Added to EIN during
September 2004:
part of Rock Fashion: There was a FOX network special
in the US on Sunday that featured Rock Fashion. Elvis
was shown performing "Hound Dog" on the September 9,
1956 Ed Sullivan Show. The announcer stated how Elvis
had revolutionized rock fashions with his "peg slacks,
sideburns, hillbilly pompadour". The Elvis segment was
shown last so it was regarded as the most important
revolution in rock fashion. And it was back to the 1960s
at Milan fashion week on Tuesday as Pucci returned to
its hippie roots and Dolce & Gabbana got the catwalk
all shook up with an Elvis-inspired show. D&G used Elvis
Presley's granddaughter as one of their models last
season and while she was absent from the spring/summer
2005 show, the King himself stared out from cropped
gray T-shirts. The design duo joined Elvis on the set
of his 1961 film "Blue Hawaii," wrapping models in bright
red Hawaiian prints and stamping tropical flowers and
birds on their trademark denim. (News,
Source: Yahoo News)
co-star appearing at Elvis Film Festival: Elvis Unlimited
has announced that actor Jennifer Holden who played Elvis'
girl friend in the movie "Jailhouse Rock" will be at the
Elvis At The Movies show in Denmark next month. (News,
Source: Elvis Unlimited)
goes "pink": October is National Breast
Cancer Awareness Month. In support of this the Estee Lauder
Companies have pursued the lighting of famous landmarks
around the world in pink lights for the month of October
- The Fifth Annual Estee Lauder Companies Global Landmarks
Illumination Initiative. Graceland is proud to join the
effort again this year. For the whole month of October
2004, the white lights and multi-colored lights that normally
illuminate the Graceland Mansion façade and front grounds
all will be switched to pink bulbs. A Breast Cancer Awareness
Month banner on the front of the stone wall that surrounds
the mansion property will explain to passersby why there’s
a pink glow around Graceland. Check out the live GracelandCam
on evenings during October to see the pink lights. (News,
Source: Reuters) |
photographer dies: Photographer Langston McEachern,
who photograpehed Elvis Presley December 15, 1956 as a
headlining act during a special performance of the KWKH
Louisiana Hayride at Hirsch Coliseum in Shreveport, La.,
died at the age of 86. (News, Source:
Yahoo News) |
Saturday 25 September
2004 |
E. Burk's Elvis World Online: He's finally here! The
man affectionately known as "007", longtime Elvis author and
friend of Elvis' has brought his world famous magazine,
Elvis World, to cyberspace. Click above to enter Bill's
online Elvis
World and enjoy what he has to offer, including news,
articles, Bill's books about Elvis, how to subscribe to "Elvis
World" magazine and a direct link to the Elvis
World Shoppers Service where you can buy the latest
Elvis book releases. And don't forget to check back regularly
for Elvis World updates. (News, Source:
EIN/Bill E. Burk)
A brief look back over 50 years: In his introductory
article for Bill
E. Burk's Elvis World Online, "007" reflects on his
nearly five decades of researching The King, "digging deeper"
than most other journalists have ever done. (Spotlight Article/Elvis World Online, Source: Bill
E. Burk)
would Elvis vote for?: The grip-and-grimace
photograph opposite is now the most popular object in
the entire National Archives, more often requested (and
put on display) than the Louisiana Purchase, the
Articles of Confederation, the Federalist Papers, the
Bill of Rights. That, somehow, tells us something about
America, though I'm not sure what. One question it does
raise, and it's not an unimportant one, is How Would
Elvis Vote? (News, Source: Hartford
New Elvis books to be published shortly:
"The Ultimate Elvis in Munich Book" (ISBN 3-00-014671-7)
will be released by the Elvis In Munich fan club, while
the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club magazine from the UK
mentions the book "From The Vaults". This book (with the
logo's of the 50th Anniversary of Rock And Roll and the
Elvis Today magazine) is to feature rare photo's and
will come with a free audio CD. (News,
New DVD "The Final Days" Out Soon: This
"unofficial" disc features 3 complete shows, including the
very last concert Elvis ever gave in Indianapolis, Indiana.
