
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."

(Leonard Bernstein)


"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)


"For a dead man, Elvis Presley is awfully noisy."

(Professor Gilbert B. Rodman)


"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)






Dirty Laundry

Lisa Marie Presley

For her first single off her new album, Lisa Presley has chosen a track she didn't write. And what a good choice it is.

Dirty Laundry first appeared on the Don Henley album, I Can't Stand Still, released in 1982. Henley from the band, The Eagles, wrote the song which is a strong commentary on the news media.

Unlike several of Lisa's earlier tracks, this single grabs you from the first listen with its infectious beat and chorus.

With a less dark (but just as potent) lyric than tracks on her first album (To Whom It May Concern), the single is a good choice for Lisa's strong, deep vocal.

The production is less overdone and more restrained than on the first album, with Lisa's vocal track (pleasingly) more visible. Lisa also displays nice variation in her treatment of the song, ranging from her trademark, Sheryl Crowesque sexy, deep throaty style to torchlike higher breathy moments on the "dirty little secrets" stanza.

Personally, I love the album cover...colorful and in your face.

If it gets airplay, Dirty Laundry should do well with today's mainstream market and with many Elvis fans. Lisa's established legion of younger fans will be very pleased with the single.

What Now is due out in the US on 5 April. No word yet on a release date for Dirty Laundry.

Verdict: This is a strong single which will appeal to the contemporary pop and rock market. If Dirty Laundry is any guide, Lisa's new album, Now What, is one we can look forward to.

Lyrics (by Don Henley)

I make my living

Off the evening news Just give me something

Something i can use

People love it when you lose

They love dirty laundry


Well i could have been an actor

But i wound up here

I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear

Come and whisper in my ear

Give us dirty laundry



Kick 'em when they're up

Kick 'em when they're down

Kick 'em when they're up

Kick 'em all around


Got the bubbleheaded bleach blonde

Comes on at five

She can tell you 'bout the plane crash

With a gleam in her eye

It's interesting when people die

Give us dirty laundry


Can we film the operation?

Is the head dead yet?

You know the boys in the newsroom

Got a running bet

Get the widow on the set

We need dirty laundry


You don't really need to find out

Whats going on

You don't really want to know just

How far it's gone

Just leave well enough alone

Eat your dirty laundry


Kick 'em when they're up

Kick 'em when they're down

Kick 'em when they're up

Kick 'em when they're down

Kick 'em when they're stiff

Kick 'em all around


Dirty little secrets

Dirty little lies

We got our dirty little fingers

In everybody's pie

Love to cut you down to size

We love dirty laundry


We can film the innuendo

We can dance and sing

When it's said and done

We haven't told you a thing

We all know that crap is king

Give us dirty laundry


Kick 'em when they're up

Kick 'em when they're down

(repeat and fade...)

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Elvis Odd Spot (updated 13 Jan 2005)