Glass talks to EIN (Part 2)
Glass Interview Part 2. Bud Glass is one of the world's best
known collectors of Elvis memorabilia who also happens to
be friends with a great number of Elvis personal acquaintances
like Sonny West, & Sandi Miller. His 'Behind The Image' DVDs
& book are essential for any true Elvis fan. EIN's Piers Beagley
recently talked to him at his home-base in Tallahassee, Florida
for Part 1 of this interview
- You said that you have seen bloopers & outtakes from Elvis'
movies, including Jailhouse Rock. Can you give us a clue of
what might be out there and what definitely exists?
Bud Glass
- I have seen 3 hours of outtakes from Jailhouse Rock. Perfect
quality, but with no sound. I have seen the complete karate
footage that exists for what was to be "The New Gladiator".
Again silent, but the sound reel does exist. I have also heard
of the existence of 'Loving You' outtakes, although I have
never seen them. I have been trying for several years to purchase
home movie footage shot on the set of 'Follow That Dream'.
I believe there is still a lot of other unreleased material
out there. I only wish they would release it while the people
who lived during Elvis' lifetime are still around to enjoy
it. There will always be Elvis fans, but the next generation
of fans will look at Elvis more like legendary folklore. Those
of us who grew up in Elvis' lifetime are the ones who would
most appreciate seeing this rare material.
- Were you are referring to 'Plantation Rock' in 'Girls,
Girls, Girls' was that really filmed? If it exists I
am amazed that EPE haven't got hold of it for one of
their documentaries.
- I was actually talking about the footage of Elvis
singing 'Where Do You Come From' which definitely exists.
But don't think that just because EPE haven't released
the footage, that they might not have it. They have
more than we think. Of course EPE are not as anxious
to please die-hard collectors as they are to please
the masses. Maybe this new EPE buy-out will actually
benefit fans since they should push EPE to new horizons.
EIN - I have seen some pretty low-quality home footage of
Madison Square Garden. Do you know if both concerts were filmed
professionally & in full?
- Well, rather than the home-movie footage that we know, there
was also a closed-circuit stationary camera that piped the
feed into the Press box area. I know for a fact that this
footage exists. What was filmed was the complete June 9th & 10th both performances, and at least 20 minutes of June
11th - that's quite a bit! The camera was positioned high
above the stage and it was done for VIPs, so that they could
see the show from their own booth. Most people don't even
know that this footage is out there, but portions of this
material were on the 'King Of Entertainment' DVD. The mystery
to me is that there were also movie cameras on the stage with
Elvis, what happened to that footage? Outtakes do exist for
ELVIS ON TOUR as I am sure you know. I'm hopeful that FTD
might release perhaps an hour or two of raw footage of 'On
Tour' for the fans on a DVD, we know that it would sell (see
following photo of Elvis at MSG).
- What about the book of Behind The Image 2 - are you
mainly using Sandi Miller's notes again?
- It will be like the first BTI book and I'll be using
some of Sandi's and Russ Howe's material but this time
I have also pooled from several other people's photos
as well. The great thing about these productions is
that people are now contacting me suggesting that I
use their rare material. There are some amazing unknown
stories behind photos that you have never seen before.
I can't tell you how excited I am about this new volume,
I think it even tops the first book! I'm hoping that
it will come out mid-year, not too far off.
- Do you have to get clearance for material you use on your
DVDs or is your ownership actually enough?
- My video productions are documentaries and I only use my
own personal footage, to which I own the copyright. I use
photos owned by myself and friends who grant the permission
for their use. However the footage I own is all silent. Even
if it were recorded with sound, I could not use that. As you
know I unfortunately cannot use Elvis' singing voice.
- Does your personal collection contain any other celebrity
- I actually do have a large collection of non-Elvis
related memorabilia. I have items from Marilyn Monroe,
Frank Sinatra, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart, Michael
Jackson, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Marlon Brando
and many more. I also collect autographs, including
historic figures. I own John Wayne's shirt from the
Warner Brothers film "Operation Pacific" and even Humphrey
Bogart's personal, Italian-made "Borsalino" hat.(see
photo opposite)!
- I hope that you make Elvis happy, wherever he is, by keeping
both his and Marilyn Monroe's clothes suggestively wrapped
up together each night! That might be the closest he'll ever
- I have a dress of hers. I am really not interested in obtaining
large collections of celebrity items other than Elvis. I try
to get one piece from each celebrity that interests me, or
who I consider to be legendary. My Marilyn Monroe item is
a white dress that she owned and wore, but not THE white dress
as in the famous photo. (Laughing) I must take a photo of
Elvis' and Marilyn's clothes wrapped together - that's cute!
