
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."

(Leonard Bernstein)


"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)


"For a dead man, Elvis Presley is awfully noisy."

(Professor Gilbert B. Rodman)


"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)


"Absolute id crashed into absolute superego...as the uptightset man in America shook hands with just about the loosest."

(Mark Feeney on the 'Elvis meets Nixon' meeting)


"Elvis is everywhere"

(Mojo Nixon & Skid Roper)


"...especially in the South, they talk about Elvis and Jesus in the same breath"

(Michael Ventura, LA Weekly)








Elvis Week 2005...."What's Happening"

Elvis Week 2005 runs from 8 August to 16 August 2005


Official Elvis site

Tupelo Birthplace Park site

Elvis Week 2005 'Quick Reference Guide':

Click above for EPE's quick reference guide to key events each day during Elvis Week 2005.

News & Articles

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New Elvis remixes or not???: We reported it, then Elvis News was told by EPE that it wasn't true, and now the messageboards are buzzing with claims Joe Dimuro was on TV (but not at the Elvis Insiders Conference at Elvis Week as we originally reported). This posting by Lakeisha on the FECC Board nicely captures the argument: 'They claim that the rumored remixes are a "hoax". They say that Dimuro didn't speak about the rumored planned remixes. But he did because I saw it with my own eyes and ears on the news and heard him specifically say "we are aiming at mainstream listeners with dance re-mixes and a contemporary track for top 40 radio.' See below for earlier reports. (News, Source: FECC)

No "new" remixes after all: According To Elvis News, EPE has advised that despite earlier reports (see 19 August 2005), "Joe DiMuro did not come to Memphis for Elvis Week this year. Roger Semon made a presentation at the Elvis Insiders Conference, but there was no mention of remixes. There is no remix project on the agenda at the moment. The remix announcement circulating on fan sites appears to be a hoax, a fabrication." This advice is consistent with the BMG line following the relative failure of Rubberneckin'. EIN comment: EIN believes the BMG view is potentially shortsighted, as it is imperative the Elvis legacy be promoted to the youth market, and contemporary remixes of Elvis recordings should be one element of an integrated strategy. (News, Source: Elvis News, 20 August 2005)

BMG looking at new Elvis "remixes" for younger market: Joe Dimuro of BMG/SONY told the Elvis Insiders/Round table discussion at Graceland during Elvis Week that BMG was looking at releasing some new Elvis remixes for the younger generation. (Source: Amber Smith, 19 August 2005)

Turner/MGM DVDs update: According a posting by Mystery Train on the FECCmessageboard, at the "Insider's Conference" during Elvis Week, Tom Brown from Turner Enterprises provided an update on the 6 DVDs announced last year for release in January 2005. Brown said they all have been mastered and are ready, but there are legal problems with a couple of songs. He knew of no date for release, but indicated they will be released. The six DVDs are: Kissin' Cousins; Girl Happy; Tickle Me; Stay Away, Joe; Charro; This Is Elvis (extended version). (Source: Mystery Train/FECC messageboard, 19 August 2005)

EIN's Sanja Meegin brings us a last update from Elvis Week in Memphis: August 17th - While it seemed likely that all the devoted fans would be drifting away and heading back to their jobs surprisingly the Graceland Crossing Tent was still buzzing with excitement last night. The Commercial Appeal stated that this year’s crowd was 10,000 strong. While this is lower than EPE’s quote this is still a large number of fans for a subdued year. ‘The Images of The King’ winner was the sensational Mario from England. He has come second before but Mario is quite spectacular and deserved his hard-earned win.Jim Curtin announced that he is selling his entire Elvis collection! This includes 25,000 photographs, three genuine Elvis stage costumes, 1000+ SUN & RCA original singles - some autographed, and an extremely rare one–off ‘I’ll Be Back’ white-labelled 45rpm single made specially for the 1966 Academy Award nomination. The auction will take place December 2-3rd, Crown Plaza, Beverley Hills.

Marlowe’s Restaurant co-owner Melissa Coleman sits on the EPE board and revealed to EIN more details about the re-building of Graceland Plaza. Initial plans are to develop the area in 2 stages and although The Tent will stay, the rest will eventually be rebuilt. EPE also owns the area at the back which they plan to turn into an Amusement Park, as well as building a large Convention Hotel behind ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. This may eventually be expanded to replace the older ‘Heartbreak Hotel’ itself. Coleman was very optimistic about new owner Robert Sillerman and what he will bring to the Elvis world. She says that he is positively involved, has so many good new ideas, as well as having the money to make them work! Obviously 2007 is a deadline year for most projects but there should be major changes by this time next year.

