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Friday 31 July 2009 . . . - . . . It was Forty Years ago Today

Elvis; Concert Review 1969: EIN 40th Anniversary special Spotlight: Forty years ago today Elvis returned to Live concert performances. All the media were there but so were the true fans. EIN contributor Joan Gansky was one of the lucky ones and wrote a delightful, personal review.
"The atmosphere throughout the entire hotel was nail-bitingly electric! It is difficult for me to describe and paint a true portrait of attending in person this unique occasion - but I'll try my best. I want, and hope, you will understand the excitement of what has to be the pinnacle of Elvis' career to date! I vaguely recall the Sweet Inspirations perform - followed by a seemingly lengthy act by comedian Sammy Shore. The audience grew impatient. At last! The curtains closed. A pause. . . . A white shoe, a hand "peeked" round the curtain - now open - the thrill of a lifetime as Elvis simply stood there. He smiled happily, looking far more dynamic than any photo I had ever seen of him! - attired in white, with a long sash (belt) and a splash of color in the red kerchief (scarf). . ."  

Click here for her unique eye-witness account & photos of this fabulous event.

(Spotlight, Source;EIN)

'Elvis: Vegas '69', Ken Sharp EIN interview: 'Elvis: Vegas '69', will be the essential Elvis book purchase of 2009. The new 200-page book commemorates the 40th anniversary of Elvis’s historic return to live performance. Written by Ken Sharp author of the critically acclaimed ' Writing For The King' the book tells the remarkable story of Elvis's return to the concert stage told through first-hand accounts by those lucky enough to be on hand to witness Elvis' miraculous artistic and creative rebirth. EIN recently interviewed Ken Sharp to find out more about the book, what to expect, who were his contributors - and whether he has met Lisa Marie! (Yes he has!).

Click here to this interview and fabulous Elvis in 1969. . .. (Book Reviews, Source;EIN)

Preview of 'Elvis At The Gates' documentary: A preview of the forthcoming documentary by Larry Geller's son 'Elvis At The Gates' which premieres this August in Memphis. 'At the Gates' will examine the spiritual journey Elvis lived, where it lead him, and the connection it help to create between himself and his devoted fans after his death. A journey Larry Geller was privileged to accompany him on. A journey that Larry truly believes is one of the reasons we travel to Graceland on August 16th every year.

Dr Nick day 2 on 'E.T.' and 'The Insider': Once again Dr. Nick appeared on the sensationalistic US TV shows 'E.T' and 'The Insider' in a comparison between the final days of Michael Jackson & Elvis and the influences of their respective doctors. While publicising his new book, out February 2010, Dr. Nick said some rather unbelievable facts about his treatment of Elvis.
Dr. Nick stated, "The only times I saw Elvis he was always straight. I never saw any signs that he was taking anything (drugs)."
The program played the supposedly 'very rare' fan-video of Elvis on stage while featuring the "Strung Out" Desert Storm dialogue. They showed 1975 Black Aztec jumpsuit footage mislabeling it "Sept 1974" - as well as Elvis slurring his words badly during the Aloha 1972 media announcement.

The program stated that Elvis eyes were "vacant and glazed over" and idiotically stated that in November 1972 "Elvis did not admit to his reliance on prescription drugs."! (As if any pop star would!)
Dr Nick went on to state, "I don't regret anything that I gave Elvis, I think they were all medical necessities. The problem was I didn't know everything he was taking from other people."
Nichopoulos said drugs in Elvis' system were not at "toxic or lethal levels" when he died. However most of the autopsy team at Baptist Memorial Hospital attributed the death to "polypharmacy" or drug interaction, but former medical examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco said last year he stands by his 1977 ruling that Elvis died of cardiac arrhythmia, not drugs.
(News, Source;EIN)

'Dr. Nick: Medically Irresponsible or Misunderstood?': After Dr Nick's appearance on The Insider what do you think of his actions?
Quoting from the book 'The Death Of Elvis'..
"August 17th 1977 and Vernon Presley (right) was trying to control his anger that was directed toward Nichopoulos. He couldn't help blaming Dr. Nick for his son's death. He even harbored the suspicion that perhaps Elvis had been poisoned. Those autopsy papers he signed ought to lead to some answers, and Vernon hoped soon. Meanwhile, he was going to have a showdown with Nichopoulos—and have it before the funeral—to get a few financial matters straightened out.
On the Thursday after Elvis's death, Vernon met with Nichopoulos and had his showdown. As executor of Elvis's estate, Vernon signed the consolidation agreement. Then he fired Nichopoulos as his personal physician and warned the doctor never to be late making any monthly repayments of the loan. Later, Vernon would order Baptist Hospital officials never to show Nichopoulos a copy of the autopsy. Under different circumstances he wouldn't mind exposing doctors who handed out pills by the sackful, but this time it would expose his own son. Above all, Vernon wanted to preserve the public myth of Elvis, the clean-living entertainer who opposed drug abuse. Also in the interest of appearances, Vernon allowed Nichopoulos to participate in Elvis's funeral as a pallbearer."

Have Your Say - Click here to 'Dr. Nick: Medically Irresponsible or Misunderstood?'
(News, Source;EIN)

'Elvis: Love Me Tender - The Love Songs' CD: Clever marketing to match the new DVD release 'Elvis: Love Me Tender - The Love Songs' DVD the Spring House label will release a fourteen track  lovesongs compilation CD with the same title and cover art on August 25, 2009.
From the press-release:
Always a true romantic, Elvis recorded many, many love songs throughout his career, beginning with 'I Want You, I Need You, I Love You' in 1956 and running the entire span of his life. Entire eras of his remarkable life and career can be evoked by the mere mention of the title of one of his many love songs. Mention 'Love Me Tender'and a hundred images spring to mind. The same can be said for his many other songs of romance. Elvis and his love songs had remained an unexplored area of Elvis' remarkable career. Now, "Love Me Tender - The Love Songs Of Elvis Presley" tells the warm story of the tender side of the King of Rock and Roll.

Love Me Tender
It's Now Or Never
Are You Lonesome Tonight
For The Good Times
Loving You
Can't Help Falling In Love
What Now My Love
I'll Remember You
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You
Always On My Mind
The Wonder Of You
I Can't Stop Loving You
All That I Am
As Long As I Have You
(News, Source:EWJ/ElvisNews)




Gordon Stoker Hospitalised: Jordanaire Gordon Stoker, 83 years old, has been released from the hospital where he was treated for bronchitis and diabetes. He's doing well, although his doctor has discouraged him from going to Memphis for Elvis Week 2009.
Gordon was one of the members of the Jordanaires who sang with Elvis on his earliest studio recordings and live show.

Go here for our EIN Spotlight on Gordon Stocker.

(News, Source: ElvisMatters)


Thursday 30 July 2009
'Elvis -The Return Of A Prodigy', new August CD: From the producers of “Plugged in & Geared Up”  comes the fully remastered & edited Las Vegas show of “69. The special 40th anniversary "ELVIS LIVE IN LAS VEGAS ’69" Edition
- The earliest known soundboard of 1969 to date
- Newly discovered '69 audio
- The differences between the later released shows of end August 1969 will strike you.
This is the August 3, 1969 Dinner Show, straight from the original ‘69 reference mix. It is completely remastered and edited. This is the earliest soundboard to date of Elvis first Las Vegas engagement in 1969. It’s also only the sixth live performance he gave,  the music is very different from the late August  released live performances. This is to date the closest you can get to the opening show of  July 31st, 1969.
The liner notes are a review of somebody who actually was there. It will give you a very lively idea how it looked. The more than 50 photos of the same show (many in color) included will help you even more to imagine the first few shows of 1969. As a bonus we included some interviews prior to the opening show and original radio spots of 1969.
We hope at Gravel road Music  that you all are just as excited as we are about this release cause it’s a historical soundboard recording, placed in the right perspective.
Note; The show itself was released by Fort Baxter in 1993 as "Opening Night" no edits were made at the time and an effect was placed on the audio to cover up the tape noise. Now it is upfront clear and very lively as a wild 69 show should be. For the ones who have "Opening night" or the copy from this show, this release will appear as if you hear it for the first time.
Tracks: 01. Opening Theme  02.  Blue Suede Shoes  03.  I Got A Woman  04.  All Shook Up  05.  Love Me Tender 06.  Jailhouse Rock / Don't Be Cruel 07.  Heartbreak Hotel  08. Hound Dog  09.  Memories  10.  Mystery Train / Tiger Man  11.  LIFE STORY (MONOLOGUE)  12.  Baby What You Want Me To Do   13.  Are You Lonesome Tonight?  14.  Yesterday / Hey Jude   15.  introductions   16.  In The Ghetto    17.   Suspicious Minds  18. What I’d Say  19.   Can't Help Falling In Love  20.  Interviews - BEFORE OPENING NIGHT (31 JULY)  21.  RADIO SPOTS FROM 1969.

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Dr Nick featured on 'Entertainment Tonight' and 'The Insider': Dr. George Nichopoulos tries an obvious TV shot to publicise his new book saying that he does not want his grandchildren to grow up thinking of him as a Dr. Feelgood who killed Elvis Presley.
The white-haired 82-year-old former personal physician to the rock superstar dodged parallels his role as a one-time suspect in Elvis' death and that of Michael Jackson's personal doctor, Conrad Murray, under investigation in the death of the King of Pop.
Dr Nick sat down with a crew from TV's "Entertainment Tonight," announcing a book, "The King and Dr. Nick," due out in February. In it, the doctor says he will tell the world he is tired of being accused of hastening Elvis' death.
"I don't regret any of the medications I gave him. They were necessities," Nichopoulos said. Dr. Nick, as he was known, was acquitted in 1981 on charges he overprescribed drugs to Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis and seven others.
Much of the public was unconvinced. "Even though I was acquitted, there's still a population of people out there who didn't buy this. They wanted to blame somebody," Nichopoulos said.
The program used so-say "newly discovered footage" of Elvis in a drugged state however this is the common 'Desert Storm' fan home video footage that has been around for years!  
ET correspondent Victoria Recano repeatedly asked Nichopoulos to compare his role as Elvis' physician to that of Jackson's embattled doctor. Publicists for Dr Nick's Nashville publisher, Thomas Nelson Inc., said Dr. Nick wanted to "steer clear" of the comparisons.
The interview was at Sam Phillips Recording Studio. Rose Phillips, wife of Judd Phillips (nephew of Sun founder Sam Phillips), collaborated with Nichopolous on the book. "He loved Elvis dearly," she said, and was disappointed that he lost his license temporarily when the State Board of Medical Examiners found that he over-prescribed prescriptions for Elvis and others. It was again revoked in 1995 on similar charges. "I've detected hurt from the fact that he was never able to get matters clarified," Rose Phillips said.
Asked about the "biggest lie" over his role, Nichopoulos said: "There were so many. I guess the thing that hit me the most was I worked very hard trying to do all the right things with Elvis ... He was such a challenge. I was constantly trying to find new ways to deal with it ... It all seemed to come back in my face. I was the whipping boy."
Dr Nick said he treated Elvis primarily for arthritis, an impacted colon and insomnia.
"Unfortunately there's not a drug you can give somebody to take care of everything. You need a different drug for every situation." He said he served as doctor for not only Elvis but up to 150 people on the road. Nichopoulos said Elvis insisted the prescriptions be written in his name in order to keep his father, Vernon Presley, from getting upset by the cost of prescription drugs for so many people. "So it looked like he (Elvis) was taking all these drugs because the prescriptions were in his name."
As Elvis' reliance on drugs became evident, Dr. Nick said he often prescribed placebos.
Nichopoulos and his attorney, Dan Warlick, said drugs in Elvis' system were not at "toxic or lethal levels" when he died. "He died a natural death," said Warlick. Most of the autopsy team at Baptist Memorial Hospital attributed the death to "polypharmacy" or drug interaction, but former medical examiner Dr. Jerry Francisco said last year he stands by his 1977 ruling that Elvis died of cardiac arrhythmia, not drugs.
(News, Source;EIN/CommercialAppeal)

Elvis' 75th Birthday to be Celebrated with commemorative Ventura Watches: Elvis' love of jewelry is well known and his Hamilton Ventura watches were among his favorite items. In his lifetime, he owned three and a Ventura watch can be seen on Elvis in "Blue Hawaii" and in many casual photos from the 1960s. Currently, one of his Ventura watches is on display as part of the Graceland VIP tour.
Hamilton is celebrating with five special models of the iconic Ventura watch, to mark what would have been his 75th birthday in 2010. Hamilton is a member of the Swatch group, the largest watch manufacturer and distributor in the world with 160 production sites in Switzerland. The distinctive, shield-shaped timepiece, worn by Elvis in the 1961 movie, Blue Hawaii, comes in five new interpretations – two replicas of the original 1950's model, two additional replicas that will be for sale exclusively at Graceland and an XXL version. The Ventura Elvis Anniversary Collection promises to contribute a new chapter to two legends.
- Ventura Elvis Anniversary Collection; The Ventura Quartz is a faithful tribute to the original 1957 model.
- Ventura XXL Elvis Anniversary Collection; Having started its life as a pioneer, the Hamilton Ventura continues to make a bold statement over half a century later in the form of a limited XXL edition. This special timepiece integrates touches of the unexpected to give its classic inspiration a futuristic and rocky feel.
Click here for the full story,
Wednesday 29 July 2009

'That’s the Way It Is - The Complete Shows' new DVD only release: The ‘International label’ that recently brought to you the critically acclaimed ‘Elvis – That’s the Way It Is - The Complete Works’ is now to release a DVD only version of the editors cut now titled Elvis – That’s the Way It Is - The Complete Shows’ .
The 2 DVD’s are dual layered, (equivalent to 4 DVD’s and without loss of quality) factory pressed and are filled with 6 hours of the complete shows with excellent edits, lots of amazing multi angle sequence shots different to that of the previous release.

Also for the first time ever, the complete ‘That’s The Way It Is’ shows will be in FULL STEREO & in 5.1 Surround Sound. It also comes with an 8 page booklet insert. This is a very Limited Edition run of only 750 copies. Expected price to be around £25 - £30.
This release will coincide with the other International release ‘Showroom Internationale 1971’ same date of release and is expected very shortly. These will be the last of the ‘International’ label releases.

Click here for more info about the original DVDs.

(News, Source;International)

Plans for the Elvis Hotel and Vegas Casino have been cancelled: Graceland tycoon Robert FX Sillerman has lost millions in property deals and is getting out of the property business after two failed projects. "I think I have shown conclusively that I am not knowledgeable enough about the real estate business," he said. "I think I should leave it to other people to pursue."
His decision comes amid a flurry of lawsuits surrounding the construction of a luxury golf resort on the Caribbean island of Anguilla. The project has failed and is in default on loans and guarantees. "That project has stopped," he said, "I'm not in the real estate business." (Right;The Heartbreak Hotel swimming pool)
The Swiss banking group Credit Suisse last week filed a lawsuit seeking repayment of more than $21m (£12.8m) in guarantees; another company Anguilla Equity Ptrs, is seeking more than $25m in relation to the same project.
"The plans for the Elvis Presley Hotel and Casino have been cancelled," said Paul Kanavos, CEO of FX Real Estate. "Las Vegas is in a depression and I do not think there will be any need for additional hotel rooms in the city for at least the next five to seven years."
The 61-year-old Sillerman made a fortune in radio, buying up stations nationwide and selling them for $2.1bn in 1998. He used the proceeds to buy concert venues and talent agencies that had on their books stars such as the basketball player Michael Jordan and the singer Billy Joel. He sold that business for $4bn in 2000 and a year later co-produced the Broadway adaptation of The Producers, a runaway hit.
Sillerman's Anguilla woes come hard on the heels of the failure of a $475m Elvis-themed Las Vegas hotel planned by FX Real Estate, a listed property company he controls.
Sillerman's best deal may have been in 2005, when he bought American Idol, the talent show that has franchises around the world and tops US TV ratings.
(News, Source;EIN/UK)

Bob Dylan demanded an Elvis as payment!: The New York Post reports that Bob Dylan made sure he got paid when Andy Warhol coaxed him to The Factory to do a screen test. The famed folkie grabbed one of the Prince of Pop's famous silkscreens off the wall, a new bio reveals.

In "The Genius of Andy Warhol," out in November from Harper, Tony Scherman and David Dalton say Dylan's six-minute take in front of the cameras -- "acting cool, pretty much keeping his mouth shut" -- came with a price. Playwright Bob Heide, a Factory regular, tells the authors that when the audition was over, Dylan "got up and walked over to one of [Warhol's] panels of Elvis with a gun and said, 'I think I'll just take this for payment, man.'

That was the only the time I ever saw Andy blushing, just kind of cringing. Somebody demanding payment!" Dylan never made it into one of Warhol's flicks.

Go here for more on Andy Warhol & Elvis

(News, Source;MartyLacker)

The stranger in the photo NOT Ernie Barrasso after all!: Despite believing we had finally solved the mystery of the man in the 1957 photo with Elvis, EIN's good friend Marty Lacker states that it cannot be Ernie Barrasso after all - and has confirmed it with other Memphis friends!

Marty told us "I knew Ernie Barasso very well back then and if that's him, he had plastic surgery the day after that Graceland picture was taken! For one thing Ernie has always been a short guy almost as short as Billy Smith and in that picture the guy is as tall as Elvis".

In the past Tony Stuchbury noted that the photo was for sale in one of the Graceland crossing shops with it listed as Elvis with Ernie Barrasso. The trail continues.....
EIN thanks Marty Lacker & Tony Stuchbury for the updates.
(News Source;EIN)

More Details The Ed Sullivan Shows DVD: Image Entertainment will release "Elvis Presley: The Ed Sullivan Shows: The Classic Performances" on August 4, 2009. The collection of Elvis’ three appearances on The Ed Sullivan Show attracted a record-breaking audience when they first aired and will now be available on DVD for the first time ever. The press-release from Image Entertainment contained more details on the content of the set. The set is already available for pre-order.
From the press-release:
Share the excitement of Elvis Presley's earth shattering introduction to the nation in these three unforgettable episodes from The Ed Sullivan Show, now on DVD for the first time ever, and experience for yourself why Elvis became the legendary King of Rock and Roll! Appearing on the show Sept. 9, 1956, Elvis sent shock waves through a repressed nation with his soulful singing, wild hip gyrations and raw energy, attracting a record-breaking TV audience of more than 60 million people. Presley returned on Oct. 28, 1956, continuing to provoke ecstatic screams with hits such as "Don't Be Cruel," "Love Me Tender" and "Hound Dog." In fact, these exhilarating performances were so explosive that Elvis was filmed above the waist during his final Sullivan show appearance on January 6, 1957
Rockin' Special Features:
- A rare home movie capturing a very early Elvis performance, shot on August 7, 1955, at Magnolia Gardens near Houston, Texas
- Elvis and Ed remembered
- Elvis is on his way! Ed Sullivan Show clips
- Special Elvis moments including an appearance by comedian John Byner
- Home movies of Elvis and Priscilla, Elvis and his friends cutting up on a film set and some of the first shots of daughter Lisa Marie
- New collectible booklet featuring liner notes by Griel Marcus
You can pre-order here for only US$11. - (News, Source;ElvisNews/Amazon/EIN)

Monday 27 July 2009

'Elvis: Vegas '69', Ken Sharp EIN interview: 'Elvis: Vegas '69', will be the essential Elvis book purchase of 2009. The new 200-page book commemorates the 40th anniversary of Elvis’s historic return to live performance. Written by Ken Sharp author of the critically acclaimed ' Writing For The King' the book tells the remarkable story of Elvis's return to the concert stage told through first-hand accounts by those lucky enough to be on hand to witness Elvis' miraculous artistic and creative rebirth.

EIN recently interviewed Ken Sharp to find out more about the book, what to expect, who were his contributors - and whether he has met Lisa Marie! (Yes he has!).

Click here to this interview and fabulous Elvis in 1969. 

(Book Reviews, Source;EIN) 

‘FROM ELVIS IN MEMPHIS: LEGACY EDITION’ OUT NOW! & new details: OUT THIS WEEK the new ‘From Elvis In Memphis Legacy Edition’ features 36 tracks - including the Original Mono single Masters. CD 2 features the 10 songs of the LP ‘Back In Memphis’ plus another 10 bonus tracks, grouped as The Original Mono Single Masters. Four are (mono) reprises of songs that appeared on the LPs: "In The Ghetto," "Any Day Now," "The Fair’s Moving On," and "You’ll Think Of Me." The other six were all originally non-LP single sides at the time of their first release: "Suspicious Minds" (the Grammy Hall Of Fame and Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductee, written by Mark James); "Don’t Cry Daddy" (Mac Davis) b/w "Rubberneckin’"; Eddie Rabbitt’s "Kentucky Rain" b/w Shirl Milete’s "My Little Friend"; and finally, guitarist Johnny Christopher’s "Mama Liked The Roses."

