premier Elvis tribute artist, Mick Gerace, talks to EIN
Gerace is the star of the very popular tribute show, 'In The
Spirit of Elvis'. It was Mick who persuaded Elvis' right hand
man, Joe Esposito, to come to Australia in May and appear as
part of a special tour across Australia. Mick will be presenting
his '25th Anniversary Commemorative Concert' on August 17, 2002
at the Anthaneum Theatre in Melbourne and on August 31 at the
North Sydney Independent Theatre. Mick recently took time out
to talk to EIN. |
EIN: Mick,
it is an understatement to say how fans loved meeting Joe Esposito
during his tour with your In The Spirit of Elvis show. Did the tour
achieve what you expected?
Yes, the tour did achieve what I expected, and so much more.
The other thing about the tour was that for many fans it was the
first time they had seen you live on stage. EIN knows from talking
to people that your dynamic stage performance has ensured you now
have many new fans in the fold. How would you describe the public
reaction to the tour and your performance?
The public reaction to the tour and my performance was extremely
overwhelming. The fans were very warm and very enthusiastic. I can't
wait to do it again.
Do you have any plans to bring Joe back to Australia?
I am currently negotiating plans to initiate a very special event
in 2003. Unfortunately I can't be any more specific about my plans
because the negotiations are still underway. So keep your eyes on
my website: for further details.
How did Mick Gerace first become an Elvis fan?
I became an Elvis fan from a very early age. All my family, particularly
my uncles were great fans of Elvis. Then, like everybody else I
watched the movies, Television Specials and the concerts. The enthusiasm
and respect for Elvis, as a musical icon, has just continued to
Mick, do you have a favourite type of music genre that Elvis recorded?
In my opinion, Elvis could perform almost every type of musical
genre. I must say that I like all of them and I don't really have
a favourite. However, if you asked me to select one, it would probably
be Elvis' Gospel Music. He performs his gospel music with such power
and heart-felt sincerity that one can not help but be moved by the
emotions expressed.
Mick, you have an incredibly strong voice. How much vocal training
do you do and what is your vocal range?
I try and set aside at least an hour a day - sometimes more. I have
a vocal range of over 2 octaves.
What does your wife and family think of your stage alter-ego?
My wife and my family are very supportive because they see how much
personal satisfaction and pleasure I derive from performing and
entertaining the audience.
You are very conscious of keeping fit. How do you work out?
I do a regular cardiovascular workout, a light-weights work-out
and I boxercise. I am always conscious of watching what I eat and
maintaining a healthy life-style.
Apart from Elvis, you also perform a Legends revue incorporating
the music of superstars like Dean Martin, Tom Jones and Mario Lanza.
The work involved in presenting such a varied composite musical
performance must be a real challenge. How do you prepare for such
a show?
I practise my vocal training every day, rehearse with my band on
a regular basis, eat a healthy diet and get much needed rest and
relaxation, whenever time will allow it.
Mick, you are preparing for your 25th Anniversary Commemoration
Concert at North Sydney Independent Theatre on August 31. What can
fans expect to see when they come along?
I will be adding some new songs and new features to my stage presentation.I
will be performing Elvis' latest Top 40 hit, - "A Little Less Conversation"
and, hopefully I will be debuting my latest single. I do not want
to divulge the name of the new song - as I would like to maintain
some element of surprise. However I will tell you that is a revamped
version of an Elvis song.
When do bookings open and where can fans book?
Bookings are open now. Fans can book through Ticketek - Phone 9266-4800
or just click on the Ticketek icon on my website -
now. Tickets are $45.00 each.
After your upcoming shows what's next for Mick Gerace?
I am currently working on some exciting plans for next year - unfortunately
I am unable to go into specific details at this time. Watch the
website for further details. However, Nigel as soon as I am able
to freely talk about my plans for next year, I will make sure that,
both you and the Elvis fans of the Elvis International Network are
the first to know.
Mick, on behalf of all Elvis and Mick Gerace fans, thank you for
taking the time to talk with us. We wish you continued success with
your Legends and In the Spirit of Elvis shows.
Mick Gerace web site is at:
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