Tens of thousands watch Candlelight Vigil "online": AOL's 'live' coverage of this year's Candlelight Vigil at Graceland was, by all accounts, a huge "viewing" success, with tens of thousands of fans around the world watching it on their computers and many more via the PBS TV stations showing it. The Vigil is archived by EPE and can be watched at any time. With guest celebrities, plenty of Elvis performances and the atmosphere of walking up to the driveway to the Meditation Garden, tune in and experience a great Vigil. EPE placed the crowd actually at Graceland at more than 10,000. Elvis World's Bill Burk suggests it was closer to 4,000 (the second smallest on record). (Source: Amber Smith/Bill E. Burk, 16 August 2005 )

Memphis 3am August 16th - EIN's Final exclusive report from Elvis Week & The Vigil: The emotions of the entire crowd were encapsulated by the announced presence of The Presley family at The Vigil. The Stamps performance was stunning and so were 'The Memphis Boys. Sanja meegin, EIN's roving reporter, signs off from Elvis Week. (Elvis Week 2005, Source: EIN)

'Find Out What's Happening' - EIN exclusive weekend report from Elvis Week 2005: The atmousphere in Memphis is hotting up and EIN has the exclusives. EIN roving reporter Sanja Meegin meets Elvis’ father-in-law and enlightens us to what was revealed at the Elvis Insider's Conference. In a fascinating article learn about the new DVD footage, yet more new outtakes, unknown tales of Elvis, family secrets revealed and very emotional tears! You should have been there! (Elvis Week 2005, Source: EIN)

Sad end to Chicago's annual "Elvis is Alive" 5K run: Authorities say a 54-year-old man collapsed and died following a five-kilometer race in Chicago on Saturday night. The Cook County Medical Examiner's office says the Arlington Heights man collapsed after the "Elvis is Alive 5K" run near the lakefront in the city's Lincoln Park neighborhood. Authorities have not yet released the man's name. The medical examiner's office says he was pronounced dead around 7:15 Saturday night at Chicago's St. Joseph Hospital. An autopsy is scheduled. The annual event draws thousands of runners, many of whom wore Elvis costumes. (News, Source: CBS2, 15 Aug 2005)

EPE's "Elvis virtual wall": For many, many years fans have been writing Elvis tribute messages on the stone wall that surrounds the Graceland Mansion property. A lot of it has come from fans participting in the Candlelight Vigil each year on August 15/16. Can't be here this year for Elvis Week? Each year we now post a "virtual wall" so Elvis fans can post messages to share with their fellow fans around the world. The virtual wall for 2005 is now up and running. Click here to read what fans have posted so far and maybe leave a message of your own. (News, Source: EPE)

PBS stations to carry Elvis Vigilcast: The Elvis VigilCast, EPE's own news magazine program emanating from the Candlelight Vigil at Graceland on August 15th, will be carried live online by AOL again this year, a global event. In previous years the live transmission was available only to AOL members, but this year membership is not required, making it accessible to everyone with an Internet connection and greatly increasing the audience. As always, shortly after the live transmission the VigilCast program will be permanently archived here on Elvis.com to watch via streaming video.

For the first time this program will be seen on television as well. Elvis Vigilcast 2005 will air on select PBS (Public Broadcasting System) television stations in America. Some will carry it live and some have opted to present it on a tape-delay basis. Check your local listings for times. Following are the participating stations: KERA Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX/ WMFE Orlando, FL/
WCVN-WKNO Cincinnati, OH/WLAE New Orleans, LA/ WKNO Memphis, TN/ KOZK Springfield, MO/ KAMU Waco, TX/ WKMA-WKOH Evansville, IN/ KACV Amarillo, TX/ KOZJ Joplin, MO/
Georgia State Network/ Mississippi State Network/ Kentucky State Network/ Arkansas State Network/ West Virgina State Network. (News, Source: EPE)

EPE has plans to 'tear down' Graceland Plaza: EPE CEO, Jack Soden, has told a fan appreciation at Elvis Week 2005 outing that plans call for the tearing down of Graceland Plaza, across the street from the mansion, and replacing it with a more modernized one building. When asked Graceland's future plans for Graceland Crossing (where the last two independent shops have been told they must clear out by 1st November) . . . Soden said there were plans, but for the moment he is not at liberty to discuss them. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk, 13 Aug 2005)

Lacklustre Elvis segment on Larry King Live: CNN's Larry King hosted a panel of Linda Thompson, Joe Esposito, Jerry Schilling and George Klein on his show last night. Bill Burk wasn't impressed and asks why does King stick with the same old guests, Elvis show after Elvis show? One of his first questions, of Schilling, who was sitting in the Jungle Room, was, "What is the Jungle Room?" Esposito was introduced as Elvis' best man at his wedding to Priscilla, which is half-true, but NO mention was made that Marty Lacker was also a best man.  And he asked Esposito what he did for Elvis, to which "Diamond" Joe said, "I was his right hand man."  Again, no mention of Lacker's involvement in business affairs.