I don't think that Elvis ever met Marilyn but I did recently
learned that he did at least meet Jane Mansfield on a movie-set.
I never knew that!
- In your personal collections what is your most valuable
Elvis footage & what is the rarest?
- My rarest footage has to be the home-movie footage shot
in 1976 in the Jungle room, of the home recording session
where Elvis sings 'Hurt' and 'Way Down'. The footage that
will be on BTI 3 of Elvis walking out of his hotel wearing
the Super Fly hat in 1973 also has to also be some of the
rarest I own. The footage on BTI 1 of Elvis walking out to
the gate and talking with the fans in 1969 is also rare. The
footage on BTI 2 from Houston, Texas on November 11, 1971
has to be the best, closest, clearest amateur fan footage
ever shot and it is my personal favorite. - By the way, I
was obviously just joking about the Jungle Room footage… sorry,
a man can dream can't he?
- For a moment you got me wondering & I nearly believed you!
That's a mean joke. So what is your favourite possession?
- Believe it or not, one of my favorite Elvis possessions
is my enormous collection of unreleased concerts, recorded
by fans in the audience. The reason that it means so much
to me is because I have spent a lifetime building the collection;
countless hours of research and tracking people down who attended
the shows and so it represents a large portion of my life.
As far as personal items Elvis once owned, my favorite is
the large gold and black star sapphire ring Elvis owned and
wore in 1970. I have several photos of Elvis wearing it, and
he later gave it to my dear friend John Wilkinson. John can
be seen wearing it on the Aloha From Hawaii special as well
as on BTI 1.
Elvis & Bud's black star ring in 1970
- As an Elvis Information website we get a lot of questions
regarding the authenticity of Elvis' items - particularly
Elvis signatures and other items on Ebay. How do you feel
about this fraud especially when you can see innocent fans
being badly ripped off?
- This is a sore spot with me. There are many people out there,
including some well-known people in the Elvis world, who are
faking everything from signatures to Elvis "personal worn
items". This not only takes advantage of unsuspecting fans
who think they are buying an authentic item, it also bastardizes
the legitimate collections of people like me who spend a great
deal of time, effort and money to build them to what they
are today. When the market is flooded with fake items, it
de-values Elvis items in general and casts doubt on the legitimacy
of authentic items. The reason Marilyn Monroe items typically
sell for more than Elvis' is a direct result of the market
being flooded with Elvis items and most of them fake. There
are less Marilyn items out there, so it is simple "supply
vs. Demand". EIN - Have you seen the pillowcase from Elvis'
coffin that has recently been on Ebay? Are these people for
real? BG - Why someone would even want such an item, even
if it were legitimate is beyond me!
- Can you give potential Elvis memorabilia buyers any useful
- For a start you must be very careful when purchasing any
celebrity owned item. You need to do your homework and not
blindly trust the seller. I never buy an item from someone
whose "friend's, sister's half-brother's second cousin got
the item from Elvis himself back in 63'!"
try to buy as close to the original source as possible. The
problem still remains that many dishonest people will fake
letters of authenticity from people who were known to have
had contact with Elvis, but are dead and cannot be reached
to prove the letter and item in question is real. The problem
has grown larger through Ebay. While Ebay is obviously a great
medium to buy and sell Elvis items, it has also made it even
easier for the fakes and forgers to move their bogus items.
It also sickens me to see idiots on ebay selling things like "the braces that were on his teeth at Elvis' concert that
he attended on 2/21/77".
big problem I have is with celebrity memorabilia sellers who
obtain a legitimate Elvis shirt, like the famous shirt worn
in "Fun In Acapulco" and then DESTROY it, by cutting it into
1 inch square swatches to sell for $59.95 each! They do the
same thing with Elvis scarves. The reason? The scarf alone
is worth about $400, but cutting the same scarf into 200 swatches
they can make $12,000. It all boils down to greed.
- How did you get involved with Bob Klein and the new photo
- book 'Born To Rock'?
BG - I have known Bob for many years
and he has an incredible collection of Elvis photos, one of
the largest out there. After covering the man "behind the
image" in my DVD and book series, I wanted to also cover Elvis
on-stage. I wanted to do it in a way it had not been done
before. Most candid shots of Elvis were taken with inexpensive,
instamatic cameras and some photos turn out great, but many
more are less than perfect. They are extremely rare and I
consider them all treasures, but they lack the sharpness and
detail of photos taken by a 35mm camera.
