'He Touched Me: Elvis' Gospel Music'

The 1 hour US radio special 


One-hour radio documentary about Elvis Presley's love for gospel music, his roots in the church, and the stories behind his greatest gospel recordings and performances.

'He Touched Me: Elvis' Gospel Music' Radio Special

- A nice variation on the 'Ultimate Gospel' CD cover.


"He Touched Me: Elvis' Gospel Music"
Timings & Cues are included (as below) and the radio special is presented by Laura Cantrell.

The length is 54 minutes with two breaks for local spots.
Broadcast window: Begins April 2007.
Terms: Available to all US-based radio broadcasters at no cost.


Go here for EIN's 'Ultimate Gospel' BMG CD review

The following text and information is included:

One-hour radio documentary about Elvis Presley's love for gospel music, his roots in the church, and the stories behind his greatest gospel recordings and performances.

We're joined by lifelong friend and associate Jerry Schilling, Joe Mosheo of the Imperials Quartet and Gordon Stoker of the Jordanaires.
"Religion always played an important part of Elvis' life and quest for his purpose in life. He was a searcher of knowledge and is a much more intelligent person than has been documented in history so far." - Jerry Schilling.

Track 1: Billboard (01:00)
In: "Elvis had a real passion for the gospel music, I mean that's what he liked to sing."
Out: "I'm Laura Cantrell, and you're listening to "He Touched Me: Elvis' Gospel Music"

EIN thanks Elvis super-fan Barry Mclean for the scans.















































































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