Klein said before Elvis left for the Army, he was paid $50 a week to travel with Elvis; then added, "after the Army, I didn't accept anything from him."  THAT was an eyebrow raiser from the GitGo!  Cadillacs? Gifts? Etc. Linda (who looks tired) said it was hard living with Elvis, knowing he was seeing dozens of other girls on the side; but said she learned to accept that's the way he was. To which Esposito countered:  "All the guys were single, but our wives were all married."
Esposito said, of Elvis' addiction to prescribed pills, "We all tried to help him, but he was very stubborn. HE had to be the one to make the decision and he wouldn't.  The Smiths (Gladys and her family) were all heavy drinkers and all died young.  I think boredom led Elvis to the pills."
Linda said one of Elvis' favorite charities was the Press-Scimitar's Goodfellows, who distrubuted clothing and food to needy kids each Christmas, "because Elvis had grown up in poverty and when the Presleys moved to Memphis, he was the recipient of Goodfellows gifts early on. He never forgot that." King repeated the story of Elvis buying a limousine in Miami for his limo driver there.  C'mon Larry. Come up with some new stories!! Linda mistakenly said Graceland had been a church before Elvis bought it and GK quickly corrected her, saying there had been prayer meetings in the basement, but it was never a church.
But then Klein added his boo boo, saying Gladys followed Elvis to school (at Humes) "to make sure he went to class."  In our extensive research for our HUMES YEARS book, we could find NO person who EVER saw Gladys go with, or follow, Elvis to school.  For one, he took the old Jackson Avenue bus to school (most mornings with neighbor Luther Nall); and probably in his senior year, the Presleys were living immediately across the street from the school. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk, 13 Aug 2005)

A second EIN exclusive report from Elvis Week 2005: Watch out Memphis 'The Walls Have Ears' and Sanja Meegin, EIN's roving reporter, is back once again to give us all the inside scoops. The Elvis faithful have arrived and EIN has been visiting Graceland, the Elvis Convention as well as the fabulous atmosphere at the Graceland Crossing. (Elvis Week 2005, Source: EIN)

Maxine Brown who performed with the young Elvis and knew him way back in 1954, recalls her friend in her new book. She is heading to Memphis for Elvis Week 2005 and here she talks to CMT’s Edward Morris. (Elvis Week 2005, Source: CMT.com)

EIN exclusive report from Elvis Week 2005: Watch out Memphis 'The Walls Have Ears' and Sanja Meegin, EIN's roving reporter, is back once again to give us all the inside scoops on Elvis Week 2005. While the majority of Elvis fans have yet to arrive, Sanja checked out the shopping, Beale Street and the pool! (Elvis Week 2005, Source: EIN)

Elvis and Tupelo: Elvis Presley fans from the United Kingdom in Tupelo this week are a reminder that the most widely known attraction in Northeast Mississippi is the King of Rock n' Roll's birthplace. Britons walking around Tupelo snap pictures of sights we consider everyday, forgetting for Presley's fans the downtown area and east Tupelo are sacred ground. Presley arguably made a greater impact than any other personality of the last century on entertainment and music as a cultural force. He was gifted, charming and controversial because he broke out of the box of musical convention. He was in some ways an ultimate celebrity - lavish, showy, generous and ultimately tormented by his fame. We hope the new City Hall plaza in Fairpark eventually contains some major design element commemorating Presley and his world-shaking appearances at the Mississippi-Alabama Fair. He is, after all, the famous person from Tupelo. City Hall sits on the site of the arena where he performed for thousands of adolescent fans - the first generation to venerate him as The King. We welcome some of those fans - and younger ones - visiting the city this week. (News, Source: Editorial, Daily Journal)

Robert Miller - Elvis lives at cerebral palsy run: If you find Elvis spotters amusing, you may want to withhold judgment until after the fifth annual Elvis Run 5K and 1-mile fun run/walk on Saturday. There will be one pro and a bunch of amateur impersonators at the event, which benefits United Cerebral Palsy of Metropolitan Dallas. Who knows, one just might be the real thing. There will also be a Classic Car Show. The Elvis Run is always held near the anniversary of Elvis' death on Aug. 16, and participants are encouraged to dress in Elvis costumes or 1950s-style attire. Race day registration begins at 6:30 a.m. at the Hard Rock Cafe, 2601 McKinney Ave.

