
"If you're an Elvis fan, no explanation is necessary; If you're not an Elvis fan, no explanation is possible."

(George Klein)



"History has him as this good old country boy, Elvis is about as country as Bono!"

(Jerry Schilling)






Bill E. Burk's "Elvis World"

.........Shopper's Service


Please note:

Due to the sad passing of Bill E. Burk on 25 April 2008, the 'Elvis World Shopper's Service' is no longer available.


EWs "Best Sellers"

Elvis Aaron Presley: A Candle In The Wind * Bill E. Burk $49.95
Dewey and Elvis Louis Cantor Sold Out
Early Elvis: The Sun Years* Bill E.Burk $24.95
Elvis: Forever in the Groove
Susan Doll
Early Elvis: The Tupelo Years* Bill E. Burk $24.95
Elvis Fashion Julie Mundy Sold Out
Sergeant Presley Rex & Elisabeth Mansfield $20.00
The Colonel Alanna Nash Sold Out
Early Elvis: The Humes Years* Bill E. Burk $20.00
Elvis: The Concert Years Stein-Erik Skar $65.00
Elvis In Canada Bill E. Burk $15.00
DOT...DOT...DOT Bill E. Burk $ 9.95

* personally autographed by Bill E. Burk

Elvis On Stamps (1978-2003): Nitaya Kanchanawan, Thailand's most visible Elvis fan and known to fans throughout the world, has been colecting Elvis stamps from across the globe. Her collection now numbers over 100 Elvis stamps from 62 countries. They were on display last year during the World Philatelic xhibit in Bangkok and attracted much attention. Now this collection is in a full-color book, written in Thai, but with most atteactive photos of the stamps. SC 138 pages US$35.00


Early Elvis: The Sun Years: as everyone knows by now, 2004 is the 50th anniversary of lvis' first Sun record; the 50th anniversary of the birth of rock 'n roll. At the en of August 2003, we had 600 of these books left in inventory, but as fans worldwide began anticipating the year-long celebrations 2004 will bring, they flooded our mailbox with orders. We now have about 100 left. Sun Years is the most extensive book on those two years Elvis was with the Sun label. Fellow musicians, fans, promoters, even the late Sam Phillips, share their memories of this epochal moment in history. HC Rare photos $24.95


Elvis Word For Word: Credit Elvis expert Jerry Osborne for researching every word Elvis uttered, on stage or in press conferences, from coast to coast. If E burped after eating onions, surely Jerry captured that on one page or another?

And while Elvis was singing his heart out in hundreds of concerts, annually, he was also talking a lot to his audiences. It's all right here. Look no further. $30.00


Bargains (only a few copies remain)

Reel Elvis Pauline Bartel $7.95
Me & Elvis Charlie Hodge Sold Out
Infinite Elvis Mary Hancock Hinds $19.95
Elvis: 1956 M & V Kricun Sold Out
Elvis: Food Fit for a King (Recipes) E. McKeon et al $9.95
Child Bride Suzanne Finstad 19.95
Bringing It Back (San Bernardino)   $15.00

Please note:

Due to the sad passing of Bill E. Burk on 25 April 2008, the 'Elvis World Shopper's Service' is no longer available.


How to order

Send check, Money Order or U.S. Dollars. Visa and Mastercard orders must include card number and expiration date. All orders in U.S,. Dollars drawn on U.S. banks.

Shipping Costs

For each item, add US$3.00 in USA; add US$6.00 outside USA; unless otherwise noted.

Most mail orders get First Class shipment.



Burk Enterprises

Box 16792

Memphis TN 38186-0792 USA

Click to order by email


Please note:

Due to the sad passing of Bill E. Burk on 25 April 2008, the 'Elvis World Shopper's Service' is no longer available.