr. The final chapter is just the beginning.

"The Living Legacy", "Elvis Aaron Presley JR", Story, Likeness, Voice and DNA are all protected by Registered Trademark and Copyright owned by E.P.J.R.E. Visit the website (Sep 2007)

Elvis IS alive - (and working as a CNN cameraman!): Elvis sadly disappointed the hopeful conspiracists by not appearing alive and well at the 30th Anniversary concert. However something as minor as that doesn't stop the Elvis conspiracy rumour-mill.

If you watched the Larry King Live show with Priscilla from Graceland, you too may have noticed a dark figure lurking in the background. The 'Elvis Is Alive' message-boards jumped at the fact that this really was Elvis hiding behind the lamp and watching the programme being filmed! If you look closely you can see that it is a mirror behind Priscilla showing the reflection back into the living-room of the CNN technicians.

However in a timeless "conspiracy moment" (18 minutes into the program) the cameraman ducks down realizing that he is being shown in the mirror - and yes, he has black hair and could slightly be "Elvis-looking" circa 1972! Of course Elvis would now be 72 years-old and would look only a little like himself in 1972.

While we must ignore the main point, that after 30 years in hiding it would be hard to believe that Elvis decided to reveal himself by hiding behind a lamp in a room full of CNN technicians! While it does look more intriguing and impressive in the live TV footage itself, EIN is happy to provide what images we can get to help you decide for yourself. Click here for more images and conspiracy information.



Photo Right: The mystery man stays in hiding behind the lamp, far right. And why has he not announced who he is on the Elvis conspiracy boards?



So who was that hiding behind the lamp watching Priscilla talk about Elvis on the very eve of the 30th anniversary of his "supposed" death? (Source; EIN, Sep 2007)

Call for "Elvis Underground" to reform (Aug 2007): EIN received the following message from Paul Monroe:

Attention Elvis Fans & Elvis Underground, The time has come for everyone to reunite again and become a whole again.As a member of the Elvis Underground I am sending this call out for the Gatheringites and Elvis Underground.First mainly the Gatheringites first.A very dear friend has asked me to gather you guys back up and to ask all of you to bury the hatchet and let the past be the past. This friend of mine has confided in me and is asking the one favor of me.

You all know me as Paul Monroe. I am not the same Paul Monroe as you have seen and heard online. I have turned a new leaf and offer a heart felted apology to each and every person that I have offended or upset over the years and I am asking your forgiveness and I am writing this for the whole Elvis community to see to show that I am being honest and upfront about this.

It was been 30 years since that tragic day in Memphis and I the time has come for everyone to come together again for the same common goal.And that is Elvis Presley and I know there have been many of you who have been hurt by people and people who you thought was friends.I apologize that these people have hurt you and I know there is no way I can fix this for everyone who has been hurt other than to offer my hand in friendship to each and everyone of you. This friend has assured me that all will go as planned.There will be a website coming up soon with the truth as it should be told.I am not asking for anything other than a few minutes of your time and an open ear and mind.

We at one time all shared the same common goal and we all use to talk and share our stories and thoughts and we all use to get along just fine and then people came along and ruined that for us. Now I know there are many of you who are still upset and hurt by the things people have done to you and I dont blame you one bit. I myself was very angry and lashed out at many of you in anger and said things to you and about your families and I deeply and wholeheartedly apologize. And if I could go back and change this or take things back I would do it in a heartbeat.Although I cannot do that all I can so it try to fix things the best way I can and I know it will take some time to for many of you to trust me and trust others.

And thats all I ask is for a chance to show that I have turned over a new leaf and outlook at life and at people in general. Life is too short to be angry at someone who hurt you or upset you. I have learned to take the good with the bad and to not let what others say or thing cloud my judgement about others. Yet I did this in the past and I was so very wrong and had no right saying and doing things that I did. Also my friend who as asked this of me believes me and has been shown that I am doing what I said I have.I have given more than one public and personal apologies to numerous people and many have accepted and many have asked for time to see that I have changed.

As for The Gatheringites this friend will explain everything to you and will set your minds at ease with me and with everything I am asking of you. Gail,Mary,Linda and the rest of you who were Gatheringites please come together for this cause and to give things another chance and if you do this and feel that it is not for you then I will not hold any hard feelings towards you and will completely understand. But all I ask is for you to listen to what this friend has to say and if you dont agree then you are free to walk away. My email address is paulnkimmonroe@gmail.com and my number is 817-791-9542 & 817-386-0040 I am giving my cell and personal line and emal to show you that I am being very honest about this and to also personally apologize to each and everyone of you who have been hurt,conned or been betrayed by someone in the Elvis world.

I believed that people are subject to change and would like to prove to you that it is possible to do so. Also if you are a Gatheringite or once was one I would like for you to contact me by phone or email so I may tell you where we are going to meetup online and there you will have the chance to listen to someone very special and close to me. This friend will explain things to you as well as giving proof. So please take a few minutes of your time to do this and I will assure you it will not be a waste of time.

If you are a Gatheringite or know of one please forward this to them and tell your friends.I know this will not be easy for some of you but I am come bearing a white flag in hand and an open and changed heart and mind. I would like to thank each and everyone of you for your time reading this and hopefully responding to this and giving it one last go for the Elvis Underground to become 1 again and knock off those negative things that have been tagged to each and everyone of us. If you can find it in your heart to do so I would greatly appreciate it and my special friend also appreciate it. Thank You again and may God Bless each and everyone of you. I can assure you this is no joke and this is no con. I'm just asking for a minute of your time and an open ear and heart for someone who would like to say a few words to each and everyone of you. Thank You, Paul Monroe

Read EIN's interview with Paul Monroe

Elvis Decoded blog: EIN received this message from author Patrick Lacy: Hello Elvis Decoded Newsletter Subscribers...Just a short note to let you know that instead of sending out periodic newsletters and updates as I get back to work on some of the topics from Elvis Decoded (as well as address some current topics that have popped up recently), I have opted to start a blog.  There, I can post updates, further analysis, and commentary, and not have to fill up everyone's inbox as I return to my research.

I will be posting the blog link on the Elvis Decoded webpage as soon as I get the first couple of topics under way, which should happen in the next couple of days.  The Elvis Decoded webpage is at:

If you have any questions or comments about Elvis Decoded or the Elvis Decoded blog, or you would like to suggest a topic or two you'd like to read more about, please let me know.  You are also welcome to contact me about any of the topics I address on the blog.