After more than 25 years, this rare original Indianapolis 8mm
amateur footage of June 26th, 1977 concert will be featured on
DVD with the audio and video digitally remastered. The total
time of the Indianapolis concert is 52 minutes. Also featured
on this DVD are the Omaha, NE June 19th '77 show, the Rapid
City, June 21st '77 and the "Official CBS Special". The
quality is apparently similar to the various unofficial video
releases of the same material. (News, Source:
For Elvis CD Collectors Only)
The very best of ELV1S Pres1ey HDCD: This
attractive looking CD package has been released
exclusively in Hong Kong. This Double album features 50
of the very best Elvis most -loved songs including:
Don't Ask Me Why, The Thrill Of Your Love, There's
Always Me, She Wears My Ring, It Hurts Me, And I Love
You So (Alternate take), Rags To Riches, Young And
Beautiful, It's Only Love and Unchained Melody. (News, Source: Elvis Collectors/HT
Long) |
Elvis cast the late night spell on you!: EIN's Piers
Beagley turned off the lights and sampled Elvis The 50
Greatest Love Songs. Here's what he found. (CD
Review, Source: EIN)
Thursday 23 September
2004 |
adds a new photo section with a Multi-Media Gallery: has added a new photo & video section related to
the new DVD sets ‘68 Comeback Special and Elvis, Aloha From
Hawaii. The gallery is well worth a visit as it includes some
behind-the-scenes photos and clips that you may not have seen
before. Particularly interesting are the photos and lyrics
from Colonel Tom Parker's birthday party. Elvis performs new
comedic lyrics to the song It Hurts Me, and fake snow is used,
making fun of the Colonel's longstanding tongue-in-cheek
fraternal order known as the Snowmen's League of America. The
photos of the ‘68 blue-suit sit down rehearsal are also a
delight. (News,
Source: EPE)
My Dad: How does a 14 year-old book about The
King's daughter rate today? Is it worth buying? EIN
takes a look inside the first biography of Lisa Marie
Presley. (Book review, Source:
EIN) |
Marie Presley interview: Earlier this year Lisa Marie
Presley appeared on the top rating Enough Rope program in
Australia. Here is the full transcript of that entertaining
interview. (Interview, Source: Enough
Wednesday 22 September
2004 |
First Cut Is The Deepest - Elvis on the Creative Edge:
EIN's Piers Beagley takes a look at Elvis in the recording
studio in this enlightening article. (Spotlight Article, 2003/2004, Source:
National Elvis Presley Convention: "Elvis
for Everyone" is to be held in Canberra, Australia
between 26 and 28 November 2004. The program
includes Elvis films, an Elvis cavalcade, tribute
artist David Cazalet, Elvis memorabilia stall and a
series of speakers/addresses. The topics include: Hero
with a thousand faces; Hillbilly Cat or copycat?;
Stories behind the gospel songs; and Elvis: Sightings
& Faith - making sense of the seemingly absurd.
(News, Source: Elvis
Canberra) |
Elvis catalog available online and nothing bigger
than The Beatles!!!: Search any fee-based digital music
service for the best-loved musical artists of the 20th century
and most of the expected names show up. Elvis Presley, Bob
Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and Frank Sinatra are all accounted for,
with their complete catalogs available per song, at 99 cents
apiece. There are holdouts, but none bigger than the
best-selling recording group of all time, The Beatles. And
this quote should get Elvis fans talking: "Should a deal
come to fruition, fans would say yeah, yeah, yeah. The effect
on digital music "would be huge," says Paul Resnikoff,
editor of the Digital Music News Web Site. "Nothing is
bigger" than the Beatles catalog. According to the
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) the
best-selling album artists (millions of units sold) in the USA
are: 1. The Beatles 166.5/ 2. Elvis Presley 117.5/ 3. Led
Zeppelin 106.0/ 4. Garth Brooks 105.0/ 5. The Eagles 88.0.
(News, Source: USA Today)
Tuesday 21 September
2004 |
No. 1 The Complete Chart History of Elvis
Presley: Joseph Tunzi's detailed compendium of
Elvis' immense impact on the USA music charts will be
welcomed by all Elvisphiles. Despite one weakness this
is an important release chock full of historic chart
information and reproductions of Billboard charts.