Added to EIN today is the BMG publicity release which promises podcast promos - as well as radio series. Click HERE for FULL BMG Promo Details - Sleeve PHOTOS - and complete tracklisting.
(News, Source;Barry McLean/ElvisInfoNet)

The stranger in the photo with Elvis Confirmed!: Last year EIN asked exactly who was the stranger with Elvis. We had plenty of suggestions from fans and friends of Elvis as to who was the unknown character in the photo taken at the end of 1957, in Elvis' early days at Graceland. The strongest lead was from Elvis super-fan Tony Stuchbury. While in Memphis Stuchbury saw the photo on display with the information that the man was in fact a car salesman from downtown Memphis, probably from one of the dealerships on Union Aves.

Now it has been confirmed that the stranger indeed Ernie Barrasso, a local car dealer - (Right; photo in 2009) and you can see his story on the EPE Legacy videos this week.

EIN thanks Tony Stuchbury for the update!

Click here for the interesting Ernie Barrasso story - Ernie knew Elvis from growing up in the same neighborhood. Ernie talks about selling Elvis a red Thunderbird Landau and when Elvis rented out his Thunderbird Lounge in 1967 and 1968 for New Year's Eve.

(News, Source;EIN/Tony Stuchbury)

Elvis Karate man George Waite Died: George Waite, a Kempo practitioner and producer of the soon-to-be-released film that was funded by Elvis called 'The New Gladiators' passed away on Wednesday after a year-long illness. A deal was struck with EPE to get this film out, but sadly George Waite did not see it released - missing the moment by two short weeks.


(News, Source: Essential Elvis)
Saturday 25 July 2009

ELVIS show set to rock 'Aria" in Las Vegas: CityCenter (opposite) is an unprecedented urban metropolis situated on 67-acres on the Las Vegas Strip between the Bellagio and Monte Carlo and the development will add an astonishing 6000 rooms to Las Vegas’ inventory of 140,000 rooms. 

Created with a vision to bring a new level of environmental consciousness to the world-famous Las Vegas Strip, the development comprises five hotels and residential properties, each an icon of superb contemporary design.

There is Aria, a 61-story, 4,004 room gaming property that will feature the most technologically advanced suites in the United States. Guests will be able to personalise lighting, room temperature, music, wake-up calls, drapes and services with a single remote control. Guests can also ‘green’ their stay by indicating preferred light level and frequency of linen and towel changes. Aria will also be home to the seventh Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas that will pay tribute to the life and music of Elvis Presley. The property will also be capable of hosting up to 5000 attendees for conferences in its 300,000 square feet of meeting space.

Aria will feature an impressive spa and salon, and a 300,000-square-foot pool deck. Guests will be spoilt with dining options from world-renowned chefs and restaurateurs including Masayoshi Takayama, Shawn McClain, Michael Mina, Julian Serrano, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, Sirio Maccioni, Jean-Philippe Maury and The Light Group.An iconic Mandarin Oriental is also opening at CityCenter. This 47-story tower will feature 400 hotel rooms and 227 private residences. Living spaces will be decorated with an eastern approach in a decadent selection of color palettes, materials and finishes.

Vdara is an all-suite, non-gaming and smoke free property is designed to be a sanctuary set amidst the excitement of the Las Vegas Strip. The crescent shape and unique skin of patterned glass will make it one of the most striking design statements in Las Vegas Then there is the Harmon Hotel, the only CityCenter property not opening in 2009, which will be a member of The Leading Hotels of the World. 

For conference and incentive travel enquiries, email lasvegas@marketingspirit.com.au (News, Source: spice.com)

Vegas '69 released: Ken Sharp's excellent looking photojournal book about Elvis in Vegas in 1969 has been released.

Read more about the book on EIN

 These are the packages of the Blu-Spec re-issues of the "30 #1 Hits" and "2nd. To None" greatest hits complilations which were released by BMG Japan on July 28, 2009.

The Blue Spec format takes Blu-ray disc technology to create CD's which are compatible with normal CD players but provides ultra high quality sound. (News, Source: Elvis News)

Cybill Shepherd offers a real-life comparison between the King of Pop and the King of Rock: In a recent interview with Parade magazine, Cybill said:

"I dated Elvis Presley, and I was a huge fan of Michael Jackson. The kind of fame they had is not survivable. Certainly you see the parallels in drug use between those two icons. Elvis got addicted to speed when he was in the army. When you're Elvis, everybody wants to give you everything you want. I know that everybody around Elvis got him speed.

And, then, he got on the sleeping pills, which would just continue through his life until finally it was such a grave danger that it killed him. I think it is part of killing that loneliness inside that fame brings you no matter how many people you have around you. That's probably what brought Michael down."

MySpace Elvis tribute wins trip to Memphis: "The church elders didn't feel it was appropriate for me to do what I was doing. They said it would be more appropriate for me to sing Roy Orbison songs," says Bravener, a 47-year-old Canadian who found a more approving audience when he gave up the ministry.

Bravener's MySpace version of Elvis' "Don't Be Cruel" made him the winner Wednesday of the second Elvis MySpace Karaoke Contest and an automatic contender in the Aug. 12-13 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist showdown at The Cannon Center for the Performing Arts.

Elvis, who would eventually become a Grammy-winning gospel singer, had shocked much of America when his hip-swiveling rock debut in 1954 earned him the nickname "Elvis the Pelvis." It was some of those same moves that contributed to Bravener's win.

"We chose him because he had a standout video. He had a great voice, a good look and a great representation of the Elvis legacy," said Howard Stovall, managing partner of Resource Entertainment Group, the

Memphis entertainment agency that picked Bravener from a slate of finalists narrowed from thousands of MySpace entries.
Stovall said his agency still is judging runners-up in the contest, but quickly settled on Bravener, a bookstore cashier with a rockabilly band in Fredericton, New Brunswick, as the overall winner. "He was head and shoulders above the other candidates in how his video connected and how his charisma projected."

Graceland spokesman Kevin Kern said the My-Space format for the contest turned it into "a global event" that exposes contestants and Memphis to the world as a prelude to the Ultimate Elvis contest, one of the most popular Elvis Week events. Bravener, who majored in psychology before getting a master of divinity degree, said he has four children and needed a day job while working on his passion for music and entertainment. He chose a job as a bookstore cashier partly because his bosses gave him the freedom to take off if he was booked for a performance. "It gives me the freedom to go anywhere on a moment's notice."

Like Memphis. For him, the win came as a shock. "It's incredible. I was thrilled. I've been singing Elvis songs for a long time, but I've never won a major competition." The win includes roundtrip airfare to Memphis for two, five nights hotel accommodations, VIP tickets to Graceland, passes to Sun Studio, the Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum, the STAX Museum of American Soul Music and a souvenir Elvis watch.

Bravener competed last year at one of the biggest Elvis tribute artist competitions in the world at Collingwood, Canada. "I didn't even make the finals."

On his MySpace page, he lists among his favorite singers Elvis and the late Freddie Mercury of Queen, which Bravener said is his "favorite all time band."He now is debating which Elvis song to sing in the Memphis competition. He might reprise "Don't Be Cruel," but he said he is leaning toward either "One Night" or "Such A Night."Bravener's next competition will be in the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest. When: Aug. 12-13 Where: The Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets: Available through Ticketmaster, $25 for remaining semifinal tickets Aug. 12. Single tickets for the Aug. 13 final are sold out, but two-day ticket packages still are available at $69 to $139. (Almost Elvis, Source: Michael Lollar, Memphis Commercial Appeal)

"Elvis of Opera" to pay extra alimony: ONE of the world’s leading opera singers has been ordered to pay his ex-wife an extra £25,000 a year because he has become more famous since they split 10 years ago.

Multi-millionaire Russian baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky, 47, known as the “Elvis of Opera”, was told by the Court of Appeal that his original divorce settlement with former ballerina Svetlana Hvorostovsky was “undoubtedly low” and upped her annual payment of £170,000.

Mr Hvorostovsky’s career had gone “from strength to strength”, Lord Justice Thorpe said yesterday.

Mrs Hvorostovsky, 50, who lives in Islington, north London, will now get £195,000 a year from his £1.86million earnings – £140,000 for her, £30,000 for their 13-year-old twins and £25,000 for school fees. (News, Source: myexpress.com)

Elvis leaves the dock: It's no secret the King of Rock n Roll's fans are legion, although the dedication, if not outright devotion, remains a mystery to those who 'don't get it.' For Barrie's sailing Elvis, Nick Villani, there's no mystery in his allegiance to the King and his music. "Being an Elvis impersonator is like being close to royalty."

On this sunny, warm summer day, when the unusually frosty season finally seems ready to cut boaters some slack, Villani is in full Elvis garb - an imitation of the black leather outfit Elvis wore for his 1968 'comeback' special. He is dressed for a photo to go along with this story, but doesn't seem to mind the attention, or the sometimes-curious looks his appearance generates.

More than once he asks of those casting glances in his direction, "What are you looking at?" But there's humour behind the query, and he's happy to seize the moment to discuss The King. He asks a young teen if she knows who Elvis was. She does, and can even name one of his songs.

The breeze is kicking up, and boaters at the Barrie Yacht Club are readying their vessels for a cruise. Sailing is another of Villani's passions. A member of the club for nearly 12 years, his boat is a 28-foot Seahawk, the name of which bears witness to another of Villani's musical heroes - none other than AC/DC.

He performs both Elvis and AC/DC tunes at karaoke venues around town. This weekend he will be in Collingwood for the annual Elvis festival, performing in the amateur division in various downtown bars. He does a set, usually including Can't Help Falling in Love, In the Ghetto, and Mama Loved the Roses. The latter has special meaning for him. "That one is dedicated to my mother." Although he has attended the festival for at least 10 years, it was in 2004 that he took his love of Elvis to the stage, following a memorable "last" dance with his mother, Gina.
"The last dance I ever had with her was I can't Help Falling in Love. She passed away and then I really got into it."

The love of Elvis runs in the family. His brother-in-law also takes care of business as an Elvis impersonator; they not only share an affinity for The King, but also the costumes, the cost of which can run into the thousands of dollars. The leather outfit rings in at nearly $3,000, while another costume - a replica of the white, sequined eagle-adorned jumpsuit from the 1973 Aloha from Hawaii satellite broadcast - cost about $5,500.

Clearly, you have to dress the part to channel The King.

A little later, with the leather stowed, Villani is dressed for a sail. "It provides peace of mind. It's my 30-minute holiday."

Of the club, he says it's a great place to hang out, chat, make friends, and support the club's activities, which include races and sailing schools.

Soon after, it's official: Elvis has left the dock.
(Almost Elvis, Source: barrieadvance.com)

Elvis Aircrane in the news again: Elvis makes Public Appearance at the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2009: Elvis, one of the celebrated Erickson S-64 Aircranes, known for its heavy lift capabilities and for saving lives and property the world over fighting wildfire, will be at the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh air show from Monday, July 27th through Sunday, August 2nd, 2009.

EAA AirVenture Oshkosh now serves as one of the world's premier aviation events, attracting top government officials, corporate leaders and hundreds of thousands of aviation enthusiasts. It spans the entire spectrum of aviation and attracts 10,000 fixed and rotor wing aircraft and a half million aviation enthusiasts each year.

There will be a flight demonstration and welcoming ceremony for Elvis’ Fly-in on Monday. On Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday Elvis and its crew will perform a demonstration of its firefighting capability, showing off the water canon and water release maneuvers. Enthusiasts can get up close and personal, touching Elvis and even climbing aboard to see what it’s like from the cockpit. There will even be a contest to win a beautiful model of the Erickson S-64 Aircrane.

Elvis and the Erickson team will be at Exhibit Space #393 at the AeroShell Square. Come by and get up close and personal with Elvis. (News, Source: AP)


Friday 24 July 2009...................more than 20 news items added today!!!

Ernst and Sony BMG Execs at Elvis Week: EPE advises that on August 15th at 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM (at the Graceland Ticket Pavilion), fans can meet Ernst Jørgensen and executives from Sony and hear about upcoming Elvis music-related projects.

Opposite: Ernst and Sony BMG Executive Roger Semon

Rare laminated shellac single for sale - Anyway You Want Me: Amazingly rare original 1956 Japanese 10" laminated shellac 78RPM single on the deep groove 'S' series 'Nipper' grey & orange Victor label, also featuring Anyway You Want Me. This was Elvis' fifth release of any kind in Japan & beyond all expectation is complete with an original fold out lyric insert & the original Victor die cut company sleeve. The disc surface, as might be expected, shows several surface marks & one small ding on one side, but plays through. Price: AUD653.25 / £325.00 (News, Source: 991.com)

Elvis items in rock 'n' roll auction: The auction site 'Gotta Have Rock and Roll' palced a preview online from the upcoming Pop and Rock auction that will start on July 27. In the catalogue, we find 33 Elvis-related items, from concert souvenirs to personal items that belonged to Elvis. Among the highlights are the 'Indian Suit' that Elvis wore duringe the mid-seventies, a pair of boots he used on stage, a TCB-necklace and several rings and jewelry. The catalogue can be viewed here (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

Special Interviews coming soon to EIN shortly:

*Richard Weede reveals his fascinating story of photographing Elvis at the Ed Sullivan Show 1956 rehearsal

*Ernst Jorgensen talks about the new 'From Elvis In Memphis' Legacy release

*Jimmy Velvet discuses his astounding life with Elvis and other legendary Rock'n'Roll stars

Film doco launch during Elvis Week: Larry Geller's son Kiara Geller has been working very hard the last few years making this high quality documentary. Kiara tells Elvis Unlimited exclusively, "We have spent a lot of time and energy making it a positive and quality documentary .

I really hope the fans like it , because they are a big part of the story. The premiere will be very emotional (in a good way.)"

On August 12 , 2009 during ELVIS WEEK 2009 in Memphis, TN.
PINK CADDY ENTERTAINMENT and ECHO HOUSE ENTERTAINMENT Presents, At The Gates World Premiere at The Memphian Theater (now known as The Playhouse Theater) located at 51 South Cooper, Memphis, TN.

After film discussion with Larry Geller
Special guest speakers
performance from Dean Z!
Brief question and answer with the director and producers!
Autograph signing with Larry Geller and Guests and more !
Come and experience the Memphian the way ELVIS used to !

$35.00 per ticket.General seating
Events opens 5 pm - 8pm
Limited seating availble!
Percentage of all proceeds will be donated to support Alzheimer's disease.

Tickets will be available for pick-up at willcall on Aug. 12th at the Memphian Theater Box office window.Please Bring vaid Photo I.D or receipt from PayPal to receive tickets.
(News, Source: www.elvisunlimited.comwww.epgold.com) 

Ronnie McDowell launches his new Elvis book "The Genuine Elvis": I am announcing the launch of the new book "The Genuine Elvis" (Photos and Untold Stories about the King.)  

This book includes the never before told story of the exclusive 1956 interview of Disc Jockey, Charlie Watts, recorded with Elvis and his mother, Gladys, and his father, Vernon.  The audio version of the interview will be released on the Elvis radio worldwide on August 14. 

This book is written by myself, Elvis's cousin, Edie Hand, and Joe Meador, Music Publisher.  You'll be sure to want to meet with me and them on August 14 at 2:00 p.m. at the Elvis Lives Pavilion right across the street from Graceland

Joining us will be Ray Walker, bass singer for the Jordanaires; Elvis's cousin, Gene Smith's wife, Louise Smith; and Charlie Watts, Disc Jockey.  After the launch at Graceland on August 14, the books will be available wherever books are sold and through my prints website at www.ronniemcdowellprints.com

I am most pleased that the cover of this book is my latest painting, "Reflection of a King," and the book also features my paintings of Elvis which are also available at www.ronniemcdowellprints.com.  Attached is the press release of the book.

When you visit my prints website, be sure to check out the special offer which includes "The Genuine Elvis" and Edie's book "The Last Christmas Ride," which also includes a free download of the song "A Sister's Love," which I sang for "The Last Christmas Ride."  All proceeds from sales of "The Last Christmas Ride" goes to The Edie Hand Foundation.  Be sure to check out both of Edie's websites at www.ediehand.com and www.ediehandfoundation.org

Please stop by the Pavilion and visit me on August 14 between 2 and 4.  I look forward to seeing you all.
I will also be at Marlowes, which is a restaurant right up from Gracelandon August 13, between 2 and 4, signing prints, and I'd love to see you there, too.

We're going to have a BIG OLE' TIME in MemphisSEE YOU THERE!

Alfred Wertheimer's Elvis images part of Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition: Our good friend Al Wertheimer tells us exclusively he has a new Elvis photo exhibit which will be a part of the new Smithsonian Traveling Exhibition. It Shows Elvis before He Was “The King of Rock ’n’ Roll”. This exhibit will debut at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles on Elvis' 75th birthday, January 8, 2010. The exhibit will remain there until March 28, 2010 and then travel to museums across the USA throughout 2013. The exhibit is titled, " Elvis At 21: Photograghs by Alfred Wertheimer" and it will feature 56 striking images of the king. We wish Al much success with the exhibit.
More about Al: Photojournalist Alfred Wertheimer was hired by RCA Victor in 1956 to shoot promotional images of a recently signed 21-year-old recording artist, Elvis Presley. Wertheimer’s instincts to “tag along” with the artist after the assignment and the resulting images provide us today with a look at Elvis before he exploded onto the scene and became one of the most exciting performers of his time.

Wertheimer had unparalleled access and documented Elvis on the road, backstage, in concert, in the recording studio and at home in Memphis, Tenn. “Colonel” Tom Parker, Elvis’ manager, restricted contact just a short time later. The photographs document a remarkable time when Elvis could sit alone at a drugstore lunch counter.

“Henri Cartier-Bresson was known for photographing what he called the ‘decisive moment,’ that moment when everything falls into place,” said Wertheimer. “But I was more interested in the moments before or after the decisive moment.”

Wertheimer was up close to capture a flirtatious encounter with a young woman backstage in Richmond, Va. He was in the New York City recording studio on the historic day Elvis recorded “Don’t Be Cruel” and “Hound Dog.” Both songs hit No. 1 on the charts, the first and only time a single record would achieve this distinction.

Wertheimer also joined Elvis after the recording session as he traveled home to Memphis by train. One image shows Elvis as just part of the crowd surrounding a lunch vendor on a train platform during a brief stop on the 27-hour trip. The anonymity he had during this stop was short-lived; the trip followed a busy few months when Elvis appeared on the television shows “Stage Show,” “The Milton Berle Show” and “The Steve Allen Show.” The photographs of a concert in Russwood Park on his return to Memphis show a young man who now had to have a police escort to get through the crowd of fans between his car and the stadium. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)

Read EIN's review of the Wertheimer book, Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis

Kathy Westmoreland's mother has died: Kathy Westmoreland's friend and personal assistant, June Moore, advises:

It's with a very heavy heart that I pass on the news that Kathy's mother passed away today, July 22 at 5:10 p.m. My husband and I had the pleasure of meeting Connie just a few weeks ago. She was such a beautiful lady inside and out. She will be missed deeply by Kathy and everyone that knew her. She was such a special woman.

If you'd like to send letters of condolences to Kathy send them to Jmoore475@comcast. net or

Kathy Westmoreland
Box 1174
Independence, Mo 64051

June Moore
Kathy's Friend and Personal Assistant
http://www.kathywestmoreland. us

Kathy's Fan Club on FaceBook
http://www.facebook .com/group. php?gid=49309192 373

It's been two years since the news first reported on a family of horses in Maine that was saved from slaughter.

Today the animals have new families, including a horse named Max that has become famous. Max has a new home in Memphis, Tennessee at the Graceland Stables. After learning about Max and how he was saved Pricsilla Presley contacted Carole Terese Naser of Palermo, Maine. Naser and a group of concerned Mainers rallied together back in 2007 to save Max and five of his family members from being shipped to a slaughter house in Canada. Naser independently investigates horse dealers that transport and or sells horses for slaughter. She says that while there are no numbers on how many horses from Maine are being shipped to Canada and Mexico each year there are about 1-hundred thousand American horses killed each year for the meat market.

Currently, there is a bill before Congress that would outlaw horse slaughter, it's called the Equine Cruelty Prevention Act. Perhaps the most famous advocate for the bill is Priscilla Presley. Presley and Naser encourage horse lovers to write to their congressional delegation urging the bill to be passed.

The three other horses saved by Naser currently live in Virginia where Naser and Presley recently visited. Naser says they are pleased with where they are adding that it's a magical feeling to be able to change the direction of the lives of these animals.

Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009    Current Legislation: HR 503: There is a proposed Bill languishing in Congress now, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act of 2009.  The Act was introduced this past January both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to ban the transport and slaughter of American horses for human consumption. The House bill was introduced by Rep. John Conyers, Jr.  As of 6/30/09, there are 143 co-sponsors of this bill.  The bill sent in March 2009 to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, where it remains to date. The Bill would effectively shut down the existing trafficking of horses to Mexico and Canada. It sits waiting for Congress to pass the legislation.  Please encourage your political leaders to get going on this bill:   For more information on the Act, and it's current status, visit   http://thomas.loc.gov/ and search for H.R. 503. (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)

The guys from Elvis News are back!: Well their retirement didn't last long and after reconsidering their position, Elvis News has made a welcome return to the Internet. Welcome back guys!!!!

Chip Moman to be honored: Chips Moman will receive a brass note on Beale Street in October. The Beale Street program has dedicated 73 brass notes on Beale since 1986 honoring the Mid-South's musical stars and pioneers. Sixteen musicians are being recognized with the plaques through to April 2010.

New book from 'Elvis the Magazine': ELVIS...He Touched Me is made up of rare interviews and stories from The Creative Radio Network. Darwin Lamm, producer of the weekly radio show The Elvis Hour and publisher of Elvis...The Magazine began collecting these short, fun, intimate strories in August 1977.

Elvis touched so many people in so many ways, from the Movie Star to the gas station attendant and from US Presidents to "Joe the fan". They each reflect on that one special encounter with Elvis that affected or changed the direction of their lives forever. There are only a few people who knew Elvis well enough to write their own book, but many who share that one special moment or event with Elvis.

This book encompasses over 200 hours of rare interviews that have never before been printed all together in one collection. Read and feel the excitement, fun and joy that Elvis brought to people like: Johnny Cash, Paul McCartney, Brenda Lee, Pat Boone, Carl Perkins, Steve Allen, Roy Orbison, Frankie Avalon, Johnny Tillotson, Eddie Rabbit and more.

This book includes 38 photographs and anecdotes that all Elvis fans and friends will find amusing and touching. This is the first in the series and will be highly anticipated by all Elvis collectors. 
(News, Source: Elvis the Magazine)

Elvis Story opens in Canada: Following a two-year absence, Elvis Story heads to the Greater Montréal Area to begin a new run at L’Étoile Dix30 in Brossard. To offer a fresh take on the musical revue that has been performed around the world, LCQ Productions called on talented and creative artists with firmly established reputations. Yves Aucoin, who was involved in the original production and who, among other things, has been Céline Dion’s master lighting designer for the past twenty years, and Geneviève Dorion-Coupal, best known for her work on Star Académie, her choreographies for Night Fever and Génération Motown as well as her collaboration with Les Misérables and the Cirque du Soleil.

The two were entrusted with the mission of updating the show, which has been seen by more than 1.6 million spectators. Thanks to the latest technology, the lighting effects, decors and videos have been completely revamped. In 2009, the show’s soul and energy thus appear in a whole new light. An actor, no other than Mario Saint-Amand, now plays the role of narrator and his presence is an integral part of the performance along with six backup singers and seven musicians, including a brand new brass section.

As for Brandon Bennett, winner of the prestigious 2008 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, he is more than proud to now be impersonating Presley in a world famous production officially licensed by Elvis Presley Enterprises. He also feels spurred on by the enthusiasm of all those who have helped ensure the show’s success for so many years. And he is of course honoured to have been chosen to replace the talented Martin Fontaine, who portrayed Elvis for 12 years in the previous version of the show.

Don't miss Elvis Story with Brandon Bennett at L'Etoile DIX30 from July 8 to August 30.

For tickets, call 450-676-1030 or visit www.admission.com
(News, Source: EPE)

Dean Martin's daughter remembers Elvis: When Elvis Presley was introduced to Dean Martin's daughter Deana, Elvis leaned in and said, "'They call me the King of Rock and Roll, but your dad is the King of Cool ,'" recalls Deana Martin. "I almost died," she said. "It has to be true, Elvis Presley thinks my dad is the King of Cool ."

Life for Deana Martin was anything but ordinary and not always easy. She yearned to spend more time with her father. Her first voice lesson was from Frank Sinatra. She shares similar memories and more in her book, "Memories Are Made of This: Dean Martin Through His Daughter's Eyes." (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)

Jackson-Presley marriage a sham: According to a new book on Michael Jackson, both of the late singer's marriages fell somewhere between hoax and epic myth. Michael Jackson's former publicist Bob Jones says of the infamous marriage to Lisa Marie Presley in Michael Jackson: Behind the Mask, "I've been around long enough to know that this was nothing more than a publicity stunt." (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)

Riley Keough is Mango model: The Spanish fashion brand Mango announced their selection of 4 models that will be used to present their newest fall and winter catalogue. Riley Keough, Elvis' grand-daughter has at the age of 20 years already an impressive CV with shootings for Dior and Hilfiger. This picture is made for Mango. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

"The Memphis Lullaby" album coming soon: L.A.M. Productions are proud to announce the release of the debut album by Whitehaven entitled ‘The Memphis Lullaby’. The album will be released Summer 2009. The project is in the late stages of recording. All songs are written by Linda Ann McConnell. Some of the songs to be included in the album are:

The Pilgrimage To Memphis
X x 100 ²
The Last Serenade
Guardian Angel
A Gift
The Dream Prophecy

Linda Ann is currently designing the art work to accompany the CD album.

For more info visit The Memphis Lullaby website and see next news item for detaiuls of The Memphis Lullaby book and CD signings duriung Elvis Week 2009

The Memphis Lullaby book & CD signings: The Memphis Lullaby’ was voted number 3 in the top twenty Elvis book list compiled by ‘Elvis Presley: A Life in Books.’

All of the 1000 limited edition books have been released by the publisher. The book can still be purchased but only 1000 books have the special limited edition label. We have been informed that the labeled, signed limited editions books will become collector’s items as there were only 1000 made.

Book & CD Signings
10th August 2007, 19.00, The Summit Hotel, Tupelo.
11 August 2007, 12:00, The Tupelo Convention Center
17th August 2007, 1.00pm, Night of a Thousand Stars

The book can be purchased from
Latest prices are:£56.46 and £63.44.

Important Note: It has come to out attention that a whole box of books were stolen from the apartment at 185 Winchester, Lauderdale Courts, November 2007. If anyone is selling them from Memphis they are stolen property. We ask that you please do not purchase books that are unsigned from America. Some of the books are unnumbered.

We are happy to announce that ‘The Memphis Lullaby’ book has raised money for many charitable causes since it was first published in 2004. The publishing company will continue to offer signed books to charities in the name of Elvis. If you need to raise funds for charitable purposes then send in a letter detailing the cause and we will send a signed copy of the book to help raise funds.

Contact The Memphis Lullaby for availability through their outlet

Love Me Tender music site online: In a few months, the Dutch version of the musical 'All Shook Up' will premiere under the name 'Love Me Tender'. A special website with all facts of the musical is now online. Rene van Kooten, who is playing the main part, traveled to Memphis to prepare himself for his role. You can see his adventures in the USA online. The tickets are now on sale and can also be booked on the site here. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

Elvis' box office drawing power in the 1960s: likethebike recently posted these interesting facts about Elvis at the box office on FECC:

The national theater owners did an annual poll in the 1960s ranking the Top Ten Box Office stars. Elvis finished in that list six times in the 1960s. #10 1961, #5 1962, #7 1963, #6 1964, #6 1965, #10 1966. He also made #4 in 1957. As late as 1968, Speedway hit #40 for the year, probably ranking in the top ten percent of movies released that year.

Elvis was such a large draw in the mid-1960s that Allied Artists hired him purposely to help keep their studio dodge bankruptcy with a successful project and Elvis did that with Tickle Me.

Blue Hawaii was not only a big hit, but one of the big hits of the era making the Top Twenty grossers for both 1961 #18 and 1962 #14.

GI Blues ranked #14 for 1960 according to Variety, a pretty astounding performance considering the film was only out for six weeks. Kid Galahad #37 1962. Girls Girls Girls #31 1962 (again a November release). It Happened at the World's Fair #55 1963. Fun In Acapulco #33 1963 (November). Kissin' Cousins #26 1964. Viva Las Vegas #11 1964. Roustabout #28, 1964 (another November release). Girl Happy #25, 1965. I don't have a listing for Tickle Me although it must have made the list because its gross nearly identical to Girl Happy. Paradise Hawaiian Style #40 1966. Easy Come Easy Go #50 1967. Stay Away Joe #65 1968. Speedway #40 1968. The numbers for the films released in November would have certainly been higher had the movies been released earlier in the year.

Most Elvis' Wallis movies were strong box office hits. (Celluloid Elvis, Source: FECC forum)

Latest Audionics album now out: The latest Audionics  CD titled '' SOMETHING '' is out now. It features the August 11, 1970 dinner show, and this is the last release from that series linked to Elvis’ third and very successful season in Las Vegas.

" SOMETHING " is the first release of this show in FULL STEREO sound, and very much in the same quality as our previous two STEREO outings.

It will be presented in a beautiful 3-panel digipack with a 20 page booklet and accompanying photographs taken from the actual show, the next dinner show and additional candids .

All the shows recorded during his first week were highly entertaining and " SOMETHING " is no different. Our last release of those August 1970 recordings is SOMETHING not to be missed!!

Tracks: 01.  A Thing Called Love * - 02. On The Other Side * - 03. Opening Theme ( Joe Guercio orchestra ) - 04. Opening vamp / That’s All Right, Mama - 05. I Got A Woman - 06. Hound Dog - 07. Monologue #1 - 08. Heartbreak Hotel ( with false start ) - 09. Monologue #2 - 10. Love Me Tender - 11. I’ve Lost You - 12. Monologue #3 - 13. I Just Can’t Help Believin’ – 14. Something – 15. I Can’t Stop Loving You – 16. Sweet Caroline - 17. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' - 18. Polk Salad Annie - 19. Band Introductions – 20. Introduction of Sonny King -21. Bridge Over Troubled Water 22. Suspicious Minds - 23. Can't Help Falling In Love. Total running time: 74:01
* Performed by The Imperials. (News, Source: FECC)


Wednesday 22 July 2009

Coming in late Fall...Elvis Hot Shots And Cool Clips Volume 5.....featuring one hour of unreleased Elvis footage. Highlights includes: Las Vegas, NV. July 31, 1969 VIP show. A short but fascinating look of Elvis on stage at the end of this historic performance with the curtain going down and the crowd on its feet, plus interviews with celebrity guests.

Elvis performing in 1956 at the Armory in Louisville, KY on November 25th. All unreleased behind the scenes footage at the filming of '' It Happened At The World's Fair '' in 1962. An unreleased army interview caught off guard in his bunk. A special unreleased vignette of '' Paradise Hawaiian Style ''. This DVD will also include much, much more. JAT Productions. (News, Source: FECC)

Black Angels in Vegas released!: The first release from a brand new label Venus Productions is titled Black Angels in Vegas.

This 2 CD-set contains the August 30, 1974 Midnight show, professionally re-mastered from a newly discovered first generation soundboard tape. The sound quality is stunning! The set will comes with in a beautiful full color, hardcover book with many rare and unpublished pictures plus extensive liner notes, spread over 84 pages. Black Angels In Vegas (Venus Productions)

Tracks: 2001 Theme / See See Rider / Dialogue / I Got A Woman - Amen / Love Me / If You Love Me / It's Midnight / Big Boss Man / Fever / All Shook Up / Softly As I Leave You / Hound Dog / American Trilogy / Elvis introduces Dean Nichopoulos / Suspicious Minds / Band Introductions / Karate Monologue / If You Talk In Your Sleep / Elvis introduces Kang Rhee / Karate Dialogue / Help Me / Let Me Be There (+ reprise) / How Great Thou Art (+ reprise) / Hawaiian Wedding Song / You Gave Me A Mountain / Can't Help Falling In Love / Closing Vamp

Note: This show was released before by the Rock Legends label in 1996 and had the title: "Elvis Night Fever In Vegas"-also 2 CD-set.
(News, Source: EP Gold/Email)

U.S. Copyright Office – FAQ’s include…..How do I protect my sighting of Elvis?: Believe it or not but the following is actually one of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) of the U.S. Copyright Office...

Copyright law does not protect sightings. However, copyright law will protect your photo (or other depiction) of your sighting of Elvis. File your claim to copyright online by means of the electronic Copyright Office (eCO). Pay the fee online and attach a copy of your photo. Or, go to the Copyright Office website, fill in Form CO, print it, and mail it together with your photo and fee. For more information on registration a copyright, see SL-35. No one can lawfully use your photo of your sighting, although someone else may file his own photo of his sighting. Copyright law protects the original photograph, not the subject of the photograph.

Dewey Phillips being honored during Elvis Week 2009: On Thursday, August 13th, there will be a Brass Note Dedication for Dewey Phillips at 9:30 AM in Memphis, TN.

The ceremony will take place in front of W.C. Handy Park, located on the northeast corner of Third and Beale Streets. The Beale Street Brass Note Committee will be honoring Dewey Phillips with a brass note on Beale Street’s “Walk of Fame.”

Phillips was one of Memphis’ most famous and entertaining disc jockeys who in 1954 was the first DJ to give air time to Elvis. The ceremony is open to the public.

Read EIN's review of the excellent book "Dewey and Elvis"

An Elvis Presley tribute act is suing Las Vegas police for right to impersonate: William Jablonski, a regular busker on the Vegas strip, claims he has been harassed by officers who have repeatedly cited him for obstructing the pavement, disorderly conduct and being a public nuisance.

Mr Jablonski, who signs autographs, poses for tourists and once performed for a televised Elvis tribute at the MGM Grand, is taking police to court to prove that impersonating "The King" is a constitutional right. The street performer claims that he has been wrongfully hounded by officers. He stopped performing in public after he was cited for obstructing the pavement in 2007. A year later, having donned his velvet suit again, he was confronted as he sang in front of the Paris Hotel & Casino by a Las Vegas police officer who told him not to have his picture taken with tourists or accept tips.

His act was stopped again twice within the next fortnight, including on one occasion when Mr Jablonski claims he was approached by a group of no fewer than five officers, who said they saw him accept a dollar. The Elvis fan has joined forces with a busking guitarist, Suzette Banasik, and the American Civil Liverties Union to fight for their right to perform. They have filed a suit in the US District Court in Las Vegas against Clark County, along with District Attorney David Roger, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department and Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto.

The performers' are challenging statutes and codes they say "violate free speech" and amount to "unconstitutional restraints on personal speech and expression.'' Spokesmen for both Clark County and the police declined comment. (Almost Elvis, Source: Richard Edwards, Crime Correspondent, telegraph.co.uk)

Charles Stone book to be sold by EPE: Elvis Unlimited (EU) and EP Gold report that " Our good friend Charles Stone has informed Elvis Unlimited that Elvis Presley Enterprises will now carry his book.

Charles tell EU exclusively that EPE was very impressed with his new book, My Years With Elvis and The Colonel.

Charles has also been featured on Elvis Radio on Sirius XM. Now that EPE has decided to carry his books, it would be great to have Charles present during Elvis Week to sign books and speak with the fans.

Charles will also be in Collingwood for the Elvis Fest this weekend coming, so if you are planning to attend the weekend event, stop by and say hello to Charles.

Congratulations to both Charles Stone and Greg Retkowski of
Praytome Publishing!"

Chips Moman announced as EPE Special Guest during Elvis Week 2009: Chips Moman will be joining us as a special guest for Elvis Week 2009 at Conversation on Elvis, Session One on Saturday, August 15 at 10:00 a.m.

Chips is a legendary, Grammy-award winning record producer known for making hits with Elvis Presley, Bobby Womack, Carla Thomas, Merrilee Rush, Rufus Thomas, the Mar-Keys, William Bell, Booker T. and the MGs, Wilson Pickett, Dusty Springfield, Herbie Mann and many others.

From writing hits like "Luckenbach, Texas" for Waylon Jennings to playing guitar on sessions with Aretha Frankin, to producing and playing on records by Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard and Tammy Wynette, Chips has been at the heart of creating America's music for decades.
On several occasions, during the late 1960's and early 1970's, more than 20 of Billboard's Hot 100 songs were produced at Chip's studio, American Sound.

In 1969, based on the urging of his friends, Elvis decided to record in Memphis for the first time since 1955. The resulting sessions, directed by Chips at American Studio, resulted in such hits as "Suspicious Minds," "In the Ghetto" and "Kentucky Rain" just to name a few.

He will be joining a session, hosted by Tom Brown of Turner Classic Movies, that will include Ernst Jorgensen along with The Memphis Boys; Gene Chrisman, Bobby Wood, Bobby Emmons, Reggie Young and Mike Leech. This will be a great way to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of their historic American Studio session.

Sony Music will be releasing a Deluxe version of From Elvis In Memphis, including all the 32 masters recorded at these sessions. These recordings have been remastered from the original album masters for optimum sound quality.

At session Two of Conversations on Elvis which will begin at 1:00 p.m., you'll hear from Elvis' friends and associates who were at his opening engagement in Las Vegas: Joe Moscheo of Elvis' Imperials, James Burton of the TCB Band, singer Millie Kirkham and journalist Gloria Greer. In addition, Ken Sharp, author of Elvis: Vegas '69, will begin the session to share what he has learned while producing the ultimate book on Elvis' return to Vegas.

Both sessions will be held at The Cannon Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets for each individual session are $19 or you may purchase a ticket to both sessions of Conversations on Elvis for $35. Tickets are available by calling Graceland Reservations at 800-238-2000 or 901-332-3322 or click here to purchase online.

New Legacy video: The Official EPE site announces that Ernie Barrasso knew Elvis from growing up in the same neighborhood. Ernie talks about selling Elvis a red Thunderbird Landau and when Elvis rented out his Thunderbird Lounge in 1967 and 1968 for New Year's Eve. Click here to watch his Legacy video.

Shop at Collectibles Show during Elvis Week 2009: If you're visiting Memphis this year, be sure to drop by at the Collectible Show right across from Graceland (3524 Elvis Presley Blvd): it opens on August 11 and closes on the 15th. Free admission.

You'll find original albums, candid photos, movie memorabilia, promo items, sheet music, jewelry, books, live concert pictures by Keith Alverson and so much more... and you may bump into the group of 100 ElvisMatters Members as well! (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

The Sweet Inspirations in music documentary: 'The Sweet Inspirations' are the female backing vocals during all of Elvis' concerts in the 70s. This group is playing an important part in the music documentary 'This Time' that is in post-production. Original members Myrna Smyth and Estelle Brown and 'new' member Portia Griffin are followed by the cameras.

The highlight of their success was in the sixties and seventies. They were not only very popular as Elvis' backing vocals, Aretha Franklin and Dusty Springfield are some of the other famous artists that hired the Sweets during studio sessions.

Besides their career as backing vocals they were also very succesfull as a solo group. It is that part were the director puts his focus on in this docu. For more info click this link (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

Monday 20 July 2009

Elvis' Secret Life Exposed: And now for something a little different! From Libertyland to the White House, Dolly Parton, Kill Bill and in-between, we think you will enjoy this recent, very clever and amusing, article...

Elvis Presley, the man who jump-started the rock-and-roll revolution from a tiny Memphis recording studio in 1954 and went on to become the world's most recognizable entertainer, died Monday, August 6th, of cardiac arrest, at his Horn Lake, Mississippi, home. He was 72 years old.

Read full article

Aussie Chart Update: On this week's ARIA Top 40 Music DVD Chart, Elvis: The King of Rock 'n' Roll fell 9 places to #34 (63 weeks on chart; high position #4; certified Px2). Both the Comeback Special and Aloha DVDs dropped out of the Top 40. (News, Source: ARIA)

How the Beatles destroyed rock 'n' roll: Beatles fans may not be too happy with the new book by Elijah Wald (Oxford University Press), but the author doesn't mind stepping on somebody else's toes. His statement goes as follows: musicians like Elvis, Frank Sinatra and James Brown were all originals who - in their way - contributed immensely to rock 'n' roll.

The Beatles however, cut the natural rock 'n' roll evolution short by "being 4 white guys bringing white Merseybeat". If it wasn't for the Beatles, black music wouldn't had to re-invent itself with rap and hiphop. Without the Beatles, rock 'n' roll would still be one of world's most popular music genres in 2009...(News, Source: Elvis Matters)

Elvis butters up, but Michael Jackson vote sour: Jesus Christ and his apostles made the cut. So did John Wayne, Elvis and Tiger. But Michael Jackson will not have his buttery likeness displayed at the Iowa State Fair in Des Moines this summer, after support for a creamy statue of the King of Pop melted in an online vote. Kent Lehs, a manager with the Midwest Dairy Association, which sponsors the display, said Friday it wasn't a question of Jackson's achievements that drew complaints.

"They were more pointed toward what they felt they understand Michael Jackson's reputation was and not as a singer and dancer, but more some of the things he was implicated on in his personal life," said Lehs.

Jackson was accused of molesting a child in 1993 and settled the case without a trial, and he was acquitted of child molestation charges in a separate case in 2003. Butter sculptures have been popular part of the fair since 1911, and fairgoers jostle for position in front of the glass-enclosed displays to watch the artists at work. Besides a life-size Butter Cow, which always makes an appearance, sculptors usually whip up another display.