Thanks for your support and interest. Patrick Lacy....Elvis Decoded (News, Source: Patrick Lacy)

Read EIN's interview with Patrick Lacy

Lisa Johansen suing Swedish newspaper over Elvis related breach of contract:

(Source: Bill Beeny, 6 June 2007)

And from the archives...more on Lisa Johansen:

Houston Chronicle; FRI 10/20/00
Firm sues author claiming to be daughter of Elvis


An Austin company that hoped to reap huge profits by publishing the autobiography of a Swedish woman who claims to be Elvis and Priscilla Presley's daughter has sued the woman because she refuses to undergo a DNA test.

In I, Lisa Marie, Lisa Johansen claims that she is the real Lisa Marie Presley and the woman the world knows as Lisa Marie Presley is an impostor.

BCJR & V, the Austin company, filed a lawsuit last week in a Houston court that alleges I, Lisa Marie would have sold as many as 10 million copies if Johansen had undergone a DNA test to prove she was the Presleys' daughter.

Five people formed BCJR & V to publish I, Lisa Marie. They paid Johansen a $200,000 advance and reached an oral contract with her that required her to provide a DNA sample, according to the lawsuit.

The sample would have been compared against DNA from one of Presley's relatives, said Peter E. Pratt Jr., a Houston lawyer representing BCJR & V. Without a DNA test to back up Johansen 's claim, Pratt said, sales of the book, published in 1998, "were really tepid. It came across as the rantings of a crazy person."

The advance "just goes to show how much they believed her. Don't call them rubes. They're real people and real victims," Pratt said. Johansen , who lives in Sweden, couldn't be reached for comment. Her spokesman, Hakan Borglund of Sweden, didn't respond to an e-mail.

Michelle Bega, Priscilla Presley's Los Angeles publicist, said: "Neither Priscilla Presley nor Lisa Marie Presley will have any comment on this. We're not going to give this any credence, really."

Pratt said the book appears to relate a preposterous tale, but "forensic" evidence backs up Johansen 's claims. After Elvis Presley died, Priscilla Presley's fears that someone may kidnap her daughter, Lisa Marie, grew so great that she took her daughter, then 9, to Sweden, where she was reared, according to the book.

"Trusted family members and friends convince (Johansen ) it is for her own safety that she must assume a new identity until she comes of an age to take her rightful place as the sole heir of a huge estate," according to a Web site that promotes Johansen 's book and views. Lisa Marie Presley later took Johansen 's rightful place, according to the book. But if Johansen is right and Lisa Marie Presley is an impostor, why is she the spitting image of her dad?

"I feel the same, and I felt the same way," Pratt said. "But then I'm directed to the forensic analysis of the skulls. That's the reason I'm sold on" Johansen 's claim. Pratt was referring to Borglund's study of Lisa Marie Presley's face and skull size and the face and skull size of Elvis and Priscilla's daughter as seen in photos at age 9. Borglund concluded that Lisa Marie Presley's head as an adult is 13 percent smaller than that of the child in the photos, according to Johansen 's Web site.

"In February 1998, (Borglund's) result was confirmed by leading facial identification specialists at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police," according to the Web site.

"Since the skull doesn't shrink as you grow older - the reports indicate a switch. The little Lisa Marie, who spent her childhood years in Graceland, had disappeared!"

Pratt said Johansen 's appearance also lends support to her claim. "She looks like Elvis Presley with her long, dark hair," Pratt said. "And she looks like Priscilla." Johansen is looking for "a simple outcome" - reconciliation with her mother - but her Web site adds that she will reward anyone who provides information helping her prove her claim with "half the Elvis Presley estate, excluding Graceland."

Pratt said: "Why won't (Johansen ) come down and give the DNA to prove her point? Maybe she's scared, maybe she's given up" trying to establish her identity.

BCJR & V is seeking $50 million in damages. Pratt said Bill Hanson, a writer, is one of the company's partners but declined to name the others. Pratt said the BCJR & V's partners remain convinced that Johansen is probably Presley's daughter, and they believe the lawsuit will be enough of a threat to convince Johansen to submit her DNA for testing.

Pratt denied that the lawsuit was a publicity stunt meant to increase book sales.

New site: ElvisLand

"The Elvis Conspiracy?": Did Elvis have to die? Following Elvis' death in August 1977, his Chief of Security, Dick Grob, commenced a detailed investigation of the circumstances surrounding the King's passing.

Join EIN as we delve inside one of the biggest books ever published about Elvis. With nearly 700 pages, Grob's investigation of the circumstances surrounding Elvis' death reads like a mystery story, full of intriguing twists and turns as it proceeds towards its conclusion. (Book Review, Source: EIN, May 2007)

Long out of print, copies of this sought after release are now available from The Elvis Conspiracy? website

Is this Elvis' handwriting?

"The Elvis Underground" - Paul Monroe talks to EIN: Paul Monroe (pictured opposite) will be a familiar name to those fans who have visited the Elvis underground. Paul was one of the key drivers of several underground messageboards and is now working on a book about his experiences.

In this fascinating interview Paul addresses many topics including: Did Elvis die in August 1977?.......Lisa Johannsen arrested......transcript exposing Belkis Cuza-Male......who wrote the Tupelo-Memphis Murders?......Elvis Presley Jr. (Source: EIN, April 2007)

On ebay Feb 2007:

Patrick Lacy talks to EIN: In a fascinating interview, Patrick Lacy tells EIN how he went about researching his book, Elvis Decoded, why he had to leave out various pieces of information, and addresses a wide range of controversial issues including (the):
  • Elvis is alive theory
  • alleged uncashed $1m insurance policy
  • Bill Beeny DNA evidence
  • Dr Donald Hinton
  • Sari Johansen (the other Lisa Marie Presley)
  • Billy Miller
  • Forest Hill Cemetery break-in
  • Lucy de Barbin's alleged love affair with Elvis
  • Dick Grob's "The Elvis Conspiracy"
  • Paul Terry King
Anyone serious about properly understanding the many controversial theories, myths and misinformation in the Elvis world needs to consider the more than ten yeasrs of research Patrick undertook in writing Elvis Decoded. Join EIN as Patrick takes us on a fascinating journey behind the facade of an unusual, but potent, part of the Elvis World mosaic. (Interview, Source: EIN, March 2007)

New conspiracy book - "Elvis Alive Truth Behind The Myth": A new book on the Elvis "underground" is being written.  It is proposed to also release an audio CD edition including all of the mystery voices from Sivle Nora to Elvis Jesse and others. Release date will be December 2007 or early 2008. (Source: Paul Monroe, March 2007)

"Is this really Elvis' last song?" update: On 23 January 2007 we published a story about the rights to a song allegedly co-written by Elvis and songwriter, Paul Terry King. Subsequent to our report we received a variety of correspondence, for and against, Mr King's claim. This included a number of email messages from Mr King, prominent Memehis Mafia member, Marty Lacker, and Patrick Lacy, author of the recently published book debunking various Elvis conpspiracies and myths, Elvis Decoded.