(Book review, Source: EIN)
Gerace & the TCB Band: Australia's leading Elvis
tribute artist talks to EIN about next month's tour with the
TCB Band and Myrna Smith, VIP tickets for the shows, and a new
song especially written for the tour. (Interview, Source: EIN)
All Right" Framed Mother Master Stamper: as a
limited edition of 1954 copies, is this item an
investment opportunity or another case of "let the buyer
beware"? EIN offers its analysis of yet another
"alleged" Elvis collectible. (Spotlight
Analysis, Source: EIN)
Week 2004 Photo Website: EIN's intrepid Elvis
Week reporter, Sanja
Meegin has put together a fantastic photo website of
her time in Memphis. Click in and relive the magic of Elvis
Week! (Elvis News, Source: Sanja
Saturday 18 September
2004 |
Elvis Handbook: released in the US last
month, this book by Tara McAdams will be released in
Australia (RRP$29.95) and NewZealand (RRP$35.95) on 5
October. Thanks to the Australian distributor,
International, EIN will have five copies of the book
give away in a competition in the lead up to its publication.
Keep watching the site. (Elvis News, Source:
Bookwise International)
Lost in
Elvis!: Put on your blue suede shoes for the grand opening
on 18 September of a new collectible memorabilia shop "Lost in
Time" in Newport Pagnell, UK. Owner of the shop Paula Clowsley
has traded in her bookkeeper job to sell limited edition Elvis
Presley and Marilyn Monroe merchandise. Paula said: "I've
always been interested in collectibles in general but only
seriously became involved with Elvis and Marilyn merchandise a
few years ago. "I don't remember much about them myself
because I was very young when Elvis died and not even born
when Marilyn was alive but have always been a fan of both.
"They are two of the most influential 20th century icons and
they both had very similar lives because of their fame. Due to
the popularity of both stars Paula found that there was still
a huge demand from fans and decided to open a shop that would
specialise in old style memorabilia." (News,
Source: Milton Keynes Online)
A 50th Anniversary Celebration: if you've got an
hour or so to spare you won't be disappointed in this
new documentary. Featuring interviews with Elvis' peers
and friends their memories of The King are an important
record of how much he was held in awe by his
contemporaries. (DVD Review, Source:
EIN) |
Presley shop opens in Vienna: A shop dedicated to selling
Elvis Presley memorabilia is opening in Vienna next week.
Elvis fans will be able to find shelf upon shelf of related
items at the shop in the upmarket Alsergrund district. Items
range from cheap souvenirs to £1,300 authorised copies of
Elvis suits made by the singer’s tailor. The store is also far
larger than any of the nearby stores dedicated to more
traditional Vienna Musical greats like Beethoven and Mozart.
“People can buy anything Elvis related here, from cheap
trinkets to high-quality products,” said owner Wolfgang Hahn,
who is a friend of Presley’s widow Priscilla. A guitar once
played by Presley and several authentic autographs and guitar
picks will be on display in a small museum in the shop. Hahn
said: “I want to make Austria a mecca for Elvis fans. And I
want people to know how original Elvis was. A phenomenon like
that will probably never come around again. Elvis is one of
the most undervalued artists ever.” The shop will also provide
its own shuttle service to Vienna from all over Austria.
(News, Source: Daily News,
Shook Up' Has Found Its Swivel Hips: "All Shook Up," the
Broadway-bound musical inspired by Elvis Presley, has found
its swivel hips. Jarrod Emick, who just completed a run in
"The Boy From Oz" as the boy friend of entertainer Peter
Allen, will portray a rebellious, roll 'n' roll stranger who
romances a small-town girl in 1955 America. Jennifer
Gambatese, currently playing the late-blooming Penny Pingleton
in the Broadway company of "Hairspray," will be the object of
his perseverance. The musical, featuring such Presley classics
as "Heartbreak Hotel," "Hound Dog," "Don't Be Cruel" and "Love
Me Tender," will play Chicago's Cadillac Palace Theatre, Dec.