Past works have included statues of Elvis Presley and Tiger Woods, Harry Potter, a Harley Davidson motorcycle and even a slippery rendition of Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper." And this year's display will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the moon landing.

Fair staff first announced plans for a Jackson sculpture days after his June 25 death. After being deluged with complaints, the staff clarified that the Jackson statue would be of him moonwalking, in keeping with the theme. But the complaints kept coming, so organizers decided to put the issue to an online vote.

"They were not going to go to the fair or they were considering not going to the fair or to the (agriculture) building," Lehs said.

Fair spokeswoman Lori Chappell said more than 100,000 votes were cast and by a 65 percent to 35 percent margin, people rejected the Jackson sculpture. Voters were asked to include a ZIP code, and 97 percent of those submitted were from Iowa, she said.

"They've certainly shown a lot of passion for the fair over the past few weeks," Chappell said.

Sarah Pratt, the 155-year-old fair's fourth butter sculptor, is expected to begin her work later this month to be ready by the fair's Aug. 13 opening. (Odd Spot, Source: Melanie S. Welte, AP)

Sunday 19 July 2009

Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel: Not surprisingly, following JAT's announcement yesterday that its next book release would be Jailhouse Rock, Elvis Unlimited has re-affirmed its shortly to be released box set, Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel:

Elvis Unlimited is proud to announce our next project, Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel

Why the sequel, you ask? Well, Inside Jailhouse has already been done by the legendary Ger Rijff. The "Inside" series was also created by Ger Rijff. His "Inside" titles include Inside King Creole, Inside Loving You and Inside Jailhouse Rock. T
herefore, an "Inside" book is incomplete without it's creator, Ger Rijff. So in cooperation with Ger Rijff, we have decided to do the sequel to Inside Jailhouse Rock.

Inside Jailhouse Rock - The Sequel will follow the typical format of our Inside series which will be a limited edition box set including a book, DVD, vinyl record, and much more. Inside Jailhouse Rock – The Sequel is an Elvis Unlimited Productions written by Megan Murphy, concept by Ger Rijff, designed by Kenneth Dokkeberg, published by Henrik Knudsen.

Highly notable Elvis collectors including; Sherif Hanna, one of the world's top Elvis collectors and historians, Ger Rijff, creator of the "Inside" series, Todd Slaughter, president of The Official Elvis Presley Fan Club Of Great Britain, Chris Giles, publisher of Inside Loving You & owner of The Elvis Shop, Hubert Vindevogel, President of the oldest fan club in Belgium, The United Elvis Presley Society which has been in existence since the early 60's; Carlos Ares, President of the fan club in Argentina and Expert on Elvis vinyl, Andylon Lensen, Bob Klein, Russ Howe and countless more have contributed incredible material for this project. (News, Source: EP Gold/Elvis Unlimited)

Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Jesus Christ-what do they have in common?: These three men are all worshiped by some and hated by others. Each of them suffered from a fame so big that nearly all people know who each of them was. All of them died young under horrific circumstances and each man was called "king" by some.

Beyond that you would probably think that the only parallels you could draw are between Presley and Jackson. After all, Christ was not a musician or an addict. He was not rich or reclusive. He never married or had children and he didn't overdose on drugs as Elvis did and Michael may have. So what else could they possibly have in common?

In Wm. Paul Young's The Shack, the main character tells Christ that he is sorry that Jesus went through such pain and torture. Jesus tells him that he would gladly do it all over again even if it was only for him. It is at this point that Mack realizes the depth of God's love for him. And when he hears God say he is "especially fond" of someone a few times he thinks God likes certain people more. But he quickly learns that God feels "especially fond" of everyone.

Mack finally understands that God loves him just as he is. He also sees that God loves all of his children just as they are and considers each and every one of them special.

And so there is one more thing that The King of Rock and Roll, The King of Pop, and The King of the Jews all have in common. And it is a commonality that they share with each and every one of us. They are deeply and completely loved by God. We are all deeply and completely loved by God. You are deeply and completely loved by God. (News, Source: examiner.com)

Free Elvis CD with Sunday paper: The British newspaper 'Sunday Express' offers all it's readers a free Elvis CD with 30 tracks.

The songslist contains the classic early rockers. After the payment of the shipping cost, the CD will be shipped.

There is also the opportunity to buy a 5 disc, 125 track box set with a variety of hits, performed by early Rock and Roll artists.
(News, Source: EP Gold)

On EIN tomorrow:

Elvis' secret life exposed........from Libertyland to the White House - startling new information!!!

America's most trusted man dies: Elvis Unlimited has published this excellent story following the death of the legendary US TV news anchor, Walter Cronkite.

It's a sad day for all Americans. Breaking news just scrolled or paused most broadcasts on television, Legendary CBS broadcast journalist Walter Cronkite has died. Walter Cronkite, a true journalist and news anchor was considered "The Most Trusted Man In America".

Cronkite was legendary for delivering the news of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 and the lunar landing in 1969.

Three weeks ago Cronkite's family revealed he had been suffering for years with cerebrovascular disease and was not expected to recuperate.

Cronkite was the anchor of the CBS network news from 1962 to 1981. He was known for signing off by saying, "And that's the way it is."

Cronkite died at home in New York at 7:42 PM -- he was 92.

"The CBS Evening News" on Aug. 16, 1977, led with a story on the Panama Canal. Former President Gerald Ford had come out in favor of a plan, announced the week before, to give control of the canal to Panama. Former California Gov. Ronald Reagan said he was against it. Again. Elvis Presley's death was reported later.

There are those who contend that if Walter Cronkite had not been on vacation, CBS would have led with Elvis, as ABC and NBC did. But the fact that it was even a close call was hard to fathom.

"Our job is not to respond to public taste," Richard Salant, then-head of CBS News, had offered as an explanation of the Panama/Presley call, according to various accounts. "Elvis Presley was dead ..so he was dead."

For years insiders at the CBS newsroom were said to have repeated the words “remember Elvis,” because the network felt as if it had been remiss in its coverage of the star. The day the Elvis music died dominated the media cycle for weeks on end. CBS would come to repeat the mantra "Remember Elvis" for years afterward, fearful of ever again seeming out of touch with what touched viewers. There was no debate at the House of Murrow when Bing Crosby died two months after Presley.

By 1980, when John Lennon was murdered, the major-media template for handling celebrity deaths _ prominent coverage, specials and other remembrances _ was established, straddling between tribute and exploitation, news and sensationalism. And you saw it still last week for Jackson and Farrah Fawcett.

And in the words of Walter Cronkite, "and that's the way it is." (News, Source: Elvis Unlimited)

EIN Note: Roger Mudd and a colleague, Lee Townsend, argued strongly that they should lead with Elvis' death, but were unsuccessful as producer in charge, Ron Bond, refused to budge on his decision to lead with the Panama Canal story. Bond denies anyone made a strong case to him to lead with Elvis' death and commented that he still believed he made the right decision on the night.

As a result of the CBS decision not to open with Elvis' death, its rating plummeted to 5 in New York with an eleven share. Normally, the clear market leader, CBS was slaughtered in the ratings that night.

Arguably, Bond's strong opposition to leading with Elvis' death reflected a still ongoing resistance by many today to take Elvis' life and career seriously. (Source: EIN/When Elvis Died by Neal & Janice Gregory)

Elvis and Sophocles Merge for 'Oedipus the King, Mama!': According to Falcon, "It's the Maternal Musical that mashes up Sophocles' Oedipus the King with the music of the King of Rock & Roll, Elvis Presley. Oedipus has a 'Burning Love' and he 'Can't Help Falling in Love' with his Mama. So 'Don't Be Cruel' and miss this musical parody by the theatre company the Los Angeles Times calls 'The Masters of Musical Spoofery.'"

Matt Walker directs the ensemble production. Opening night is Aug. 21. Performances continue to Sept. 27.

The Troubadour Theater Company is celebrating its 14th year. The Los Angeles not-for-profit ensemble of actors, comedians and musicians has performed throughout southern California since 1995. They create fast-paced adaptations of classic plays, as well as original works and sketch material. Their past work at the Falcon includes: As U2 Like It; A Charlie James Brown Christmas; JACKson FROST; Much Adoobie Brothers About Nothing; Little Drummer Bowie; Hamlet, the Artist Formerly Known as Prince of Denmark; Santa Claus is Comin' to Motown; It's a Stevie Wonderful Life; OthE.L.O. and Alice in One-Hit-Wonderland 1 & 2.

For tickets call (818) 955-8101.

The Falcon Theatre is a 130-seat performing arts space located in the Burbank, CA, media district. Built by director-writer-producer Garry Marshall and his daughter Kathleen Marshall, the Falcon offers a five-play subscription series from August through April, in addition to family shows in the summer. The Falcon Theatre is located at 4252 Riverside Drive in Burbank, CA. Visit www.FalconTheatre.com. (News, Source: Playbill Online)


Saturday 18 July 2009
JAT announces its latest release: With Elvis in Gold due for release next week, Joseph Tunzi has announced his next release will focus on Jailhouse Rock. (News, Source: FECC)

TV Special on lives and deaths of Elvis and Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson (R), the "King of Pop", seen in an April 1995 file photo with Lisa Marie Presley in Los Angeles, died from a heart attack in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009. He was 50 years old.

TV Guide Network says it plans to air a U.S. TV special on what it calls "eerie similarities" in the lives and deaths of Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley.
The one-hour program "Michael and Elvis: A Tale of Two Kings" is slated to premiere Sunday.

"TV Guide Network examines the eerie similarities surrounding the lives and untimely deaths of Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. From the mega-stars' pop culture monikers -- 'The King of Pop' and 'The King of Rock 'n' Roll' -- to their fabled homesteads -- Neverland and Graceland -- and the unusual circumstances surrounding their deaths ... ," the network said in a news release.

Jackson, who died of cardiac arrest after a suspected prescription drug overdose at the age of 50, was briefly married to Presley's only daughter, Lisa Marie. The marriage ended in divorce.

Elvis Presley died in 1977 of a heart attack at the age of 42 after years of abusing prescription drugs.
(News, Source: UPI/EP Gold)

Auto shop finds Cadillac that may belonged to Elvis: A Punta Gorda auto shop says they recently found an interesting item in an old beat up car they were working on.  It may be evidence that the car belonged to Elvis Presley.

While working on a 1958 Cadillac at Nick's Custom Trims, workers uncovered a gold plate on an ash tray mounted in the back seat.

"My brother in law Paul was in the process of disassembling the interior, taking parts out, and we came across this backrest ashtray.  Now from the way it looks, everything is factory original, and this car was ordered with this plaque engraved with Elvis Presley's name on it.  So we're in the middle of calling Graceland and checking the VIN numbers and everything, to verify if this was Elvis's missing '58 Cadillac," says John Castelli from Nick's Custom Trims.

Shop managers say the car owner, who wants to remain anonymous for now, had no idea the Elvis-engraved ash tray was there, but is in the process of researching the car's history. (News, Source: mysuncoast.com)

New Elvis tribute song available for download:

January - 8 -1935  ( Elvis Tribute )  Jenny's song

(written by: L J Coon for Starr Track Music )L J Coon Music Publishing BMI

In the winter of Thirty Five

Tupelo Mississippi's pride

A Mother gave birth to a rock-n-roll King

He crossed the river to the other sideMemphis Sun and stars in his eye's

They told his Mama, "That Boy Can Sing"  


And, we can see him on the silver screen

The way he wiggles the girls would scream

The gentle way he same each song

Jenny never missed a single show

Except the day, we didn't go

The day I asked her for her hand

Cause she loved Elvis - I couldn't take her from a better man  


I remember the day he died

And every tear, we cried and cried

And how way stayed up al night longJust playing old Forty Five's

In every song, he was still alive

We sat there thinking - was he really gone  

And on the news they said, "They Found"

Everybody gathered round - I couldn't believe my eyes   


Cause, I could see him on the silver screen

The way he wiggled the girls would scream

The gentle way he sang each song

Jenny never missed a single show

Except the day we didn't go

The day I asked her for her hand

Cause she loved Elvis - I couldn't take her from a better man  


She loved Elvis - I couldn't take her from a better man

To order the CD or get Digital Downloads of The Single   "January - 8 -1935  ( Elvis Tribute ) "
from the album try the following links or email  L J – Starrtrac6@aol.com
Sturadio@aol.com ( Eildon Hall, Melrose TD6 9HD, Scotland ) "Hotdisc" C-D products


Jackson hoopla will linger for years: Is it safe to come out yet? Are the teddy bears still propped up against the lamp posts? Have the sprays of flowers strewn in significant spots withered yet? Has the wailing stopped and the publicly shed tears for a man nobody knew privately dried up yet?

Poor Michael Jackson. He was an entertainer, and there's no such thing as death with dignity for someone in his position. Someday, anthropologists studying the pop culture of our era will be amused at the elaborate mourning rituals and the public theatrics that have become a staple when deaths like his occur.

He is another Princess Diana, another Elvis. Someone compared his death to 9-11. The U. S. Congress observed a moment of silence in his honour. You'd think a statesman or humanitarian of the calibre of Martin Luther King or Robert Kennedy had just passed away.

Jackson was an entertainer. He got up on a stage and sang. In the grand scheme of things, what he did was not all that crucial to the world. And for all those people who claim that "he was the soundtrack of my life," well, folks, the soundtrack of your life is actually made up of the voices of those you love, friends and family, who are in the moment with you and whose lives are entwined with your own in a way that the life of a singer, who did not even know you existed, can never be.

I feel sad for Jackson, not just because it truly is tragic when a 50-year-old man is cut down in the prime of life, but because as a celebrity, it is his misfortune that he'll never be allowed to rest in peace. The hype and hoopla surrounding his life and death will not subside for years. If Princess Diana is any yardstick to measure things by, it'll be at least a decade before the dust settles.

The supermarket tabloids are rubbing their collective hands in glee, as we speak, at the prospect of having him for fodder for years to come. I know, because I used to work at a supermarket tabloid. That was in the first few years after Elvis died, and there wasn't any hay that we didn't make out of his death. Our "psychics" held seances and talked to Elvis in the spirit world.

Elvis's face was seen in the swimming pool at Graceland (if I recall correctly, we used a photo of the pool at the Holiday Inn in Montreal with an arrow pointing to a couple of ripples in the water). Elvis's ghost was haunting his birthplace of Tupelo, where he had buried some personal memento and the ghost wouldn't rest until the treasure was found. Elvis lived; he was spotted in a Burger King in Kalamazoo. Elvis was finally reunited in the spirit world with his stillborn twin brother, Jesse. Elvis was tormented by guilt all his life because he had lived and Jesse had died. Elvis had a message for humanity that he wanted to transmit to the world.

When we tired of his being dead, we brought him back to life. Elvis had reincarnated into the person of a baby boy born in New Jersey; the baby's mom had heard the infant belting out Blue Suede Shoes in his crib. Among other story possibilities we kicked around and discarded were: Elvis's face being seen in a pattern of rocks on the surface of Mars, Elvis's ghost saved a woman from a marauding Bigfoot, and on and on it went.

Poor Michael Jackson. This is what awaits him, and it will only get worse as all the sordid details of his life begin to emerge and titillate the never-jaded public, mourning at their makeshift memorials for someone they never personally knew.

It's really strange how the cult of celebrity worship holds people in thrall. I'm not sure what entertainers do to merit this kind of adoration. They sing a few songs to make us feel good for the moment, and they get rich from it. Or, as that satirical lyric goes from the song, Cover of the Rolling Stone, "We sing about beauty and we sing about truth, at $10,000 a show."

How entertainers ever reach, and practically surpass, almost messianic status is beyond understanding. I'm not saying this because I'm a baby boomer who didn't care for Jackson's music. I would feel the same if an icon beloved by my generation, such as Paul McCartney, had passed away.

Shouldn't we be venerating the people who really make a difference in the lives of others? Maybe it's time another Martin Luther King came along, to remind us what true celebrity status is all about. Unfortunately, it's quite possible that with decibel levels at an all-time high over people like Jackson, we might not even be able to hear what such an individual had to say. (News, Source: Naomi Lakritz, Calgary Herald)


Thursday 16 July 2009

The "new" Graceland?

Joe Jackson asks Priscilla and Lisa Marie for advice on opening of Neverland to the public: bild.com reports that the 79-year-old father of the late Michael Jackson sought out Priscilla and her daughter Lisa Marie Presley - Michael's ex-wife and the daughter of Elvis Presley - because he is keen to turn Michael's former home into an attraction for fans. Joe believes Neverland could be as successful as Elvis' former residence Graceland.

The 'National Enquirer' magazine reported: "Joe secretly set about soliciting advice from ex in-laws Lisa Marie Presley and hard-nosed mom Priscilla Presley on how to turn the ranch into a perpetual money-machine, like Graceland - which has netted the Presleys hundreds of millions!"

Meanwhile Elvis Matters reports that on Ebay, there are several offers from internet companies who are selling domain names that are linked to Neverland, Michael and even his kids. For $1 million, you can buy a handful of those names.

"Cooking with Elvis" - Theatre Review

EPE announces Elvis Week 2009 Plans: Every year since Elvis Presley’s death in 1977, tens of thousands of people from around the world have gathered at his home, Graceland, in Memphis to celebrate his life in a series of events known as ELVIS WEEK. Graceland and Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. (EPE) announced today that in addition to the annual events such as the Candlelight Vigil, tickets are also on sale for new Elvis Week events August 8-16 in Memphis. The nine-day celebration includes a wide variety of festivities that will showcase the impact Elvis Presley’s life and career continues to have on music enthusiasts and popular culture.

In addition to the annual Candlelight Vigil on August 15 and the traditional Elvis Week festivities, several new events have been added to this year’s calendar. The 2009 Elvis Week MySpace Karaoke Contest has introduced Elvis Week to new fans through the popular social networking site.

The winner of their contest will join contestants from around the world for the 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, to compete for the title of 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist and a $20,000 cash prize. The Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest Semifinal Round will take place on August 12 at 7 p.m. at The Cannon Center. The winner will move on to the final round on August 13 at 7 p.m. at The Cannon Center.

During the finals, the top 10 Elvis tribute artists will showcase their talents as they compete for the title of Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist of 2009. Both two-day and single-day tickets are available.

One of the highlights of the week will be the 2007 Ultimate Tribute Artist Contest winner Shawn Klush, who will perform in his own concert featuring Elvis’ original back up singers, The Sweet Inspirations, on August 11 at The Cannon Center.

In addition, the Elvis 1969 – A Celebration Concert, which is scheduled for The Cannon Center in Memphis on August 14 and is a near sell-out, will mark the 40th Anniversary of Elvis’ triumphant return to the stage in Las Vegas.

Two sessions of “Conversations on Elvis” will be held on August 15. Fans will hear from Elvis’ friends and associates as they share stories and memories of their time with the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll in sessions hosted by Tom Brown of Turner Classic Movies. Session one will feature The Memphis Boys, who will be on stage to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of their historic recording session with Elvis at American Studio in Memphis which resulted in “Suspicious Minds,” “In the Ghetto” and “Kentucky Rain” and others. To commemorate the anniversary of these recordings, Sony Music will release a deluxe version of From Elvis in Memphis, including the 32 masters recorded at these sessions. Session two will feature guests who were at Elvis’ opening engagement in Las Vegas in 1969 and those who performed with Elvis during his record breaking engagements in Las Vegas. Scheduled to appear include Joe Moscheo of Elvis’ Imperials, James Burton of the TCB Band, singer Millie Kirkham and journalist Gloria Greer. Joining these cast members will be author Ken Sharp, who will be sharing details of his new book, Elvis: Vegas ’69.

A Gospel Breakfast will take place on the morning of August 9 in the Elvis Presley Car Museum. In the same location and always a favorite, Club Elvis will be held on both August 8 and August 10 from 8:00 p.m. to midnight.

New this year for Elvis Week 2009, the Shake, Rattle and Bowl Party - The Official Elvis Insiders Elvis Week 2009 Event will be August 14, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at Strike Zone in Southaven, Mississippi.

The Elvis Expo, an Elvis Week fan favorite event, has gone online for the first time so fans can experience it from anywhere in the world. The Elvis Expo features online booths that showcase new Elvis products, question-and-answer sessions with special guests, access to pre-orders of new products and much more. Visitors can log on to the “virtual” Elvis Expo at www.elvisweek.com/expo.

Additional events are also scheduled for Elvis Week 2009 in Memphis. Special ticket packages as well as tickets for individual events are now available. Visit www.ElvisWeek.com for detailed ticket and event information. Media crews requesting credentials for Elvis Week 2009 and access to events should make prior arrangements with Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. by calling 323-845-9836 or e-mail media@elvis.com.

