Since the launch of this new EIN concept 3 years ago, Sanja Meegin's rare Elvis photographs archive has grown to over 3,000 signed up members - and over 5,700 special photos. Some of these images are sought after and extremely rare.
Lots of Elvis fans are often dissatisfied with the regular run-of-the-mill images of "The World's Most Photographed Man" and EIN special contributor Sanja Meegin is here to help, with regular updates of fascinating, rare and candid ELVIS photos.
So don't miss out on these rare and exciting photographs - but please note that you do need to be a Facebook Member.
Below are just a glimpse of a few of the best new images that have been recently added.
Click Here to our EIN Rare ELVIS Photographs Facebook page.
& A MERRY CHRISTMAS 2011 to all our rare Elvis candid photo friends.
Choose from below for even more great quality rare Elvis photos
Recently added rare Elvis candids from the sixties
and don't forget to visit Sanja's Spotlight and exclusive photos from Elvis Week 2010 - Click here
Below are more great candids from the seventies
Tammy sent EIN these fabulous exclusive photographs of Elvis in concert.
She says, "These photos were a gift from my grandmother. I thought that you might enjoy them as well. Please post them on EIN if you like." - Tammy. |
Below: Some more rarities from last week.
Below: Some more previous rarities.
Click Here to our EIN Rare ELVIS Photographs Facebook page.