The Classic Car Show is from 7:30 to 10 a.m., and the Rock & Roll 1-mile walk starts at 7:45. The Elvis 5K Run follows at 8, Elvis Singing begins at 9 and awards will be presented at 10 a.m. Sponsors include Aquafina, BancTec, Benchmark Mortgage, CLIF Bar, Greensheets, Hard Rock Café, Mellew Productions, KDMX-FM (102.9), KEGL-FM (97.1), Orbit Drop, Post Properties, Rudy's Mexican Restaurant and Tom Thumb Food Stores. Entry fees are $25 for adults and $10 for children 12 and under. To register, call Robert Eilers at 214-351-2500 (press 1, then ext. 202), or visit www.elvisrun.com. (News, Source: Dallas News)

New ELVIS® “Viva Las Vegas” Poker Set Takes Center Stage at Elvis Week: The legend of Elvis Presley lives on through America's favorite games with a twist by USAOPOLY. The timeless appeal and cross-generational allure of Elvis Presley make it easy for USAOPOLY to put Elvis spins on games everyone knows and loves to play. Following the successful releases of MONOPOLY®: Elvis, Elvis Trivia and Elvis Checkers, USAOPOLY unveils the new Elvis “Viva Las Vegas” Collector's Poker Set at the beloved Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tennessee during Elvis Week, Monday, August 8 - Tuesday, August 16, 2005.

"Poker has this country all shook up," says John M. Davis, president of USAOPOLY. "Putting a Las Vegas Elvis twist on a classic game like poker is a natural fit.”

What makes the Elvis “Viva Las Vegas” Poker Set so different is the inspiration behind the cool white case. It's designed to look like the famous jumpsuits Elvis wore during his legendary Vegas performances. The beautiful red velvet interior holds 200 red, purple and white eight-gram clay chips embossed with Elvis' signature and two decks of high quality Elvis themed playing cards. Of course, each of the kings in each of the four suits has been transformed into Elvis (the one and only "King" of Rock & Roll) performing in concert in Las Vegas and on tour. Every element of the unique poker set is completely customized and authorized by Elvis Presley Enterprises.

The new Elvis “Viva Las Vegas” Poker Set will be available for purchase this month at Graceland and also online at ShopElvis.com. Specialty stores such as Barnes & Noble, Hastings Entertainment and Tower Records will also carry the collector's game this holiday. (Source: EPE, 8 Aug 2005)

Baldwin's Elvis Signature Piano Tuned Up For Elvis Week at a cool $14,500 each: Yesterday marked the beginning of Elvis Week at Graceland in Memphis. On this day the most expensive souvenir available at Graceland was tuned up in preparation for the arrival of thousands of fans from all corners of the globe. A first-ever custom Elvis Baldwin piano will was tuned at this morning in the Gallery Elvis gift shop at Graceland Plaza by a certified piano tuner from the Baldwin plant in Truman, Arkansas. The Elvis Presley Signature model incorporates the motif from the gates of Graceland home in the artwork on the upper frame of the piano. The Elvis model is being produced in a limited run of only 25 instruments at a cost of $14,500 each.

This exclusive model is a Baldwin 243 vertical piano in ebony with a mirrored upper frame and blue suede on the top of the lid and music shelf. The gates of Graceland - with the instantly recognizable music staff - are etched into the upper frame, which is sure to be a hit with Elvis fans everywhere. Presley's signature appears on the right side of the music shelf accompanied by his famous motto, the initials "TCB" (Taking Care of Business) above the key slip. (Source: EPE, 8 Aug 2005)

Where to buy your Elvis wine in Memphis: Buster's Liquors on Highland at Poplar (near the Uni of Memphis campus where George Klein's gig is on 16th) is selling a full range of Elvis wines and spirits.  Buster's is ranked the #1 liquor store in Memphis every year by readers of MEMPHIS magazine. (Source: Bill E. Burk, 8 Aug 2005)

