has left the seafront
Jack Bradford was singing on the promenade near the
Grand Pier when an employee from the council's tourist
department told him to leave because he did not have
a licence.
65-year-old, of County Cork, Ireland, said: "I think it
is high handed and silly. A young lad aged about 13 had
just asked me to sing 'Don't Cry Daddy' when a lady came
along and banned me, so he never got to hear his song.
have performed all over the UK and Europe for 45 years and
never known anything like it.
were some people collecting for multiple sclerosis by the
Grand Pier and I asked them if they would like me to sing
near them.
said yes and were very grateful because it helped them collect
more money than they were before.
hard-hearted official came out of the Winter Gardens and
told me I would need to buy a licence to perform and they
had had complaints about me.
had only sung four songs and all I saw was members of the
public singing along, dancing and smiling.
the end I thought it was unfair to the charity to argue
with her so I left. I wasn't making money, I was just entertaining
people and I would have thought the tourism department should
encourage entertainment."
council spokesman said: "You need a licence to make any
public entertainment performances whether you are collecting
money or not, because otherwise you could get anyone performing.
We need to make sure the content is appropriate and controlled
and that the performer has insurance."
News/Odd Spot, Source: The
Weston & Somerset Mercury)