Paul Terry King also alleges that Screen Gems/EMI lost 3 reels of 69 published songs by Elvis and American writers.

While EIN seriously doubts the claims by Mr King we have updated our original story to include several of the responses we have received. We also include EPE's official response regarding an earlier song allegedly written by Elvis and Mr King. View updated story ( Source: EIN, 26 Jan 2007)

More about Elvis and the Rosicrucian Brethren: Elvis had a fascination for gnostic literature, did his fascination for books like 'The Impersonal Life' lead him to experiment with entheogenic drugs? Since Dr. Nichopoulos became Elvis's personal physician in 1970 he develloped a complex addiction to barbiturates and amphetamines and suffered a dramatic decline in mental and physical health. There was never a reason to suspect why Dr. Nick would 'hurt' Elvis until now! If Elvis was in an entheogenic drug program then the TCB logo could have a more profound meaning and maybe form a connection between Elvis's 'alleged death' on August 16th 1977 and the public hearing held between Aug.3rd and Sept21st before the Senate and National Health Committee on CIA's MK-ULTRA program on drug related experiments involving 'human behavioural modification'. (Source: Rick R, 24 Jan 2006)

Write a letter to Elvis: An upcoming documentary film investigates the myth that Elvis Presley is alive. The filmmaker asks fans to submit letters that will be compiled, published and delivered to Elvis Presley family members.

Is Elvis alive? If so, he will be celebrating his 72nd birthday on Monday in isolation. Many conspiracy theorists and fans still believe that Elvis is alive. Filmmaker Adam Muskiewicz wants Elvis fans to reach out to The King by writing handwritten letters to Elvis. Muskiewicz will publish the letters in a book entitled Letters To Elvis. The book will be released in conjunction with his film, The Truth About Elvis.

According to Muskiewicz, "We are nearly done filming. We've offered a $3,000,000 reward for proof that Elvis is alive, and the evidence has been staggering. We want to give fans the chance to tell Elvis that he is loved and missed."

Muskiewicz has enlisted top producers Dan Bliss and Warren Zide, the producer of the American Pie and Final Destination franchises. Bliss says, "Adam is taking a very serious look at this myth, while still being respectful of the Presley legacy. This is the biggest myth in the history of pop culture."

Muskiewicz is inviting fans worldwide to send in personal letters to Elvis. He says, "It's important that the letters be handwritten and sincere. This is the only opportunity people will have to tell Elvis how they feel." Copies of the book will be sent to Graceland and to living relatives of Elvis. If Elvis is alive, he will have the chance to read these letters.

Letters To Elvis and The Truth About Elvis will be released in August 2007, in time for the 30th anniversary of Elvis Presley's supposed death.

Related links:
http://www.LettersToElvis.com - to be launched on Monday, January 8, 2007
http://www.ElvisWanted.com (Source: eMediaWire, 7 Jan 2006)

Now available - "Elvis Decoded: A Fan's Guide To Deciphering The Myths And Misinformation": Patrick Lacy's long awaited examination of Elvis conspiracy theories has been released. About the book:

Author Patrick Lacy is more than an Elvis fan. He has spent nearly ten years researching, writing and talking to some of the most credible -- and incredible -- sources in the strange, claim-filled world surrounding the myths and legend of Elvis.  His travels have taken him from Washington to Memphis, from Lauderdale Courts to Graceland, and from Tupelo to Las Vegas.

Author Marshall Terrill says: Patrick Lacy sifts through a mountain of information and dissects the singer's life and death with the precision of a surgeon and the analytical mind of a forensic scientist. If you're still convinced that Elvis is alive after reading this well-researched offering, perhaps you need to have your pulse checked.” (Source: Elvis Decoded, 18 Dec 2006)

Buy the book

Visit the Elvis Decoded website

Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit Book & DVD: The latest release from Praytome Publishing is a composite book & DVD release. From the press release:

20 years of research and hard detective work and additional 18 months of pure production time have gone by. Different than our other productions which were most of the time advertised long before their release dates we kept the work about this extreme and highly controversial topic behind the curtain and over the years every little detail of this work has been handled as top secret.

A 100-pages full-colour, hard cover book with the use of the outstanding, high quality paper stock being established as best choice paper for books by our releases of the "Elvis - Behind The Image" & "Elvis - Born To Rock".

The outstanding and thrilling script of Bud Glass (author of "Elvis - Behind The Image") for the first time breaks down iron walls of silence and leads you behind the scenes of one of the biggest sex scandals in history of music.

The documentary is like an exciting thriller  ( Movie ) and will put the viewer back and forth emotionally.The time of speculations about these events, taking place during the heighth of Elvis Presley's concert years, is over.

Did Elvis have an illigitimate child or was he the victim of a well calculated extortion attempt ?

The book goes along this line and has original court documents and photos that allow your own research for the mystery behind the most controversial sex scandal in the history of music.

Published by "Praytome Publishing" this 100 pages, full colored, hardback book co-operates perfectly with the included full length 95 minutes DVD documentary and German subtitles for the documentary. Now available direct from Praytome Publishing (Source: Bud Glass, 17 Dec 2006)

"The Elvis Conspiracy?' - Out of print for years - now available: Dick Grob's huge hardcover is finally available again to the public. The book explores the man, tells the story of his last days and gives the reader the first real insight into a world of which very few were privy. What was it like to be a part of this world behind the famous music gates in Memphis, Tennessee? What exactly happened? How do you go about planning and executing the largest funeral since President Kennedy's assassination?

The book details the events and decisions made August 16, 1977, and the days that followed. More importantly, The Elvis Conspiracy? details the players in this tragedy, the actual events which took place, narrated by someone who was there.