19.-Jan, 23, 2005. "All Shook Up" opens March 24 at the Palace
Theatre in New York. Preview performances begin Feb. 20. The
show, directed by Christopher Ashley, has a book by Joe
DiPietro and choreography by Ken Roberson (News, Source: Yahoo News)
autograph reaches new heights during auction: During a
three day Johnny Cash memorabilia auction at Sotherby's, a
photo of Elvis inscribed ’June, I love you’ sold for $18,000
which was well above its expected price of $800 to $1,200 (in
line with normal prices for Elvis' written material). This
appears to be the highest amount paid to date for a piece of
Elvis' handwriting. (News,
Source: NME/
Thursday 16 September
2004 |
Dolores Hart: ABC News recently spoke with
Elvis' co-star in "Loving You', Dolores Hart, a starlet
who turned her back on fame and fortune in Hollywood to
join the church. (Elvis News, Source:
Sanja Meegin/ |
collection heading for Memphis Library: Elvis World's
"007", Bill E. Burk is full of great ideas. His latest is to
donate to the Memphis Room of the Memphis Public Library
hundreds of back issues of professionally-printed Elvis fan
club magazines from foreign countries, among them Switzerland,
Sweden, Finland, Holland, Hong Kong, and Norway. Bill's idea
is to make the Memphis Room the world's foremost source of
Elvis information for future writers and researchers. Imagine
being able to go to the MEM Room on the 4th floor of the MEM
Library and being able to read about Elvis in so many
different languages, including English. In time, the MEM Room
will also have a copy of every ELVIS WORLD printed since EW#1
in August 1986! Bill intends to make his idea a reality in the
next few weeks. (Elvis News, Source: Bill E.
Irv Cass
special guest at Elvis Explosion: Well known tribute
artist, Irv Cass, was a guest at this year's Elvis Explosion
in Wisconson. Cass was a featured performer in the award
winning documentary, Almost Elvis. (News/Almost Elvis, Source: La Crosse
Buttrey dies: One of the most influential session
musicians in Nashville history, died at home in Nashville on
Sunday (Sept. 12) of cancer. Kenny was 59. He was most in
demand as drummer and arranger on sessions with a host of
artists ranging from Bob Dylan to Neil Young and on classic
songs ranging from "All Along the Watchtower" to "Tonight's
the Night" and other landmark recordings of the '60s and '70s.
He also recorded with on the "Harum Scarum" recording sessions
in February 1965 and later in May and June, 1971 on Nashville
sessions that yielded albums such as "Elvis Sings The
Wonderful World Of Christmas", "Elvis Now", "Elvis" (the Fool
album) and "He Touched Me". (News, Source:
Elvis Matters/
Wednesday 15 September
2004 |
Tragedy at
Elvis Convention: Elvis tribute artist Larry Hass, age
54, collapsed on stage during a performance at the Elvis
Explosion competition and convention in La Crosse. He was
rushed to hospital where he later died. (News/Almost Elvis, Source: La Crosse
Soden talks to Billboard: As part of its Elvis tribute
edition, Billboard spoke to the President of EPE, Jack Soden.
Mr Soden talks about the running of Graceland and EPE's
exciting plans for the future, including book and documentary
projects. (Interview, Source: Elvis World
Japan/Elvis Australia)
Tuesday 14 September
2004 |
Elvis Detective: Take a sneak peek inside one of
the articles in the Billboard
tribute to Elvis edition (out this week). Alanna Nash
looks at the "mystery train" that is Ernst Jorgensen's
ongoing obsession ongoing as he preserves Elvis' musical
legacy. Read how Ernst got back stolen Elvis tapes, how
he scored the job of looking after The King's catalog,
and more interesting stories. (Spotlight
Article , Source: Billboard) |
Roy Hamilton influenced Elvis: EIN takes an in-depth
look at Roy Hamilton's impact on Elvis' musical style. (Spotlight Article, Source: EIN)
Hand In Mine Sessions Boxset: a new 4CD boxset is
being released (News, Source: Berlin)
Bonja opens up to EIN: Ed Bonja, employee of
Colonel Parker and photographer to The King, is one of
the nicest men you could meet. Ed was part of the Elvis
family from his childhood through to 1977 and while he
declined to talk to Allana Nash for her book about The
Colonel, he was kind enough to spend several hours being
interviewed by EIN. In this first part of the interview
Ed talks about the early years, working for The Colonel,
missed opportunities and witnessing Aloha at 3am. (Interview, Source: EIN/Joan Gansky/Ed
Bonja) |
on Elvis! Elvis! Elvis!:
EIN takes a look inside one of the best ever
memoirs from someone who became a friend of Elvis. With
rare photos and many great stories written in an easy
going, engaging style, Raised On Elvis! Elvis!
