Terry Mike Jeffrey

...featuring Charlie Hodge and Duke Bardwell

"An Elvis Tribute Show"

Buy An Elvis Tribute Show

In the world of Elvis tribute artists the name Terry Mike Jeffrey is one of the most well known and highly regarded.

An Elvis stylist rather than an impersonator, Jeffrey is in the upper echelon of the most professional and entertaining Elvis artists.

With an assured, smooth vocal and friendly personality it is not hard to realise why he has been so successful for so long.

On October 19, 2003, Jeffrey took to the stage in Kunstmin, Dordrecht, The Netherlands to deliver a powerhouse show to an appreciative audience at the "Elvis 2nd To None" Convention organised by the Dutch fan club, It's Elvis Time.

That the show was recorded for others to enjoy will please many. And that the show is a particularly good one will be even more pleasing.

The added attractions of Elvis' "scarves and water man", Charlie Hodge and bass player, Duke Bardwell, make this release of particular interest to Elvis fans. Duke backs Jeffrey for the entire show while "Sir Charles" provides harmony vocals and guitar for tracks 12 to 20.

An Elvis Tribute Album is a strong show which delicately moves between foot stomping rockers and poignant ballads to soul stirring gospel standards.

The show starts with the customary Elvis "live" track listing before injecting a number of different tracks which heighten the listener's interest. There are strong versions of the tearduct breaking 'Don't Cry Daddy', the always welcome Neapolitan standard, 'Surrender', and a blues infused 'Steamroller Blues'.

'Tryin' To Get To You', 'Burning Love' and 'You Gave Me A Mountain' faithfully recreate the feeling we came to expect when listening to Elvis deliver his powerful live performances of each song.


"Sir Charles" shows he hadn't lost it with some sweet harmony vocals on tracks such as 'Lawdy Miss Clawdy', 'An American Trilogy' and the rarely sung masterpiece, 'I Will Be Home Again'.

Terry and Charlie hit the beat on Jerry Reed's underrated 'Baby, What You Want Me To Do', while on 'Hurt', Charlie repeats his vocal support for Elvis as Terry scales the dizzy heights demanded of the song.


Several uplifting gospel tracks provide added resonance to Jeffrey's show including the beautiful 'Where No One Stands Alone', and the Elvis favorites 'His Hand In Mine' (originally an Elvis-Charlie duet in 1960), 'How Great Thou Art' and 'Help Me'.

And if you ever wanted to know what polk salad looks like, Terry Mike Jeffrey let's us know during a rousing rendition of 'Polk Salad Annie', although It's Elvis Time's Peter Haan may not fully agree.

Among the many highlights on the album are the classic 'Promised Land', the emotionally piercing gospel number 'Where No One Stands Alone', and always a crowd favorite, 'Unchained Melody'. We also learn first hand from "Sir Charles" why he stood at the piano while Elvis sang this song. It was all about the "Charlie mic".

Terry Mike Jeffrey is renowned for his clear, crisp vocal pronunciation which is very evident on all 20 tracks of the album. There are also many Elvis vocal nuances which project the Elvis "feel" throughout the concert.

The backing band and vocalists are very competent and many fans will delight in reliving Duke Bardwell's bass playing as part of their listening enjoyment.

The album has a playing time approaching 60 minutes, is a soundboard recorded in stereo and comes with a full color picture disc. On the album's back cover there is a great visual (see above) of Terry on the piano with Charlie harmonising by his side.

Verdict: Terry Mike Jeffrey, Charlie Hodge and Duke Bardwell deliver a first rate Elvis tribute concert. It is an infectious and energetic show which does not disappoint.

Copies of An Elvis Tribute Show can be bought from It's Elvis Time.

Wholesale enquiries are also welcome.

Comment on this review


Wanda Jenkins: One of the best Elvis concerts I've seen was by Terry Mike Jeffrey. I met him after the show and he was a real gentleman.

Candy: Thanks for a wonderful review. I believe Terry is the best Elvis tribute singer around today.

Beth Pease: Terry Mike Jeffrey is a true professional and a real showman. His concerts are always a crowd pleaser and while he doesn't pretend to be Elvis he sings the King's songs from the heart. I try to avoid most of the impersonators in white jumpsuits as most of them aren't worth it, but Terry is a class act all the way.

































































































































































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