Book Review:

The Name Code: The God of Elvis Volumes 1 & 2

The Name Code II: The God of Elvis Volumes 1 & 2, Christopher Byrnes Matthews, Lulu Publishing, 2008, Softcover, 534 pages/546 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1847992314/ ISBN-13: 978-1847992703


Since his death in 1977 I have read literally hundreds of books about Elvis. A number have been particularly challenging with their complex theories and involved narrative.

In 2008 I have had the pleasure of delving inside the most confronting and challenging volumes based around Elvis. The Name Code: The God of Elvis volumes, by Chris Matthews, are without doubt the most sensational and disturbing books with an Elvis theme you will ever read!

They are also volumes a reader cannot approach without a mindset of intellectual engagement.

I found the 1,000+ pages of The Name Code II: The God of Elvis Volumes 1 & 2 to be both frustrating and rewarding.

The essential thing to state about The Name Code volumes is that they are predicated on there being hidden codes in the Elvis Aaron Presley name, codes which speak directly about the real Messiah and the imposter who was/is Jesus Christ! Very cleverly, these hidden codes involve both the Hebrew and English languages.

For mine, after reading the two volumes, I was left with a thousand questions and many insights into both the Hebrew language and coda.

But most of all I closed volume 2 admiring Chris Matthews' incredible journey and being impressed by his commitment over many years to uncovering the hidden codes in the Elvis Aaron Presley name. His research, analysis and findings have the potential to change not only our view of Elvis' role in the world, but also fundamental religious beliefs!!!

As I am not religious, I was not offended, as some will be, by the author's highly controversial findings.

I am also not a scholar of the Hebrew language so my judgment of the Matthews findings is dictated by my limited academic background, innately sceptical nature, and somewhat educated powers of reasoning and deduction.

Be warned - traversing the 1,000+ pages which make up The Name Code II: The God of Elvis Volumes 1 & 2 is not easy work. It requires great personal commitment and a desire to embrace the unknown. But as I found, it is a worthwhile journey, regardless of whether or not you ultimately agree with the author's premise and findings.

The Name Code: The God of Elvis Volume 2

Chris Matthews has published what is, in one sense, the Elvis world's own Da Vinci Code! His work undoubtedly ranks among the most controversial set of publications ever published.

The complexity of the Matthews books' cannot be understated. For this reason I will not discuss his methodology here. This is best explained by the author himself in his absorbing interview with EIN.

In his interview, Chris discusses:

  • the methodology behind his research
  • his principal findings who placed the hidden messages
  • why they were placed
  • the (pagan) Bull-god El
  • Elvis' immaculate conception
  • the role of Jesse Garon Presley
  • the significance of misspellings of the Elvis Aaron Presley name
  • how the Bible supports his findings
  • biographically prophetic name-messages hidden in the names of George Washington, Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Disraeli, Tony Blair… and George Walker Bush
  • independent scholarly comment on his works
  • and a lot, lot more

Readers should note that a third volume (in fact the 1st volume in the trilogy), The Name Code 1: The Path to Graceland, has also been published. It principally deals with hidden codes in the names of prominent politicians and celebrities.....all of which are related to the Elvis volumes.

Undoubtedly, there will be many detractors quick to criticise Chris Matthews' findings. Sadly, I suspect most of those taking a negative line will do so without first reading the author's works. If so, this is a travesty and an indication of how long held beliefs and bias can override open consideration of research by those who have differing views to one's own.

Verdict: If you want to be challenged; if you want to alternately dismiss and then consider new realities; if you want to read books with the potential to alter fundamental religious beliefs......then the three volume The Name Code is mandatory reading. If you are up to it....take the challenge and be confronted, confused and amazed. It is a stunning journey!

Warning: For those of you with strong religious beliefs.......approach The Name Code with an open mind and tread very carefully.

Published May 2008

 Read EIN’s interview with Christopher Byrnes Matthews

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