Elvis! is a book all fans should enjoy.(Book review, Source:
EIN) |
EPE announces new TV and book project: Included
in the Billboard
tribute issue (dated Sept. 18 - available on
newsstands on 10 September) will be an exclusive Q&A
interview with Jack Soden, President of Elvis Presley
Enterprises, on keeping Presley's legacy alive -- including
news of the upcoming TV and book project, tentatively titled
"Presley By The Presley's." (Elvis
News, Source: EPE)
"All in the family" - Regina Gambill tipped to
replace Debbie Johnson at EPE: Ms Gambill is likely to be
appointed Director of Operations at EPE/Graceland, succeeding
long time incumbent, Debbie Jarvis Johnson, Bill E. Burk's
ELVIS WORLD magazine announced today! The official
announcement should come from EPE early next week. Gambill is
daughter-in-law to Patsy Gambill, Elvis' double cousin. Patsy
worked for years on the Graceland staff. (News, Source: Bill E. Burk)
Lisa Marie Presley bans artificial scents:
Lisa Presley is such a big fan of natural scents, she
has banned all forms of air fresheners from being in her
presence whenever she performs. The LIGHTS OUT singer,
daughter of legendary rocker ELVIS PRESLEY, forbids
scented candles, potpourri and even air fresheners
backstage, according to website THE SMOKING GUN. Among
the items allowed backstage are sushi and vegan hot
dogs. (News, Source: ContactMusic/The
Smoking Gun) |
tribute at Museum of Television and Radio: Through October
3, "American Pop," a tribute to Elvis Presley is being held at
the Museum in Manhattan, New York with screenings from the
1968 show, "Singer Presents Presley." Museum hours: Tuesdays
through Sundays, noon to 6 p.m.; Thursdays to 8 p.m.
Admission: $10; students and 62+, $8; children under 14, $5.
Information: (212) 621-6800.(News, Source: The
New York Times)
Saturday 11 September
2004 |
Billboard offers discount price on Elvis
issue: Billboard magazine has announced an offer whereby
you can buy the Elvis 50th Anniversary commemorative
issue of Billboard magazine at the discount rate of
$7.95. (News, Source: |
Bound 2004: An import compilation album titled 'Memphis
Bound 2004" has been released by the ST-3 label. The 24 track
CD covers Elvis entire catalogue, starting with "That's All
Right" and finishing with "I'll Never Fall In Love Again". A
bonus is the track "Strung Out" - the producer created a remix
of Elvis' infamous September 1974 monologue. (News, Source:
EPE staffer resigns: Debbie Jarvis Johnson, the "glue" who
has held Graceland's operations together since the opening in
June 1982, yesterday resigned her position as EPE's general
manager, effective 8 October! Debbie was #2 on the power
chart, a half-inch below Jack Soden, CEO. EW has always had
wonderful relations with Debbie. Debbie's
resignation follows the resignation of EPE fan club
co-ordinator Patsy Andersen in late April. (News, Source: Bill Burk)
Elvis in British Rock And Roll Hall Of
Fame: The first five inductees into The British Rock
'n' Roll Hall of Fame have been announced according to a
posting on the 2nd To None messageboard. The inductees
are: Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Madonna and
U2. (Elvis News, Source: 2nd To
Buyer beware on eBay: more items have been
listed on the popular online auction house with the
potential to rip-off fans. One item is the alleged 1957
release John's
Pocket Movie Elvis Presley a "Jailhouse Rock"
flip book. One seller has it listed with a 'Buy It Now'
price of US$325.00! As EIN stated in its review of this
book, no-one has been able to substantiate there was
such a release in 1957 and most authorities believe it
is more likely to be a "new millennium" publication.
