The Best Elvis Highlights of the Past Decade

as Voted by you, the Fans

Towards the end of the 1990's there was real excitement for the Elvis fan when a new resurgence in quality Presley product commenced.

Kicked off by Peter Guralnick's sensational book 'Last Train To Memphis', it was followed by the fascinating 'Day By Day' and Ernst Jorgensen's 'A Life In Music' and more. The icing on the cake being creation of FTD (Follow That Dream) Sony BMG's Official Elvis Presley Collectors label started in 1999.  


So what were the The Best Elvis Highlights of this Past Decade?  With 10 years of the new millennium almost gone EIN thought it time to look back at the major Elvis highlights, music and non-music related, during the last ten years.


To discover what affected Elvis fans EIN recently ran an online poll to select your picks for the "Best Elvis moments of the past decade”. 

We received several hundred responses with more than 400 individual titles/people receiving votes. 


Here are the results. See if you agree and also vote (see bottom of page) to select the decades best CD, FTD, Book and Moment of the Decade!

The finalists are:   



Best CDs of the Decade:

  • A Little Less Conversation (Junkie XL remix single)
  • Elvis 30 #1 Hits
  • From Elvis In Memphis 40th Anniversary Legacy Edition
  • Peace In The Valley
  • Spankox Remix Album (a big surprise to us!)



Best FTD’s of the Decade:

  • Dixieland Rock
  • Jungle Room Sessions
  • Memphis Sessions
  • Standing Room Only
  • Nashville Marathon
  • Writing for the King    


Best Books of the Decade:
  • A Date with Elvis Army Days Revisited (Schroer, Knorr & Hentschel)
  • Elvis ’68 at 40 (JAT)
  • Elvis by the Presleys
  • Elvis: Vegas 69 (Ken Sharp)
  • Me and A Guy Named Elvis (Jerry Schilling)
  • MRS Vol. 1 1953-1954: The Beginning of Elvis Presley



Best DVDs of the Decade:
  • Aloha From Hawaii (Deluxe)   
  • Comeback Special (Deluxe)
  • He Touched Me
  • The Ed Sullivan Shows   
  • That's The Way It Is Special Edition
  • Tupelo Welcomes Home Elvis Presley (MRS)



Best ETAs of the Decade:
  • Donnie Edwards
  • Shawn Klush
  • Stephen Kabakos   

Lowlights of the Decade:
  • Elvis In Concert not being officially released on DVD
  • Elvis On Tour not being officially released on DVD
  • FTD prices/re-issue of material
  • In-fighting in the Elvis World
  • Sony continues to release compilations without thought    

Moments of the Decade:
  • Sale of EPE
  • Elvis 30#1 Hits reaching Number 1 in over 20 countries
  • Elvis Week 2007
  • FTD Classic Deluxe series


With unreleased Elvis recordings getting very near the bottom of the barrel, and the sales of CDs dropping, we have to keep all our fingers-crossed for new recording discoveries, new unreleased footage (Pied Piper?) and the continuation of the FTD collectors label to continue taking us through another decade of stunning, new and exciting Elvis product.

The good news is that EIN certainly knows of a few new and exciting Elvis packages already lined up for the next two years.

Your Comments

There was a very broad range of comments made by voters; too many for EIN to print them all.  Here is a selection:

Andrew (UK): Tupelo’s Own Elvis" by MRS“ especially the version with the book. A superb package that was much-anticipated and didn’t disappoint. The fact that it was readily available in mainstream retailers like HMV, at a reasonable price, is also to be applauded. The first (and only) time we have had matching audio and footage of a live fifties Elvis show.

Kate (UK): Nothing beats the MRS books!!  They had a consistent quality and wonderful audio and video I only hope there is a lot more releases to come like these.

Susan (Australia): No-one equals or can equal Elvis.  Only some tribute artists come close to being like the real thing.  Elvis's incredible energy on stage is harder to appreciate on videos and DVDs, although his charisma still comes through.  The electricity generated in live performances is probably why some of us attend tribute artists concerts against our better judgment.  So I have to say that "Best of Elvis related" has to include the very best tribute artists.

Ida: The worst DVD Elvis the Beauty Queen, nothing but a boring DVD, lot of talking, dull music, hard to keep seeing until the end.

Brian C: The decade was a good one with many highs and some lows.  To me the biggest moment was the surprise sale of EPE to Bob Sillerman.  This changed the Elvis world forever.

Tracey (Lancs): Priscilla and Lisa sold out Elvis and his fans with their cynical grab for money in selling Elvis marketing to the Sillerman group.  I imagine Elvis is turning in his grave knowing that his legacy is now about Celebrity ducks and horrible knick knacks.

SupergirlXL5: There were so many highlights.  Elvis vs JXL, the huge success of the #1 Hits album, Lilo and Stitch, Elvis Week 2007. I didn’t get the fuss over the sale of EPE.  It was a business decision and EPE hadn’t been promoting Elvis music anyway.