Thanks to the author's police background and professionalism, he was able to investigate the burning question proposed by Elvis' father and the world...."Did Elvis Have to Die?" (Source: Jamie Brown, Dec 2006)

Elvis' other daughter?: As the 30th anniversary of Elvis' death approaches, EIN has been told a lady who claims to also be a daughter of Elvis' will soon go public with her story. Apparently Colonel Parker arranged for her mother to be sent to Texas to have her and she was then given up for adoption. She has some of Elvis's DNA (collected from some of his blood after he cut his finger in a hotel) and she is allegedly a 99% match. (Source: Email, Dec 2006)

For more on Elvis' illegitimate children see bottom of this page

Conversation with John Smith

Interesting Elvis related items on ebay: There are a number of interesting Elvis items currently for sale on ebay. They include two books personally owned by Elvis and several Elvis is alive conspiracy items, including the famous poolhouse photo in color and the Elvis is Alive Schematic chart. View all five items (News, Source: EIN, 18 Nov 2006)

The King's son keeps flame alive in Ohio: He claims to be the illegitimate son of the King of Rock 'n' Roll. He mightn't look like Elvis but apparently he sounds a lot like him. Read full article and view pictures (Source: Journal Gazette, Oct 2006)

"Tell Me Pretty Baby" exposed: In the late 1970s a 45rpm record, "Tell me Pretty Baby", was released by Cin/Kay Records and promoted as being Elvis' first ever paid professional recording, allegedly recorded in 1954 in Phoenix, Arizona.

Surprisingly the 'very unlike' Elvis vocal fooled many fans (as it apparently did several voice experts who provided "legitimisation" on the back cover of the single)

It was later revealed by Marty Lacker-Billy Smith-Richard Davis in their magazine, Elvis The Record, that the singer was in fact, Mike Connally. Connally (or Conley) had admitted to recording the song and by 1979 Vernon Presley and RCA had a lawsuit pending against Cin/Kay Records.

Click here to view larger images of front & back cover

Elvis expert, Mel Priddle, had this to say about the alleged Elvis recording:

"In an affidavit signed by Pete Falco on July 6th 1978, he stated that he paid Elvis $15 to record "Tell Me Pretty Baby" with his group, the Red Dots. Elvis' father, Vernon Presley contested the song's authenticity, stating that Elvis was never in Phoenix in 1954 and never recorded for any company before Sun Records.

Apparantly a singer by the name of Michael Conley later admitted making the fake recording, although his manager, Hal Freeman, stated that Conley lied." (Source: Elvis The Magazine/All Experts/EIN, 6 Oct 2006)

The King and Kelli: Conny from Germany sent EIN this image which is of a cassette album released by the late Major Bill Smith on his Le Cam label. It allegedly features recordings by Elvis and siunger Kelli post August 1977. Conny wonders if anyone knows who Kelli was?

EIN Comment: Kelli features heavily in Major Bill Smith's book, Memphis Mystery (Requiem for Elvis), published Le Cam Publications in the late 1980s. In the book there are numerous photos of Kelli, including in concert with Johnny Harra and with the Major and singer, Brenda Lee. While Kelli is also mentioned in the text, from memory the exact relationship between her and the Major is not stated. If anyone has more information about Kelli we'd like to hear from you

Section Two of the book was the basis for a screenplay adaptation of the Major's story, written with James Wakefield Burke, about Elvis having not died in August 1977. Despite rumors the film would be made it is yet to make it to the big screen.

'Is Elvis alive?' conspiracy voted the #20 conspiracy theory: The idea that Elvis may not have died in August 1977 has been rated as the #20 conspiracy theory by the popular Australian television program, '20 to 1'. Strangely, (it's probably a conspiracy), theories above Elvis were that Prince Harry is not the son of Prince Charles and the death of Princess Diana. (News, Source: EIN, 22 Sep 2006)

New conspiracy theory: ELVIS PRESLEY's father was the man who secretly plotted to snatch The King's dead body from his mausoleum resting place - to convince Memphis, Tennessee officials that the rocker should be buried at his Graceland home. The bodysnatching incident stunned Elvis fans just a week after he was buried at Forest Hill Midtown Cemetery in 1977, and now one of the grave robbers is speaking out about the plot in a new film. In THE TRUTH ABOUT ELVIS, RONNIE LEE ADKINS insists he met with Presley's father VERNON in a parking lot to arrange the theft of the King's body.

He says, "He asked me if there was anything that might be able to be done to get Elvis moved from Forest Hills Cemetery. "I said, 'The best thing to do is put him in a mausoleum, where it's easier to get to, it's inside work and that way we won't be seen.'" Former FBI secret agent IC SMITH backs up Adkins' claim in new documentary, adding, "The Presley family had gone to the Memphis City Council and asked for permission to bury Elvis at Graceland and there was no provision for burying people in one's yard." Presley now lies at rest alongside his mother, grandmother and father at Graceland, where his grave is visited by millions of fans every year. (Source: Contact Music, 17 Aug 2006)

$3m reward if Elvis still alive: In conjunction with British oddsmaker, William Hill, filmmaker Adam Muskiewicz is offering a $3 million reward for proof that Elvis is still alive. Adam Muskiewicz is making a documentary called "The Truth About Elvis." He writes on his Web site, ElvisWanted-dot-com, that he has spent two years interviewing 150 friends, conspiracy theorists and others trying to find out what they know about Elvis' whereabouts. The film is due for release around August 2007. (Source: AP/The Truth About Elvis)

From "The Truth About Elvis" film website: Got establishment shots early in the day, then interviews.  Hit the famous Beale Street, good lunch.  Dropped in at Sun Studios, where Elvis made his music.  Great interview with one of the in-house experts.

Interviewed a nice Lady.  She has seen Elvis six times since 8/16/77.  She's had serious badged people tell her to back off.  She knows of a secret location where Elvis is harbored from time to time.  Has her own theory on scientology involvement, has a grainy VHS recording of Elvis walking around the grounds of the secret location.  Has a little known of recording of some songs Elvis made in I believe '89 or 92. The VHS tape was shot Christmas '97. Also she lives in a place where it would be hard for her to miss anything "strange" going on in or around Graceland.  She and her husband are some of the coolest people you want to meet.  Her husband said "If you think Elvis is dead... well you're stupid."  He also shared an interesting story about who also ISN'T buried at Graceland. Riveting and fun.

Joe Esposito's answer to the "Elvis is alive" rumor

Is it Elvis?: Conny from Germany sent us these images from a recent episode of the TV comedy, "King of Queens". Apparently the episode was called: "Elvis and his hairdresser", and the scene occurs at a football match.