(Elvis News, Source:
EIN/eBay) |
computer game with Elvis related characters: Two
members of the TCB Band and singer Kathy Westmoreland are the
principal characters in a new computer game from Sesom Ltd.
(Elvis News, Source:
Thursday 9 September
2004 |
Rag and Elvis - Fact or myth?: what influence,
if any, did the Shake Rag part of Tupelo have on The
King and his music? We found this stimulating article
while going through our archives. (Spotlight Article, Source: Daily Journal)
Elvis Collection: six
Elvis DVDs in an attractively priced boxset.
Entertainment Today recently took a look inside the box.
(DVD Review, Source: Entertainment
Wednesday 8 September
2004 |
EIN Exclusive - Indianapolis FTD update:
Fantastic news for collectors! An agreement has been made
between the FTD organisation and the owner of the Indianapolis
tape (see
our interview with Ernst Jørgensen). This recording
was made by a Dutchman who attended Elvis' final show in
Indianapolis on June 26th, 1977. He had a rather bulky
reel-to-reel tape recorder with him, and recorded the show
with excellent results. A copy of this tape was used for the
"Adios" bootleg from the early 90s, but the original tape
sounds better than that release. The owner was somewhat
apprehensive about sending the tape to Denmark, so Arjan
Deelen will travel to Holland next month to pick it up, and
deliver it to FTD personally. More info soon. (Elvis News, Source: Arjan Deelen)
Bible for sale: From the bedroom at Graceland, to the
office at Graceland, to Patsy Presley's home, to a private
collector and now up for grabs. (Elvis News,
Source: PRWEB)
has left the seafront: An Elvis
fanatic was left all shook up when officials banned him from
singing on the seafront. (Elvis News/Elvis Odd
Spot, Source: The Weston & Somerset
Elvis "stoned" during Elvis On Tour: according
to press reports on the death of cinematographer, David Myers,
Mr Myers was far from impressed with Elvis during the filming
of Elvis On Tour. The quote causing quite a furore is: "He was
not very positive on Elvis, he was much more impressed by Jimi
Hendrix's performance than Presley's. Myers recalled that
Presley was "so drugged" by 1972, when the concert tour was
filmed, that performing "was sort of an old trick for him."
(Elvis News, Source: Arizona Republic/Elvis
Another suspect Elvis signature on eBay:
EIN has previously warned about bogus Elvis signatures
for sale on auction houses like eBay. A classic
potential rip-off occurred last week when this signature
was listed (and thankfully passed in at 100 pounds with
no bids). Caveat emptor (let the buyer beware!). (Elvis News, Source:
#1 for two months on the Australian Sanity chart:
Elvis has enjoyed great success on Australia's major "store"
chart, Sanity since the release of 'The '68 Comeback Special'
and 'Aloha From Hawaii' DVDs. EIN has catalogued that success
for July and August. (Elvis News, Source:
on Tour" cinematographer dies: David Myers, the
cinematographer best known for his camera work on pioneering
concert documentaries including "Woodstock" and "Elvis on
Tour," has died of natural causes. He was 90. In addition to
"Elvis On Tour" and "Woodstock," the Oscar-winning 1970 film
about the legendary outdoor rock festival, Mr. Myers shot a
string of music and concert movies, including "Mad Dogs &
Englishmen," "Let the Good Times Roll," "Wattstax," "Johnny
Cash: Live at San Quentin," "Cracked Actor: A Film About David
Bowie," Bob Dylan's "Hard Rain" and Joni Mitchell's "Shadows
and Light." (Elvis News, Source: Associated
impersonators theme on 'Sue Thomas FBI': American cable
channel PAX, a Christian network, featured an Elvis themed
episode on its "Sue Thomas FBI" program over the weekend
(Sunday 9pm). (Elvis News, Source: Andrew
Elvis Odd
Spot: we've
updated our Elvis Odd Spot section with a
look at several Elvis releases from Thailand. Did Elvis really
record these songs? (Odd Spot, Source:
Australian chart update: Aloha From Hawaii held
steady at #4 today on the ARIA Music DVD Chart while The '68
Comeback Special slipped five places to #11. Both releases are
certified Platinum. (Elvis News, Source: ARIA)
Rock The Bootleg Records of Elvis Presley 1970-1983:
Many fans may not be aware but Lee Cotten and Howard
DeWitt's excellent compendium about Elvis bootleg vinyl
is still available in 2004. EIN takes a look at this
rich in detail account of a fascinating and divisive
subject. (Book Review, Source:
EIN) |
Suspicious minds about new Elvis/Blue Moon Boys
acetate: news of an acetate featuring the "lost" tracks:
Uncle Penn, Tennessee Saturday Night and Casual Love has met
with a thumbs down from many fans. A scan of the acetate shows
the artist as "Blue Moon Boys". Is it real or another fraud?
