
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."

(Leonard Bernstein)


"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)


"For a dead man, Elvis Presley is awfully noisy."

(Professor Gilbert B. Rodman)


"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)






Report: 6th Annual Independent Survey of Elvis Websites

"Historic three-way tie for favorite site!"

The survey was conducted during November and December 2004.


A standard survey questionnaire was used. It was issued by email to 344 fan club presidents, webmasters and other identities in the Elvis world. Of the 344 surveys distributed, 47 came back marked 'return to sender'. Four (4) of these were able to be resent meaning a potential response of 301.

In the list of Favorite Web Sites we are only listing sites that received at least 10 votes ie. sites a reasonable number of respondents were familiar with and preferred. This eliminates the introduction of bias due to very small respondent numbers. All sites receiving at least 1 vote or mention are listed in the Appendix.

Response Rate

One hundred and thirty two (132) valid surveys were returned, a 44% response rate (this compares to a 36% response rate in both the First and Second Surveys; 34% for the 3rd Survey and 40% for the 4th Survey). This increase in the response rate was pleasing and provides a statistically valid sample. Typical mail responses rates are between 40% and 60% and internet based surveys return a 30% to 50% response rate.

On a geographic basis responses from the USA were again steady this year.The respondent increase again came from the EC and Australasian regions.

As with the 5th Survey, a number of responses (43 in total) were disregarded during the poll analysis. These related to unsolicited returns resulting from the poll being circulated on a number of email distribution groups. The researchers could not include these responses as they would have clearly skewed the results and invalidated the poll as satisfying the requirement it involve a representative sample.


The Sixth Annual Survey of Elvis Web Sites resulted in a total of 47 sites (up ten on last year's 37, but still well below the 64 recorded in the 3rd Annual Survey) receiving at least one vote or mention. There was a polarization of votes toward the top five sites. A number of respondents mentioned more than one favorite or best site in different categories. A number of sites received a significant increase in votes compared to the number they received last year.

Respondent Demographics

Male: 72

Female: 60

Average age group of respondents: 25-45 years


Favorite Sites Based on Number of Votes Received

For the first time in the six years of the survey we have a (three-way tie) for your favorite site. Throughout the voting there were no more than seven votes separating the 1st and 5th ranked sites. Five sites performed significantly better than all other sites (last year's votes in brackets):

#5: Official Elvis site - 52 votes (33)

#4: Elvis Unlimited -53 votes (13)

eq.#1: For Elvis CD Collectors - 58 votes (43)

eq.#1: Elvis Information Network - 58 votes (51)

eq.#1: ElvisNews.com - 58 votes (56)

The next ranked sites were Elvis Australia (31 votes), Elvis World Japan (23 votes) and Elvis Presley Gold (20 votes). No other sites received more than 9 votes and sites ranked 9 to 13 (all with 9 votes each) were all based in the EC.


Respondent comments for the top five ranked sites included:

Elvis News.com:

'the best source for the latest news'

'Elvis News has been there since the start……a quality site!"

"ElvisNews.com gives me my daily dose of Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!"

'of all major sites, only Elvis News and EIN update daily, and there is enough variety in their content to make both essential reading'


Elvis Information Network:

'the thinking fans site'

'love the variety of stories on EIN'

'the best site for articles, reviews and interviews'

'of all major sites, only Elvis News and EIN update daily, and there is enough variety in their content to make both essential reading'


For Elvis CD Collectors Only:

'best source for import news'

'easily the best messageboard'

"fantastic messageboard"

"a great all-round site"


Elvis Unlimited:

"cool design, great news"

"my fave site run by hardcore fans"


Official Elvis Site (Graceland):

"as the official site it's #1"

"The King lives at EPE!"


What site has the best news?

This question turned into a two way tussle between Elvis News and Elvis Information Network. The winner (by a margin of 4 votes) was:

#1: www.ElvisNews.com (60 votes)


What site has the best articles?

A range of sites were nominated with the top three being the same as last year, but with a narrower vote between them:

#3: ElvisNews.com (31 votes)

#2: EP Gold (32 votes)

#1: www.elvisinfonet.com (Elvis Information Network) (41 votes)


What site has the best interviews?

In a near repeat of last year's voting, this question was a very close four way tussle. The result:

Eq.#3: Elvis Unlimited (26 votes)

Eq.#3: EPGold.com (26 votes)

#2: www.elvisinfonet.com (Elvis Information Network) (28 votes)

#1: For Elvis CD Collectors Only (29 votes)


What site has the best design?

This question was a very close contest:

#5: elvis.com (20 votes)

#4: Elvis Unlimited (21 votes)

#3: Elvis In Norway (22 votes)

#2: Elvis Australia (24 votes)

#1: Elvis News (25 votes)


What Elvis site has the best audio?

#1: www.Jordans-Elvis-World.com


What Elvis site has the best video?

#1: www.Elvisworld-Japan.com


What site has the best search facility?

As with last year, the clear favorite was Elvis Find


What site has the best online Elvis shop?

Excluding "third party" shops (amazon, ebay), the preferred online shops were:

#5: www.elvisunlimited.com (25 votes)

#4: www.elvisnews.com (27 votes)

#3: www.elvislyyours.com (28 votes)

#2: www.elvis.com.au (37 votes)

#1: www.elvis.com (40 votes)


What is the best Elvis messageboard?