Conny says: "Maybe you can't see it exactly but he's wearing three rings at his right hand one at his little finger one at his ring finger and one at his middle finger." (Source: Conny, 17 & 18 June 2006)

Jimmy Hoffa in Elvis' grave!: Conspiracy theorists have floated the hypothesis that it is Jimmy Hoffa, not Elvis, in Elvis Presley's grave. (Source: ProgressiveU, 31 May 2006)

"Elvis Decoded" book update: As noted in our recent article on the Beeny DNA evidence, Patrick Lacy's book, 'Elvis Decoded', is due for publication in July. The book will present in Q&A format an examination and comparison of numerous "conspiracy" issues in the Elvis world including the possibility Elvis did not die in 1977. Click to visit the Elvis Decoded website. (Source: Cory Cooper, 20 May 2006)

'Wade the Elvis Cup Guy' selling photo of Elvis taken months after his death: Wade the Elvis Cup Guy is selling (on ebay) a color copy of the famous "poolhouse" photo. Meanwhile, Wade continues to tour with the famous "Elvis cup". (Source: Wade the Elvis Cup Guy, 15 May 2006)

Bill Beeny responds to EIN article about flaw in 'DNA' evidence: Our recent article looking at the DNA evidence allegedly supporting the idea that Elvis did not die in August 1977 has proven to be one our most popular ever. Today we add substantive comment from Bill Beeny, the man responsible for arranging the DNA analysis. Bill makes a number of important and cogent points in response to our article. (11 May 2006)

'The Elvis Files' DVD reissued in Australia due to demand: Released earlier this year in Australia, this budget priced DVD based around Gail Brewer-Giorgio's 1990 book (and video) of the same name, quickly became like her earlier novel, Orion, a very hard to find item. EIN received numerous enquiries as the retailers advertising it appeared to sell out of their stocks on the first day, while online stockists such as EzyDVD had it listed as "out of stock" for months. Well the good news is that the high level of interest has led to the distributor releasing a new supply. Best place to currently pick it up is K-Mart where it's selling for around A$9.00. If you enjoyed our recent article on the Beeny DNA evidence you'll like this conspiracy driven documentary.

And by the way, K-Mart still has Elvis film titles on DVD like The Trouble With Girls, Jailhouse Rock, Spinout, It Happened At The World's Fair, Harum Scarum and Viva Las Vegas for under A$9.00, as well as the 3DVD set, Elvis Films That Rock, for under A$30.00. (10 May 2006)

"The Truth About Elvis" documentary: Elvis Presley died in 1977, right? That's the official story. But some people say they've seen Presley alive years after he supposedly was put to rest on the grounds of his Graceland estate in Memphis, Tenn. He must have gotten tired of being the king of rock 'n' roll and faked his death, some surmise. Perhaps he took up residence in a smallish Midwestern town with a funny name.

Director Adam Muskiewicz and producer Dan Bliss were in Kalamazoo recently to do interviews for their documentary "The Truth About Elvis.''

"We're very excited about our interviews here. We've always known that Memphis, Vegas and Kalamazoo were our keystone cities'' for the mythology surrounding the legendary musician, Muskiewicz said Wednesday.

In the spring of 1988, the supermarket tabloid Weekly World News printed a story that Elvis had been spotted in a Kalamazoo Burger King restaurant. Gazette reporter Tom Haroldson wrote about the sighting report that May. He found the woman quoted in the tabloid story, Louise Welling, of Vicksburg, who said she had seen Elvis at a Vicksburg grocery; she said it was her daughter who had seen Elvis at the Burger King.

The story, former Gazette Editor James R. Mosby Jr. said Wednesday, then ``took on a life of its own, and it took off not only around the country but around the world.'' The Gazette story moved on the Associated Press wire and made its way into newspapers such as the New York Times. ``Then suddenly one day Haroldson's getting phone calls from the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) wanting to interview him,'' Mosby said.

On Wednesday morning, Muskiewicz interviewed Mosby and Kalamazoo Mayor Hannah McKinney on camera. He interviewed Welling later on Wednesday and Haroldson on Thursday. Before meeting the filmmakers, Mosby suspected the film might be a spoof. ``I thought they were going to do a put-on or put-down of the whole thing, or of Kalamazoo, but it didn't appear that way at all. They appeared to be very much into the Elvis thing, and very much into why there's this myth that keeps popping up and bouncing around almost 30 years after he died.''

Muskiewicz, an actor from Cleveland who has been in independent films, teamed in 2004 with Bliss, a producer of poker DVDs in Los Angeles, to look into the Elvis mystery. Muskiewicz said he thought, after hearing stories of Elvis still walking the earth, that it would be a great documentary subject, but only if filmmakers approached it seriously.

"There is nothing poking fun or making fun of anybody in this movie at all,'' Muskiewicz said.

Welling's story had Muskiewicz wondering about Elvis, who would be 71 years old today, after he spoke with her Wednesday. After 18 years, he said, "she's absolutely sure'' she saw Elvis at the checkout lane of the Vicksburg Harding's store, now a Felpausch store. Muskiewicz said he asked her how she knew it was Elvis. `"Obviously it was 10 or 11 years after Elvis had died, so presumably his appearance would've changed a little bit,'' he said. "She made it clear, like so many people have said, when you're next to Elvis you know, simply because the man had an aura about him.''

Muskiewicz said he hopes to have "The Truth About Elvis'' ready for a premiere on Aug. 16, 2007 -- the 30th anniversary of Elvis' official date of death. In the meantime, he will keep looking for evidence and stories and would like those who believe they have seen Elvis to contact him at www.truthabout-elvis.com. (Source: Adam Muskiewicz, 3 May 2006)

Update- The Death of Elvis Presley? - DNA evidence flawed: There has been a huge response to our article on the Elvis DNA findings. From members of the Memphis Mafia, to the Presley Commission, believers and non-believers, we have so far received more than 30 comments. We have added a large number of your comments to the article today and will continue to add more as they are received.