We shouldn't have to wait long for the answer. (Elvis News, Source: Elvis 2nd to None/Elvis
Collectors messageboards)
Elvis film night in Holland: Almost In Elvis has
organized an Elvis Movie Night in the Dutch Movie Museum on
December 18, 2004. The movie program consists of four blocks
of 105 minutes featuring: fifties performances, MSG interview
June 9th. 1972, private footage and “Elvis On Tour” and “Viva
Las Vegas” op 16mm. In the third segment Almost In Elvis
presents its own DVD containing "Goin' Home" (about the roots
of Colonel Parker in Breda), "All Shook Up" (interview with
karate master Hans Hesselman who had lessons from Ed Parker)
and "If You Don't Come Back" (video clip). In the museum
original movie posters of Elvis will be shown. (Elvis News, Source: In
Saturday 4 September
2004 |
Graceland Cellars hits the right notes: Ready
for Blue Suede chardonnay, The King cabernet sauvignon and
Jailhouse Red merlot? Welcome to Graceland Cellars and Elvis
Presley brand wines. They've already garnered medals (one
gold, one silver and one bronze) at three respected wine
competitions (Dallas Morning News, Riverside International and
International Eastern). Elvis wines, part of the Signature
Wines group, run around $12 a bottle; visit for more information. But
remember, they're wines and should never be ``All Shook Up.''
(Elvis News, Source: Miami
"The Artist Collection" available for
pre-order from This CD is part of a new
mid-price series of 16 titles from various artists. The
artwork is done by the artist Piven. Track listing:
Mystery Train - Blue Moon - Lawdy, Miss Clawdy - Baby I
Don't Care - Crawfish - Ain't That Loving You Baby -
Fever - The Girl Of My Best Friend - Guitar Man -
Reconsider Baby - Suspicion - Patch It Up - Polk Salad
Annie - There Goes My Everything. The CD will be
released worldwide next month. (Elvis CD
News, Source:
In Concert: with a new VCD edition of the Elvis In
Concert (September 1977 CBS TV Special) circulating, we
have updated our review of this hard to find item. (VCD Review, Source: EIN)
- the lost outtakes: EIN went digging when Robert
Vasilevski asked the question...why are there no alternate
takes for Hound Dog, Don't Be Cruel, All Shook Up and Blue
Suede Shoes. The answer is a mess of blues! (Spotlight Article, Source: EIN/Elvis Collectors
Elvis appears at the Olympics: the closing
ceremony of the 2004 Summer Olympics featured some great
entertainment. But the loudest cheers and applause were for
up-and-coming pop star Sakis Rouvis, who descended from the
sky on cables in an all-white jumpsuit that made him look like
Elvis - the young, thin one. (Elvis News,
Miami Herald)
WPEN radio drops Sinatra for Elvis: as US WPEN
radio station (AM 950) switched formats from adult standards
to oldies today, the Philadelphia station's devoted listeners
- many of them 75 and up - took the change in stride. People
like Emma Black of Clementon, who is old enough to remember
the pre-Sinatra days. Told the 75-year-old station would now
favor Elvis Presley over Frank Sinatra, she said, "I love
Elvis Presley, believe it or not. When he sings `Are You
Lonesome Tonight?' I just melt, because I've been a widow for
40 years." As devoted as listeners were to the station's mix
of big band, Sinatra and pop standards, it wasn't enough. In
the spring Arbitron ratings book, it was 24th out of 25
stations in the Philadelphia market, with a meager 3.0 share.
