High quality photo book to please fans

Elvis Fashion From Memphis to Vegas, Julie Mundy in association with Graceland, iUniverse, USA, 2003, ISBN: 0789309874

Julie Mundy's latest Elvis book is a stunner, one you will revisit time and time again to marvel at the deliciously eclectic range of The King's apparel.

Focusing on a very important and rarely covered aspect of The King's impact, his clothing, the book grabs you from its first few pages, pleasantly assaulting your senses visually and narratively.

As with any book that is essentially a photographic record, book design is critical. And for Elvis Fashion, Paul Guapante has done a wonderful job. The "in-your-face" visuals are presented as a heady mix of vibrant color shots and for most of the 50s fashion, great duotone pictures.


As usual, Mundy's text is rock solid giving the reader a real sense of the socio-cultural reaction to The King of Rock & Roll at different stages of his career:

"Elvis' sexually charged stage act and the devotion of his fans caused a media frenzy. Girls screamed, wailed, and passed out at his feet, while the boys played it cool - they wore their hair long, copied his clothes, and were sent home from school in disgrace."

Elvis Fashion is a fantastic record of The King's clothing and its evolution from the "cool" pink and black of the 50s to the rhinestone studded jumpsuits of the 70s. Every facet of Elvis' attire, both on and off stage, is presented and the vivid colors, styles and variety are breathtaking:

  • the famous Nudie Cohn designed Gold tuxedo
  • the black leather outfit for the '68 Comeback Special
  • pegged pants
  • Elvis' Army fatigues
  • an impressive purple suede suit bought for Elvis by Priscilla
  • the Aloha Eagle jumpsuit and cape
  • Elvis' incredible "supefly" outfits Elvis' "western" clothing during his Rising Sun phase
  • a striking rainbow colored leather suit

There are also potent images of an array of clothing accessories: belts, hats, scarves and police badges and many added extras like samples of Bill Belew's hand drawn designs for the 70s jumpsuits.

The images have great dramatic effect as striking montages and up-close stills.

Verdict: Elvis not only changed the course of popular music but he was also a fashion trendsetter. Julie Mundy has produced a fitting tribute to this often flamboyant aspect of the Elvis Presley legacy. Recommended!

Elvis Fashion is available from www.amazon.com

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