In particular, author of an upcoming book on the Elvis is alive conspiracy theory, Patrick Lacy, has drawn our attention to the story (discredited a number of years ago) of Lisa Johansen (who claimed to be the "real" Lisa Marie Presley). The direct links between Ms Johansen and both Bill and Andrew Beeny are a further major blow to the Beeny claims, and EIN will be publishing a follow-up article in the next week or so on the implications of this issue. ( Source: EIN, 2 May 2006)

The Death of Elvis Presley? - DNA evidence flawed: In an absorbing major article, EIN presents the findings of its investigation of the DNA evidence supporting the contention that Elvis did not die in August 1977. EIN's inquiry, undertaken with the assistance of a professional investigation company, exposes the flaw in the DNA claims, provides a timeline of the "Is Elvis Alive?" conspiracy story, and looks at various other strands to the conspiracy theory. (Source: EIN)

Is it him?: Belkis Cuza-Male, author of 'The Unquiet Grave or the True Story of Jon Burrows', has added 3 drawings to her blogspot by John Smith allegedly signed under his real name (Elvis Presley) in 2003. (News, Source: Belkis Cuza-Male)  

The Graceland 'Poolhouse' and 'Muhammad Ali' Photos: is it Elvis?

Is this Elvis?: Belkis Cuza-Male, author of 'The Unquiet Grave or the True Story of Jon Burrows' has a blog spot. It includes images of John Smith (right) who some believe to be Elvis. (Source: Amber Smith)

Is Elvis alive?: It is EIN's very strong view that Elvis died on August 16, 1977 at his Graceland home in Memphis, Tennessee. However, many people continue to believe Elvis had to fake his death for one or more reasons. While most of the arguments put forward by proponents of the Elvis is alive conspiracy theory can also be explained with prosaic rather than conspiratorial answers, in EIN's opinion there are two issues which, at least on the surface, raise some questions. These are:

  • the unclaimed insurance policy
  • the DNA evidence promoted by Bill Beeny

Earlier this month EIN contacted EPE for its position on these two matters. We have not received a reply. This of course will add 'more fuel to the fire' with believers arguing EPE is hiding the truth, and non-believers seeing the non-response as a case that they aren't interested or can't be bothered about ridiculous claims. Others will see it as marketing related, with EPE knowing such stories indirectly lead to increased revenues for the Estate and ongoing media and public interest in Elvis, albeit not for the right reasons.

Regardless, EIN believes it would be good to clear up the only two issues which lend any sort of credence to the idea that Elvis did not die in August 1977. (EIN comment, 29 Jan 2006)

Is Elvis really alive?: The events of Elvis Presley's alleged passing in August, 1977 have come into question by a great many popular culture experts.  The items of evidence that were examined by The Presley Commission from 1992 through 1994 exemplifies a great deal of information found in government files and provided by investigative researchers who have questioned the validity of the death report.  In 1998 a doctor was retained to assist in the retrieval of tissue samples from the hospital where Elvis had testing done in 1975, and where the alleged autopsy samples were on file from 1977.  DNA testing was conducted by a leading Lab, and it was determined that the tissue samples from a liver biopsy on Elvis, done in 1975, didnot match the tissue sample from the autopsy performed in 1977.   These findings were confirmed in a back up test performed at the expense of a major news organisation, and determined to be valid results.  Elvis is likely to be alive based on the evidence examined. New website: PW Aitcheson  (Source: P.W. Aitcheson, The Presley Commission, 10 Jan 2006)

Who is this man at Graceland?:

Photos taken from Graceland Cam in January 2006

(Source: Carol in the US & Conny in Germany)

Is Elvis alive? broadcast: Did he fake his own death? Ring in the New Year and decide for yourself at the grand opening of Mighty Stream Radio Studios located in the "Elvis Is Alive Museum" in Wright City, Missouri. This two day event will feature the special guest of honor, author Dr. Bill Beeny, who will talk about the indisputable fact that there is DNA proof that Elvis did not die in 1977. His shocking announcement in 2005, made international news with the debut of the book, “Elvis' DNA, Proves He's Alive” (www.elvisdna.com ). While Elvis fans flock to Memphis, Tennessee, to commemorate the birth of Elvis, other fans will be celebrating blue suede barbecue style. The “Elvis is Alive” Birthday Party is open to the public from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on January 5th and 6th, 2005. Admission is free and will include exclusive tours of the studio and museum. Mighty Stream Radio (www.mightystreamradio.com ) will broadcast the event and live entertainment will be provided by the acclaimed Elvis impersonator, Steve Brandes. (Conspiracy/News, Source: Bill Beeny, Jan 2005)

Wheelchair in Graceland driveway: On 30 December 2005 the Graceland cam showed a wheelchair in the driveway at Graceland. Is it the wheelchair mentioned in tabloid articles that Elvis is still alive and being wheeled around Graceland? (Source: Conny & Carol, 1 Jan 2006)

Marty Lacker slams "Elvis is alive" author: In part 2 of our interview with noted Memphis Mafia member, Marty Lacker, one of the issues discussed is the idea Elvis that faked his death. Marty takes a very strong stance about the idea and one author claiming Marty and Billy Smith admitted Elvis faked his death. From the 2nd part of our interview (to be published tomorrow):

EIN: In his book "Elvis' DNA Proves He Is Alive", Bill Beeny claims (page 62) that in an article in People magazine (September 1996), you and Billy Smith finally "...admitted...that Elvis faked his death by using a donor body".  What is your response to Mr Beeny's claim?
Marty: Bill Beeny is a nutcase and I told him that to his face years ago.  The story Billy and I wrote was FICTION and it was presented to the London newspaper it appeared in as FICTION.  Fools like Beeny like to use that for their own ludicrous agenda.  He's really not worth the effort talking about.
EIN: What is your view on the idea that Elvis did not die on August 16, 1977?
Marty: Elvis died on August 16, 1977.  It was witnessed and documented and an autopsy was performed on his body by reputable doctors in Memphis.  The lead Dr., Dr. Muirhead is beyond reproach and enjoys a great reputation in the medical field.  The people who foster the idiocy that Elvis faked his death are idiots or con men. Click to read interview

Extract from "The Presley Commission Report": One of the most elusive publications in the annals of Elvis literature is The Presley Commission Report into Elvis' "alleged" death on August 16, 1977. The following extract is from The Presley Commission Report. Even if you don't agree with the Commission's finding that Elvis did not die in August 16, 1977, the timeline and notes make for a greater understanding of events on that day. Some of the notations will undoubtedly generate debate. (Spotlight/Conspiracy, Source: The Presley Commission, 27 Nov 2005)

Presley Commission investigation formally ends - FBI and other files put on display: The Presley Commission and The Elvis is Alive Museum in Missouri are happy to announce that assorted files and 2915 pages of FBI documents on Elvis Presley are now on display at the museum in Wright City, Missouri.  This past Saturday, Phil Aitcheson, the former director of the Presley Commission delivered the files and the FBI pages to the museum to formally end the commission's investigation of the "Elvis Alive" case, and turning over any other collection of documentation to the Elvis is Alive Museum. 

