
"Elvis Presley is the greatest cultural force in the 20th century."

(Leonard Bernstein)


"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)


"For a dead man, Elvis Presley is awfully noisy."

(Professor Gilbert B. Rodman)


"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)






I know why Elvis shot the TV

by Lisa Monti

This is a vulnerable time of year when many workplaces feel the effects of the flu spreading through their ranks, and the newsroom has been no exception. I spent most of last week home in the company of my own germs, recouping from the flu only to lapse into a case of cabin fever.

Undoubtedly I had put the gris-gris on myself for bragging about last year's perfect attendance record while friends and co-workers fell by the wayside. If there was any good that came out of the week, it was this: I think I've figured out why Elvis shot out his television set.

But let's put aside any discussion of daytime TV programming for a moment. The immediate challenge at week's end was how to turn out a weekend column when the week was a washout, literally and figuratively. Columns are borne of news events, interviews, observations, e-mail and such, but with limited access at home, it was going to be a challenge, an opportunity, as they say.

Even the access I had available, namely the Internet, was spotty, fueling a long-standing suspicion that bad vibes, negative ions and frayed nerves do take the edge off technology. It's just a theory.

So back to daytime television. Why is it that fictional lawyer Matlock is so likeable when real-life Morris and Michael, with their slick promises of big checks for accident victims, are so annoying? And successful, apparently, judging from the back-to-back spots they buy during daytime. I'm telling you, these boys own the airwaves.

And so do the pharmaceutical companies, whose latest approach to marketing is suggesting we just might have adult ADD or another lesser known malady for which we can find a fix if we ask our physician for a certain prescription. This is the new wave in medicine marketing, mark my words.

Which brings us back to Elvis.

After a few days (or nights) of soaps, talk-show sob stories, morons making their cases in TV courtrooms and promises of pills that make weight just fall off, the King probably had just had enough. And that was before cable, which at least offers some refuge in Bravo, The Weather Channel and any number of human and household makeover shows. In the meantime, I will store up on Vitamin C and new batteries for the remote.

(News, Source: The Sun Herald, Soth Mississippi, USA, 6 Feb 2005)









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Elvis Odd Spot (updated 13 Jan 2005)