Elvisfest proves that death doesn't stop life!: A portion of the laundry list of recent celebrity deaths reads like this: Ed McMahon, TV personality, Michael Jackson, entertainer, Farrah Fawcett, actress, Billy Mays, TV advertiser, Steve McNair, NFL quarterback, Arturo Gatti, professional boxer.

Unfortunately, there are plenty more names on the list, but these seem to be the figures who hit our collective headlines and the hearts the hardest.

People will pay tribute to these icons for years to come, each, well deserving of adoration and remembrance for their contributions to the lives of millions of people across the world. Only one name on that list-also fittingly called "The King"-will see a comparable tribute to that of which "The King" Elvis Presley receives. Ypsilanti has played its role in paying tribute to Elvis each of the last 10 years in Depot Town's Riverside Park. This years Elvisfest drew upwards of 10,000 visitors for the 19-hour celebration. Ten tribute artists (don't dare call them impersonators) serenaded the crowd with both Rock & Roll Elvis songs as well as gospel Elvis song. Still to this day, nearly 32 years after his death, Presley is one of the most recognizable figures in society.

Events like the Elvisfest, no matter if it isn't your cup of tea, remind us that death doesn't stop life. He is breathed new life every time someone slips into a leather rhinestone encrusted jumpsuit and slicks his or her hair back. He's breathed new life every time someone plays Jailhouse Rock and grabs a comb as a makeshift microphone. I'm not one to give praise to celebrities and pop culture figures, but the effect that an Elvis or a Michael Jackson have on people isn't one of miniature proportions. People feel a connection with these entertainers because they've been staples in their lives and the lives of their parents for so long.

Even my 3-year-old son walks around the house doing his rendition of MJ's Beat It and Elvis' Hound Dog. "We love him and pay tribute to him because his music and his personality gave us something to smile about when we couldn't always find something to smile about in our own lives," said one Elvisfest goer.

In death, icons still live. Presley was of a rare breed in that he was able to effect people he didn't know personally. That's a special quality that he's taken with him beyond the grave. There's proof of that in the 10,000-plus people who gather to celebrate his life every year at Riverside Park. Some people who never saw him in concert, some who never shook his hand or had a conversation with him, and even people who weren't born until after Presley died gather across the globe to honor his legacy. (News, Source: Jeremy Allen, heritage.com)

Food for thought: Much has been said over the years about the rights and wrongs of those close to Elvis "selling their story” or otherwise making money out of their association with the King.  If you think any of the Memphis Mafia, etc, were bad, well spare a thought for Michael Jackson!  He is not even buried yet, nor is his official toxicology and autopsy reports in, but this hasn’t stopped members of the Jackson family from touting their stories across the media and receiving very large payments in return for their time!

Sister, LaToya Jackson, is reportedly receiving up to $400,000.00 an interview claiming her brother was murdered, while father, Joe Jackson, is presently doing the rounds of US media receiving up to $200,000.00 an interview, before flying to Britain to do the same. 

As noted Aussie broadcaster, Derryn Hinch, would say: Shame! Shame! Shame!

Maybe those close to Elvis, many of whom did/do not have the resources or careers that the Jackson family have, weren’t that bad after all. (EIN Comment)


Wednesday 15 July 2009

Official release of Elvis' 'New Gladiators' film project announced by EPE: Unofficial editions have been around for several years, but now EPE has announced that "Gladiators" on DVD is "Coming soon".

Mentioned in the pr material is one of Elvis' main Elvis' training partners, Wayne Carman.

Wayne wrote a great book, Elvis's Karate Legacy (released in 1998 by Legacy Entertainment Inc) about his martial arts relationship and friendship with Elvis.

Elvis In Print: The Definitive Reference and Price Guide says of Carman's book:

Excellent examination of Elvis’ love for karate written by one of his training partners. Features some great color photos of Elvis sparring and in class.

Did you know?: In Sam Lovullo's book "Life in the Kornfield" (which recalled his years as producer of the country music TV series "Hee Haw" (1969), he remarked that Elvis was a big fan of the show and had always wanted to perform on it.

However, according to Lovullo, Elvis remarked they'd have to tape his spots in the middle of the night, knowing that if manager Tom Parker found out, he'd never clear his appearance.

Several months after Elvis' death, his father, Vernon Presley, appeared on "Hee Haw" and spoke about how the world would always love him and remember his music. (News, Source: imdb.com)

OTIS REDDING: From Macon to Memphis – From the Private Collection of Zelma Redding Exhibit has been extended at the Stax Museum of American Soul Music until August 30, 2009.

The exhibit, featuring items never before shown to the public, offers a glimpse into the incredible professional and personal life of the soul music icon, husband, and father, who died tragically at the age of 26. See family and performance photos, telegrams, posters, receipts, and other memorabilia that help tell the story of Otis Redding.

Click here to visit Stax's web site. (Source: EPE)

Jackson, Elvis equals in entertaining: Michael Jackson has ruled the airwaves since his death on June 25, both in television and radio. He just had a massive memorial in Los Angeles, which the city is now asking for donations to help pay for the multimillion dollar service.

Is Michael Jackson really worthy of the attention that he’s getting? What is so special about him? Elvis did it first, right?

For the longest time, no one spoke of his music but more about the child molestation allegations against him, which proved to be just allegations, according to a jury of his peers.
According to reports online, Jackson won 197 major awards during his career. T here is no doubt that he is one of the best there has ever been when it comes to entertaining the masses.

Michael Jackson had his trademarked moonwalk, glove, fedora, loafers and his infamous dance moves.
Let’s not forget to mention Thriller; the bestselling album of all time. His music was a reflection of his dream to unite the races, care for the earth and live in it without hate.

Sure, Michael Jackson was a troubled man. He is rumored to have had problems with prescription drugs and even admitted to sleeping in the same bed with young boys, although not sexual in nature.
I don’t know any 40-year-old men that would sleep in a bed with a boy that wasn’t their own. I watched an in-depth interview on MSNBC the other night, and Jackson had some very odd ideals. I hadn’t realized how “out there” he seemed to me to be. He was obsessed with Peter Pan, possibly because he didn’t enjoy in the pleasures most children are awarded. He was in the spotlight from the time he was 5 until June 25, when he died.

Regardless of the personal side of Michael Jackson, no one can deny that he was one of the best.

Just the other night, my sister and I were jamming out to “Beat It” in the car and I realized why I liked his music so much.
He always had such a catchy beat. People will enjoy his music for years and years to come. Those who were lucky enough to have attended concerts or even his memorial will have fantastic stories to tell their children and grandchildren.

I still dispute, however, that he was the best of all time. I would be happy to put him equal to Elvis but not above Elvis.

Elvis was the originator. All those back in Elvis’s day will tell you, I’m sure, how risqué Elvis was and what he accomplished with his rock and roll.

Either way, Michael Jackson was one of a kind. He and his talent will never be duplicated.
I will continue to enjoy his music and will always respect the contribution he made to the industry. (News, Source: Lindsay Slater, Times Journal)


One of the overall goals for the 2009 Elvis Cruise is to make the nightly main lounge shows comfortable by offering “Reserved Seating” to our guests. With only a limited amount of “Reserved Seating” currently remaining, and cabins still available, we are excited to offer a SPECIAL PACKAGE that will include everything The Elvis Cruise has to offer EXCEPT for the nightly main shows.

With this package, guests will still be able to enjoy concerts in the other lounges and on the Lido Deck each night, take part in onboard activities and panels, catch shows by the best Elvis tribute artists, take advantage of all of Carnival’s standard amenities, enjoy the great port of Cozumel and more! In addition, all the nightly Elvis themed performances will be simulcast in all guest cabins and in one of the lounges. Plus, many of the headlining artists will also have their own scheduled performances outside of the main themed shows.

Any guests who have already booked to set sail on the 2009 Elvis Cruise and elect to take this package will receive a $150.00 per person discount off the cost of their existing reservation. Please note that everyone in your cabin must choose this Rock-a-Hula Baby Package – it is not available on a per person basis.

If you are interested in taking advantage of the Rock-a-Hula Baby Seating Package or if you want to book the Elvis Cruise complete with the nightly shows in the main lounge, please give our office a call at 1-877-749-8462, Monday through Friday - 10am to 6pm EST - and we can make the changes to your reservation or offer pricing options to help you start making plans to set sail on the 2009 Elvis Cruise.

New Legacy Video - Jim "Rip" Fanning: Jim "Rip" Fanning met Elvis when he was about 15 years old. He talks about Elvis' love of music and touch football. Click here to watch the video. (News, Source: EPE)

Upcoming Highlights on SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio (Source: EPE)

Elvis Live In Concert- Global World Premiere of Dixieland Delight, Part 2
Fri 7/17 8:00 pm ET -
This is the second part of the brand new release on the Follow That Dream CD label, taken from a performance recorded June 1, 1975 in Huntsville, Alabama. Many fans believe that this tour featured Elvis’ best and most consistent concert performances in the '70s. (1 hr). Rebroadcast: Sun 7/19 12:00 am ET; Sun 7/19 10:00 pm ET; Tues 7/21 6:00 am ET

Saturday Special- What Elvis Heard?
Sat 7/18 12:00 pm ET
- This special presentation is back by popular demand. You’ll enjoy as we delve back into the roots of rock and roll by hearing the songs that shaped Elvis’ sound. (1 hr)

Soundtrack Saturday Night – Kid Galahad
Sat 7/18 10:00 pm ET -
Bill Rock has 1962’s Kid Galahad, filmed on location in Idyllwild, California. The film is the remake of the 1937 original version that starred Edward G. Robinson, Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart. Most critics rate Elvis’ acting performance in the movie as one of his best. (2 hrs). Rebroadcast: Tues 7/21 10:00 pm ET

Peabody Duck March with 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contestants

On August 11, at 5:00 p.m. at The Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis, join competitors in the 2009 Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest for the march of the world famous Peabody Ducks.

Be sure to arrive early and secure your spot along the red carpet to see these ETAs from all over the world as they help the Duckmaster escort The Peabody Ducks from the lobby fountain to their rooftop suite. Free. (Source: EPE)

Elvis impersonator, guitarist file free-speech suit against Las Vegas: The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against police and public officials on behalf of two Las Vegas Strip street performers after one was arrested in March.

ACLU lawyer Maggie McLetchie said the lawsuit was filed July 9 on behalf of guitarist Suze Banasik and Elvis Presley impersonator Bill Jablonski to support free speech and free expression rights for street performers on the resort-lined Strip. The lawsuit alleges police illegally harass street performers who have a First Amendment right to their expression.

The 45-year-old Banasik was jailed for 12 hours on obstructing a sidewalk and operating a business without a license charges before Clark County prosecutors dropped the charges.The ACLU has fought and won similar First Amendment battles for handbill distributors, political activists and street preachers on the Strip and at the downtown Fremont Street Experience casino mall."They think each new type of expression they can suppress, and we have to go to court for each of those, and the results are always the same," ACLU attorney Allen Lichtenstein told the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

"For well over a decade, there's been this attempt to make the sidewalks up and down Las Vegas Boulevard on the Strip the private domain of the hotel-casinos and their interests," Lichtenstein was quoted by the newspaper as saying. "And the fact that the police continue to think that it's more important to serve those interests rather than to protect the rights of free speech on those sidewalks as ordered by federal courts is disheartening." (News, Source: http://www.firstamendmentcenter.org)

Michael Jackson album sales highlight physical, digital merits: In the first few days after Michael Jackson's death on June 25, bereaved fans downloaded nearly 2.5 million digital copies of his songs, setting a record that's likely to stand for years. Before that, no music act had ever rung up even 1 million digital tracks in a single week.

Just as when John Lennon was killed in 1980, or when Elvis Presley died three years earlier, those who rushed out to music stores looking to buy physical copies of Jackson's albums often found that stock disappeared quickly under the huge demand born of tragedy. The difference this time was that the era of the digital download gave Jackson's followers instant access to virtually anything in his catalog.

"Unlike in the past when the marketplace would be out of stock, the digital part of the business gave a connection for the content that fans were looking for immediately," said Gary Arnold, senior entertainment officer for Best Buy.

Last week, the pendulum swung back the other way. Once online and brick and mortar retail outlets replenished their shelves, an additional 800,000 copies of Jackson's albums were sold in the first full week after his death, according to figures released last week. CDs and other physical media accounted for 82% of those sales at a time when the demise of the CD is estimated to be only a few years away.

Officials at Jackson's label, Sony Music-owned Epic Records, declined to be interviewed for this story, as they've declined all interviews about Jackson's catalog since his death; likewise, neither iTunes nor Amazon would comment on sales-related information.

The latest figures from Nielsen SoundScan show that so far this year, overall music sales have been split 60% in favor of physical media and 40% digital. That's a rapid shift since 2005, when 92% of all music sales were physical and just 8% digital. SoundScan predicts that digital music will account for half of all music sales by the end of next year if current trends hold.

Fan response to Jackson's death has illuminated the distinct needs that physical and digital formats serve. The immediacy and near-universal accessibility of digital music has made it the form of choice for millions today. But physical media still offer an emotional connection that digital music has yet to replace.

Jackson's life and career were unique on so many fronts that most resist drawing generalizations based on what's happened since he died. But coupled with a surge in demand for vinyl LPs in recent years, there are those who see it as a reflection of a broader theme about how fans bond with their favorite music and musicians.

"I think because Michael Jackson's music meant so much to so many people of different generations, that emotional aspect of it created a situation that we saw where people wanted to come into a music store and get something they could hold in their hand as opposed to something to load into their computer," said Dave Cunningham, a floor manager at Amoeba Music in Hollywood.

Beyond looking for a form of music that's tangible, Cunningham said many of the store's customers also were looking for a sense of community they don't find buying music online.

"They were talking with other customers about what they felt," he said. "That's one of the things we try to do overall, foster that environment of the record store . . . People are hungry for that kind of thing -- not just the physical product that you can hold in your hand, but the experience of going to the record store. That sort of got lost in the late '90s and the early millennium with the introduction of download culture."

There's also a generational aspect at work.

"With Michael, his music probably resonates strongest with people who are 30 and above and who remember physical product fondly," said Keith Caulfield, senior chart manager for Billboard. "If we were talking about Lady Gaga or Katy Perry, I don't think there would be a run on physical product."

Caulfield noted that the album format still skews more strongly toward physical media than do singles. In the first half of 2009, digital album sales overall have averaged 21.5%, compared with 78.5% for physical product, Caulfield said.

The recent increase in physical sales of Michael Jackson albums is noticeable, yet not so dramatic that anyone is casting it as a sign of revitalization of the physical side of the record business.

"I think that the death of the CD as it's been called is further out than most would expect," Arnold said. "My belief is that more of a generational transition may occur than a transition driven by a specific device or opportunity.

"It's going to take some more time before we can make any concrete evaluation of what this means," he continued. "But I think in the wake of tragedy as people gravitated to the music, probably there were people who wanted physical forms of the content, but we can't overlook the fact when the moment arose, digital was there to help."
(News, Source: Randy Lewis, LA Times.com)

Read more on Elvis vs. Michael Jackson:

"Elvis or Michael Jackson - who is the bigger star in death?"

Tuesday 14 July 2009

'Blue Hawaii' FTD Soundtrack in-depth Review: Blue Hawaii was one of Elvis' biggest-selling albums and most fans would have purchased these songs previously on the original vinyl and then again via BMG's extended 1997 release. Despite it's travelogue style 'Blue Hawaii' has always been one of the essential albums to own even for non-soundtrack fans. So can this FTD extended movie soundtrack release really be the definitive version to make it worth buying all over again. EIN's Piers Beagley puts on his Hawaiian-shirt and digs deep to discover plenty of reasons to enjoy this 2 ½ hours of fun. Can there really be that much to say over this old chestnut? - you betcha'!

(FTD reviews, Source; EIN)

Elvis Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas Insider Videos: Cirque du Soleil is proud to present its new resident show that will be playing at ARIA Resort & Casino at CityCenter in Las Vegas opening December 2009. New information about the show along with some fun videos have just been posted. The production pays tribute to Elvis' music and life, fusing dance and acrobatics, live music and iconic tracks, nostalgia and modernity, high technology and raw emotion. In short, the show will be in Elvis' image: powerful, sexy, whimsical and truly unique. The official name of the show will be announced later this year.
ARIA is a new and spectacular resort and casino located in the heart of CityCenter, a dazzling vertical city on the Las Vegas Strip.
For more information about the show click here

Or click here directly to the insider videos

(News, Source;Cirque du Soleil/SanjaM)

Collingwood Elvis Festival JULY 2009: The 15th Annual Collingwood Elvis Festival is ready to go! From Thursday July 23rd through to Sunday July 26th there is excitement all the way. Headliners include Donny Edwards, Mark Anthony, Thane Dunn, Lance Dobinson, and featuring Rudy & The Angels Band- and with Special Guest Headliner – UETAC Memphis Champion Shawn Klush.
The Festival kicks off with An Evening With Elvis' at the Gayety Theatre with two performances by some of the industry’s best Tribute Artists. Only $15 reserved seating for two great shows including Roy LeBlanc, Lance Dobinson and Australian Champion Dean Vegas. Over the weekend there's also Kids festivals, FREE Street Parties, a genuine CLAMBAKE, Gospel competition and finally the 2009 Grand Champions presented by Sirius Canada. 
Collingwood is in Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada not far from Toronto.
Go here for all the Festival Information. including breaking News & the complete schedule.
(News, Source;EIN/KADeNike)

UPDATED with Your Feedback - 'The Dark Side Of Colonel Parker': After Elvis' death an official investigation found that "Col Parker was guilty of self-dealing and had violated his duty to both Elvis and to the estate."
One of EIN's most popular recent articles we have had lots of fascinating reader's responses.

Now updated with more of YOUR feedback. - Have YOUR SAY.

Elvis Insiders ELVIS WEEK Deadline Approaching: EPE have announced that Elvis Insiders are invited to shake, rattle and bowl as you get to know some of the Elvis Week celebrities in a more casual atmosphere. EPE Inseider are taking over this premiere party space for the three-hour event and activities will include bowling, billiards, autograph sessions and lots of fun surprises. Tickets are $49 through Graceland Reservations and must be purchased by August 4.
Go here for all the details.
Looks fun!
(News, Source;EPE/EIN)

Single-disc DVD 'The Ed Sullivan Show' hits stores on August 4!: Elvis Presley first appeared on “The Ed Sullivan Show” in the fall of 1956, and the world was never the same. Elvis’ subsequent appearances on the popular variety show set the stage for him to become one of the most iconic figures of the twentieth century. For the first time ever, all of these historic performances will be available on a single DVD when Image Entertainment releases “Elvis: The Ed Sullivan Show – The Classic Performances” on August 4.
Share the excitement of Elvis' earth-shattering introduction to the nation in this collection of iconic performances from "The Ed Sullivan Show," and experience for yourself why Elvis became the legendary King of Rock and Roll! Appearing on the show Sept. 9, 1956, Elvis sent shockwaves through a repressed nation with his soulful singing, wild hip gyrations and raw energy, attracting a record-breaking television audience of more than 60 million people. Presley returned on Oct. 28, 1956, continuing to provoke ecstatic screams with hits such as "Don't Be Cruel," "Love Me Tender" and "Hound Dog." In fact, these exhilarating performances were so explosive that Elvis was filmed from the waist up only during his final Sullivan show appearance on January 6, 1957!
Special features include: “Remembering Ed and Elvis,” “Why Ed Didn't Host Elvis' First Appearance,” “Elvis and Ed: Intros and Promos,” “Caught on Celluloid: The First Moving Pictures of Elvis Presley,” “Special Elvis Moments,” “Jerry Schilling’s Home Movies,” and documents from the Graceland and Sullivan archives.
You can pre-order here. (News, Source;Amazon/EPE/EIN)

'The Imperials' become 'Elvis' Imperials': From August 1 'The Imperials' as we know them for several years now, will no longer exist. But...don't worry...it's only the name that will change. Because the name 'The Imperials' was subject to legal matters in the past, Elvis Presley Enterprises aproved the name change to 'Elvis' Imperials'. The members are still the same as they were during several ElvisMatters concerts in the past: Joe Moscheo, Terry Blackwood, Sherman Andrus and Gus Gaches.

(News, Source;ElvisMatters)

Sunday 12 July 2009.......2nd Update

Aussie Chart Update: Elvis makes a big return to the ARIA Top 40 Music DVD Chart for the week commencing 13 July 2009 with 3 re-entries - Elvis: The King of Rock 'n' Roll re-enters at #25; Elvis: The '68 Comeback Special re-enters at #36 and Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii re-enters at #39. The 3 re-entries have a combined total of 12xPlatinum (2; 5 & 5 respectively). (News, Source: ARIA)

How I cashed in on the shock news of the death of Elvis: The phrase ‘You’ll always remember where you were when ?’ has become a bit of a cliché, but only because it is so true.

The latest example of this modern phenomenon is, of course, the death of the pop legend Michael Jackson. Such is the testament to his fame and the effect of his untimely death across the generations that my son, who is 12, was woken up at 5am by a text message from his second cousin in California, who, along with most of the rest of the world, felt compelled to spread the tragic tidings.