See Elvis' Lincoln in Tupelo: The Tupelo Automobile Museum should be one stop for fans during Elvis Week. It houses both Elvis' Lincoln and Liberace's Corvette and many other "celebrity" owned vehicles. Showcasing more than 100 vehicles, the names Duesenberg (remember in Spinout?), Tony Curtis, Studebaker etc vividly spring to mind. (News, Source: The Birmingham News)

Hound Dog Cafe in Tupelo: Here is some information for you lucky (hungry?) Elvis fans who are planning to visit TUPELO during the Elvis Week Festivities!  A great new cafe in Tupelo - HOUND DOG CAFE - is now open for delicious lunches!  (The sandwiches, food items etc. are named after Elvis' songs!). The Hound Dog Cafe is located at 1439 East Main Street, about 1/4 mile going East (on MAIN STREET) from the turnoff to Elvis Presley Drive. It is located INSIDE Bishop's Flowers - which is on the left side (North) if you are heading East on Main Street.  Do stop by for a bite of lunch! Debbie Turner will make you very welcome!  - and you are sure to enjoy the great food and the delightful "decor" - Elvis, of course! Open 11am-2pm. (News, Source: Joan Gansky, 2 Aug 2005)

Elvis World lunch sold out: No tickets are left for the annual Elvis World "Elvis Week" Lunch.  Bill Burk advises that In the planning stages -- a special menu for those attending.  Two of Bill Black's children and Susan Graham will speak on Black and the Blue Moon Boys. Lunch is 1-3 p.m. Sunday, 14 August, at Marlowe's, 4381 EP Blvd.  Tickets were mailed out last Saturday, so by now y'all should have them.  (News, Source: Bill E. Burk, 31 July 2005)

Sirius Satellite Radio to feature Elvis Week 2005: The King is back! The annual honoring of Elvis Presley also known as Elvis Week will take place on August 8 through August 16 and will be featured only on Sirius Satellite Radio's Elvis Radio. Elvis Radio will be broadcast live from Graceland and will feature interviews with special guests such as Joe Esposito, Elvis' road manager for 17 years, producer Jerry Schilling, members of the American Studios House Band, who backed Elvis in Memphis and The Jordanaires, who sang with Elvis up until the 1970's. Moreover, Elvis Radio will broadcast the 28th Annual Elvis Week Candlelight Vigil ceremony and procession. This special coverage will be on Monday, August 15 at 5:00 p.m. ET. Sirius' Elvis Radio is the world's only official, authorized all-Elvis, all-the-time radio channel. (News, Source: Sanja Meegin - EIN's intrepid "roving" reporter who will be providing regular updates from Memphis during Elvis Week)

No Elvis Laser Light Show during Elvis Week 2005: The Sharpe Planetarium at the Pink Palace will not present the "Elvis: Legacy in Light" laser show during Elvis Week. But the museum does have several Elvis items that will interest fans in town for the annual salute to the King of Rock and Roll. The planetarium reopened for public shows July 9 after a hiatus of four months because of city budget cuts. But the lineup of shows, now presented on Saturdays, does not include "Elvis: Legacy in Light." As staff is hired to replace the staff laid off in March, days, shows and show times will be added. The Pink Palace has several items on display of interest to Presley fans. In the Pink Palace Mansion exhibit, "From the Boss to the King," visitors can see Elvis's Army uniform and Army trunk from the time he was stationed in Germany in the '60s, as well as photos of Sergeant Presley in uniform. In the lobby, the script from Elvis's 1958 film, "King Creole," is on display. A picture of Elvis with a Cotton Carnival Queen and Carnival court member can be seen in the "Memphis Celebrates Cotton" area. For information, call 320-6362 or visit memphismuseums.org. (News, Source: Sanja Meegin, 29 July 2005)

Hard Rock's "Rock Across America" Mobile Tour To Visit Graceland: Hard Rock has another exhibit traveling across America this summer. Their Rock Across America tour will make a stop at the Graceland visitor center next week. The two tractor trailer units of exhibits will be available with FREE admission for Graceland visitors to enjoy on 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Monday, August 2 and Tuesday, August 2. Visit the Hard Rock site's tour page and see the following: Hard Rock's givin' you a front row look into the lives and careers of rock superstars and the roadies that accompany them! Join us from May to October as we take you on an interactive journey and immerse you in the ultimate rock n' roll road trip... the "Rock Across America" mobile tour has begun ! From stops to redecorate the music memorabilia at some of our most popular Hard Rock Cafes, to concerts and festivals around the country, the "Rock Across America" mobile tour offers you a first hand look at rock & roll history.