Klein approached me with a new series of photos he had just
obtained directly from the man who professionally photographed
them in 1975 and 76. Elvis' performances at the Nassau Coliseum
are popular shows and well known among fans because of the "America's Own" import album that came out in the 1980's,
and more recently on CD. I thought these would be great shows
to cover in my first concert book.
- While Elvis produced some very fine concerts in mid 1975,
the Gipsy suits really didn't make him look the best, so was "Elvis: Born To Rock" really the right title to use on your
new book?
- C'mon you must not have read my overview of 1975 in the
beginning of my book! In 1975 Elvis was still "kicking ass
and taking names". He even beat the Beatles attendance record
for a single one-night appearance. I'm sorry but it sounds
as if you may have the same "tunnel vision" that a lot of
reporters had that covered Elvis' concerts over the later
years. Many of them were not necessarily Elvis fans and when
they arrived at the concert, they were then shocked to see
that the Elvis on stage before them was not the same hip-shaking
tornado from the Ed Sullivan shows.
was immediately compared to what he was in the 50's and slammed
because he had the nerve to age and change his style somewhat
over the years! And put on a few pounds, like we all do! Do
these changes mean he was not "BORN TO ROCK"? Rock and Roll
is not necessarily what Elvis does, it is who he is. Have
you ever talked to someone who attended those shows? I have.
They all say he rocked the house and left the fans screaming
for more.
he move like he did in the 50's? No. Did he look as trim and
youthful as he did in the 50's? No. Did he ROCK? NO QUESTION
- That's actually a great answer and in fact I do agree about
Elvis rockin' in 75. I just wished he hadn't worn those dreadful
gipsy outfits!
BG - Ok, I'm not here to sugar-coat anything,
but I actually admire Elvis for making the extra effort to
change-up his costumes and try to make them pleasing for the
fans to look at during his performance. (although I don't
personally care for the choker her wore). I will agree that
some of his outfits were more flattering than others, but
the outfit obviously has no bearing on Elvis' performance,
as evidenced by the reactions of the fans who were there and
witnessed the performances first hand. The title is perfect
in my opinion, but you are certainly entitled to your own
- What other projects do you have planned?
- I am also co-producing the Adrenaline 2 dvd that will be
coming soon from Praytome Publishing. We are also working
on the third dvd in the BEHIND THE IMAGE series. I am also
currently working on a new special project that you will soon
see advertised in the BTI 2 book. I can't give any details
yet, but it will be the most incredible release of its kind.
wife Cindy with J.D. June 1995
- What is your take on the final years, did you ever discuss
them with J.D. Sumner?
- Years ago, when J.D. was alive, the CBS TV tapes started
circulating and so I showed him, Ed Hill and Ed Enoch those
outtakes from the TV special. They hadn't seen this material
since it aired in 1977, and it was so upsetting that Ed Enoch
got up & walked away. In the meantime J.D. just looked on
in disbelief saying, "My God". He commented that it was like
watching a child grow up. If you are close to them, and living
with them, you just can't see the gradual changes. And spending
so much time with Elvis, the gradual change wasn't as noticeable.
knew that Elvis wasn't in the best of health but he said to
me, "I just had no idea he looked like that." Ed Enoch later
told me he was so upset because Elvis was such a close friend
and he so wished that he could have done something to help
him. Those guys really loved Elvis.
- Does Elvis occupy your whole time or do you have a secret
job outside the Elvis world?
- Elvis takes up a great deal of my time, but Bud Glass Productions
was around before the Elvis productions started. I have several
other non-Elvis projects I work on, including my other celebrity
memorabilia. I have also created and copyrighted a game that
sold in the 90's at several Walmart stores. I am currently
devoting a lot of time to THE KING'S RANSOM exhibit, and will
be on the road quite a bit this year during our 2005 Tour.
- Have you toured your 'King's Ransom' exhibition outside
the USA - and what about rumours of bringing to Australia?
- We will be in Canada this year, so we will have officially
left the United States. We have had interest in Japan, Australia
and parts of Europe, so there is no telling where we may end
up going.
- Thanks for talking to EIN, it's been fun! Well we hope that
we do see you here in Sydney one day.
- The pleasure is all mine and keep up the great work with
your website. The Elvis world is in need of more good unbiased
news and information sources like yours.
Glass was interviewed by Piers
for part 1 of this interview
Spotlight by Piers Beagley.
-Copyright EIN 2005 - Do NOT copy
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