He then proceeded to storm my bedroom and vigorously shake me awake, which wasn’t easy as I had only stopped watching the news about Michael Jackson’s death one hour earlier at 4am and was in the deepest stages of REM sleep, dreaming, you guessed it, about the untimely death of Michael Jackson?

By 9am I had spoken to or heard from everyone in my family as my phone rang and texts flooded in thick and fast from all corners of the UK. The only person in the family circle who was not unduly affected by the news was my dad, who, when I told him that Michael Jackson had died, replied: “Oh I am sorry to hear that, love. Was he a friend of yours?”

So, yes, I guess this is indeed destined to become one of a handful of earth-shattering events that eclipse all others. We all have them stored away somewhere in our minds, to be unlocked again, but only rarely and in the event of another one happening and shaking up our memories ?

One perfect case in point was the death of another global pop star of similar, if not greater stature.

Elvis Presley is now seen by popular culture as a figure of fun, whom people mimic at tacky talent shows, or dress like at fancy dress parties complete with black quiff toupee, stick-on side-burns and satin jumpsuit replete with whopper collar, flares and a comedy cape.

But in those days it was no such thing. Michael Jackson was still a fledgling star while Elvis was the undisputed King and as such was utterly revered — if not worshipped — by his subjects.

The day Elvis finally left the building was August 16, 1977, and my family and I were staying at a holiday camp in Cornwall at the time. I was 13 and, along with three of my sisters and a couple of local children, we had invented a lucrative and very fun game called ‘Gate Duty’.

Quite simply, we controlled the gate to the holiday camp, which had to be kept closed to stop cows and sheep from wandering into the park from the surrounding open countryside. For 10p we would open it for each passing car and then, for another 10p, we would close it behind them. If they paid both at once, we gave them an all-in flat-fee of 18p but, as no one could ever be bothered to hoke around for change, they invariably gave us 20p and laughed at our cheek and resourcefulness as they paid up.

Then, at lunchtime, which was our busiest shift, my portable transistor radio broke the unthinkable news: “Elvis, The King is dead”. As a result, we made a killing (if you’ll pardon the expression) that day.

Ten pence to open the gate, 10p to shut it and, for an extra 10p, we’ll give you an astonishing newsflash: “This just in: Elvis Presley is dead. Yes, dead. Seriously. Apparently he choked on a hamburger. On the toilet. I know ... imagine eating on the toilet ... And he was only 42 ? I agree ? it’s terrible isn’t it ...?

“And that’ll be 30p please. Have a nice day.” (News, Source: Frances Burscough, Belfast Telegraph)

Jimmy Webb talks about Elvis and MacArthur Park: I've been fortunate that when a Frank Sinatra was in concert, he would say, 'Here's a song by a wonderful young songwriter, Jimmy Webb,' and I'd be in the front row and stand up. That gets people talking about you."

Webb can also talk about Elvis Presley's love for "MacArthur Park" and how the King came to not record the song.

"He loved 'MacArthur Park,'" Webb said of Presley. "I don't say that to brag. It's been documented. I have a tape of him singing it.

"At that time, though, I wanted to get a song done by Elvis Presley. But as I was leaving after meeting with Elvis, (Presley's manager) Col. (Tom) Parker followed me to the door and said, 'I guess we won't be seeing you here again.' I said, 'Oh, really?'"

Parker wanted only songs to which he could get full publishing rights, and as Webb said, "I didn't need Elvis to record 'MacArthur Park.' It was already a number one hit. Col. Parker was a crude man."
(News, Source: Jeff Piorkowski, cleveland.com)

EIN Note: Elvis, of course, sang a line or so of MacArthur Park during some of his live shows.

Meet author Ken Sharp during Elvis Week 2009: Ken is the author of the upcoming book release, Elvis Vegas '69 (see final artwork above).

Packed with over 100 new interviews, the 60,000 word text plus many rare, previously unseen photos offer a gripping account of this seminal event told by the people who were there including Priscilla Presley, Elvis's TCB bandmates, the Sweet Inspirations, the Imperials, the Memphis Mafia, celebrities in attendance, International hotel personnel including owner Kirk Kerkorian, hotel President Alex Shoofey, publicity and showroom staff, security, international media and much more.

July 31, 1969 marks an historic milestone in Elvis's career. Bolstered by the runaway success of the '68 Comeback show and energized by productive recording sessions at American Sound Studios, which would spawn such timeless hits as " Suspicious Minds", "In The Ghetto" and "Don't Cry Daddy," Elvis launched his return to live performance at Las Vegas's International Hotel in the summer of 1969.
(News, Source:EPE)

Meet Ken during Elvis Week 2009 at:

Conversations on Elvis - Session 2
Saturday, August 15
1:00 p.m.
Cannon Center for the Performing Arts
255 North Main Street, downtown Memphis.
Elvis: Vegas '69 Book Signing
Saturday, August 15
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Everything Elvis Store at Graceland Crossing


Saturday 11 July 2009
US Congress disses Michael Jackson: You've obviously wrapped your righteous outrage around this news: Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee wants a congressional resolution securing permanent praise of M.J.—and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pronounced no need for one.

At first, a 1,500-word resolution highlighting, among other things, Jackson's provision of 200 turkey dinners to poor Los Angeles families, may seem a wee tad overweening. Especially given that for every M.J. fan there's a guy like Rep. Peter King, who has called the late star a "pervert."

Then again, Congress has honored other figures sporting their share of major flaws, and nobody is saying much about those anymore...

Take Elvis Presley, whose sexy moves were once seen as so perverted that the FBI had a file declaring him a "definite danger to the security of the United States." A Florida judge once called Presley a "savage" and threatened to arrest him if he performed in Jacksonville—and of course, like Jackson, Presley battled with prescription drugs.

Also like Jackson, Presley faced accusations of inappropriate sexual contact with minors—in Presley's case, future wife Priscilla. One biographer contends the two slept together on their second date, when Priscilla was 14, though Priscilla herself has disputed that account.

Nonetheless, Presley was later honored by the Congress, albeit indirectly, via postage stamp and a Senate-based resolution congratulating Graceland on its elevation to historical status.

Other stars have also gotten the resolution treatment. The Senate created Louis Armstrong Day in August 2001. Johnny Cash, who also had infamous trouble with drugs, was honored by the Senate with a resolution in his honor. Frank Sinatra got a posthumous Frank Sinatra Day in 2008. The FBI spied on Sinatra throughout much of his life thanks to the singer's well-known ties with the Mob; he also got a Congressional Gold Medal, along with Bob Hope. (News, Source: E!Online)

Michael Jackson truly the Black Elvis: While Jackie Wilson is often referred to as the Black Elvis, this accolade is now being given to the late Michael Jackson. David Serchuk from Forbes.com took aim in a recent online article:

"Bill O'Reilly, that very white man, had this to say about the man that is truly the Black Elvis. He said he was "fed up with all the adulation" people expressed regarding Jackson's memorial, and he called the sentiments expressed at his memorial "pathetic in the extreme." I assume he included Jackson's children as among those who are pathetic. Sweet guy."

New release from Memory Records: As recorded live in Long Beach, CA, Long Beach Arena, April 25th, 1976 Evening show. The forthcoming "Memory Records" label CD release is entitled "CALIFORNIA WAVE". In 1976, Elvis played in more cities than before. Despite of his physical and mental decline, he tried to please his loyal fans and his Springtime concerts were fairly decent for the most part, especially when compared to his lacklustre performances later that summer.

This CD features the previously unreleased Long Beach, CA, Evening show from April 25th, 1976. It's a very fresh set with very good performances of "Tryin' To Get To You", "My Way", "Hurt", "Burning Love" and "It's Now Or Never", to name but a few of highlights.

All accompanying photographs were taken at the Long Beach, April 25th, 1976 Evening show. As a bonus, five tracks from Johnson City, March 19th, 1976 were added to paint a more complete picture of this period. This previously unreleased recording was taken from an early generation 70s copy of the original audience-recorded master tape. All tracks were digitally restored for optimal listening pleasure. Bonus tracks are coming from very good sounding stereo audience recording.

Denise Kusel from Long Beach Press Telegram wrote: "The voice that came from the depths of his barrel chest was deep and rich. His renditions of gospel songs "How Great Thou Art" and "This Time You Gave Me a Mountain" were offered with sincere beauty. An eerie silence filled the concert hall when he sang "And now the end is near" - the opening line to the Frank Sinatra favorite, "My Way". It was like witnessing a chilling prophecy. Almost 28,000 fans in two concerts, marking his only Southern California appearances, loved him. So did I."

Tracklist: 1. Also Sprach Zarathustra - 2. C.C. Rider - 3. I Got A Woman/Amen(medley) - 4. Love Me - 5. If You Love Me (Let Me Know) - 6. You Gave Me A Mountain - 7. All Shook Up - 8. Teddy Bear/Don't Be Cruel(medley) - 9. Tryin' To Get To You - 10. My Way - 11. Polk Salad Annie (incomplete) - 12. Band Introductions (incomplete) - 13. Hurt - 14. And I Love You So - 15. America The Beautiful - 16. Burning Love - 17. Help Me - 18. How Great Thou Art - 19. It's Now Or Never / Introduction of The Eagles - 20. Funny How Time Slips Away (with reprise) - 21. Hound Dog - 22. Blue Suede Shoes - 23. Can't Help Falling In Love - 24. Closing Vamp Bonus (stereo audience recording): 25. Let Me Be There - 26. Steamroller Blues - 27. Heartbreak Hotel - 28. Love Me Tender - 29. Polk Salad Annie. (CD running time: 77:15) (News, Source: Memory Records)

'Jumpsuitology II: 1973 - 1977' New DVD: The second volume of the Jumpsuitology will be released on July 20th, 2009! Three hours of photos and rare 8mm movies (most of it never before published).

Only Elvis´ voice is on the DVD: Two remastered soundboard concerts - 3 AM Closing Show at Lake Tahoe on May 27th, 1974 and Charleston on July 24th, 1976. 18 rare live songs digitally remastered from the mastertapes (e.g. Moody Blue, Where No One Stands Alone, It´s a Matter of Time, You´re the Reason I´m Living, etc).

Comprehensive information on more than 150 versions of all the suits used during the last four years plus informations of the tour starting in Portland, Maine on August 17th, 1977. Nearly 50 minutes of remastered concert footage from Charleston '76 and Chicago '77 with original sound.
- Interview with Tony Prince, who met Elvis in 1972 and 1973 and was featured in TTWII movie.

This second volume focuses on years 1973 - 1977. Philosophy is the same - 400 high resolution rare photos of more than 150 versions of all the suits used during the last four years. Informations on each tour as well as all Las Vegas or Lake Tahoe engagements are followed by 8mm movies of Elvis wearing the suits plus detailed informations on for example two-piece leather suits from August ´74, or two-piece suits from March-May ´75, etc.


Obviously, we used only rare Elvis live-recordings from the 70´s as the musical background on this DVD - the photo part is accompanied by 18 rare live songs, e.g. Moody Blue, Where No One Stands Alone, It´s a Matter of Time, You´re the Reason I´m Living, etc. As there´s no acceptable sound of most of the 8mm movies we have included soundboard recordings of the 3 AM Closing Show at Lake Tahoe on May 27th, 1974 and Charleston on July 24th, 1976 as a musical background for our video section. Some of the bonus videos are presented with original sound. We also added a recent interview with Tony Prince, the famous Radio Luxembourg disc jockey, who met Elvis on several occasions in 1972 and 1973.

Elvis - The Jumpsuitology is the anthology of Elvis´ stage outfits used during all of his 1128 live appearances from 1969 to 1977. It´s first comprehensive project highlighting this aspect of Elvis´ career. (Total running time: 182 minutes, Region Free, NTSC) (News, Source; email)

Upcoming book - 'The True Presley History':

(News, Source: Jim Browder - Maurice Colgan/www.epgold.com) 

First ever ETA releases autobiography: Norman Johnson, known as “the first Elvis impersonator,” will sign copies of his book from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, July 11, at Hasting Bookstore,

1460 MacArthur Drive in Alexandria. Johnson, from Nacogdoches, Texas, knew Elvis Presley and traveled with him and impersonated “The King” when he was 14 and Elvis was 18. His autobiography is called “The Kid and the King.” Johnson will be giving away prizes and CDs, according to a news release. He is a former radio perssonality who did his first live radio broadcast at the age of 8. (News, Source: AP)

Visit EIN's comprehensive 'Elvis Books' section

And don't forget to visit these other great Elvis book sites:

Elvis Presley: A Life In Books

Waar Is Elvis on Dutch TV: The producers of Waar Is Elvis have been working with Elvis Unlimited the past few weeks on their new reality show.

Among some of the thingsthey requested, was for Elvis Unlimited to arrange for their friend and legendary Elvis expert, Ger Rijff to make some contributions to the production of the show by writing some questions for Waar Is Elvis. Ger has turned down this request. What a shame! Ger's contributions could not be matched by any other fan. And anyone else will be less.

The concept for the show is, the search for the person who knows the most about Elvis and the search for the best Elvis performer. It is a Reality music/talent show which will premiere in the Netherlands on July 31, 2009 at it's regular time at 8:30 PM for the RTL 4 network.

Pretty ironic air date....July 31st. This date will mark the 40th anniversary of Elvis' opening night in Las Vegas in 1969.
(News, Source: Elvis Gold/Elvis Unlimited)

New tribute song: Elvis is most likely the most sung about artist in the world, with over 4.000 songs that refer to him.

But once in a while a brand new song comes along that is "all Elvis" - like the new song by Leki & the Sweet Mints, titles "Everybody wants to be Elvis".

Elvis's memory lives on at Michigan festival: The memory of the King of Rock 'n' Roll lives on this week in Michigan.

The 10th annual Michigan ElvisFest is Friday and Saturday at Riverside Park in Ypsilanti's Depot Town. Organizers say about 9,000 people are expected at the event about 28 miles west-southwest of Detroit.

ElvisFest centers around concerts by Elvis Presley tribute performers and isn't billed as a competition. Organizers say others will perform as Tom Jones, Roy Orbison, Ricky Nelson and Elton John. (News, Source: chicagotribune.com)


Thursday 9 July 2009
'Elvis Hollywood Volume 1' DVD Out Now! The first “real” STAR dvd is out now,after the tremendous success of the STAR dvd series, the producers take the “final” step, and will produce a factory pressed import DVD ! A dream come true for all STAR fans around the world!
'Elvis Hollywood Volume 1' will kick off with the first 4 movies, and has 17 (!!) new clips with all the clips for Jailhouse Rock re-done.
Highlights are LOVING YOU (record version) TELL ME WHY (Elvis second screentest), FIRST IN LINE (ode to Judy Tyler), MY WISH CAME TRUE (Elvis “dream” of becoming an actor)
YOUNG AND BEAUTIFUL (new edit, 3 performances make the record version, and 2 extra versions are included)
All previous and new STAR dvds will be re-released this way, and all will have lots of extras including new artwork and double layer discs! All discs come with fully animated menus, with sound. All movies are divided into separate tracks in the menu, so if you just wanna play the “Jailhouse Rock” songs.. the choice is yours! And last but not least, there is a “bonus feature” segment, including extra songs, outtakes and rare movies. After this release the series will continue in “chronical” order, volume two will have: GI BLUES, FLAMING STAR, WILD IN THE COUNTRY, BLUE HAWAII and FOLLOW THAT DREAM.
(News, Source;EPGold)

Sue Moreno To Join ‘The Original Elvis Tribute': Following the highly successful May ’09 tour, ’The Original Elvis Tribute 2010’ (featuring a.o. Elvis’ original bassplayer Duke Bardwell) will be returning to Europe in January 2010 in order to celebrate The King’s 75th birthday. This remarkable production has several surprises in store for the fans, and the show promises to be a one-of-a-kind celebration of the man and his music. This time, we will be adding a special Gospel segment to the show, and we feel confident that Elvis himself would have approved. Moreover, we are also proud to announce that the very talented Sue Moreno will be joining us as a backing singer. Miss Moreno is a very popular singer in her own right, so we are all excited about having her ‘on board’. “Being a great admirer of  Elvis Presley's music and inspired by him throughout the years of my own musical career, it is an honor to be part of this unique Elvis show”, she says, “I've always loved to perform Elvis' repertoire - I can really put everything in it - and being able to work with these great musicians makes it extra special”.

For more info please visit: www.elvisnews.dk. or Click here to their MySpace site.
(News, Source;ArjanDeelen)

EIN Note: Check out Sue Moreno's 2002 album, All I Can Do Is Dream, which features an interesting interpretation of Clean Up Your Own Back Yard. The album also contains liner notes by Arjan Deelen.

Hospitalised Country star Ferlin Husky Improving: Country legend Ferlin Husky, who was hospitalized in Nashville July 2, is improving and has been moved from critical care. the President of Heart of Texas Records, says that the 83-year-old singer was admitted to the critical care unit of Summit Medical Center in Hermitage, Tenn on Thursday, July 2. Ferlin had an accelerated heart rate and possible pneumonia and doctors were treating him for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In the begining of Elvis' his career he toured with Ferlin Husky - and Husky often jokes, "How many people can say that Elvis Presley opened shows for them?"

Ferlin has been moved to a private room and could be released later this week if he continues to improve. Ferlin is best known for his smash hits like “Wings of a Dove” and “Gone.” (Right; Ferlin Husky with Elvis)

(News, Source;CountryMusic)

Wednesday 8 July 2009 . . . . . . with ELEVEN new Elvis stories added today!
Jackson Memorial somber - and with surprising low public turn-out: It was not spectacular, extravagant or bizarre. There were songs and tears but little dancing. Instead, Michael Jackson's memorial was a somber, spiritual ceremony that reached back for the essence of the man. Singer, dancer, superstar, humanitarian: That was how the some 20,000 people gathered inside the Staples Center arena on Tuesday, and untold millions watching around the world, remembered Jackson, whose immense talents almost drowned beneath the spectacle of his life and fame.
If there was a shocking moment, it came in the form of Jackson's daughter, Paris-Michael, who made the first public statement of her 11 years. "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," she said, dissolving into tears and turning to lean on her aunt Janet. "And I just wanted to say I love him -- so much."
The ceremony began with Smokey Robinson reading statements from Jackson's close friend Diana Ross -- "Michael was part of the fabric of my life" -- and then Nelson Mandela -- "Be strong."
A lengthy silence of several minutes followed, punctuated only by a steady twinkle of camera flashes. The thousands of mourners spoke softly to those in neighboring seats or contemplated their private thoughts. Celebrities made their way to their seats in front of the stage: Kobe Bryant, Spike Lee, Wesley Snipes, Lou Ferrigno, Don King, the Kardashian sisters, Magic Johnson, Brooke Shields, Larry King. While Jackson was among
the most famous faces in the world, today's megastars were largely absent. Those present mostly reflected some connection to Jackson's life or work.
Among those conspicuously not in attendance were Lisa Marie, Elizabeth Taylor, Ross and Debbie Rowe the mother of Jackson's two oldest children.
Another unexpected aspect was the logistics. The mayhem and traffic snarls that had been feared by city officials never materialized. The thousands of ticketholders began filing in early and encountered few problems, and traffic was actually considered by police to be lighter than normal. An estimate of up to 700,000 gawkers turned out to be only about 1,000.
The city of Los Angeles set up a Web site to allow fans to contribute money to help the city pay for the memorial, which was estimated to cost $1.5 million to $4 million. AEG, the event promoter behind the memorial, has not addressed whether it will give money for the effort, but did contribute $1 million to the city after it staged a victory parade for the Los Angeles Lakers last month.

The ceremony ended with Jackson's family on stage, amid a choir, singing "Heal the World."
"All around us are people of different cultures, different religions, different nationalities," Rev. Smith said as he closed the service. "And yet the music of Michael Jackson brings us together."
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Vote for Elvis! - The Sun Herald asks in a recent poll, "Where does Michael Jackson rate among the greatest music stars of all time? Vote for your favourite star."
Click here and vote - Have your say with one click.
'Dixieland Delight' - Update: There is more news about the up-coming Praytome multimedia package. However no release date has been confirmed as yet. From the press release:
>> Dixieland Delight will soon become a true collector's item and will be manufactured in the well-known quality that Praytome Publishing is famous for. We spared no efforts to make this the definitive package to document the 5 sold out shows in Huntsville, AL in 1975. About 4 years ago, when author Bud Glass came up with the idea for a book / dvd combo about these shows, nobody knew at that time that so much information and pictures would show up. So there was only one way to do it right - to expand the book into a great Multimedia Box Set. It's been a lot of work since then and the closer we get to the day of its release, the more excited the team members of Bud Glass Productions and Praytome Publishing get. As announced previously, the box set consists of 4 different releases and will be released in 4 different steps.
You have to come back to the official website to check for the announcement of the final release date for this set.<<<
Click here to Praytome site for details.
Please go here to hear the promo for DIXIELAND DELIGHT on the nationally syndicated radio program, ELVIS ONLY, with Jay Gordon.