While alt.elvis.king and www.elvissecondtonone.com each obtained around twenty votes, the preferred messageboard was again:

For Elvis CD Collectors Only with 69 votes


Special Mention Category

The following sites and/or individuals were nominated for special mentions: "

  • Arjan Deelen - for his continued good work in obtaining interviews with key people in the Elvis world "
  • Chart updates - ElvisNews.com
  • David Neale - "for his regular, informative book reviews "
  • ElvisNews.com - "The team at Elvis News has been there giving us Elvis, Elvis, Elvis for more than 7 years! They deserve a medal!"
  • Bill Burk's Elvis World Online - EIN/elvisinfonet.com
  • EIN E-Alert (weekly news bulletin)- "easily the best email newsletter"
  • Piers Beagley (EIN) - "His reviews of DVDs, books and albums are much looked forward to, and he is usually right!"
  • Sid Shaw - "Sid isn't everyone's cup of tea but he stirs things up, and the Elvis world needs that."
  • Steve Moore (elviscrawler.co.uk) - "....helps fans...is a model for what webmasters should be like."
  • Susan MacDougall (Australia) - "For her hard work designing 6 websites"


Negative Site Attributes

The biggest issue of concern was sites that "steal news from other sites without acknowledging the source". Many respondents weren't shy in mentioning offending sites!

The second biggest issue was sites that are slow to download*.

Another issue (but not as strongly commented on as in last year's survey) was the perceived trend to sites losing their news and information emphasis and becoming shop sites.

'Splash' pages continue to be disliked by many respondents and a small number of respondents stated they disliked sites that published "rumors".

* the researchers record that this finding is a function of several variables eg. searchers' computer efficiency and large/many pictures or file content size on different sites.


Health of the Elvis World

As is the nature of research there are tangential findings that point to the health of the sector/subject being researched. 'Sore thumb*' votes often offer an insight into the 'motivations' of respondents and 'politics' of the subject area. As a bit of fun the researchers very loosely (and we stress - VERY LOOSELY) analyzed the responses to ascertain how 'healthy' the Elvis world is. In the researchers opinion, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being terminal and 10 being immortal) the Elvis world has a 'health' rating of: 4.5 (a substantial 50.0% improvement on last year's rating of 3.0, and three quarters of the rating (6.0) in the 3rd Annual Survey).

*'Sore thumb' votes are those that stand out as being significantly different in degree of magnitude and/or affiliation to the material vote trend or qualitative response.

There are two ways of assessing 'sore thumb' votes. Firstly, the level of 'negative' qualitative response relative to the full qualitative response can be assessed (in simple terms the number and strength/vigor of negative comments compared to the number and strength/vigor of positive comments).

Secondly, in a sample of 100, if 95 respondents rate item X as 9 out of 10 and the remaining 5 rate item X as 2 out of 10 it raises a clear research question: is the strong disparity reflective of respondent bias or respondent preference? Secondary analysis can often reveal which of these is in operation. Analysis of 'sore thumb' votes is used widely in motivational and attitudinal research.


Final Comments

With each survey, several respondents query the need for our survey given existing web ring polls. It was because of these existing polls that we introduced our survey. The web ring polls have no statistical validity. They are 'self selection' polls where responses generally come only from those with a particular (vested) interest in voting. As this is not a representative sample of the total audience the results are not statistically valid.

Having said this, we are not putting web ring polls down, they are a useful tool for web masters to get ongoing feedback. However a statistically valid survey like ours is also needed. Our poll has greater credibility as we approached a large number of webmasters and Elvis world identities and a large enough number of them responded (voted).

We hope you find the survey results interesting and we hope they are a catalyst in the improvement of Elvis websites during the next 12 months.

Last year we said "At this time we are undecided whether or not to conduct a 6th Annual Survey. The results of the five polls indicate that there are five or six sites which regularly feature as your favorite sites, with their placings only fluctuating in a minor way."

A decision on a 7th site survey will be made based on your feedback to this report.

Finally, a big round of thanks to all of you who took the time to give us your views. We appreciate it!

Gary and Greg, Elvis Central (February 2005)

Permission Granted: Permission is given by the researchers for the findings in this report to be reproduced in full or reasonably in part by webmasters and fan clubs. Disclaimer - Elvis Central International is independent of any fan club or web site. We are both professional researchers by day and Elvis fans by night. As we found out during the first survey, there is apparently another group called Elvis Central on the Internet and operating out of the US. We are not associated with this club in any way.




Candid Central

Elvex Pages

Elvis Australia

Elvis Central (USA)

Elvis.com (Official Elvis site)


Elvis Express

Elvis Find

Elvis In Concert

Elvis Information Network

Elvis In Norway

Elvis In Print (David Neale)

Elvisly Yours

Elvis Matters

Elvis Movie Database

Elvis News

Elvis News Network (aka Jordan's Elvis World)

Elvis Presley Fan Club Blog

Elvis Presley Gold

Elvis Presley News

Elvis Presley Suite 101

Elvis Presley www Virtual Library

Elvis Tapes

Elvis The Legend

Elvis' Women in the Movies

Elvis World Japan

Essential Elvis (UK)

First Online Symposium on Elvis Aaron Presley

Flaming Star Norway

For Elvis CD Collectors Only

Girls Guide to Elvis

How Great Thou Art

International Elvis Presley Fan Club (Hong Kong)

International Elvis Search Engine

It's Elvis Time

Jordan's Elvis World (aka Elvis News Network)

Masters and Sessions

Mr. Misery (Lyrics site)

Official Lisa Marie Presley site

Presleys in the Press

Sitting On Top Of The World

Suite 101.com

TCB World


Worldwide Elvis









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