Lisa Marie Presley's debut single

"Lights Out"

(March 2003)

On Monday 7 April, Lisa Marie's debut single (EMI 7243-5-52108-2-1) will be released in Australia. Unlike in overseas markets, Australia is receiving only a two track release, not the originally expected four track compilation.

While this will disappoint some people the positive thing is the second track on the single is Savor, a track not on Lisa's upcoming album nor on the four track single released overseas. It will also have overseas collectors clamoring for copies of the Australian single.

This is a strong debut for Lisa Marie Presley. The two tracks 'Lights Out' and 'Savior' complement each other beautifully.

Lights Out, with its infectious beat and interesting lyrics should garner considerable airplay on rock music radio stations. It has a very contemporary feel that will appeal to a wide cross-section of the (younger) rock music buying public, while it is infectious enough that Elvis fans should also find it appealing. The searing lyrics, while reflective of the pain of life, aren't stridently so and the pounding, melodic beat carries you along. Lights Out recalls Lisa's loss on the death of her Father and the finite period of her own life:

"Someone turned the lights out there in Memphis

That’s where my family’s buried and gone

Last time I was there I noticed a space left

Next to them there in Memphis In the damn back lawn”

Now a resident of LA, the song also captures her ongoing affinity with her familial roots:

"I still keep my watch two hours behind"

The single release is an improvement on the 1 track promo CD released a few months ago. On the latter Lisa's voice was overshadowed by the backing instrumentation. However the final single release exudes a nice balance between vocal and instrumentation.

Overall, Lights Out is a very good choice as an airplay single.

Savior is a darker, moody track. Lisa's voice is pronounced as the backing instrumentation is more subdued for the ballad format. This is a song about the imperfection of all people - a song about the duality of friendship, about being saved and being betrayed:

"Savior, once again you have betrayed me"

There is a plaintive exploration of the weakness of the human spirit and our need for help:

"Savior, save me from myself”… Will you embrace me as your friend"

This is a song we can all relate to on a personal level. Savior is a strong, slow ballad that like, Lights Out, you come to appreciate more and more after repeated listenings.

In interviews about her single and album Lisa has stated that the tracks are a reflection of things, historic and current, in her own life. There is no doubt they reveal a lot about the inner feelings and experiences of rock music's latest potential star. Both tracks on the single were co-written by Lisa Presley and suggest she has a very good future as a songwriter.

Verdict: On the basis of her debut single there appears little doubt that Lisa has the talent to match it with other contemporary rock artists. Her music is edgy rock and her deep voice has an interesting tonal quality. She can sing!

Visit the official Lisa Marie Presley website

Lights Out was reviewed by Nigel Patterson