(Elvis News, Courier Post Online)
"Elvis" cover: Elvis Australia has published the cover
for the current Billboard magazine featuring the Elvis...50
years of rock & roll headline story. (Elvis News, Source: Elvis
Thursday 2 September
2004 |
music DVD sales: will The King be a major market
force with mainstream music buyers? EIN
looks at the success of The '68 Comeback Special
and Aloha From Hawaii and poses
some contentious questions. Who is buying the new DVDs -
the general public or predominately Elvis fans? And if
it is the latter, what does this mean for Elvis'
credibility? (Spotlight Article, Source:
EIN) |
Death of Elvis voted the most shocking moment in
rock history: The Beatles' claiming they were 'bigger than
God' and Freddie Mercury's AIDS revelation also ranked highly
in the Virgin Radio poll. More than 2500 listeners voted for
their most dramatic moment to celebrate 50 years since the
birth of rock 'n' roll. Elvis Presley burst on to the scene
with his first single That's Alright Mama in 1954, and his
hip-wiggling performance on the Ed Sullivan show two years
later stunned audiences. But he had an undignified death in
1977, when he suffered heart failure on a toilet. Another
bizarre moment was when Jerry Lee Lewis married his
13-year-old cousin Myra. Virgin breakfast DJ Pete Mitchell
said: 'There's an edge to rock and great rock and rollers, and
shock and outrage are part of the package. 'It's frightening
when you see how many gifted stars died before they reached
their peak. 'Tragedy is all part of the rock and roll
lifestyle but you can see here how many talented people have
died young, that is the real tragedy.' (Elvis
News, Source: The Daily Record)
'The King Is Dead' finally released: Katco Media
was shipping copies of Robert Holton's look at Elvis' funeral
as of yesterday. (Elvis News, Source: Katco
New import titles announced: two new
import releases have been announced. The first one is "They
Released Those By Mistake" and contains out-takes and
different mixes. The second one is a live recording of the May
8, 1976 Dinner Show at the Sahara Tahoe Hotel, called "A Night
At The Tahoe". The absence of the word "soundboard"
suggests this will be an audience recording. (Elvis News, Source:
coming back to Australia: Erickson's aircrane, nicknamed
"Elvis" which played a heroic role in Australia's deadly
bushfire season in early 2003 is returning to help during this
year's summer season. "Elvis" grabbed national and
international headlines as it was a focal point in attempts to
extinguish the fires that claimed a number of lives. "Elvis"
and another aircrane (or airtanker), "Isabelle", are due back
in Australia in November. Their ability to drop huge amounts
of water on to burning areas will be a critical tool during
what experts fear will be another disastrous bushfire summer
"downunder". (Elvis News, The Daily
Wednesday 1 September
2004 |
Jorgensen: EIN exclusive! Ernst talks to Arjan
Deelen about the upcoming FTD release, Closing Night, and the
reel-to-reel tape of Elvis' final live performance. (Interview, Source: Arjan Deelen)
DVD's in Australia: The Elvis Presley Story (Sony) is
listed for release as a mid-price release on September 10,
while in November there will be a two-disc release of Lilo
& Stitch (Buena Vista). The Elvis Presley Story is
described as: "This is the musical and social phenomenon who's
look, incredible voice and style set in motion the Rock 'N'
Roll era. The story of Elvis Presley traces his early years
with fascinating detail, film clips, rare early footage and a
wealth of photographs are all here on this DVD." (Elvis DVD News, Source: DVD
When is a
review not a review?: we found this review(?) of
Elvis At Sun in an Australian regional entertainment
magazine. You be the judge. (Elvis CD Review,
Source: BMA)