Dale Barling: However there is one low light which would be the much discussed 1977 CBS Elvis special that is not officially released or endorsed by the Elvis Presley estate which this special is a much a part of his career as the 68 come back or Aloha from Hawaii as it is near the end of his life and career and apart from his condition which the whole world knows he was over weight you can still see why this man was dubbed the King as he is the ultimate showman & his voice in that CBS Special for me was superb, maybe one day the estate will realise that it is an important part of his career and release it for the public to hear the best singing voice ever to grace the Earth.

Shirley Bradley: The image of ELVIS that is on the daily TV screen- be it a question on a game show to a Cold Case story that mocked Elvis in the beginning and ended with one of his songs-and all sorts of Elvis Sayings, Images, and Inquiries of the Man and now even a Las Vegas Show featuring him. It's the greatest thing to know that the artist you know and love is not forgotten and is still loved by so many. What attraction the Man ELVIS has on so many people and it's growing everyday. I've been a fan since the age of eight when Dad took us to the drive-in to see Jail House Rock in 1957 and my Dad bought Mom Elvis's 1st album, needless to say I'm 60 now and I love the Man more today than ever.

Taylor Scott (USA): I think the category titled “The Release of Elvis’ 30 #1 Hits” should be changed to include all of the fantastic Elvis activity during 2002.  Although the release and the sales results of the album were a major story, how can we forget the number one worldwide single A LITTLE LESS CONVERSATION, the hit movie LILO & STICH that used a number of Elvis songs in the soundtrack, etc.  It was totally amazing that, with Elvis gone for 25 years, that an album of his would hit #1 on the USA charts selling 500,000 the first week and then remaining at number one for a total of three weeks.  My highlight for the past decade would have to be:  2002 

Karen Baker: I am ashamed to say I have only 3 Elvis books.  One is Ken Sharps fantastic book Vegas 69.  It is so well done with cool, photos.  The best Elvis book I’ve seen.

Jay Bartlett: One last thing, On your site you had an article by Will Friedwald on his discovery of Elvis. In that article , he mentioned his love of the recording from Clambake, "A House That Has Everything."   I had never heard it so I searched it out and it was great. To find a new quality song after all these years is what makes the time spent worthwhile and why your site is so special.

Andrew: Bad news story was FTD increasing the price of their releases to an unjustifiable price and stopping Amazon from being supplied, and selling, the discs any cheaper.

Edward Jones: This would be my choice.... "FTD DELUXE CLASSIC" ALBUM SERIES; but only to an extant.... they've already raped us for the same material twice.... Including duplicate songs like on the recent Jailhouse Rock FTD issue is another sore spot with me.... studio and movie versions??? Give me a break...

Johnny D: Thanks for the poll, its a great idea. I vote for all the tacky things EPE licenses. They show just how far Graceland is willing to go for a buck. If you visit their site Elvis' music, the thing that made him the King is hidden amongst merchandise and ETA crap. Disgraceful.

Wendy: Elvis was the highlight of the past decade.  Forget Michael Jackson.  Elvis continues to be the biggest star the world has ever seen with his charisma, good looks, great songs and ability to bring joy to his fans all around the world.

Frank S: The absolute best DVD release of the decade was the stunning new edition of the 68 Comeback Special.  A tour de force which every Elvis fan should own.

Bev Waide: 2000……The Concert in SF preceeded by being the dinner guest of Joe and then going to The Concert with him, staying at the same hotel as the TCB band and having breakfast with James Burton. Seeing the opening of the Special Editon of That's The Way It Is at the Orpheum Aug 16. Finally spending more than 24 hours in Memphis and seeing Graceland properly, swimming in Elvis' pool at Audubon Dr.  My first vigil, which was soooo moving and sooo special.  My tears at Sun Studio, meeting Sam Phillips at Marian Cocke's dinner. Just so many incredible highlights in a wonderful month in the USA.

Peta Garriga: Lowlight: All the weird, strange people that make up stories and those that spread all the sensationalist stories about Elvis.

Kees: A nice initiative. Perhaps one of the highlights is the rise of the on-line Elvis communities uniting fans from around the world (well most of the time).

Neil Colombari: Lowlights (not too many, but still worth a mention)- Overall Sony / BMG strategy of releasing compilation after compilation, without any apparent direction or focus- Behaviour of certain fans (especially after the death of Michael Jackson) which almost resulted in closing down- Elvis' recordings progressively ending up in the public domain, resulting in them being available on budget CDs, etc.

Julie Holbrook: My favourite Elvis album of the decade was Elvis 30 Number 1 Hits. It brought all of Elvis's wonderful hits together on one disc for the world to enjoy.

KingsReign: No lowlights and the highlight in my view was Junkie XL bringing the King to a whole new generation with his fantastic remix of A Little Less Conversation.

VOTE FOR THE BEST...........

All polls close midnight on "Elvis 75" - 8 January 2010

Here is your chance to select the #1 pick from each of the finalists in the following categories:

Comment on this article/poll

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Copyright the Elvis Information Network.
Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.



















































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Sandi Miller Interview:
Rex Martin (Part 4)
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Marty Lacker (2008)
Bill Bram
Chris Matthews
Joseph Pirzada (Pt. 2)

Lamar Fike



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