Aitcheson and Beeny state that now Elvis fans from all over the world can venture to Wright City, enter the museum, free of charge (no admission), and see the files on display.  It is a fantastic opportunity for the fans to see files that have never before been released to the public, and it took the commission 5 years to obtain the 2915 pages, now available under The Freedom of Information/Privacy Act guidelines. 
The action to donate the files comes in the wake of the announcement that the book "The Presley Alternative" written by Aitcheson/Wines will be released sometime by mid year 2006.
The book will detail the process that was executed or Elvis to depart public view and outline the events and evidence that support it.  Many other items will appear in the book again never published before, particularly a focus on Elvis' other professional involvments.  To contact Mr. Aitcheson, email to: pmgbooks@yahoo.com. (News, Source: Phil Aitcheson, 21 October 2005)

Is Elvis alive?: Bill Beeny, author of 'Elvis' DNA Proves He's Alive', was on MSNBC last night at 11 pm ET (the show called "Situations" took the place of "Tucker Carlson" show)...He maintained his stance that Elvis is still alive!  He says with the sale of EPE, Elvis has plenty of money now and no one would recognize him at 70 anyway!  He said he had access through his son who is a lawyer, in the 90's, to the autopsy report that was supposed to be "sealed until 2025," and that the DNA sample of Elvis in the 1970's do not match the fingertip DNA of the casket body.  He got the information from Dr. Sexton (who died in the 1980s). Bill Beeny's site is "www.ELVISDNA.com" (News/Elvis Conspiracy, Source: Carol Kent, 21 August 2005)

"Bearded Elvis" appears in Home Alone: The following photographic evidence has been offered suggesting Elvis may have appeared in Home Alone, the 1990 smash hit movie starring Macauley Culkin:

Source: Truth About Elvis

Gamblers give up on Elvis being alive: Bookmakers have revealed that wagers have all but dried up from fans betting that Elvis Presley is still alive. Over the years UK bookmakers William Hill have taken thousands of bets that Elvis will be found alive, but in the last year fans have stopped placing bets. Bookmakers have now lengthened the odds of Elvis being found alive from 100/1 to 1000/1." The biggest odds we have ever given was a Elvis related bet, we offered 14 million to one that Elvis will crash land a UFO into Loch Ness hitting the monster," said bookmaker Rupert Adams. "It is perhaps the end of an era, where even his most ardent fans no longer believe that Elvis could have remained hidden for so long." (News, Source: Channel 4.com, 17 Aug 2005)

"Elvis is Alive" party in Florida to end Elvis Week 2005: While Elvis fans flock to Memphis, Tenn., to hold candlelight vigils and shed tears on the anniversary of his death, Dr. Bill Beeny and other fans will be celebrating with jubilation over the DNA results. The “Elvis is Alive” Party will begin at 6 p.m. on Aug. 16, 2005, at the Barnes and Noble in West Melbourne, Florida. It will be covered with a live broadcast hosted by Jackie McCoy and Susan Ramon from “What's Happening Brevard” on www.tropicwaveradio.net. If you believe Elvis died on Aug. 16th, 1977, come to the party and learn that his death was really a well-coordinated pre-planned hoax! Ask questions and get answers from the author and researcher himself. Jackie and Susan will introduce Dr. Bill Beeny, ask Elvis Trivia and give away copies of the “Elvis' DNA, Proves He's Alive” book. There will also be the opportunity to win the exclusive limited edition Elvis is Alive t-shirts that were designed by the hot new graphics company V V Designs (www.vvdesigns.com). (News/Elvis Conspiracy, Source: Amber Smith)

Elvis article in 'National Examiner': A story on alleged discrepancies around Elvis' death was published in the National Examiner magazine ( 25 July 2005 issue). It includes information from Adam Muskiewicz, the filmmaker producing the documentary, The Truth About Elvis.

Elvis is alive - the case for: Phil Aitcheson (The Presley Commission)

Elvis is alive - the case against: Dr. Gary Enders

Book review: The Presley Arrangement, Monte Nicholson

The spelling of Aaron/Aron -

EIN update (21 Feb 2006):

In his 1978 article "Graceland: Palace or Prison?, published in the the magazine, Hit Parader Presents The Immortal Elvis, journalist Bob Battle wrote:

The spelling of Elvis' middle name has been changed on the bronze grave marker.

From birth, the singer was known as Elvis Aron Presley - with Aron spelled with one 'A'.

However, on the order of Presley's father, the spelling was changed to 'Aaron'. Vernon Presley said his son told him a few years ago, "I guess we just didn't know how to spell in those days."


The spelling of Aaron/Aron -

Elvis Presley Enterprise's position (June 2000):

Are you ready for this? Either spelling is right and either spelling is wrong. But, how can that be?
Elvis was named after his father, Vernon Elvis Presley, and Mr. Presley's good friend in Tupelo, Aaron Kennedy. Aron was the spelling the Presleys chose, apparently to make it similar to the middle name of Elvis' stillborn identical twin, Jesse Garon Presley. Jesse was apparently named after Vernon's father, Jessie Presley, although the spelling was slightly different.
Toward the end of his life, Elvis sought to change the spelling of his middle name to the traditional and biblical Aaron. In the process he learned that official state records had inexplicably listed it as Aaron, and not Aron as on his original birth records. Knowing Elvis' plans for his middle name, Aaron is the spelling his father chose for Elvis' tombstone, and it's the spelling his estate has designated as the official spelling when the middle name is used today.
Similarly, there is some slight confusion regarding the spelling of Jesse Garon's name. Most reliable resources have the spelling as Jesse. However, near the graves of Elvis, his parents and his grandmother at Graceland is a marker the family placed in memory of Elvis' twin, but the spelling is Jessie for reasons we have yet to determine. Jesse Garon's actual grave site is in Tupelo, MS where it has always been, but it remains unmarked by a tombstone. Lack of money in the family's early years was likely the reason. Then, once Elvis became wealthy and famous, the grave, which is in a public cemetery, remained unmarked most likely in the interest of privacy. Because of the spelling on the marker at Graceland, we tend to use the spelling Jessie to avoid confusion.