But that's not all... the mobile tour also features an interactive 4D experience that truly rocks! An interactive movie takes the visitors backstage and on a visual journey from a roadie’s point of view, immersing them into the experience of life on the road with Bruce Springsteen, Motley Crue and Simple Plan. You’ll experience the non-stop action, awesome sites and sounds of the ultimate road trip with the bands ,while your seat movesand interacts with the film. And that's just for starters! It's also got legendary pieces of rock memorabilia allowing you to relive and experience your favorite rock n' roll memories. Mementos from Motley Crue including a custom made Crown Royal themed guitar from the late “Dimebag” Darrell of Pantera, Eddie Van Halen's custom made Kramer Electric Guitar, a suit from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, a drum head signed by Matt Sorum of Velvet Revolver, plus autographs, rare photos and concert posters from some of rocks greatest musicians including the Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen and Jimi Hendrix. So what are you waiting for? Immerse yourself in the spirit of rock n' roll and experience the Hard Rock Mobile Tour ! You don't want to miss it! (News, Source: EPE)

Discounted Elvis Week Pass at Graceland: Parking in Graceland's main visitor parking lot is $5.00 per day. But, we know many Elvis fans visit the Graceland property several different days during Elvis Week. As a courtesy to Elvis Week participants, we are offerin special discounted multiple-date parking passes. One accommodates folks who are here for the entirety of Elvis Week and the other accommodates those who get to come in only for the latter half of the week. A 10-day pass good for August 7-16, 2005 is available at the 60% discounted price of $20.00. A 5-day pass good from August 12-16, 2005 is available at the 60% discounted price of $10.00. This parking pass includes unlimited access to the parking lot during regular business hours and for Elvis Week events and activities on the Graceland properties. Parking passes will be sold at the parking booth upon arrival. The passes come in the form of a keepsake "cling" window decal. (News, Source: EPE)

Elvis Art Exhibition: The Elvis International Art Show (Fan Art from Graceland's Archives) will be unveiled at a wine 'n cheese party this Friday night at Memphis Heritage, 509 S. Main. Graceland has kept every single piece of art sent in by fans over the past 50 years and many of these will be on display. The show opens July 29 and runs for a month. SO, if you're here for Elvis Week, drop by and look at this art display.  There are some fine restaurants in the South Main area, including the Arcade, Memphis' oldest restaurant, where Elvis used to go and which has a designated Elvis booth inside. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk)

Buy a guitar just like Elvis did: Remember Elvis' first guitar? Well anyone may now purchase a guitar from Tupelo Hardware where the Presley family bought that first guitar. James Simmons and his son, Eddie, have been furnishing guitars to Tupelo Hardware for the past two years. Joe Perry of Aerosmith and Pam Tillis are among those who have purchased a guitar. (News, Source: James Simmons, The Lakeland Music Store, 22 July 2005)

Dealing with the death of Elvis: Memphis-Artist Sabe Lewellyn and others exhibit works about Elvis in a show entitled "Burning Love". The Exhibit is being held at Midtown Artist Market at 2027 Madison Avenue August 8th through August 20th. Opening night reception is on August 13th 7 to 10 pm. Ticket sales are $10 in Advance and $15 at the door. This event will benefit Youth Villages. George Harrison, Bob Dylan, and Woody Guthrie have all been muses to Sabe.

This is the first time he has dealt with Elvis. Most of Sabe’s work deals with self, myth, and mysticism. He doesn’t know why he never thought of Elvis as a springboard for his work. “He is probably the biggest self in history surrounded by a nebula of myth,“ says Sabe. He continues, “ Elvis was very spiritually strong I envy that fortitude.” Sabe grew up in the Delta of rural southern Arkansas. Drawn by Tennessee’s musical heritage, he moved to Memphis in 1998. He is passionate about music seeing an interchangeable presence between poetry and music. as a meditation tool to lose and find self he explains.

Sabe Lewellyn 1980 Court Ave., Memphis, TN 38104 -
www.sabestudios.com - email: sabe@sabestudios.com 901-483-1327 (Source: Sabe Lewellyn)

Graceland to Celebrate Elvis Week 2005 August 8-16: The nine-day celebration of the late superstar's life is held throughout the city of Memphis with numerous events and charity benefits, culminating in the annual Candlelight Vigil on August 15th attended by tens of thousands. Elvis.com to feature 6th annual live internet VIGILCAST(TM) of the Candlelight Vigil for fans around the world. Each year since Elvis' death in 1977, thousands of people from around the world have gathered at his home Graceland, in Memphis, to celebrate his life in a week of events now known as ELVIS WEEK. And, for the sixth year, fans from all over the world can participate in the largest activity, the Candlelight Vigil on August 15th, via the live VIGILCAST(TM) on AOL.