(News, Source; BuddGlass)
UPDATE: New BOX SET release from the International label - Showroom Internationale 1971: The latest release from the ‘International label’ - the Showroom Internationale 1971, will feature an unreleased stereo soundboard performance from the closing night Jan/Feb 1971 Las Vegas engagement, the February 23rd 8pm show – his penultimate appearance of that time. Click here for details.

EIN Note; We have had a very strong reader's response to our article "Elvis or Michael Jackson - who is the bigger star in death?" Your feedback will be published shortly - plus more analysis by EIN!

Click here to the original article - and have YOUR SAY.

James Burton talks about Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie: A day after James Burton returned from his European trip to the Breda Elvis Festival he recorded an interview with Tom Pace. In it James describes how he heard the news of Jackson's death and how he recieved a nice personal e-mail from Lisa Marie. James Burton has played guitar with an astounding number of stars, including Michael Jackson. It runs for a total of 15 minutes.
Click here to the interview.

(News, Source;JamesBurton)

Video Report of the recent Breda Elvis Festival: On the 'Elvis Festival' site, you can watch a video report with the highlights of the past weekend to see what you might have missed. From the revealing of the plaque and the official opening of the expo and some songs from the concert with the TCB Band and the Joe Guercio Orchestra and more...

Click here to the video

(News, Source;ElvisMatters)

'My Treasured Memories of Elvis' book Out Now: Judy Palmer, who was a fanclub president, was in the audience of several Elvis concerts. Judy has been known as one of the best fan photographers of Elvis for over 35 years. No one has ever seen all her photos in one book, in context with her stories. "My Treasured Memories of Elvis" is a hard cover, full color book of 114 pages with over 150 photos, nearly all the photos are of Elvis Presley. Many of her photos are full page, or half page.

The book is out now. Contact your local dealers.


(News, Source;ElvisMatters)

Plans For Elvis Barbershop Museum; When Elvis fans gather in Memphis next August to note the birthday of "The King," they will be exposed to information on Presley’s military history in Arkansas.
Carolyn Joyce, tour and travel sales director for the Fort Smith Convention and Visitors Bureau, told Advertising and Promotion Commissioners on Tuesday the CVB is working with Elvis Presley Enterprises to participate in marketing efforts related to Elvis Week, Aug. 8-15 in Memphis.
(right;Barber James B. Peterson cuts Elvis Presley's hair at Fort Chaffee in 1958.)
On the inside cover of the Elvis Week Event Guide, Joyce said a half-page cover ad will promote the Barbershop Museum at Chaffee Crossing, the location of Presley’s first military haircut.
Joyce said the promotion, being conducted in cooperation with the Fort Chaffee Redevelopment Authority, will also include posting in the news section of the Elvis.com Web site and on the Elvis Insiders message board.
Claude Legris, A&P executive director, told commission members the city also will receive national exposure between now and Aug. 2 on RFD-TV, a 24-hour network aimed at rural American audiences. In addition to rodeo action, viewers will see several promotional clips of Fort Smith attractions.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet)

Rev. Sharpton wants a Michael Jackson commemorative stamp: The Rev. Al Sharpton said yesterday at a church in Los Angeles that he is requesting that the U.S. Postal Service issue a Michael Jackson commemorative stamp. The USPS typically requires a five-year waiting period after a death before issuing stamps. Sharpton also called for a national day of mourning, urging people to gather in schools, community centres, and churches to pay tribute to the singer on Tuesday, when a public memorial service will be held at L.A.'s Staples Center. In 1993 the Elvis Presley commemorative stamp set off a collector's frenzy like stamp collectors had never seen. Demonstrating Elvis' popularity after his death, more than one million ballots were cast by the public to select between a stamp that depicted a young Elvis and an older Presley. The young Presley design, by Mark Stutzman, was selected by more than a two-thirds majority. It is the highest selling stamp ever, its 500 millions copy has been sold, 124.1 million copies are saved by stamp collectors, and has collected over $50 million for breast cancer research. (News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Florida Coast split on Elvis and Jackson's popularity; Web poll results from the Jacksonville FirstCoastNews.com are usually balanced. Most reflect somewhere in the neighbourhood of a 60-40 split on the vote. Some aren't so close. In the recent poll asking if tax increases were a good idea, not surprisingly 88% of responders said no.
The most recent poll, which ended at 10 a.m. Thursday, was almost too close to call.
The poll asked, "Which superstar's death impacted you more, Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson?"
There was a total of 2,160 votes. Elvis won... by a whopping 22 votes. He got 50.5% of the vote (1,091), and Michael got 49.5% (1,069).
With the massive media frenzy focussing almost solely on Michael Jackson, the surprise is that even in this week Elvis fans still strongly believe in their idol. While it isn't scientific, it shows that the King of Pop and the King of Rock and Roll still have loads of supportive fans on the First Coast.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet)

Elvis fans record songs in second karaoke contest: Elvis fans are competing online in the second Elvis MySpace Karaoke Contest for a trip to Memphis to compete in the Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist showdown in August.
Last year's karaoke contest was won by a Texas Tech University voice major with a love of jazz and a Norah Jones quality to her version of Elvis' "If I Can Dream."
Graceland spokesman Kevin Kern said this year's winner will battle it out with some of the best Elvis tribute artists in the world. Graceland's "ultimate" Elvis contest began during the 30th anniversary of Elvis' death in 2007 and has turned into one of the most popular attractions along with the annual candlelight vigil during the weeklong August tribute.
Kern said hundreds of contenders who follow the Elvis MySpace page learned of the contest Wednesday and quickly recorded their versions of one of three contest songs -- "Don't Be Cruel," "Jailhouse Rock" and "A Little Less Conversation."
Contenders must upload their videos by July 14. MySpace will narrow them to 10 finalists to be judged by Memphis entertainment agency Resource Entertainment Group.
"Some of the entries sound like full-fledged Elvis tribute artists while others are like American Idol contestants," Kern said of the range of talent.
(News, Source;SanjaM/ElvisInfoNet)


Monday 6 July 2009

New BOX SET release from the International label - Showroom Internationale 1971: The latest release from the ‘International label’ that recently brought to you the lavish and critically acclaimed Elvis – That’s the Way It Is - The Complete Works’, has in conjunction with DAE, turned its attention to 1971 – specifically, the January / February season in Las Vegas about which little has been known or written about, over the years.

This release, Showroom Internationale 1971, will feature an unreleased stereo soundboard performance from the closing night Jan/Feb 1971 Las Vegas engagement, the February 23rd 8pm show – his penultimate appearance of that time.

The 2CD/Book set will also feature the January 28th Midnight show (previously released on the Fort Baxter label as ‘Lean Mean and Kicking Butt’) but this time, unlike before, is directly mastered from the original reel tapes thus clearly showing vast noticeable  sound improvements to its original release.

All the audio restoration and remastering are by DAE. (Source: International)

Read the full news release and view more photos

Elvis or Michael Jackson - who is the bigger star in death?: In response to your comments about claims Michael Jackson is bigger than Elvis, EIN has examined the claims and finds them to be exaggerated. Read the other side of the story as we expose the hype and reality.

Read our article

The King and Dr. Nick: What Really Happened with Elvis and Me: Dr. Nick's highly anticipated memoir now has a publisher, cover and release date.

The publisher is Thomas Nelson and the hardcover book is due for release on 16 February 2010. It contains 256 pages.

Authors: Dr. George Nichopoulos (Author), Rose Clayton Phillips (Contributor)

ISBN-10: 1595551719..........ISBN-13: 978-1595551719

Book synopsis: The truth about Elvis's death from the doctor who spent eleven years as "the King's" personal physician, father-figure, and confidant - "Dr. Nick."

Dr. Nichopoulos spent a decade with Elvis on the road and at Graceland, trying to maintain the precarious health of one of the world's greatest entertainers. But on August 16, 1977, he found himself in the ambulance with Elvis on that fateful last trip to the ER. He signed the death certificate.

From that day forward, Dr. Nick became the focus of a media witch hunt that threatened his life and all but destroyed his professional reputation. Now, for the first time, Dr. Nick reveals the true story behind Elvis's drug use and final days-not the version formed by years of tabloid journalism and gross speculation. Put aside what you've learned about Elvis's final days and get ready to understand for the first time the inner workings of "the king of rock n' roll."

Amazon is now taking pre-orders. Price is US$24.99

********Vote in EIN's new poll!********

On 2 July we published details of the content and artwork for this month's Legacy edition release from Sony BMG of the seminal album, From Elvis in Memphis. The absence of several stereo versions of songs on the album has been an issue of discussion since the announcement.

View full details of the upcoming "From Elvis in Memphis" album from Sony BMG

Child in the Ghetto - Contemporary remix of In The Ghetto released by Mick Gerace: An exciting remix of In The Ghetto, retitled as Child in the Ghetto has been recorded by one of Australia's leading singers, Mick Gerace, backed by The Sweet Inspirations and the legendary James Burton.

Mick says: Well we have released a promo track for the up coming album, Geraceland & it's called "Child in the Ghetto".

You can have a listen here: myspace.com/mickgerace

Love to hear what you think of it so please leave comments.

After scouring the planet for the right vocal temperament for the rap part of this track we found TONE-Z in New York. He's the real deal & you can check his tunes at: http://tonezworld.com

Other artists on this track include:
The Sweet Inspirations- backing vocals
James Burton- guitar
John Ertler, - programming, keyboards, bass, guitars
John Bettison - acoustic guitar - Child In The Ghetto
Gordon Rytmeister- Drums
Stewart Kirwan - Trumpet
Anthony Kable - Trombone
Mark Taylor - Tenor and Baritone Sax
Charlie Hull - Production, programming, recording, keyboards

Will update the blog with full list of the team that have performed & produced Geraceland album soon...


Sunday 5 July 2009

Is the Elvis marketing strategy wrong?: On the FECC board, Gregory Nolan Jr. has reignited a debate over how Elvis should be marketed. Gregory insightfully observes:

More importantly. Elvis' music is already in some key ways "Old-fashioned"...and don't we like it as such, compared what charts these days? I've been a fatalist for some time that the fan-base inevitably is shrinking, despite some incredible staying power- which will always be there for anyone smart enough to look what came before them. If anything, Elvis' persona loomed so large (even since '77) that I like him being truly "off-stage" in a way. People come back and realize - wow, I forgot how he good he was..."...instead of constant "in-your-face" marketing and re-issues. Compare the Elvis strategy to the "less is more" Beatles approach and you can see how it builds up an appetite, rather than have it constantly filled up with by "snacking" on new Christmas, gospel, hit and "love song" compilations that beg the question to the casual or non-fan..."isn't this guy dead going on 30 years...?"

Elvis in 3D on DVD: Elvis World Japan included a link to this release.

Interesting news report published PRIOR to Michael Jackson's death - 'I'm bigger than Elvis and the Beatles': Michael Jackson, who begins his This is It concert run at the O2 arena in London this summer, apparently thinks he is bigger than the Beatles and Elvis. I am told that the alleged King of (kiddie) Poop will perform one song (I wasn’t told which one) that will compare his achievements with Elvis and the Beatles and will show how Michael is on top. The performance allegedly ends with the statement “King of Rock, Pop, and Soul” flashing on the screen.

If all this is true, Michael Jackson is even more of a joke than people ever though he was. Not only did he weasel his way out of two child molestation cases, but his comebacks have been laughable. Back in 1995, Michael Jackson began a Nazi like campaign complete with statues of himself that sailed all over the world. His attempts to top the charts failed miserably, although he was able to get a number one single – You Are Not Alone – by deep discounting the single to ninety-nine cents, one third the cost of regular singles.

In 2001, Michael held a concert dedication to himself at Madison Square Garden in New York City, complete with several special guests to boost his credibility. The television ratings for the concert were very high, but the reviews were brutal. His album Invincible, released around the same time, was an international bomb.

If Michael Jackson is the “musical genius” he and his fans claim he is, then why can’t he just sit down, write his own songs (without relying on several hip producers), play his own instruments, and launch an album without the desperate amount of self-produced hype he usually puts forward? Don’t get me wrong: Michael Jackson was an entertainment phenomenon during the 1980s. However, his relevance and success has considerably dwindled since the early nineties. Elvis Presley may have died and the Beatles may have split up, but both acts can still be mentioned without laughing. Mentioning Michael Jackson's name these days not only brings laughs, but gasps of disgust as well. (News, Source: Daryl D, Examiner)


Aussie chart update: While Elvis didn't make a reappearance on Australia's album or DVD charts this week, not surprisingly, his former son-in-law, Michael Jackson, dominated the singles, albums and DVD chart!

In recognition of his death, Jackson recorded 5 of the Top 20 singles; 7 of the top 50 albums (including the top 3!); and 6 of the top 40 music DVDs. (News, Source: ARIA)


Saturday 4 July 2009
Michael Jackson and Elvis - pretty boys gone wild: First there was Elvis, the “King of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” then came Michael, the “King of Pop;” the only two musical artists ever to be anointed the title of King. Both their reigns came to an eerily similar, tragic end.

Each artist belonged to a generation coming of age in very different eras — the baby boomers grew up with Elvis while the subsequent generation laid claim to Jackson. But Jackson’s surprising death Thursday has not only sparked an outpouring of grief among fans and the music industry, but impromptu celebrations of his music. In death come the tributes and dissection of the superstar’s legacy — the good, the bad and the ugly.

And comparison’s to the first King, the one who elevated rock ‘n’ roll to dizzying heights, are inevitable.

Both musicians were troubled, both changed the landscape of popular culture with their music and style, both died too young, were victims of fame, and broke musical and cultural barriers. The untimely end of both men’s lives was shocking and tragic. Elvis overdosed on pills and there’s wide speculation that pills may have also contributed to Jackson’s death.

Elvis wasn’t nearly as eccentric as Jackson, but they both underwent physical transformations leaving them shadows of their former selves. Jackson started his career as the adorable, charismatic lead singer of the Jackson 5 who became a teen idol. Both Jackson and Elvis were pretty boys, adored by millions of screaming teenage girls.

Jackson underwent a backwards evolution by starting off as a regular, handsome young man who evolved into a strange, almost alien-like caricature — the man in the mirror staring back without any remnants of the Michael Jackson of old.

Elvis’s transformation wasn’t as extreme, but still dramatic given his start as a gorgeous, highly-sexual performer who burst onto the scene seemingly out of nowhere in the 1950s. By the 1970s, Elvis’s leading-man good looks had faded as he battled health problems and his weight. In one of his later performances he would appear dazed, bloated and unable to remember the lyrics to one of his most famous songs — Are You Lonesome Tonight.

Both Jackson and Elvis struggled with health problems and abused prescription drugs. They also had problems with their weight — Elvis packed on the pounds while Jackson shed too many.

Their upbringings were very different, but they had in common humble beginnings. Jackson grew up in Gary, Indiana; Elvis in Tupelo, Mississippi.

But what Jackson and Elvis contributed to popular music remains unsurpassed — Jackson is ranked alongside Elvis and The Beatles as the biggest pop sensations of all time. When Elvis first came onto the music scene he was doing what no one could even conceive of doing — his gyrating dance moves were too sexual and too controversial for the time, (so much so that one of his first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show was filmed from the waist up only.) Elvis moved like no other. His music crossed racial barriers by appealing to both black and white audiences due to his sound; a mix of rhythm and blues, soul and rock. He is regarded as the first “white man” to play “black man’s” music.

Jackson also broke a racial divide with a sound combining synthesized pop, R & B, hip hop and rock, which also appealed to both black and white listeners. In the infancy of music videos, Jackson was not only a pioneer of the new genre, but the first black artist to gain constant airplay on MTV. His spectacular dance moves, like Elvis, were natural and seamless, and bridged the gap between urban subculture and mainstream pop culture. Jackson’s (dance) moves were unlike anything anyone had seen before and like Elvis, the movements were innate gifts.

When Jackson and Elvis were on stage they couldn’t help but move to the beat of their own drummer.

They even had widely-known private sanctuaries — Jackson had Neverland, Elvis had Graceland. For Jackson, Neverland was a place to reclaim his lost childhood, a place where he could escape into his own fantasies. Meanwhile, Graceland provided Elvis with the solace and calm he often sought away from the spotlight.

John Lennon once said: “Before there was Elvis there was nothing.” And so perhaps that is why he is the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, the one people couldn’t help falling in love with. But the King of Pop isn’t too far behind. Jackson thrilled audiences just the same; he was bad, accused of being dangerous, but in the end he wasn’t invincible. He may be gone, but it’s unlikely he’ll be dethroned any time soon. (News, Source: The Vancouver Sun)

Breda celebration photo archive: Elvis Matters has added a 100 item photo archive of last month's celebration in Breda, Holland, of the Colonel's 100th birthday. (News, Source: Elvis Matters)

From the Archives - When 7th Heaven did Elvis!: Synopsis: The Elvis icon is one which has fascinated the world for 5 decades. Since his death in 1977, Elvis has in various ways apearted in hundreds of TV shows from Sledge Hammer to Crossing Jordan and Quantum Leap. And in one episode of the popular family drama, 7th Heaven, the Reverend Camden had his own unbusual Elvis experience.

Synopsis: The extended Camden clan wrestles with their emotions as they await the outcome of Eric's double bypass surgery. While under anesthesia, Eric hallucinates that he's Elvis, performing "I'm All Shook Up," "Don't Be Cruel," "Teddy Bear" and "Rock-A-Hula-Baby." On the romance front, Lucy finally realizes that Kevin is the one and that she's ready to marry him, but he refuses to propose until Eric gives them his blessing. Simon complains to Annie about the absence of Matt and Mary during their father's health crisis. Meanwhile, Sarah also comes to Glen Oak to wish Eric well.

Full Recap: As Eric undergoes surgery he dreams he is Elvis. He sings "I'm All Shook Up," "Don't Be Cruel", "Hula Baby" and more, complete with Elvis getups and a pompadour. Meanwhile, Annie, Lucy, Robbie, Kevin, Ben and Sarah support each other in the waiting room.Lucy has a revelation: Eric's open-heart surgery has made her realize life is fragile. She doesn't want to waste anymore time. She tells Robbie she is ready to marry Kevin.

Robbie has Kevin paged and told to report to the hospital immediately. Robbie just wants to tell him Lucy is ready to marry him, but Kevin is upset because he thought he was called to the hospital because Eric was in danger. He tells Robbie he is not going to ask Lucy to marry him just because she thinks she is ready. Kevin believes Lucy is under duress from her father's surgery and only wants to marry Kevin out of fear of losing him. Lucy looks for him, but he avoids her.

Even though Simon did apologize to Eric for his outburst last week, and Eric forgave him, he's still upset. After both Annie and Robbie tell him to let go of what is bothering him, he decides he needs to go talk to someone. He sees the police chief who told him about the Safe Baby program.

Ruthie is angry at Eric for lying about needing surgery and refuses to go to the hospital.

As Annie waits for Eric to come out of surgery, she handles several family issues. She tells Lucy how she will know she is ready to marry Kevin. She tells Simon to let go of what is bothering him. She asks Sarah to convince Ruthie to come to the hospital. She sends Robbie and Ben to help Lucy and Kevin resolve an argument. And, Lou asks Annie to figure out how to find a temporary replacement for Eric at church or they will just shut down services for two weeks.

Lucy finally finds Kevin and basically orders him to ask her to marry him. He tells her he is not going to propose marriage in the hospital - it's not romantic enough- plus, he wants to ask Eric for permission. Sarah gets Ruthie to talk to a friend of hers, Susan, who didn't speak to her father for five years then regretted it. The talk works and Ruthie agrees to go to the hospital. Simon talks to the police chief about what is bothering him: He wants to talk to someone about how he helped a girl give up her baby - and he wants some credit for his bravery. The chief tells him the girl who gave up the baby was the brave one and Simon shouldn't look for praise. He also reminds Simon that God knows he did a good thing.

Eric comes out of surgery just fine. One by one the Camdens come into the room. Ruthie apologizes. Kevin asks for Lucy's hand, and Eric says "welcome to the family." Simon tells Eric he's not going to brood anymore. Sarah says her father, the rabbi, will take over Eric's Sunday services. Annie tells Eric never to lie to her again. Eric falls asleep and dreams the whole family is dancing along while he sings Elvis' "Hula Baby".

(News, Source: TV.com)

Read EIN's detailed Spotlight article: Elvis Rules on Television!

Friday 3 July 2009

End of an Era!: Back in 1999 the Elvis Telegraph website was launched and soon became Elvis News. EIN was stunned and saddened to learn that after almost 10 years the guys at Elvis News are calling it a day.

For most of the past decade, EIN has enjoyed a friendly rivalry with Elvis News and appreciated its presence in spurring us on.