The Truth About Elvis

Visit this website about an upcoming independent film by Adam Muskiewicz. Adam is seeking to address the following issues:

Elvis was only 42 when he died. Was he murdered? Was it a suicide? Was it just an accident? Was there an autopsy or a police investigation? What is the whole story?

Elvis didn’t look quite right in his coffin, but then again, who does? Later, when his casket was moved to Graceland for security reasons, his tombstone was inaccurately labeled “Elvis Aaron Presley” by his father Vernon Presley. (Elvis’ middle name, by all accounts, is spelled “Aron.”) Why would Vernon misspell his own son’s name and leave it uncorrected for so many years?

This film will question people who knew Elvis to find out what led to his death and how it could have been prevented. If, in fact, Elvis is still alive, all witnesses and evidence will be investigated. This film seeks to discover the truth about Elvis.


The Tupelo-Memphis Murders: A Psychological Study of Self-Destruction and Murder!


About The Tupelo-Memphis Murders

Book review: The Tupelo-Memphis Murders

Excerpt from "The Tupelo-Memphis Murders!"

For the Sins of the Father - A Time to Die (1979)!

The old man's features were still handsome. His body was continually racked with intense pain, his heart weakened by the ravages of time and the pain of what he perceived as a tragic life. His had been a privileged existence for twenty years, but as a simple minded man from the near backwoods of southern America he had always been ill equipped to deal with the fame and fortune of his son's success. Despite the trappings of wealth the man had lived his life in a state of perpetual fear. Fear he could never fully understand and for this reason he had to run...run for his life....The death of his beloved son was the final, brutal straw which sent him into a self-fulfilling spiral towards extinction.

Even the safety of the mansion he had lived in for so long was no longer of comfort. The mavens had been sacked and there was an eerie emptiness that pervaded its regal corridors and ornately furnished rooms. Wandering from one place to another inside his home he could find no solace, no respite from the demons that were torturing his poor, insecure soul.

What did he have left? In his aged, failing mind, nothing...The mavens panicked. Operation Fountain Pen was still to be fully resolved...What could they do?...The old man was going to die anyway.

The powerful drug was administered invisibly, added to his evening drink, never to be suspected.

And as time passed and others moved on, the secrets of the past would become themselves more secure, hidden deep within the recesses of a diminishing group of people who because of their own ageing frailty would never want nor be able to successfully confront and expose their own demons or part in the wicked game which had destroyed so many lives and then been played out at the expense of an unknowing world.

Oblivious to the political machinations surrounding her family, the old woman sat silently in her rocking chair, staring blankly at the morning sun...


The Mysterious John Crow Recordings


Article/Book review: Elvis Disguised "The John Crow Recordings" by Harley Hatcher


The Larry Blong conspiracy

Larry Blong ("Double E") has a close physical (and apparently vocal) resemblance to Elvis. Elvis and Larry were once photographed together (see below) at the "Graceland Gates". Many fans believe Larry doubled for Elvis during concerts and on recordings.

Around the time of the release of the FTD 'Dinner at Eight" (a soundboard recording of Elvis' Las Vegas dinner show on 13 December 1975), various "underground" messageboards carried postings that Blong's voice was featured on the soundboard songs.

Poster Larry B. had this to say on the then current Larry Blong messageboard on 6 November 2002:

"Somehow, I'm not surprized. You know there are many pictures of me in Elvis books, of course as Elvis pictures. Also, I found myself in many Elvis bootlegs. I would say my most favorites of that show are: "How Great Thou Art" and "You Gave Me A Mountain"."

Click to visit the current Larry Blong website and messageboard


Elvis' illegitimate children


Son of Elvis gets "jailhouse rock" time: A man who believes he's the birth son of Elvis will be going to prison, not because of his alleged connection to "The King," but because he filled answering machines of judges with threatening messages.

Ernest John Young, aka Jason Presley, 50, was sentenced Thursday afternoon in 4th District Court to zero to five years in prison on a charge of retaliation against a judge, a third-degree felony.

In May 2006, Young made threatening phone calls to 3rd District judges, asking that they prosecute several people for murder, rape and extortion in Graceland years ago.

"Mr. Young is able to separate in his mind his belief as to who he is, and his understanding is that in the legal system, he's known as Ernest Young," said attorney Brook Sessions.

Young has been in the Utah County Jail or the Utah State Hospital since May 2006, yet has been filing motions with Utah courts for years proclaiming he is the heir to the Presley fortune and should be able to collect nearly $700 million from the estate.

Sessions said when Young called the judges, it was because he had stopped taking his medicine and was drinking heavily instead. He said his client thought the calls constituted participation in the legal system.

"However, getting himself drunk and calling the judge and leaving threatening voice mails at night is not the way to participate," Sessions said.

Rather than send Young to prison where he won't get treatment, Sessions asked for probation and a chance for mental health court in Salt Lake City, especially since Young has already been in jail more than 520 days.

"One of the benefits of mental heath court, is they will meet with him and monitor him, so if he shows signs that he's off (his medicine) they can take action quickly, not wait until he deteriorates till he commits an additional crime," Sessions said.

However, Stott said he was persuaded by a line in the report from Adult Probation and Parole, the agency that reviews individuals before sentencing, that said "Ernest Young is a poor candidate for supervision," and so sentenced him to prison.

"I only hope that Mr. Young's future is such that he never finds himself back here again, that he continues to take his medication and that he understands what he has to do to avoid getting in trouble again." (Source: Deseret Morning News, 3 Nov 2007)

Elvis' son appears!: It's been a long time since the tabloid media had a field day (and increased sales) with stories of Elvis' "alleged" illegitimate children. Names like Lucy DeBarbin, Deborah Presley and Elvis Presley Jr. were well known in the Elvis world for a few years in the late 1980s. At one time more than a dozen people claiming to be Elvis' offspring hit the headlines. Well this week, Timothy James Farrell has come forward claiming to be the result of a liaison between Elvis and Rebecca Stewart in 1954.
























































































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"Elvis Presley is the supreme socio-cultural icon in the history of pop culture"

(Dr. Garry Enders)


" Elvis is the 'glue' which holds our society together....which subconciously gives our world meaning"



"Eventually everybody has to die, except Elvis"

(humorist Dave Barry)


"He is the "Big Bang", and the universe he detonated is still expanding, the pieces are still flying"

(Greil Marcus, "Dead Elvis")


"I think Elvis Presley will never be solved"

(Nick Tosches)