The week is filled with numerous and varied activities such as the 21st Annual Elvis Art Contest & Exhibit, 2nd Annual Elvis Film Festival, Elvis Week Dance Party, Elvis Presley International Art Show and a special Graceland Scavenger Hunt. Other activities include Conversations on Elvis, an Elvis Week tradition where Elvis friends and associates share stories and answer questions. Official Elvis Insiders club members from around the world gather for the Official Elvis Insiders Conference, and returning this year are the annual Elvis Trivia Contest and the 23rd Annual Elvis Presley International 5K Run and Fun Walk, benefiting United Cerebral Palsy.

The Elvis Week Concert featuring Terry Mike Jeffrey with The Imperials takes place on Saturday, August 13th, and Elvis International: The Magazine Presents A Good Rockin' Elvis Day Festival on Sunday, August 14th. The annual Candlelight Vigil and Vigilcast(TM) 2005 is Monday August 15th. This is the largest Elvis Week event, when thousands of fans are invited to walk up to Elvis' grave carrying a candle in quiet remembrance. A portion of the evening will be broadcast live on AOL as the sixth annual VIGILCAST(TM). (News, Source: EPE)

Sonny West in Memphis during Elvis Week 2005: Sonny West will be doing his "Memories of Elvis Show" at The Clarion in Memphis, with special guest Don Rose on August 10 and run every night through the 14th. The shows begin at 7 pm. $15 gets you into both shows. Sonny tells some amusing and loving stories about the years he worked for Elvis and also takes questions from the audience. Don will be doing his Golden Oldies show. (News, Source: Sandi Pichon, 12 July 2005)

Sandi Pichon book signing during Elvis Week 2005: Sandi Pichin will be signing copies of her book, "Raised on Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!" at the following locations: August 11: 11am-2pm Airport Inn and 4-6 pm Marlowe's for the Alzheimers Benefit Dinner; August 12:  2-4 pm  Airport Inn; August 13:  9-11 am Airport Inn noon and 5 pm Pool Party at 1034 Audubon Drive; August 14: Good Rockin' Tonight, Marriott Hotel. (News, Source: Sandi Pichon, 12 July 2005)

While this event is only for E-Chat members it is a great example of how Elvis fans from around the world "bond" with each other and maintain their friendships.

Lifeblood donation unit at Graceland next month & Elvis Week: Several times a year, Graceland is among the locations Lifeblood of Memphis sets up its mobile blood donation unit in the visitor center complex across the street from Graceland Mansion. Lifeblood's next Graceland visits are:Saturday, July 2/Saturday, July 9/Saturday, July 16/Saturday, July 23/Saturday, July 30. Hours each day are 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Lifeblood will return to Graceland during Elvis Week in August. (News, Source: EPE, 27 June 2005)

Tupelo fan appreciation day in August: On Monday, August 8 2005, Tupelo Birthplace Park will hold its annual Fan Appreciation Day for fans from around the globe. The celebration will begin at 10:45 AM that day with a brief ceremony to welcome the guests and talk a little about the BIRTHPLACE PARK. Entertainment will be provided by LANDMARKS GOSPEL QUARTET & KAY BAIN, THE MORNIN SHOW BAND, AND OTHER MUSICAL GUESTS. Refreshments will be available across the street also at St. Marks Methodist Church.Special ticket price that day for the BIRTHPLACE and MUSEUM will be $5.00. (News, Source: Elvis Presley Birthplace, Tupelo)

Rights to Elvis Week impersonator contest sold: Prominent Elvis tribute artist. Michael Hoover, has bought all rights to the August Elvis impersonator contest in Memphis from its founder, Dr. Ed Franklin. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk, Elvis World #76)

2nd Annual Elvis film festival: Tickets are now available for the 2nd Annual Elvis Film Festival presented by Lenny"s Sub Shops. The festival will be held Monday, August 15, 2005 at the Malco Paradiso Theatre beginning at 9:30am. The festival is scheduled in conjunction with Graceland® during Elvis Week® 2005 and currently is the only one of its kind at a movie theatre in the United States. The 2nd Annual Elvis Film Festival will feature the films Viva Las Vegas ™ and Elvis: That"s the Way It Is: Special Edition, along with a special free viewing of the DVD, Elvis, Aloha from Hawaii playing as follows:

9:30am Viva Las Vegas ™
11:45am Elvis: That"s the Way It Is: Special Edition
2:30pm Elvis, Aloha from Hawaii (DVD)

Tickets for Viva Las Vegas ™ and Elvis:That"s the Way It Is: Special Edition are $6.50 each and are available thru the Graceland sales/reservation department until August 5. There is a limited supply of free tickets are available for the 2:30pm DVD showing of Elvis, Aloha from Hawaii with a limit of two free tickets per person. All guests are encouraged to order tickets early, as shows will sell out quickly. Advanced tickets may be acquired via email at email protected from spam bots and by calling (901) 332.3322 or (800) 238.2000. Any remaining tickets will be available the day of the event at the Malco Paradiso box office (584 South Mendenhall, Memphis) beginning at 9:00am. Contact: Malco Theatres, Inc, Karen Scott, telephone 901-761-3480. (News, Source: PRWeb)

2005 "Elvis Week" fan club presidents brunch: The theme for this year's brunch will be Girls! Girls! Girls! and our special guest will be Jeremy Slate, who co-starred with Elvis in Girls! Girls! Girls! and GI Blues. He will be with us to share behind-the-scenes stories about filming with Elvis. This year's event will be held on Friday, August 12, 2005, at the Memphis Marriott East, located at 2625 Thousand Oaks Blvd. The brunch will be from 10:00am to 1:00pm. The charity this year will be the Memphis Food Bank. We ask that each person bring at least one item from the "much needed list," which includes: canned fruit, peanut butter, chunky soup, macaroni and cheese, canned meats (tuna, chicken, and ham), canned meat dishes (beef stew, chicken and dumplings, and chili), powdered milk (box of 1 quart envelopes is best package type), nad canned vegetables (green beans, corn, sweet peas, and pork and beans). Each fan club will receive one (1) free ticket, and has the opportunity to purchase up to three (3) additional tickets for $30.00 each. Please mail your registration form and payment for additional tickets into us by July 5. (News, Source: EPE)


Elvis Week 2007

Do you live in Australia or New Zealand and would like to travel to Memphis for the 30th anniversary celebrations in August 2007?

EIN is arranging a major tour to Elvis Week 2007 for fans "downunder".

To find out more about the tour please email us by clicking here.







DVD: Elvis by the Presleys
FTD: Rockin' Across Texas
FTD: Elvis Is Back
TV Special: "Elvis by the Presleys"
Book: Elvis by the Presleys
CD: Tom Green
Show: Sonny West
CD: A Legendary Performer Vol. 5
CD: Young & Beautiful (TV Guide)
DVD: Elvis by the Presleys "Target" bonus disc
Mini-series: Elvis
FTD: Big Boss Man
VCD: Joe Esposito's Home Videos of Elvis
Book: Complete Guide to Elvis Presley
CD: Now What (Lisa Presley)
Elvis was a racist? (#2)
Elvis vs. Jerry Lee Lewis
Elvis was a racist? (#1)
Elvis making a killing
Elvis & the treasure chest of blood money
Priscilla - "no angel"
Elvis in the 1970s
More on Elvis on TV
"Orion" gunned down!
Elvis Is Back
Elvis - Hero with 1000 faces
Elvis Film Guide
Elvis rules on television! (updated May 2005)
Elvis & other major artists miss out on Grammy Awards
How did Elvis die?
Albert Wertheimer
Priscilla Presley
Marshall Terrill
Lisa Presley on Larry King Show
Tony Joe White
Stanley Oberst
Bud Glass (part 2)
Red & Sonny West
Ed Bonja (Part 2)
Ernst Jorgensen
Phil Aitcheson (Presley Commission)
Listen to the Elvis "strung out" in Vegas audio
View video of "All Shook Up" opening night on Broadway
View EPE Graceland tourism ads
The "Real" Elvis off-stage
Unreleased Elvis audio now online
All about Elvis
All about Lisa Presley
All about Graceland
Elvis film guide
Elvis was a racist? (archives)
Online Elvis Symposium
Sale of EPE "Archives"
6th Elvis Website Survey
Spotlight on The King


"Elvis Presley is the supreme socio-cultural icon in the history of pop culture"

(Dr. Garry Enders)


" Elvis is the 'glue' which holds our society together....which subconciously gives our world meaning"



"Eventually everybody has to die, except Elvis"

(humorist Dave Barry)


"He is the "Big Bang", and the universe he detonated is still expanding, the pieces are still flying"

(Greil Marcus, "Dead Elvis")


"I think Elvis Presley will never be solved"

(Nick Tosches)