to boycott EPE products and Elvis Week
Email, 1 July 2004
appears there is growing concern among fans about how they
are treated by Elvis Presley Enterprises/Graceland.
campaign has been started calling on fans to boycott EPE sponsored
items including Elvis Week (with the exception of the Candlelight
Vigil). The campaign is gathering momentum hitting the Elvis
messageboards and private email groups. Responses from fans
suggest there are many of who agree with the boycott call. |
is an open letter to fans from Randall and Kelly Bart.
Elvis Fans,
many years, Elvis Presley Enterprises (EPE) has been avoiding the
Fans' concerns regarding the future of the Elvis' legacy and the
future of Elvis International Tribute Week. For too long they have
had the attitude that the Fans will come no matter what.
is time for the Fans to stop being taken advantage of by EPE.
concerns have been discussed on Fan message boards, at round table
discussions hosted by EPE, at the Presidents' Forum online, and
at all times they have fallen on deaf ears with the upper management
at EPE. It apparently seems EPE only cares about the bottom line,
dollar wise.
don't realize or care that we, the Fans, are the means to the bottom
line and have supported them for many years and continue to support
them. This dismissive attitude and flagrant arrogance on their part
must stop. The establishment at EPE has previously ridiculed and
belittled the Fans at meetings, and continue to do so.
Patsy's resignation, many of these issues at EPE became known. After
several discussions with Patsy, it is evident that the people at
EPE are not who they seem and we the Fans are being used and deceived.
Enough is enough and now is the time for Elvis Fans worldwide to
unite! In recent years, a number of Elvis Fans have felt that Elvis
Week has become stale and many events are being repeated and run
into the ground, as if no effort is to be made or money to be spent
on new and creative ideas to generate excitement, to keep the Fans
coming back year after year.
fantastic ideas have been brought to table only to be rejected.
Sometimes the reason given was that "no money is available" and
other times no reason was given at to why these ideas were turned
down. Elvis Week could develop into so much more and with this apathetic
approach by EPE, sadly, it is unlikely it ever will.
we have lost a "Jewel in the King's crown" with the recent resignation
of Fan Relations Manager Patsy Andersen. We no longer have someone
within the EPE organization representing the Fans' interests.
the Elvis Fans, need to stand up and be counted and let EPE know
that we matter. Elvis once said, "Without my Fans I'd be nothing."
If only the company that bears his good name felt the same way.
much thought and discussion with Patsy and various Fans, during
Elvis Week 2004 this is what is proposed:
Fans are strongly encouraged to boycott all EPE events with the
exception of the Candlelight Vigil, as this night is for Elvis.
Attend the Fan Forum on Tuesday, August 10th from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.
Bring questions and voice your concerns. We MUST all stand together
and demand answers. Additional action to be announced. More information
will be forthcoming soon.
of the recent discussions among Fans have focused on Patsy's resignation.
It must be reiterated that this is NOT just about Patsy's leaving.
Yes, it was the final straw, but this all started with discussions
quite a few years ago, and most recently on the Presidents' Forum,
about the future of Elvis' legacy and Elvis Week.
are numerous topics of concern from unsound management decisions
and the care of Elvis' artifacts, to the downslide of Elvis Week.
Many Fans need to reconsider these factors and seriously contemplate
where the Elvis legacy will be for future generations.
involvement is vitally important!
reply if you are interested and would like to participate in this
protest against EPE. NOW is the time to act and be heard. To discuss
this further or if you have any additional suggestions or comments,
please contact Randall by e-mail at: or call
& Kelly Bart Elvis Fans . . . Steadfast, Loyal and True
to read Jack Soden's (EPE) letter to fans