As the original Elvis website, the guys behind Elvis News can hold their heads up high in knowing that they were at the forefront, and always continued to be, of Elvis on the phenomenon known as the Internet.

We wish those at Elvis News all the best for the future and thank them for helping enrich the Elvis world. Undoubtedly the Elvis world will be poorer for its 'leaving the building'.

'SOMETHING' new Audionics CD: As recorded live in the International Hotel showroom in Las Vegas, Nevada,
August 11th, 1970, Dinner Show. AUDIONICS® STEREO 2009-03-2
The label Audionics will release soon the CD 'Something' featuring the August 11, 1970 dinner show. This is our last release from that series linked to Elvis’ third and very successful season in Las Vegas.
'Something'  will be the first release of this show in FULL STEREO sound, and very much in the same quality as our previous two STEREO outings.
It will be presented in a beautiful 3-panel digipack with a 16 page booklet and accompanying photographs taken from the actual show, the next dinner show and additional candids. All the shows recorded during his first week were highly entertaining and 'Something' is no different. Our last release of those August 1970 recordings is SOMETHING not to be missed!
Tracks: 01. A Thing Called Love * - 02. On The Other Side * - 03. Opening Theme ( Joe Guercio orchestra ) - 04. Opening vamp / That’s All Right, Mama - 05. I Got A Woman - 06. Hound Dog - 07. Monologue #1 - 08. Heartbreak Hotel ( with false start ) - 09. Monologue #2 - 10. Love Me Tender - 11. I’ve Lost You
12. Monologue #3 - 13. I Just Can’t Help Believin’ – 14. Something – 15. I Can’t Stop Loving You – 16. Sweet Caroline - 17. You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' - 18. Polk Salad Annie - 19. Band Introductions – 20. Introduction of Sonny King -21. Bridge Over Troubled Water 22. Suspicious Minds - 23. Can't Help Falling In Love
Total running time: 74:01 * Performed by The Imperials.
(News, Source;Aud/EIN)

'Explore Elvis' Dressing Room in 1969': EPE is offering a Virtual Tour of Elvis' backsatge Vegas dressing room. It’s 1969 and you're at the International Hotel in Las Vegas for Elvis’ opening engagement. While Elvis is on stage, you've used your backstage pass to gain access to his dressing room to take a look around! As you explore Elvis’ virtual dressing room through this online interactive experience, you can read Elvis’ personal telegrams, play a few chords on his guitar, look through the clothing on his clothes rack, flip through the Colonel’s scrapbook, and lots more. This virtual experience features photos, artifacts, video and audio clips and much more – and your pass gets you all-access...

Cost is only $1.99 to get access to this virtual online backstage experience for 24-hours.
Worthy of Colonel Parker - Viva Las Vegas!

Click here for EPE Back-Stage Access.

(News, Source;EPE/EIN)


Thursday 2 July 2009
‘FROM ELVIS IN MEMPHIS: LEGACY EDITION’ New full tracklisting: Great news just out that the new ‘From Elvis In Memphis Legacy Edition’will now feature 36 tracks - including the Original Mono single Masters. CD 2 which was to feature the 10 songs of the LP ‘Back In Memphis’ are augmented by another 10 bonus tracks, grouped as The Original Mono Single Masters. Four are (mono) reprises of songs that appeared on the aforementioned LPs: "In The Ghetto," "Any Day Now," "The Fair’s Moving On," and "You’ll Think Of Me." The other six were all originally non-LP single sides at the time of their first release: "Suspicious Minds" (the Grammy Hall Of Fame and Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductee, written by Mark James); "Don’t Cry Daddy" (Mac Davis) b/w "Rubberneckin’"; Eddie Rabbitt’s "Kentucky Rain" b/w Shirl Milete’s "My Little Friend"; and finally, guitarist Johnny Christopher’s "Mama Liked The Roses."
Elvis Presley’s multi-faceted performing career underwent a heroic rebirth in 1968 and 1969, ignited by three factors: his NBC-TV "comeback" special of December 1968 (taped in June, his first live show before an audience in over seven years); his landmark sessions at Chip Moman’s American Studios in January-February 1969 (Elvis’ first official recording in his hometown of Memphis since leaving Sun Records in November 1955); and his triumphant return to Las Vegas in August 1969, which led to his return to touring for the rest of his life. Click HERE for FULL Details - Sleeve PHOTOS - and complete tracklisting.
(News, Source;SONY/ElvisInfoNet)



Parallels in lives, deaths of Michael Jackson and Elvis - But Presley's path was Trailblazing: Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, but his personal life may haunt his legacy. Elvis Presley had an impact on the culture of an entire generation. The passing of Michael Jackson on Thursday afternoon reignited the occasional debate between the King of Pop and Elvis Presley, "The King" of rock and roll. The articles analysing the similarities between Jackson and Presley have been ubiquitous and inevitable over the last 72 hours. Even Billboard magazine declared, "The world just lost the biggest pop star in history, no matter how you cut it." Here with major input from Alanna Nash, Bob Mehr of the Memphis Commercial Appeal writes about these icons of Popular Culture. (News, Source;CommercialAppeal)

EXCLUSIVE new Elvis photographs: Tammy sent EIN these fabulous exclusive photographs of Elvis in concert.

She says, "These photos were a gift from my grandmother. I thought that you might enjoy them as well. Please post them on EIN for all Elvis fans if you like." -  Tammy.

Go HERE to over 3,000 Rare Elvis Photos!
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Don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs.
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(News, Source;SanjaM)

Director David Lynch & his favourite Elvis song: David Lynch is well known for being an Elvis fan. You can see Nicholas Cage (right) play a lizard-skin Elvis in his great film 'Wild At Heart'. Lynch has a distinctive filmmaking style that includes meticulously crafted sound design so it’s no surprise that his picks include some of the greatest musicians of all time. Of his five key songs he recently chose Elvis' 'That's All Right' was number 1.
David Lynch, "It's almost a cruel show you have going. It's impossible to pick five songs but I picked this song as a first.
This was when.. Elvis Presley was nobody. Sun Records, Sam Phillips was down the street and he made friends with the receptionist, she knew he wanted to sing, he couldn't get arrested. And one day, a guitar player and a bass player booked the place for the weekend and they said to Sam, maybe you know a singer who could come in and we'll just fiddle around. And he called Elvis. So, they spent the morning singing gospel.
If I was shooting this scene, I'd start a slow dolly in on Elvis' face, because history was about to made. He gets up clowning around singing this song, "That's All Right Mama," immediately the bass player jumps up starts slapping this bass. A second later, Sam comes running down the hallway and says ‘what’s going on’ and it changed the course of time."
Click here for the complete interview.
(News, Source;ElvisInfoNet)

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Myrna Smith EIN Interview: Myrna Smith is one of the original Sweet Inspirations, the backing group who sang with Elvis in concert from 1969 until the very end. She has also worked with stars from Aretha Franklin to Van Morrison and has provided the world with some of the best soulful harmonies that have ever been recorded. It was actually Myrna who introduced a young Lisa Marie to her future husband Michael Jackson. In 2004 EIN's Piers Beagley interviewed Myrna Smith when she was in Australia along with the TCB Band. She talked in depth about her time with Elvis, Colonel Parker, her relationship with Lisa Marie and lots more.

Go here to this recently re-discovered interview

(Interview, Source;EIN)

UPDATED with Your Feedback - 'The Dark Side Of Colonel Parker': After Elvis' death an official investigation found that "both Colonel Parker (and RCA) acted in collusion against Presley's best interests. Colonel Parker was guilty of self-dealing and overreaching and had violated his duty to both Elvis and to the estate."
While there is no doubt that Elvis and The Colonel's story is extremely complex, in this in-depth Spotlight EIN takes a look at the darker side of Colonel Tom Parker.

Updated with YOUR feedback - including thoughts from Elvis Tour manager Charles Stone.

Lisa Marie posted this message on June 26th.
He Knew.

Years ago Michael and I were having a deep conversation about life in general. I can't recall the exact subject matter but he may have been questioning me about the circumstances of my Fathers Death.

At some point he paused, he stared at me very intensely and he stated with an almost calm certainty, "I am afraid that I am going to end up like him, the way he did."

I promptly tried to deter him from the idea, at which point he just shrugged his shoulders and nodded almost matter of fact as if to let me know, he knew what he knew and that was kind of that.

4 years later I am sitting here watching on the news an ambulance leaves the driveway of his home, the big gates, the crowds outside the gates, the coverage, the crowds outside the hospital, the Cause of death and what may have led up to it and the memory of this conversation hit me, as did the unstoppable tears.

As I sit here overwhelmed with sadness, reflection and confusion at what was my biggest failure to date, watching on the news almost play by play The exact Scenario I saw happen on August 16th, 1977 happening again right now with Michael (A sight I never wanted to see again) just as he predicted, I am truly, truly gutted.

Go here to the complete Lisa Marie message - and EIN's Michael Jackson Lisa Marie page

'Elvis, The Beauty Queen & Me, with Jeanne LeMay' DVD update: The majority of this DVD - which includes UNSEEN Elvis footage - was filmed during Jeanne's trip to the UK last year. She was filmed talking candidly about her time with Elvis at Graceland, on tour and in Vegas. She openly discusses how she was able to enjoy a close relationship with Elvis through her friendship with Linda Thompson, how she became a secretary at Graceland and what went on there. Her memories of those times are funny, fascinating and extremely riveting. Jeanne is a great talker and her warmth comes across beautifully in the programme.
Over the past few months we have been lucky enough to have tracked down and acquired some STUNNING new 1974 cini film of Elvis, still on the original reels!!! The reels have been digitally transferred and restored. The speed has now been expertly corrected, the picture quality has been enhanced and the brightness and colour has been worked on enabling us to now offer the footage in virtually perfect quality.
. You'll get to see Elvis in Vegas during his August 29th 1974 midnight show, September 1st dinner show and the infamous September 2nd closing show (wearing the beautiful Tiger jumpsuit). There's lots of karate on these clips with Red West coming on stage at one point. Elvis even knocks poor Charlie on his backside... Amazing stuff!
There will also be some 1973 footage shot at Graceland.
This includes the gates, the grounds, up at the mansion itself and the pool area. This is NOT the poor quality Dutch footage that has been doing the rounds for years, but new footage taken from the reels and restored by us. This is TV quality material. We are also extremely excited to tell you that we have been restoring some AMAZING footage (running for a staggering 13 minutes) of Elvis in Kansas City, Missouri on the evening of June 29th 1974. This is the most beautiful clear, close-up footage that we've seen in a long, long time with Elvis wearing the fantastic Embroidered Eagle jumpsuit.
This incredible DVD is a GREAT price (compared to other similar DVDs released over the last few years) and will be officially released on August 15th, where we will have a worldwide premier at our Let Yourself Go! event in Worthing, Sussex.
Pre-order your copy of this incredible DVD here.
And - Go here to EIN's exclusive Interview with Jeanne LeMay Dumas
(News, Source;EssentialElvis)

Jackson's funeral likely to be bigger than that of Elvis: Late King of Pop Michael Jackson's funeral is expected to be even bigger than Elvis Presley's in 1977, when 75,000 fans lined the streets of Memphis.
If that happens, Jackson's funeral will become the biggest the entertainment world has seen.
According to reports, plans were under way on Saturday for a private service and public memorial for the music legend, whose body was moved to a private mortuary.
A source close to the Jackson family revealed that the singer's coffin was being kept under armed guard to deter ghoulish fans trying to discover its secret location.
Jackson's funeral is expected to take place on Wednesday or Thursday, believably, at the enormous Forest Lawn cemetery in Los Angeles.
Following the funeral may be a public service, expected to claim a global audience as big as that of Princess Diana.
Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor, 77, who was one of Michael's closest friends, and Sir Paul McCartney, who sang with him but fell out when Jackson bought the back catalogue of Beatles' music from under his nose, are expected to be among mourners.
Mourners are also likely to include Liza Minnelli, Jackson's former wife Lisa Marie Presley and Brooke Shields, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, and Madonna. Go here to the complete story

'Stranger In The Crowd' officially Sold Out: Despite the bizarre timing of the FTD release of the same concert the Audionics release of Elvis as recorded live in the International Hotel showroom August 13th, 1970, Dinner Show is becoming hard to find. The sleeve design is as usual impressive - opposite some cover scans. 'Stranger In The Crowd' is different kind of release - whole show is in FULL STEREO sound, taken from original mastertape. This release comes in a beautiful 3-panel digipack, with 16-page full color booklet.
Most of accompanying photographs were taken during August 13, 1970 dinner show, with few additional candid shots from August 1970. Check with your dealers. (News, Source;AD)

'My Years With Elvis & The Colonel' OUT NOW: Charles Stone's new book "My Years With Elvis & The Colonel" is out now. A hardcover book with unreleased pictures allowing one an inside view of the memories of Elvis Presley's tour producer, Charles Stone.
Colonel Parker was a smart manager and naming one of Elvis' albums "Something For Everybody" was also a stroke of genius. The title not only fits the Elvis' LP, but also the content of the new book by Praytome Publishing: never-before-seen pictures, new information, new documents and paperwork, new inside views...

EIN however does not agree with the statement that Colonel Parker was a "smart manager" especially in Elvis' later years.

Go here for info and to Order Your Copy - - - - (News, Source;praytome-publishing.com)

Presley Tributes for Michael Jackson: Lisa Marie paid tribute to ex-husband Michael Jackson today saying, "I am so very sad and confused with every emotion possible. I am heartbroken for his children, who I know were everything to him and for his family. This is such a massive loss on so many levels, words fail me."
Lisa Marie married singer Michael Jackson on May 26, 1994 in the Dominican Republic. She was a major support to him while he went through the public accusations of child molestation.
At the time Lisa Marie said, "I believed he didn't do anything wrong, and that he was wrongly accused and, yes, I started falling for him. I wanted to save him. I felt that I could do it."
They stayed married from 1994 until January 1996 when Lisa Marie filed for divorce but still remained friends.
In a move that may have been designed to help support Jackson's heterosexuality, Lisa Marie appeared in close to nothing in Jackson's rather bizarre music video for his 1995 song "You Are Not Alone". The song made #1 in the US charts.
Click here to see the 'You Are Not Alone' video.

Priscilla Presley, the pop star's former mother-in-law, also expressed her sadness saying, "I'm in shock, as I know everyone must be. What a tragic loss. My heartfelt thoughts are with his family at this very difficult time."
(News, Source;EIN)

Like Elvis, Michael Jackson was a troubled king; Michael Jackson didn't want to be just a superstar. Like the Beatles, he wanted to be the biggest, the undisputed king. He wanted to topple the reigning man with the crown, Elvis.
In the end, Jackson came to resemble Elvis in both the best and worst ways - supremely gifted and successful but also self-destructive and beset by demons. And like Elvis, he died way too young.
"It's just so weird. He even married Elvis' daughter," said author-music critic Greil Marcus, who wrote at length about Presley in his acclaimed cultural history, Mystery Train.
Elvis Presley died a over-weight middle-aged man after overdosing on prescription drugs at home in 1977 at age 42.
Michael Jackson died on Thursday at age 50 after being rushed from his Los Angeles home to UCLA Medical Centre.
Jackson was taking prescription drugs as he battled to get into shape for his gruelling concert comeback due to get underway in London next month, a lawyer for the family said on Thursday.
Jackson, like Elvis, fought long-running battles with prescription medication throughout his career, and was taking the drugs after suffering injuries during training for his comeback, lawyer and spokesman Brian Oxman said.
While endless fame seemed to inflate Elvis like helium, Jackson's fame seemed to scrub away the flesh from his bones.
Like Elvis, Jackson was once beautiful, outrageous, a revolutionary without politics, who broke down the walls between black and white. He had the hits, the style, the ego, the talent.
He was the "King of Pop," and he needed only to fill in the life: He married Elvis' daughter. He bought the rights to some of Elvis' songs.
Elvis owned Graceland, its name a symbol for a deliverance the singer prayed for until the end of his life.
Jackson had Neverland, a fantasy for a man-child for whom money provided the chance to live in a world of his own.
He did, and did not, want to be like Elvis.
In Moon Walk, a memoir published in 1988, Jackson insisted Elvis was not important to him growing up and that he was unhappy to learn a song he recorded with his brothers, Heartbreak Hotel, shared the name of Presley's first national hit.
"I swear that was a phrase that came out of my head, and I wasn't thinking of any other song when I wrote it," Michael Jackson wrote.
"The record company printed it on the cover as This Place Hotel, because of the Elvis Presley connection. As important as Elvis was to music, black as well as white, he just wasn't an influence on me. I guess he was too early for me. Maybe it was timing more than anything else.
By the time our song had come out, people thought that if I kept living in seclusion the way I was, I might die the way he did. The parallels aren't there as far as I'm concerned, and I was never much for scare tactics.
Still, the way Elvis destroyed himself interests me because I don't ever want to walk those grounds myself."

Sadly Michael Jackson like Elvis ended up walking that lonely street to his too early demise.
(News, Source;SanjaM/Hillel Italie)

Pop legend Michael Jackson dead at 50: In a strange twist Michael Jackson who would have been Elvis' son-in-law when he married Lisa Marie has died on this fateful day June 26th. (June 25th in USA). He is reported to have died of a heart attack after he was rushed to hospital in Los Angeles. He suffered a cardiac arrest earlier this afternoon and paramedics were unable to revive him. Spokespersons for Jackson could not be reached for comment but earlier, The LA Times reported paramedics went to the singer's home and found him not breathing.

In 1994, Jackson married Elvis’ only child, Lisa Marie, but the marriage ended in divorce in 1996. Jackson married Debbie Rowe the same year and had two children, before splitting in 1999. The couple never lived together.

The newspaper said paramedics performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the scene before taking him to the UCLA Medical Centre.
Jackson had been due to start a series of comeback concerts in London on July 13 running until March 2010. (News, Source;ABC)

'The Dark Side Of Colonel Parker' - EIN Spotlight: June 26th 2009 is a special date that commemorates four unique events of the Elvis World.
1. The 100th Birthday of Colonel Parker.
2. The 32nd Anniversary of Elvis' final concert in Indianapolis.
3. The 30th Anniversary of the death of Elvis' father, Vernon Presley.
4. The 30th Anniversary of the revelation to Elvis’ estate that Colonel Parker was still fleecing his client.

Although comedian Nipsy Russell stated that "Every entertainer should go to bed at night and pray he finds a Colonel Tom Parker under his bed when he wakes up in the morning" - is that really the truth?
It is a fact that after Elvis' death an official investigation found that "both Colonel Parker (and RCA) acted in collusion against Presley's best interests. Colonel Parker was guilty of self-dealing and overreaching and had violated his duty to both Elvis and to the estate."
While there is no doubt that Elvis and The Colonel's story is extremely complex, in this in-depth Spotlight EIN takes a look at the darker side of Colonel Tom Parker - and includes plenty of insights from Elvis’ colleagues and friends.
. Go here for this fascinating investigation- and also Have Your Say.
(Spotlight, Source;EIN)

Eliza Presley talks to EIN (Part 2): Due to major developments in the Eliza Presley DNA issue there will be a delay in publishing Part 2 of Eliza’s interview. 

What we can say now is that Part 2 will include details of a number of new issues around Eliza’s claim, based on DNA evidence, that she is the daughter of Vernon Presley and half-sister to Elvis. Stay tuned!

Read Part 1 of Eliza's controversial interview with EIN

New DVD 'Love Me Tender: The Love Songs' cover art: Here is the cover for the EMI Music DVD 'Love Me Tender - The Love Songs'. The DVD is the first-ever in-depth look at the love songs of Elvis. This documentary explores the remarkable music that sparked such phenomenal devotion in the hearts of fans worldwide. Hosted by Golden Globe-nominated actress Ashley Judd it features 20 fabulous performances plus interviews and other footage in its 120 minutes. To be released August 25th. Click here to pre-order at Amazon for $18.
Love Me Tender
I Can’t Stop Loving You
The Wonder of You
I Just Can’t Help Believing
Always On My Mind
What Now My Love
Can’t Help Falling In Love
There Goes My Everything
It’s Now Or Never
Are You Lonesome Tonight
As Long As I Have You
You Don’t Know Me
Loving You

Unchained Melody
I’ll Remember You
For The Good Times
And I Love You So
You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me
Just Pretend
Love Me
Until It’s Time For You To Go
Mary In The Morning
I Want You, I Need You, I Love You

- (News, Source:EMIMusic/Amazon)

New Triple Features release: Here is the cover art for the new USA 3CD set titled Triple Feature which includes Burning Love, Seperate Ways, and You'll Never Walk Alone.  (News, Source: SPKCollectibles.com)

Contact 'SPKCollectibles.com'


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Elvis Presley, Elvis and Graceland are trademarks of Elvis Presley Enterprises.
The Elvis Information Network has been running since 1986 and is an EPE officially recognised Elvis fan club.



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